The Lucid Dreamer

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About The Lucid Dreamer

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  • Birthday 01/11/1990

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    Kansas City
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  1. It definitely depends on the dose, but 4-aco-dmt can be incredibly mind fucky. Some of the weirdest experiences I have ever had were on 4-aco-dmt. It is very similar to shrooms but warps your sense of time and reality more significantly I’d say.
  2. @Leo Gura I have come in possession of 5-MeO-MALT recently and I tried plugging but didn’t get too much effect. The effect I did get was sort of unpleasant in fact. So I figured I should try vaping it. Can you vape the salt form in an oil burner(crack pipe) dry or do you need to dissolve it into some kind of oil or water first? Like does it melt in a similar way to N,N,DMT?
  3. @Princess Arabia But all jokes aside, I understand from an absolute perspective that people just are the way they are and they are supposed to be however they are simply because they are that way. But on a human level, it’s hard for my mind to balance the sameness vs. difference between myself and other humans. I see all of these other humans around me that appear very similar to me in many many ways, and so I find that I can’t help but be a little bit irked at the major differences there are when it comes to the way we see reality and our interests. I find myself wondering how can I be so similar to these humans and yet so different? As social animals we naturally project ourselves onto other humans, and we naturally want to connect with them and find common ground, so when these stark differences make themselves evident, it’s hard to not have some kind of emotion over it. But this is only because of false identification. I to some degree still identify as a human, but intellectually I understand that the category of “human” is an abstract concept that has no objective reality. Categories are made up. Every human, every creature is a different creature. A different species unto itself in a way.
  4. Oh right, sorry, I forgot you can’t say how you feel on a human level without someone telling you how unawake you are. ;P
  5. I understand it when people are young because it takes time to break your way out of indoctrination, but just going your entire LIFE without really engaging with these questions; that’s what I have a hard time understanding.
  6. This is exactly right. If you press someone on it, they will deny that they think know what’s going on, but the truth is that if they truly understood how ignorant they were, they couldn’t help but revel in the mystery.
  7. When people ask me why I care so much about understanding the metaphysical nature of existence, I just ask them why the hell they don’t. How can you look around at this universe and not wonder what the hell is going on, why it exists, and how you are even able to witness it through your consciousness? It’s just pure and utter beauty and profundity staring you right in the face and you’re just like “meh… “
  8. “Death” is the simply end of whatever you were identifying with. If you identify with your body, your thoughts, memories, behavior patterns, etc, you will die. But if you identify as consciousness itself, (which is of course you true identity) you are immortal.
  9. Yeah, all of that is just a thought in the present moment.
  10. Well for that, you need awakening, so I guess you’re shit out of luck.
  11. You’re right. It’s true whether or not you’re personally enlightened.
  12. This question cannot be answered verbally. Awaken and you will see exactly how you created everything.
  13. Very good post. This is why I am working my ass off right now to save up for an off grid tiny house. This will get my yearly expenses down to a minuscule amount so that I can work much less and eventually be able to focus the majority of my time on awakening.