The Lucid Dreamer

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Everything posted by The Lucid Dreamer

  1. All verbal explication is story. Words can never encapsulate what is being pointed to here.
  2. I understand. But that’s Infinity. If I were to deny that, I would be putting a limit on God. And the Now is utterly unlimited in what it imagines. What is happening now is everything. But everything is Now. It’s pure paradox.
  3. I didn’t say there were others. I said that all that is appearing is is appearing Now. Which just happens to be everything. And everything just happens to be You.
  4. Isn’t this exactly why it must all be simultaneous? Whatever appears is appearing Now.
  5. This is the only part where I do not agree. Otherwise, I find your explication of the matter to be superb.
  6. Humans are very habitual creatures. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that 95% or more of your behavior and thinking processes are purely habitual. Just because you might see through the illusion for a time doesn’t mean that your life long programming is going to be overridden willy nilly. Rewiring your mind takes years of very deliberate effort.
  7. Lol, yyyeeaah, now that you mention it, I honestly don’t think I’d be willing to pay that much for something like that if it came down to it. I’d rather spend those hundreds of dollars on the uh, *cough* “real” teachers. Ya know, I was actually really surprised it wasn’t already taken. It seemed like an obvious one to me
  8. I personally think 400-500 would be sufficient to filter out the spiritually flippant. This is literally all I do with my life and that’s almost enough to keep me from buying it. But I’m a cheapskate.
  9. I had an incredible awakening through meditation. I’ve since had much much deeper awakenings via psychedelics, but at the time, it was incredibly radical, relative to where I was at. Meditation is useful either way, whether you’re trying to awaken or not. I still meditate 1-2 hours a day, but not with the expectation that I’m going to have some spontaneous awakening(though that still happens sometimes), but more just to hone in my mind and not have my thoughts cloud my perception so much. The benefits of doing this are invaluable. And regular meditation makes having a profound awakening on psychedelics far more likely to happen. Which, low key, is mostly why I do it.
  10. @Leilani Thank you for sharing. I have also been very interested in the phenomenon of Near Death Experiences lately, and I find them to be incredibly profound and uplifting. “Shaman Oaks” on YouTube has built a really good catalogue of NDE interviews. Another really good channel is “The Other Side NDE”
  11. Yeah, I honestly feel like it was probably a good move. Imagine the PR nightmare Leo would face if a few mentally unstable blokes killed themselves over the content of that video. We all know Adeptus Psychonautica would have a field day.
  12. I totally understand and respect your decision to take the video down, Leo. Thank you for letting me listen to at least an hour of it. It was very beautiful and profound. ?? Namaste
  13. Did you forget what your thread was about? Do I need to remind you of your own question?
  14. It’s mental masturbation. Without direct experience, you will never understand this.
  15. The error you are making is asking the question in the first place. You should stop asking everyone to give you an argument to convince you and start actually doing the self-inquiry.
  16. It seems to me that you were exposed to these ideas far too early in your epistemological development. Perhaps you should focus on other things for a while.
  17. I go walking in the middle of the woods a lot, and I have a neat little secret hideout out there that I decked out with furniture and decorations like a Buddha statue and those colored Buddhist prayer flag thingies. I go tripping out there a lot, and have had some of my deepest awakenings there, so now my mind associates that place with divinity. You could say I feel closest to God out there.
  18. I definitely found that I am happier living closer to my community. Every time I moved away, I regretted it. But then again, if you are the extroverted type and don’t have that hard of a time making friends, perhaps it won’t be that bad for you.
  19. Haha, I was saying this exact same thing to my roommate a few months ago. And I mean like exactly. I’ve been pondering about this a lot lately, and the best I can figure(based on what I’ve heard many people say) is that people actively try to avoid these topics because deep down, they know that if they question reality and themselves too much, they’re ultimately going to find that the meaning they tacitly project onto their lives will collapse and they will become groundless. Have you noticed that most people seem to just kind of ghost through life like zombies, distracting themselves with activity after activity, project after project in a way to fabricate meaning in their life, almost like they are just trying to distract themselves from thinking too much? I’ve literally heard people say things like “I don’t like being alone with nothing to do, because I start to think too much” as if that’s a bad thing. Ultimately, I think people are afraid of falling into nihilism, and so they want to stay within the confines of their little fantasy world they’ve created for themselves the way Wanda literally did in Marvel’s “Wanda Vision”. I really do think that deep down the ego knows that it’s not real, and so in order to survive, it has to do everything in it’s power to distract you from seeking truth. It knows that Truth is death.
  20. Near death experiencers will often report a sort of hellish experience initially, until finally they dissolve into pure Infinite Love. My guess is that this hellish part is the death throws of the ego trying to hold on. Your ego dissolving can be very traumatic depending on how attached you are.
  21. I’d get that checked out.
  22. Yeah, my ignorant American ass had no idea how unusual that is until I left the states.