The Lucid Dreamer

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Everything posted by The Lucid Dreamer

  1. In an ironic and paradoxical way, God would not be perfect Love if it did not put itself through everything that does not feel like perfection. Perfect Love includes and accepts EVERYTHING. And so all manner of mundaneness, feelings of unfulfillment, dysphoria, pain, and suffering must manifest. Otherwise God would be partial and therefore not Infinite.
  2. Why do you just assume that it’s the psychedelics that are responsible for this? Have you ever heard the phrase “Correlation does not equal causation”? That is some very lazy, presumptive, and biased thinking.
  3. And the thing that makes the model even more inaccurate is realizing that you are experiencing that light of eternity even now. There is no actual difference between this feeling of being incarnate in a body and being in that euphoric light of eternity. Alan watts explains this rather beautifully in the first couple minutes of this video:
  4. I mean, we already know that death is imaginary. That’s not even a question. The question is just what dimension of consciousness are you going to enter into when your entire identity as Someone here dissolves. The model I’m entertaining lately is that when your physical body “dies”, your ego completely dissolves back into the Infinite where you spend an eternity in perfect Love and wholeness. This is what the Hindus call “The Pralaya” which is the state you enter into after physical death: Peace, uninvolvement, pure bliss. I think this is the Light that people experience in near death experiences. And I think in a weird, strange-loopy non-linear way, we could say that “eventually“ after spending an eternity in your perfect wholeness, you “decide“ to incarnate again or dream up another story. And that this is a cycle that you as God are doing to sort of pass eternal time with adventure. You could say that you’re playing an eternal game of hide and seek with yourself. You get lost in your imaginings thinking that you’re a separate entity going on all these escapades, until you eventually find out it was all just a game you made up, and then you can just have a good laugh. And then you do it all over again. I don’t take this model super seriously though. Because this makes it sound like it’s some linear cycle where you dream up one life after another in a sequence, but when you enter into the light of eternity, there is no linearity there. You completely drop out of linearity, so the idea that you enter a new life “after” death is non-sensical. So I don’t believe there is a model that can really accurately describe what is actually going on here. The model can only be taken metaphorically.
  5. No, yeah I agree. Death isn’t even a thing ultimately, it’s just a shift from one state to another state. I guess the question is just, what state do we shift to when the dream of being this human ends?
  6. It’s a kind of sappy new-agey video, but it’s the only video I could find that has a sort of compilation of the different common phenomenon people experience during the process of death. Now this of course does not tell you what happens after the body has completely ceased to function, because all of these people came back, and therefore did not actually die. I assume that there is actually no way to know until your body is totally “dead”. But maybe it could give us a clue. Either way, whatever phenomenon arises is just something you as God are dreaming up. But there seems to be regularities within this dream.
  7. I agree. I was just talking about the importance of achieving balance in life in accordance with your basic human level needs.
  8. Not having money and being sexually frustrated all the time makes it pretty hard to awaken. ;P I think the Buddha had a point when he said to take the middle way, though I think his method of celibacy was not the middle way. As a man, especially, sexual desire is not something you can just overcome, any more than you can just overcome eating food or drinking water. Depriving yourself of sex just seems like another form of asceticism to me. I think an aspect of enlightenment is being able to maintain a healthy balance of all the fundamental “needs” of being a human. I totally agree that the absolute most worthwhile thing is awakening ultimately. Though I feel like the process of awakening and maintaining an enlightened state includes getting your basic survival needs taken care of
  9. I can’t speak for Leo, but I’ve heard him say something like “Consciousness can imagine whatever it wants, including being reincarnated. So if you have memories from a past life, then as far as you are concerned, you have been reincarnated. But ultimately, even all of that is still something you are dreaming up as God.” I’m totally paraphrasing, but it was something along those lines. And I would agree with that myself.
  10. The sense of entitlement here just positively blows my mind. Leo has been extremely generous with the content that he has already provided for free. The amount of value the guy has pumped out in the last years with no price tag is simply insane. How much will be enough? He’s pushed the english language to it’s absolute limits trying to explicate these things for hundreds of hours, but at some point, explication is just not going to be sufficient for you to have any deeper insight. Go off into the wilderness and contemplate. Do the work. Try more extreme methods: fasting, meditation retreats, psychedelics, breath work, etc. Stop expecting everything to be spoon fed to you. Hell, you can even rewatch many of his older foundational videos. I think it would be a mistake to assume that you soaked in every implicit nuance from just watching them once through. Either way, all of his teachings are only relaying concepts to you, and you can not awaken through concept. Explication has it’s value and it can work to suss out many of your underlying assumptions, but eventually, your ability to grok what is being pointed to is totally on you. Ultimately, Leo cannot make you understand something that your mind simply isn’t capable of understanding. Eventually, you have to be your own light. Be thankful for the immense value that this man has already provided. He doesn’t owe us shit. I have a feeling that these kinds of posts, if anything, might make Leo want to stop teaching altogether. But even if he did, I would remain forever grateful and satisfied with the service he has given.
  11. I started with one half. The difference between half a tab and a full tab is actually quite remarkable. With half a tab, colors will be a little more vibrant and you’ll be more mindful and everything will be more lucid and dream like, but it’s not going to rock your world by any means. A full tab will take you to a whole new dimension of consciousness you previously didn’t think possible. But I wouldn’t be afraid to do a full tab.
  12. My suggestion is that you stop expecting an argument for or against solipsism and just do the inquiry. No one is going to be able to argue you into any position on this matter. The Truth is not derived through debate.
  13. No basis for examination? You can examine your own being directly. Right now. Because you are it. It doesn’t get any more empirical than that. What do you think evidence even is? The very concept of evidence begs the question of the existence of “other.” It only has value if you presuppose that there are others who can corroborate your observations. But no one can observe your own being for you. Can you see that this is a meta-scientific problem? But if you want to just throw up your hands and say “It can’t possibly be known, because I have no way to verify it scientifically” then that’s that. You’ve already failed. If you keep trying to approach this problem with your conceptual mind, you will never understand. But it looks like you’ve already decided that no amount of inquiry could be sufficient, and so that will be your reality.
  14. In terms of conceptualization, yes, they are unknowable, because these concepts aren’t even properly defined or understood to the one who believes they exist to begin with. But awakening is not conceptual knowledge. It is direct connection to being itself, within which there is no self or any other concept. And it is important to understand that these ideas of “self” and “other” are just that: Ideas. Concepts. Now your task is to figure out if these ideas are things that are actual, or merely conceptual. My claim is that you can “know” for absolute certain that they are not actual. And I use this term “know” loosely, because that’s not really what it is. It’s not knowledge. It’s Being, which is prior to knowing.
  15. I agree that “knowledge” as we typically conceptualize it, being absolute certainty of some relative thing, is not possible. And the reason for that is because, well, it’s relative, and therefore not absolute. How could you have absolute certainty of something that is inherently relative? But there are things that are not within the relative domain that you can actually validate 100% for yourself. One of those things being that there is no self. You can directly connect absolutely with the fact that there is no “self” here in your experience. There is only the field of consciousness itself or “the Now” and whatever forms that are appearing therein, which themselves are intrinsically meaningless. Other illusions that dissipate along with this realization include the illusion of free will, and the illusion of… other. If there isn’t even a self, how can there be others? All there is is Now, which is You, and that’s all there has ever been.
  16. And is this something that you do know and can be sure of?
  17. Message from my mum: “You need to return to Jesus. Hell is a real place.” … oy.
  18. Well, Leo is trying to point you toward the absolute HIGHEST realization that he knows possible. The realization of no self is beginner level awakening, where it hits you that you are not the little ego self you thought you were and that that was always a mere conceptual construction. After you find out what you are not, you then go on to figure out what you actually are, which is pure Self with a capital S. Kind of ironic, I know.
  19. In the absolute sense, there is no such thing as a cause or an effect. The notion that there are quantized causal “events” within reality is philosophically vacuous.
  20. If you were dreaming your entire life, and eventually found out that you were dreaming, wouldn’t you want to wake up at some point to see what’s outside of the dream? I mean, if you want to stay in the matrix your entire life, that’s fine. Most people do that anyway. But some of us just can’t help our curiosity. We start to see that something weird is going on here, and that our reality isn’t what we thought it was and so starts our quest for truth, which eventually leads to our awakening. This is the eternal game that God is playing with itself. Either way, God just gonna do what God gonna do. If God wants to wake up, that’s what’s gonna happen, and the ego really has zero say in the matter.
  21. Sorry, I wasn’t trying to be condescending, I’m sure you knew that already. Explaining this stuff and comprehending it is so tricky. Because language is inherently dualistic, you must fall on one side or the other in order to make a sensical affirmative statement about anything, and so no matter how one tries to explain something as paradoxical and all encompassing as non-duality, someone can always come around and say “No, it’s not like that, it’s like this”. Because non-duality can only be grasped implicitly, trying to communicate it in an explicit manner is almost futile unless the person listening is able to read between the lines of what is explicitly being stated.