The Lucid Dreamer

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Everything posted by The Lucid Dreamer

  1. Probably baptism. Real baptism.
  2. You’re right. It’s mental masturbation. But hey, God masturbates all the time.
  3. I like how you made the analogy of a black hole. This is also how I like to think of it. During one of my first awakening experiences, I felt being the singularity that is reality. It felt to me analogous to a black hole: That when looking out from inside the black hole, I see everythingness, but when looking IN to the black hole, there is nothingness: The nothingness from which everything springs. I realized then that reality was simply nothingness inverted into everythingness through the strange loop that is consciousness. Zero and Infinity, two sides of the same coin, United. Hands down one of my favorite trips.
  4. Hrm. Still just seems like a semantic issue to me, haha. What you’re calling The Absolute has always been my definition of God.
  5. @ivankiss I’m finally responding, haha. Yeah, I still think it’s all just a kind of semantic issue in most cases. Like I said, I think when a lot of people say that time or whatever else is “illusory”, they really just mean that it’s not objective(that is in the sense that it is true for all observers), but relative and dependent upon who’s experiencing it. But I’m sure there are certainly many people who think that there is such a thing as illusion that is completely opposed to and opposite from reality. I think I agree with you though that it’s probably not the best way of dealing with the notion of time, because it can get people thinking dualistically. Anyway, I appreciate your perspective and you got me thinking. I always like reading your posts; the way you put things is very thought provoking and it gets my brain gears churning. Cheers!
  6. @Martin123 Trust me man, I completely understand where you’re coming from on your criticism of Leo’s “conduct” for lack of a better term. It kind of rubbed me the wrong way when I noticed that most of his comments were something to the effect of “The only reason you’re not understanding is because you are ignorant and have not become conscious of blah blah blah” instead of actually addressing their questions with compassion and giving an in depth explanation. Sometimes he does go in depth, but I’ve noticed a LOT of his responses are really short and blunt and basically only tell the other person they are ignorant. But hey, he’s a busy guy and he’s got a lot of questions to respond to. It’s not exactly feasible to write several paragraphs of in-depth explanation for each one. It rubbed me the wrong way when I saw the way he acted towards the Amazon guy that dropped off his package in his latest awakening vlog. I was like “God, why can’t you just give like a friendly hello, and thank them warmly with a smile instead of making them feel like they’re interrupting you?” Ya know, you’d think if you were having such a profound awakening such as that, you would be beaming with so much love and compassion that when you saw another human being(especially one who is doing a service for you) you would be delighted to welcome them into your presence. This is how I tend to act when I am having a profound trip; I want to show each and every person on earth how much I love them and make them feel the love that I am feeling. So it put me off a little bit. But every time I feel this way, I always have to ask myself “Why the fuck do I care how nice or friendly Leo is?” This isn’t about Leo. I am not here meditating, having my reality shattered by psychedelics, wracking my brain over existential questions, watching his videos and interacting on this forum because of Leo. I am here because I love the Truth, and want to connect my awareness to It at any cost. The way Leo treats other people is not only none of my business, but it’s completely irrelevant to my mission. Whenever something like the way Leo acts towards other people gets under my skin, it’s a reminder that I am starting to make this about the wrong thing. I don’t need Leo to be nice and friendly to me. Leo has given so much of his time and effort making videos and other content that has helped and is continuing to help me with my mission to become aware of Truth, and because of that I appreciate his existence enormously. That’s his way of showing love. He’s not so much concerned with making people FEEL like they are loved by him by giving them the warm fuzzies with a friendly smile and kind words, because he knows that’s not actual love. That’s shallow, ego serving, surface level emotional masking. He doesn’t do that because he knows it’s not about him, and if he were to be super friendly and kind the way many gurus are, people would start to idolize him and put him on a pedestal in a way that would distract them from what will actually create a better life for them, which is doing to work to achieve actual awakening! You don’t need Leo to be friendly to you. You need Truth. And Leo has made it his mission to help awaken the world to the Truth. However you perceive his comments, being arrogant, condescending, or whatever, it doesn’t matter. What matters to him is that he helps you realize God. He doesn’t care how you perceive him; he’s going to tell you like it is. That’s actual humility. That’s actual Love. However much of an arrogant condescending asshole you perceive him to be, it doesn’t invalidate anything he teaches.
  7. God would not be God if it did not explore Itself fully. God is Absolute Infinity and being burned alive by Isis is included in That. God loves and fully accepts every part of Itself. The only reason you think that being burned alive by Isis can’t be created by God is because you have a need to survive, and you don’t want to be burned alive. This is why the realization of God lies at the end of the ego. The ego is only concerned with self-preservation, and therefore will demonize anything that threatens it’s own survival.
  8. You can practice meditation and keeping your cool on lighter psychedelics such as LSD or Psilocybin, and slowly work your way up to higher doses. Though nothing can ever quite fully prepare you for the mind-fuck that will be 5-meo, practicing quieting the mind during intense trips of LSD or Psilocybin can certainly help.
  9. Don’t worry about him. Worry about your own development.
  10. I definitely like him. He helped clear up some things I hadn’t quite worked out yet in the past. I think it’s certainly important to listen to all different teachers because they all have their own unique communication style that may jive better with the way you think on certain issues. Rupert Spira has especially clear communication skills.
  11. Sure, it’s speculation. But every hypothesis is speculation. The difference between a good hypothesis and a bad one is the amount of unwarranted assumptions it has. I’m sure you are familiar with the philosophical principle of Occam’s Razor: The problem solving tool that states that when forming a hypothesis, one should not multiply entities unnecessarily. In other words, the more conservative or simple hypothesis is the most likely. For example: when forming a hypothesis on how it is that people are experiencing memories that aren’t their own, you shouldn’t posit something else that would need a completely separate explanation of it’s own such as the existence of a soul that gets past on from life to life. That only further complicates the issue in a way that is not warranted given what we actually know. What we know is that people are experiencing memories of lives that aren’t theirs. We know that they are remembering “A” life. What we don’t know is if they are remembering THEIR OWN life; A life that no one else could necessarily remember by virtue of that life somehow belonging exclusively to them via something like a soul. That is an extra wrinkle that we have no real reason to assume at this point. My hypothesis isn’t positing anything that we have absolutely no basis for. At least I believe that there is a basis for tapping into infinite intelligence given all of the evidence for psychic phenomenon such as telepathy and clairvoyance. Leo and many other mystics I think would even agree that tapping into infinite intelligence to ascertain information that should be beyond your reach is possible.
  12. I’m fine with this data, but I’m afraid it does nothing to prove the past life model how it is normally thought of by most: That is that each person has their own unique string of past lives, suggesting that their is something specifically about them that gets past on from life to life like a soul. What seems more likely to me is that this suggests these people are tapping into what is known as the Akashic Records which is thought of as a compendium of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future. In other words, their consciousness may be tapping into infinite intelligence so to speak, and in doing so they are able to recall lives that HAVE been lived(by God). Not lives that THEY necessarily lived. Just a hypothesis, but I’m open minded to the traditional past life model if someone has a good argument or evidence for it.
  13. Yeah but there are people (and even studies) that talk about the pineal gland being calcified over time through poor choices of diet and drinking fluoride infused tap water and whatnot. From everything I’ve read about it, the only ones really saying you need to decalcify your pineal gland are the gullible new-age hippie types who just sort of believe anything and everything they hear within their hippie community echo chamber. And just about every study I’ve read on the matter says that there isn’t any actual evidence that your diet causes any further calcification that wouldn’t have happened on it’s own. The pineal gland certainly gets calcified as you age, but it doesn’t seem that your diet has much effect on the amount of calcification. Besides that, we don’t even know for sure that the pineal gland is the part of the brain responsible for spiritual clarity. None of this is to say that you shouldn’t watch what you put in your body, because your diet certainly effects your cognition and brain health overall, and a poor diet can/will hinder your ability to fully embody awakening.
  14. @Dazgwny Haha, well I’ve been ruminating over it for a few years now. It wasn’t until just recently that I heard Leo making remarks suggesting that he buys into the past life model, so I’ve recently been planning on creating a thread about it. But you beat me to it. ;P
  15. This is almost word for word the thread I was just about to create, haha. I would have downplayed my frustration, but if I’m honest with myself, the past lives model makes so little sense to me in light of non-duality that it actually does irk me quite a bit when I hear people(whom I assume understand the truth of no-self and God) talk about it as if it’s definitely a thing. I mean I’m willing to have my mind changed. In fact I would love it If someone can tell how it is that you have no real individual identity, yet there is something about you specifically that gets past on from life to life. Obviously, you as God get reincarnated from life to life infinitely, but it’s something else to say that I have my own string of past lives and someone else has their own string that is somehow separate from mine. I’m open minded. But at the moment I don’t know how you can make much sense of this idea when you understand that you are God who lives all lives.
  16. @Tanuj I’m positive that the difference was not due to dosage, because I went back and forth between using the 1P and 25 several times to make sure that it wasn’t just in my head. Also, I ordered all of my 1P from a reputable online research chemical store. (Which, much to my dismay, went out of business a few months ago )
  17. @ivankiss “"Time is an illusion. It doesn't exist." Must've heard that a million times. If you're anything like me; stuff like that never really clicked with you. I've always felt like there's much more depth to everything. Everything people like labeling as "illusion" and whatnot. To me that seems like an easy way out. An excuse for justifying denial. A ticket for escaping what is. Never really resonated. The best way to come to know time, or anything else for that matter, is to befriend it. Instead of being in denial about it. So I became friends with time. I let it do its job. I do not run from it. I am not chased by it. And here's what's been revealed to me” ________________________________________ The very first like third of your original post was about how you don’t like to think about time as illusory. Even if it wasn’t your main point, that’s the point that many of us are contending with because we don’t agree that it’s a bad way of communicating non-dual insight. And what my point is is that the whole thing about tapping into parallel realities, and all of the parallel realities all happening at once is the same thing as saying that time(is as normally conceived) is illusory. I’m not disagreeing with it, and I’ll even go as far as to say that it’s a fine and acceptable way of saying the exact same thing. It just fleshes it out more and it expounds on exactly what is being said when someone who is trying to convey non-dual truth says that time is an illusion. I’m aware you’ve already expressed that what you’re saying is somehow different from saying that time(as most people conceptualize it) is illusory, but I still don’t understand how you’re coming to that conclusion.
  18. Well I suppose what we really mean when we say that time is illusory is that it’s relative, and not absolute. And in the process of awakening, we make that distinction between relative and absolute but at some point we need to collapse even that duality to include the relative in the absolute truth. So in that sense, I certainly agree that time is “real” in the sense that whatever we experience(linear sequence of time in this case) is a part of the absolute. The whole issue here is we are trying to convey non-dual truth using a necessarily dualistic medium such as language, which only allows you to describe something as one thing as opposed to it’s opposite, when in actuality, non-duality is all inclusive and indiscriminate. So if you say that time is real, that’s not entirely true, because it’s also illusory in another sense. And if I say that time is only illusory, that’s also not entirely true, because it’s also real in another sense. In a relative sense. The duality of reality and illusion also collapses. Reality simply will not bend to our simplistic notions of what constitutes reality or illusion.
  19. “Do metaphysical realities exist in between material reality and conciousness?” Consciousness IS material reality and metaphysical reality, and it is what connects all things.
  20. All of that was literally to say that time is an illusion. Because the way we generally think about time is that it is a linear sequence moving from one moment to the next in a straight line, but you pointed out that every moment is actually happening right now at once. Which is true, but that is literally the same thing as saying time(as is normally thought of by the ego mind, which is what we are trying to contend with here) is an illusion. You’re not saying anything unique, you’re just using a different language to describe the same concept. Which can be helpful, so I’m not ragging on you. I’m just saying that saying time is an illusion is not necessarily a bad way of putting it, either.
  21. Most of my trips have been on 1P-LSD(at least 50 trips), and I’ve done LSD-25 about 7 times. I can tell you with certainty that there is a difference. 1P-LSD has a much more rough come up, more intense visuals(color enhancement, tactile patterns, morphing), and I personally think it takes you into a deeper headspace but it is much harder on you in terms of anxiety and muscle tension. LSD-25 is much easier on the body and has a much smoother come up, and it makes my body feel almost numb in a way. Not that I can’t feel things, but I don’t seem to identify with my sensations. I personally prefer the headspace that 1P puts you into; I feel like it can take you deeper. And I prefer the more intense visuals that comes with 1P, but in terms of bodily comfort, I definitely prefer LSD-25. It’s just so much smoother. Each have their pros and cons, and each will effect every individual differently, but for me, 1P wins just because of the deeper insights that are possible, and the more intense visuals. As long as I can make it through the come up and deal with the physical discomfort, it’s worth it.
  22. Trying to get at what consciousness using more contents of consciousness such as symbols and concepts is like trying to look into your own eyeball with the same eyeball or touching the tip of your finger with the tip of the same finger. You cannot get at what consciousness is by using more contents within consciousness, because it itself is the substrate of all that content and symbolism you’re trying to use to explain it. It is absolutely fundamental and prior to any concepts or explanation.
  23. The separation you’re making between yourself and the rock is completely imaginary.
  24. Yes, experiencing yourself as God makes you happier and more at peace. And the question about the long term benefit can only come from the ego. In the experience of eternity, the long term benefit is completely irrelevant as there is no self to be concerned about the benefit of. Either way, the Truth is it’s own reward.