The Lucid Dreamer

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Everything posted by The Lucid Dreamer

  1. A Science and Non-duality convention might be a good place to meet likeminded people in person. I’ve been thinking about going to one just for that reason. Though the chances of meeting someone who lives where you do is pretty low. But it’s better than nothing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. By realizing that rightness and wrongness are totally relative.
  3. Basically all of this dude’s music will give me an eargasm while tripping on LSD or Mushrooms. He’s clearly some kind of savant or musical genius and his musical creativity seems to have no limit. I would definitely give these a listen next time you trip just for music appreciation’s sake. But you’re asking about a different kind of music. I do listen to music such as that while tripping as well. These are all my favorite tracks at the current time. I like that first one you posted. I went ahead and added that to my meditation music playlist.
  4. Nothing to get disturbed over.
  5. YES, that was another component of this realization. It was like I’ve been searching around looking for this profound golden goodie my entire life that would finally satisfy my soul just to finally realize it was right in front of my face this whole time. Even more than that, I AM IT.
  6. I too realized this during one of my very first awakening experiences. I felt that I somehow got the “punchline” of reality, and I started laughing/crying histerically. It was something to the degree of realizing that all this hustle and bustle we go through, and how seriously we take life running around trying to do this and that trying desperately to preserve these forms etc etc was all just to eventually realize that you never even existed, and it was all just God playing a giant prank on itself. It’s actually insanely hilarious when you clearly see it.
  7. Separation(hate) is conceptual and Unity(Love) is actual.
  8. By realizing that sanity and insanity are ultimately indistinguishable.
  9. As Leo might put it, this duality: beauty with a lower case b and ugliness, collapse into a unity which is Absolute Beauty with a capital B. Beauty, contrary to what most usually think, is actually objective. When the ego is out of the way, there is nothing left but pure Beauty. But yeah, you could say that “ugliness” is what pulls things apart, but this “ugliness” is only a concept held by the ego; the thing that drives you to survive as a separate self. What is actual is Unity. Separateness is conceptual, and Unity is actual.
  10. Take some 5-meo-DMT. That should do the trick. [[DISCLAIMER]] Don’t listen to my advice.
  11. Haha, that was the next thing I was gonna try. Though if they can’t think abstractly enough to understand through words, interpretive dance will probably be even less than gibberish. However, I am a music composer, so I’ve been trying to capture the feeling through that medium. I will post my songs on here as soon as I’m finished.
  12. For real. I always wish I could communicate the profundity of my experiences to my peers through words, though of course I know that if that were possible, they wouldn’t be as profound.
  13. Look into Project Stargate. A program funded by the CIA studying and cultivating psychic abilities. The heads of this program claim to have created a method for developing ones ability to do what’s called Remote Viewing, which is essentially just being able to view and gather information about something which should be out of the reach of your perception. I believe they studied other types of abilities, but this is the one they had the most success with. This program is controversial in the scientific community of course, but it should be noted that to the heads of the program itself(or any researcher who seriously looks into psychic abilities really) there is absolutely no doubt that these abilities are real. To them, it’s not even a question.
  14. I think after you come back, your perception of the duration of the trip readjusts in order to keep your sanity. If you truly and consistently felt like you were gone for several hundred years- or hell, just even one year or less, you would probably come back a completely different person. And as we observe in most cases, people usually just go back to their old selves once the after-glow of the trip wears off. This guy’s experience is pretty interesting to listen to.
  15. It is possible for one to attain certain insights into the nature of reality before they are developed enough to handle it. There are plenty of examples of this on this very forum where you see people creating posts about how they found out that they don’t exist and now they’re in emotional turmoil and on the brink of committing suicide. They are still too emotionally attached to their conceptual identity and therefore will lash out when they find out it was all a sham. This usually happens after some kind of radical change in consciousness like taking a psychedelic perhaps mixed with some kind of external influence like a spiritual teacher talking about the truth of no-self.
  16. You need to actually sit and meditate formally in order to have this key insight. You need to rigorously observe awareness and try to find where “you” are amongst all of the changes in consciousness. This is what I would consider to be the first or one of the first things you need to understand before you can really start to understand anything else about non-duality.
  17. It’s simply because reality is infinite(which is also paradox) and the infinite can never, I repeat, NEVER be incapsulated using any symbol or concept, because symbols and concepts by their very nature are finite.
  18. The experience is called “Ego-Death”. This is where the subject/object distinction in your normal everyday experience is completely erased, and you cease to experience being a separate self from everything else.
  19. Contrary to the materialist view, consciousness is not generated by the brain, rather, everything is consciousness and the brain’s role is merely focusing consciousness into a singular and specific perspective, where as without it, your perspective would be infinite and therefore you would be formless. At the same time though, the brain is being completely imagined by consciousness, and what you consider to be form and limited is simultaneously formlessness and unlimited to begin with. Yes, it is a paradox.
  20. When you first realize who you really are.
  21. This is an interesting question. So, I’m trying to get to the point where when I talk to people who are lower on the spiral, I can communicate with them more on their level but at the same time try give them a deeper perspective than what they might already have without going balls to the wall non-dual on them. When I first started my spiritual journey, I was so excited about the insights I was having into the nature of existence and consciousness that I would just tell everyone I knew about what I’ve learned, naively thinking that they would be open to it and that I could get them to understand and then we would all just sit around the fire singing Kumbaya on psychedelics and we’d all share our experiences and non-dual insights with one another and everything would be hunky-dory. God was I just so fucking wrong. I simply sounded crazy to them, and I got into some pretty heated arguments with some of my best friends. To the point where they straight up called me stupid and yelled at me because they thought I was being arrogant and condescending, because I claimed to know something about reality that they assumed to be unknowable and I was telling them that they didn’t understand it. Like I said, when you try to communicate something to someone who isn’t at the level of understanding necessary to grasp what’s being said, it’ll almost be like they didn’t even hear you say anything. You kind of have to pretend to be more on their level, otherwise they are just going to think you’re being condescending and it’ll close their mind off to you. People don’t seem to like it when someone tries to tell them something they don’t already think or understand, unless they look up to you, of course. For me, it’s kind of difficult to withhold my full understanding of something in order to effectively communicate. I guess because it makes me feel like I’m holding back and therefore not being genuine or fully honest and I hate pretending to be dumber than I actually am. That’s just my ego talking though. And sometimes it’s difficult to remember how I used to think about things when I was at a lower level of understanding. Though probably more than anything, I just find lower levels of conversation to be mind-numbingly boring, to the point where I sometimes even refuse to engage in it. I sometimes will, just because as a social creature, I require some amount of human interaction for my serotonin and dopamine levels to stay balanced, haha. People at my job think that I’m kind of anti-social and quiet in general, but the truth is that I just have much higher standards of conversation than everyone else there, and the things that are occupying my mind, they are not even capable of understanding, let alone even care about in their current state of awareness. As soon as I hear anyone talk about anything philosophical or existential, good fucking luck trying to get me to shut up. This makes me sound really arrogant, I know, but I guarantee you it’s not coming from a place of boastfulness. I completely understand why the people around me are at the stages they are at and I understand that I was just lucky to have all the right influences in my life that lead me to where I am today. I’m not judging them. I’m just lonely, and I keep holding out hope that someone someday will be interested in getting to the bottom of reality the same way I am. But I’m always just disappointed. As far as just being able to indulge in mindless entertainment like movies and shows... If I’m hanging out with friends, I can certainly enjoy a good movie or tv show or watch funny YouTube videos and have a good laugh. I don’t seem to have much of a problem with that, though I do seem to get bored with it pretty easily and there is much less entertainment that catches my interest in general now. Playing video games is almost impossible for me now, as it just feels like such a waste of time. If I do play a video game, I usually need to be listening to some lecture in the background, so that I can at least have some level of productivity. It’s just really hard to be interested in much else after you’ve come face to face with God and basked in infinite Love and Beauty.
  22. Bro, this is literally my life, haha. Whenever I talk to people at my job, I‘ll start going way more in-depth than they usually care to go and they’ll just start zoning out and be like “uh, yeah... uh-huh....” And every now and again they’ll give that whole “I don’t like to think about that stuff” schpeel. Which in the moment tends to frustrate me a little, because, well... there is almost nothing else worth thinking about in my mind, and I keep hoping that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE will be open to it and be interested in the concepts, but I’m just always disappointed. But then I’ll remember the way I used to think when I was younger and religious. When people started getting too philosophical on me, I’d start to get anxiety because they started to talk about things that deviated from my religious worldview and I was afraid it would “sow doubt” in my mind and put me in danger of hellfire. Even less than that, I didn’t want my worldview to come crashing down and figure out that there might actually not be a god looking after me, or a heaven that I could go to after I die. But even people who are not religious will tell me that, and the best thing I can figure there is they don’t like to question their tacit assumptions too much because it starts to make them feel ungrounded and that their life might have no real purpose. They want to feel like they exist as an agent with free-will and that their existence has a meaning of some kind, so they just keep drifting along and don’t want to think too much about it. I personally never struggled with that too much even after losing my faith. I somehow came to terms with the meaninglessness of life even while I was a Christian. After losing my faith, just the fascination I felt for reality and thinking about these questions was enough to make my life feel meaningful. What else could be a better thing to do with your existence than trying to figure out what existence is and basking in it’s beauty? What could possibly be more fascinating?? I think many people just think that it’s not even possible to get any definitive answers so they just leave it up to the scientists.
  23. I’ve rewatched so many of his videos more times than he himself would probably even find reasonable. Every time I do, I always find that there was some implicit thing he was trying to communicate that I was not developed enough to understand the time before. It’s so funny how someone can be trying to communicate something to you, but unless you’ve experienced it yourself, it will just go in one ear and out the other almost like you didn’t even hear them say it at all.