The Lucid Dreamer

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Everything posted by The Lucid Dreamer

  1. Yyyyeah I think this is just a game of semantics and nitpicking ways of communicating. When you try to explicate the inexplicable, someone can always come around and find some way to “disagree” with what you said in your attempt.
  2. Sounds like his ego triggers your ego. Try to step into his shoes and remember a time where you were judgmental towards people who did not think the way you do... oh wait.
  3. Glad to finally see you on the forum, Connor. It was quite obvious to me given the way you have been talking about non-duality that you were a viewer of, so I was hoping to see you join the forum at some point.
  4. Your entire post is begging the question. In the question, you are implicitly assuming a duality between you and me. What are you identifying with? If you are identifying with your body, then there can be no coherent answer to this question. But if you identify with consciousness itself(which is what you really are) and realize that your whole idea of yourself vs others was one distinction out of an infinite number of possible distinctions within consciousness, then the barrier between you and I collapses. You are consciousness, and I am consciousness. Your consciousness and my consciousness are the exact same consciousness. Of course the content within our consciousness is different. The content within consciousness is never the same, it is always changing even during your current incarnation, and it will continue to change for eternity. the raw consciousness, or raw sense of being between us is not similar, it is not very similar, it is not even almost perfectly identical. The raw consciousness that is looking out from behind your eyes right now is absolutely 100% identical to the raw consciousness that is looking out from behind mine. So when you ask the question why am I not looking out from your eyes right now, you’re already incorrect to even ask the question due to a misidentification with your body. The fact is that you ARE looking out from behind my eyes this very instant as God - as consciousness.
  5. Yeeeah, this guy definitely listens to Leo.
  6. Don’t ask us. Ask Existence.
  7. @Someone here And I know you know all of that; that whole schpeel was more for Mvrs. ?
  8. Haha, that’s funny. He misunderstood what I meant in that thread. But I tried to clear it up. What I meant to say, or should have said is that the points of view of everyone you know exist within infinite consciousness, so functionally speaking, it’s the same as just saying everyone you know has their own consciousness. @MvrsThere is a consciousness that is aware of typing this message right now. The kicker is that it is still YOUR consciousness. Your now and my now are the exact same now. The nothingness that is looking out from behind my eyes is the exact same nothingness that is looking out from behind yours. The content of the experience is different of course, but the raw consciousness or raw sense of being is absolutely 100% identitical. If you can come into contact with your true identity as consciousness itself and see past the illusion of your conceptual identity, this becomes completely apparent. As infinite consciousness, you are going to live all lives and experience every point of view including my point of view and the point of view of everyone you know. Though it’s more accurate to say that you already have, you will and already are experiencing it all in the Eternal Now.
  9. Nothing and Infinity are identical. You can almost think of it like a black hole. If you’re a science junky, you might be familiar with the hypothesis that inside black holes is another expanding universe, though from the outside it looks like complete nothingness. It’s like reality is collapsing into infinite density which equates to nothing, and then explodes on the other side back into something. Whether or not this is actually how black holes work is not the point, I’m just creating a comparison. So you can kind of think of reality analogous to that. When you look into the black hole,(or yourself) from the outside, you see pure nothingness. But when looking OUT from inside the black hole, you see everythingness. So you could say that reality is just nothingness sort of being turned inside out or inverted into everythingness through the strange loop that is consciousness. Your consciousness is at the very center of the singularity. Or rather, you are the singularity which is consciousness itself. Nothingness pretending to be somethingness.
  10. No one knows what God is. So be No One.
  11. You are Infinite Consciousness. Key word: [[[ INFINITE ]]] Contemplate the possible implications of that.
  12. Ah, noice. One of my favorite game series.
  13. I couldn’t find his name in the credits for any of the bioshock games, so don’t listen to me or my roommate, lol.
  14. My roommate told me he was on the development team for Bioshock... have no idea if that’s true, and I have no idea where he got that information.
  15. I’m not pissed at all. And even if I was, it’d be an illusion cause there is no “me” to get pissed.
  16. I don’t care if you live as a you. It’s an illusion. Even the feeling that I have that I am writing this of my own volition is an illusion. It’s just happening. Libertarian free will as is typically thought of in our culture is just not a thing. I figured this out way before I ever heard of Leo or any other spiritual teacher, so don’t even. ;P
  17. I’m going on what’s actually true. There is no control let alone a controller. This is a concept created by the ego. There is only consciousness. Everything else is imagined.
  18. Every moment is eternity, so any moment you’re suffering is technically eternal suffering. ;P It just so happens that Love is the bigger eternity because the suffering is included in it.
  19. I saw that comment as well. I can’t remember exactly what video it was on. Yeah, I don’t know what his deal is on that. I think he probably thinks it just sounds egotistical to claim you are God. Ironically, the desire to not be perceived as egotistical is itself egotistical.
  20. Your Mate Tom has even taken 5-meo and still denies that he is God. That’s some grade-A stubbornness and attachment to identity.
  21. @mandyjw Oh snap! I was binge watching a ton of your videos not too long ago, I had no idea you were here. I was actually going to comment and ask if you were on the forum already.
  22. Death is caused by respiratory suppression if a high enough dose is taken. Unless you have a pre-existing heart condition, it should not cause any cardiac failure.
  23. I’ve been watching his channel for a while now. I’m very interested in the machine elf phenomenon. It’s pretty fascinating how the machine elves tell him everything that Leo tells us. I guess if you were an ultra advanced hyper dimensional race, you would have to know all this stuff.