The Lucid Dreamer

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Everything posted by The Lucid Dreamer

  1. If your reality was fluid like a dream where everything was changing and morphing all the time with no real patterns or consistency, you would have no way to ground your being. In order to form an ego and a sense of reality, there must be consistency, solidity, patterns, and “rules”. And so you decided to dream up this universe where you can try to figure all this shit out.
  2. This waking dream only seems dense because you haven’t woken up from it yet. ;P
  3. @Leo Gura It’s definitely a touchy subject for many, so I understand your need to prepare more before tackling it. But the sooner you record it, the sooner people will stop creating these solipsism threads. Or who knows, maybe it will make it even worse.
  4. @RMQualtrough This is good to know, thanks for sharing. Hopefully I will get the same effect. If I can conjure up the balls to actually do it that is.
  5. Yeah it’s funny how you can feel like you have the perfect most clearest way of explaining something that anyone should understand if they read it or hear you explain it, but it just never connects the way you hope. Such is the nature of these matters I suppose. It’s just such an implicit/experiential thing.
  6. @RMQualtrough Agreed. All of these appearances, egos, and points of view exist within infinite consciousness. The only thing one must understand is that it is all you, and that every point of view or “bubble” is actually your own.
  7. I know what you’re asking about. You simply are not getting what I’m saying. The idea that there is anyone there; that there is a subject, or agent there that has an individual bubble of awareness is a consequence of misidentification with the contents, or rather your concepts of what is being experienced in consciousness rather than identifying with consciousness itself. There is only one bubble of awareness, and there is no one that is experiencing it. This consciousness is you(God), and you’ve just been sitting here in this one spot dreaming dream after dream after dream for Eternity.
  8. @Thought Art Well then you don’t actually understand what I said. When you keep asking “Does Leo have his own bubble?” You keep assuming that there is an identity that is Leo. But Identity is completely imagined. You have no identity. Leo has no identity. None of the forms or “objects” around you have any identity or any objective meaning whatsoever. It’s all just completely meaningless appearances arising in consciousness. There is only what is appearing in Consciousness right NOW, and that. Is. All. There is an implicit grokking that takes place when you truly grasp the fact that you have absolutely no identity. Keep contemplating what the implications are of having no identity.
  9. This issue has everything to do with identity; what you are identifying with. If we are identifying ourselves as our limited bodies and minds, personalities, thoughts, memories, etc etc, then what Leo is saying here cannot make any sense. But something that you find out when doing enough meditation/self inquiry is that what you actually are has never been any of those things. All of these things are merely appearances that are arising in consciousness or the present moment. What you will inevitably find if you look for yourself long enough is that what you have always been is simply that awareness that has been watching all of that play out. You are the present moment itself. You are that nothingness; that pure void that is holding space for all of the phenomenon that arises, with no identity. Just that pure raw feeling of being: The I Am. And that is EXACTLY what everyone else is too. And that raw feeling of being or the present moment that you are feeling right now is not merely similar to the raw feeling of being I’m feeling. That feeling between us is not really similar, or even almost identical. That feeling between us is Absolutely 100% percent identical. The content of what is arising is of course different, but the raw sense of being is absolutely the same. Your Now and my Now are the exact same Now. That nothingness, that pure void that is looking out from behind your eyes at this very moment is the exact same nothingness that is looking out from behind Leo’s eyes. Because nothingness is absolutely identical to nothingness! One way you could put it is that since you actually have no identity, that necessarily means that you are all identities. I am you, and you are me. We are the same being, looking with two different sets of eyes, separated by death. (Though even the idea of separation by death is also imaginary) And that Being is God. Consciousness. Nothingness. Infinity. The Eternal Now.
  10. @machiavelli There is only what is appearing in consciousness. Any concept you attach to those things that are appearing is not what they actually are. In fact, it’s not anything at all. It’s just consciousness. Appearance.
  11. You little rascal. ;P
  12. Then you are not enlightened. You’re merely trying to justify your devilry.
  13. Hrmm, you ever tried the “Wake back to sleep method”? It works nearly every time for me. You wake up around 6-7 hours of sleep, stay up for about 30 minutes to an hour or until you’re basically awake, and then lay back down to try to go back to sleep. Preferably in a position that you usually aren’t comfortable sleeping in. I’m not too good at sleeping on my back, so that usually works for me. Sometimes sleeping on my stomach with my arms tucked underneath me works very well too. Huperzine-A, Galantamine, and 1mg of melatonin as supplements work wonders as well. While you’re laying down to go back to sleep, try to meditate. Stay as mindful as possible as you doze off, and you just may start to see a new reality materialize right before your eyes.
  14. No conscious beings here. Just you talking to yourself. ;P
  15. What about lucid dreams? Not all sleeping dreams are the same. I’ve had dreams where I was almost if not entirely as conscious as I am now and could recall past dreams and basically anything else. In fact, this is quite a normal occurrence for me.
  16. An interesting thing that people report about their DMT trips is that while they are in this “DMT space” or “Hyper Space”, they have this undeniable sense that the reality they find themselves in is “more real than real” and that the life that they came from(this reality) was just a dream relative to the DMT space. So in the same way that we say that our sleeping hallucinations are a dream relative to this reality, perhaps you could say that this reality is a dream relative to Hyper Space(or whatever you want to call that place). But of course, here in this reality, we want to be able to say that the DMT trip is the dream or hallucination, and that this reality is somehow more real or more objective. But while on the other side, many people have this intensely strong sense that it’s the other way around. So on this side we feel that this is more real, and on that side we feel that that side is more real. But what are we basing that on, other than just a feeling in either state? Now, of course, it’s all a dream ultimately. Any dualistic phenomenon that arises within consciousness is a dream, and the only actually true reality is Oneness, but perhaps there are many layers to this dream, and a hierarchy of “realness” if you will. Dreams within dreams. Simulations within simulations. I’m not necessarily committed to that idea, I just think it’s interesting to think about.
  17. Funny, I was just watching that the other night. ? It’s a very quirky documentary.
  18. Whereas you could say that Gaia is a stage green network over all, with some yellow and turquoise sprinkled in, most of the shows are produced by people who have stage blue cognition or epistemological understanding who have just adopted stage green+ ideas. You can just tell many of the people who make these shows are not very critically thinking people, but are mainly just incredibly gullible
  19. I’ve been subscribed to Gaia for a while now. I’d say it’s worth it, as it definitely has some high consciousness programs, but there is a LOT of nonsense that you have to dig through to find the gems.
  20. Connor is speaking from the level of awareness whereas Alex is speaking from the level of pure thought and concept that was spoon-fed to him by myopic western philosophy that assumes the duality of self and other. Alex doesn’t have a clue what he’s missing because he’s never actually connected experientially with the fact that he doesn’t exist as an entity. He still believes he is a self and that that self is somehow separate from everything else. There is no way to talk anyone out of that illusion. It will only be understood when experienced directly. Now on the concept of God, Alex here is trying to say that you can’t say that God both does and does not exist because you are not actually saying anything if you try to make that claim. But the problem here is that once again, he is assuming that if there was a God that that would mean that that god is somehow separate from himself and that there is something that is NOT God. God escapes the need to be logically consistent in the way he demands it should because there is nothing that is not God. God encompasses all, including non-existence. This of course cannot be understood by the mind or through concept, but the only thing Alex knows how to do is think and conceptualize, so he cannot see this. This is of course like I said previously because he assumes the existence of the self and that all of his concepts surrounding the idea of himself are real “things” that have real identity. He is, like most academics and western philosophers, a sleep walker. He is lost in the conceptual dualistic dream.
  21. Well apparently UFO’s have turned out to be real and are actually flying around in our airspace, so that kind of opens up some possibilities. What is meant by UFO is craft that astronomically outperforms anything in our inventory and move in ways that seem impossible to us based on what we know about physics. Now whether or not these UFO’s are occupied by “Aliens” is another question. But the debate as to whether or not these crafts are real and are flying in our skies is over. If I had to bet money this instant, I would actually bet that humans built them and that it’s some kind of secret technology, just because I’m a big proponent of Occam’s razor when forming hypotheses. But I don’t see the alien hypothesis as unreasonable by any means.
  22. Oh I know what you mean. Trust me. It’s pretty cray-cray, lemme tell ya
  23. Notice how there was music playing over to drown out any sound. Or there was probably no sound happening at all. Since we only had this super close up view, and no sound, we couldn’t see(or hear) what could have been happening above that close up. My guess is they might have had a torch blowing at it from a distance until it ignited. The paper would have shielded his hand from the heat until it ignited.
  24. But trying to understand it with our puny little minds is fun. ;P Its quite, *ahem*... mind blowing.