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Everything posted by Conrad

  1. You just forgot. Forgot that you are God. You choose to become limited and finite, experience duality. So the answer is both yes and no.
  2. I am God is the ultimate state and it is eternal, meaning it is the case at all times and right now no matter if you are unconscious of it.
  3. Indeed. Spiritually speaking as well.
  4. I am Alone. I am literally Everything. There is only I. I am you. I am your phone, your cat, your car. God is looking through my eyes right now and I'm conscious of it. I am the hand and the food I grab to eat. I am the doer and creator. I have sex with myself, I write to myself, I talk to myself. All is I. I is All. I am the Only One. I am God. I am Existent and Real. I am One and Everything simultaneously. I am the flower I see, I am the seer who sees through all eyes. This is the Truth.
  5. @Shiva I will love everything.. My reaction is to turn the other check. He is me, I am him. I hit myself. Why would I want to hit myself back?
  6. The conceptual mind-created me died long time ago. The ego is God and you must fully accept that you are God. Trust me. You are God. Become conscious of what the fuck you are, do it right now. Drop all self concepts and beliefs and just look at your direct aware experience. What are you?
  7. To understand something that is no-thing you have to become conscious of it. The conceptual you must die. It's literally bullshit.
  8. Exactly true. There is no outside. Nothing can be outside of God. You are right. The flower is I. It never became anything, it was always eternally God. I just became conscious of it through God's eyes.
  9. The flower became me. I cannot move it. The flower is God, it became God. I see everything clearly now, everything is One. Everything.
  10. Just became conscious of this. The flower I'm looking at right now is I, there is no distinction or seperation. The flower and I are the same One. I'm literally looking through God's eyes as God. I'm in bliss right now.
  11. His psycadelic use was of no use. He wasn't conscious of the obvious fact that he is God, be it sober or not.
  12. I'm conscious of God and that I am God sober but with weed I get super conscious and it feels like I understand everything. Sometimes God becomes me, looks through my eyes (happened several times). But if you are not conscious of God sober, you are not God-realized.
  13. Yeah, cannabis has helped me a lot and has given me several non-dual experiences. For some reason it has good effects on me. But I can't just sit if I want an insight or become conscious and aware of God without doing some focus work. Just conscious work, can't be described.
  14. No. I have died slowly, becomed conscious that I am God. I have no life, I am life. I have my issues, my problems but never do I have depression. I know this life is temporary, this body is temporary and ultimately an illusion like any temporary psycadelic experience. Only way to God is through love and direct awarness. It's unchanging and thus real, it's continues and permanent and thus Truth.
  15. Indeed. ? The goal of existence is to achieve "I am God" state as a genuine and permanent experience. If you can't be conscious that you are God without psycadelics, then indeed you have yet to realize God. You are God in all states of consciousness, at all time, eternally. Right now.
  16. All is yourself. There is only you.
  17. Void, I am that. I am literally Everything. Drop all this and become conscious of yourself. I don't need weed to be conscious of God but it intensifies my state of consciousness and makes me more conscious of God, it gives me permanent insights which is always nice. But like 5meo and such , that's a waste of time for me. You are God right now in this present moment completely sober. Become conscious of this. Become aware of it. It's just direct aware knowing of yourself as God. Doership and the ego are merely an illusion like snake in the robe.
  18. You are God. You can do whatever you want. How you want to live your life is your choice. There is no wrong or right, no good or bad. There is only God. There is only One, only one doer. Once you become conscious of God and that God is I and everything, you are free. But also there is Divine law you must follow and be compelled to follow, and that is Love.
  19. Hallucination, sober, high, tripping are all concepts. There is only One, The One is All and Existent. Become conscious of this. No drug is needed. Only awareness.
  20. Nice but it cannot be compared to permanent conscious and aware knowing of yourself as God sober. It's the most obvious, clear, illuminating thing ever - once you become conscious that you are God. It's just full conscious absorption in to yourself as yourself at all times, naturally, automatisk.
  21. I changed my mind. I'm naturally soberly conscious of God and that I am God. It's obvious and clear to me. I will only keep myself with weed because it intensifies my state of awarness and makes me more conscious of God, permanently.