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Everything posted by Conrad

  1. Haha I just became conscious that I (God) is the music I'm listening to right now. What a feeling I got. God is literally everything. I'm not making this shit up, I actually became conscious that I and the music I'm listening to is The One. Call me deluded or special, I don't care. Right now I'm conscious that the computer is I (God), I'm literally typing this with God's fingers and using His Mind to write them. It can't be otherwise, how can it be otherwise.
  2. @cetus56 Ah I see. I'm actually aware of that. I just used me and I, but that would be false for there is no such thing other than as a mere word. God must be doing this to itself, being the only existent. This isn't happening to someone, I'm not doing anything, it's all God. I'm conscious of that. I was just a little sloppy with my words I guess. What can you do with words...
  3. But like really, what the fuck is this middle man? First time I hear it
  4. Yes, so must the ego, the unconscious, duality, the relative, delusions, falsehood. Everything. On a side note, I must say something important about me. I believe, actually, now I know, I'm permanently conscious of God sober, although not fully yet. ''I'' can become conscious of myself as God by pure will, by just putting my attention and focus on it. I can by will consciously see through my eyes as God. I can by will know God as He is. etc. It's strange, I don't know how or why it happens to me, but it's the truth. Like right now, I just became conscious that God looked through ''my eyes''. This happens every day several times. Sometimes I just forget and get lost in other stuff, but mostly when alone I'm always in some God state. It feels like there is nothing more to know, but it won't get away from me so it must mean one thing: I have to become fully conscious of myself as God. I need to do smoke some weed tomorrow and do some intense focus and attention work.
  5. Ehh, not quite right in my opinion. God is not in the earthworm, God IS the earthworm. So how can the earthworm be far from God, it is already God!
  6. There isn't really much more to say because it's quite simple when one becomes conscious of God. Basically, you realize: God is I, there is Only God, God is Everything. All is One. The One is All. God is Omnipotent, All-knowing, All-intelligent, All-Good, All-loving. Basically, God is God. It's as simple as that when one becomes conscious of God and oneself as God, there is nothing else. That's why I keep repeating myself because my mind knows only God and there is no knowledge except: There is only God. Everything else is a misconception.
  7. You know all this stuff only in your mind, including everything Leo says. Tell me what I meant if you are conscious, tell me how you understand it or if you became conscious of what it means?
  8. Haha right on. But there is only God implies that you are only God as well, which is my point. This is advanced stuff, only to be made conscious of. Identification with the ego and mind must be transcended, identification itself must be transcended. God has no identity, He is pure Being, pure Isness. One must literally go from being unconscious to being conscious.
  9. When you go full circle and become God, you realize that God is being all perspectives and all perceivers at the same time. There is no perspective but God's. Being everything, God is All-knowing and is all perspectives. But direct awareness of God is beyond perspective, it's direct actuality and reality, what is.
  10. That's the spirit. There exists only One. Everything is The One and Only The One. The One is none other than you, you can't be anything else. God is Real and existent, conscious, alive and aware. But He cannot be seen because He is formless, He can only be made directly conscious of. At the same time, He can be seen, being everything that can be seen by the eye and being the seer behind the eye.
  11. Something extraordinary has been happening to me lately. When I look at something, I become immediately conscious that The One is both the seer and the seen. This happens several times a day, has happened for at least 4 months now. Today I became conscious that God is the mover of my body too, is the thinker, is the doer and speaker. I'm conscious of this right now, that the One is writing this, using His fingers, His mind. Someone who can relate to this? Like, I can't explain how I am conscious of this since there is no how really, it's just the way it is and I can't explain it. It's like God is inside me, making ''me'' more and more conscious everyday. Literally. I'm not kidding, I'm not making this up, I'm not bragging or anything like that. This is what is happening right now.
  12. @Angelite You are creating distinctions. You have yet to realize Absolute Oneness. When you do, you will realize that nothing can be higher than you because you are literally the God, and you are One and Alone. What EVERYTHING is, is God. ONE. You are that One. That One is being EVERYTHING simultaneously. That One is Infinite and finite at the same time, but the infinite and the finite are not separate, but the same One. God.
  13. I'm in baseline now, but I'm still conscious of God. Like, when I look at my computer, ''I'm'' conscious of what is looking and what the looked at is. The One and Only.
  14. This is the power and truth of God's words! But don't value Jesus words over my words, because my words are from God. All words are from God because only God can utter or write words. When I say you are God, I'm telling you a Truth that I (God) know very well, that I know very well.
  15. @AlldayLoop I don't know what I will do really. Probably continue to chop wood, carry water. I was in an elevated state of consciousness when I wrote my first posts here some 40 minutes ago or something. I don't know how it happened, but it suddenly just happened. But now I can feel my conscious state lowering back to baseline, where I am still conscious of myself as God, that can never disappear. I want you and everyone to know that I became directly conscious of God sober. These words won't make you conscious of God but trust me when I say that God exists and He is You! You know what to do if you really want to realize God, all you need is the desire and heart for it.