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Everything posted by Conrad

  1. Science aka the Matrix. The real science is within. Truth and reality is within. God is within.
  2. @Original11 Dont worry about all that bro.
  3. I didn't do it, it just happened suddenly. I was out of my body and saw myself sleep. Lasted for about 8 seconds then I woke up in my body in shock.
  4. This direct experience is God, experienceing itself as an individual looking through all eyes. It’s exchellent. All is One preting to many. It couldn't be othwewise. Duality couldn' be othewisw. It's all divine plan, done with perfection. The ego is Perfect, for else it wouldn't exist.
  5. Enlightenment and liberation is to find God in states all states of consciousness and to know I am God. The ego has to be consciousy consumed by God, by any means possible.
  6. @Mu_ tnx brother '@Jkris Yea it's pretty strong, just the way like it by nature. Magic truffes are miilder than magic mushrooms but with high enough dose they can do awsome things. 80 g magic truffles is easily a hero doese, which will go for next time.
  7. @zeroISinfinity Indeed. All is One God is right here right now, looking through every eye. Only awareness is required to see this, to become conscious of this. @Ero I am not an experienced psychonaut. The dose was a lot yes but I have had an extreme spiritual awakening before, more extreme than this trip and I have done years of spiritual work so I felt ready. There are however higher levels, next time I will try a higher dose to really break through. I do not know how much psilocybin I got from the dose, I can only guess. @StarStruck Utopia and hollandia.
  8. There is finally no more doubt. Indeed All is One pretending to be many and doing an excellent job at it. All is God. You will know God just like you would know your mother. Only a fool would deny God, which is impossible.
  9. You are the Apsolute in human form. The Creator. The All, the One. The Only One. The God. You can become directly conscious of this. Once that happens, you will be compelled to come back to the world of duality. Experience it, immerse in it once again. The path to God-realization is merely a temporary escape from the world, but once attained God will want to come back to it. But this time, God can never again forget itself no matter what. And Love is ultimately what holds everything togheter.
  10. Religion=Ego-mind Truth=Direct experience Direct experience=? ?=? God can only know God. Nothing but you can know you. For there is only you.
  11. With the final realization that there is Only God, you will be exactly where you were. The world and all the unaware of God beings will all remain as they were. Play along, have fun. Accomplish your goals, be the best dad and husband you can be. There is nothing else to do. You will realize this after realizing the highest Truth aka God too.
  12. That's how it ought to be. Doesn't mean you can't transcend this game of the ego-mind, you have to see trough the joke that it is and play another game ?
  13. It does. Reality simply just cannot be any other way when you realize that it's all the one and only, the God. It's in this understanding that you understand everything simply because you do.
  14. Why? It's how everything ought to be. It can only be the way it already is. You will realize this, become conscious of this when you become conscious that it's simply God, it's simply the one and only, the Apsolute which is All, including you and the ego. There is no division in reality, no seperation. Only The One. And you are It.
  15. Both. Any imposed pre-determined thing is my doing, imposed from and by myself unto myself as I am the one and only.
  16. Nice ?? "We are god, we actually are god, the devine in human form underneath layer's of mindfuckery." There is only The One which is All, underneath the mindfuck we call Reality and Existence.
  17. In the peak of my spiritual awakening, I "moved" into another dimension in a blink of an eye. Nothing happened, I just suddenly was there. I was confronted with the Apsolute Reality in less than a second, all control and doership was gone. Some dark entity, God, me and a woman was involved. Apparently 4, in Actuality one, sharing one goal: to expel the darkness that was within me, that had possesed me in this spiritual journey. What happened next is history. I keep it to myself as nothing but myself can grasp or even believe what happened.
  18. God-awareness is Self-knowing, Self-illuminating. Enlightenment is not a experience, it's a living Truth. You can become directly conscious and aware of God and that God is I and Everything. Non-dual-awareness is the end of ego-awarness and the ego-mind aka "You" and everything "you" knew. It's however liberation, a new beginning.
  19. Let go. You are Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, me, everyone and everything. You are Apsolutely Alone as the one and only Apsolute. But when I tell you that Aloneness will kill you and everything you knew, I mean it literally. The only question is can your heart accept the Truth and keep going, in spite of this illusion we call life? I know it can. If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't be here now writing this.