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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Here's the old thread:
  2. @MsNobody You've made a thread about this several months ago. Seems unlikely Lex Fridman wants to converse with Leo Gura, especially given the advanced spiritual stuff and psychedelics. It'll be too risky for Lex's PR to handle.
  3. @Leo Gura True, I remember you posted about a Russian poet that criticized the war, and then got arrested and tortured into saying he was just making it up: https://www.actualized.org/insights/poetry-in-putins-russia
  4. @Yimpa No, this what happens when a few users troll, gaslight and derail the thread in clever ways. I think what OP intended was talking about heterosexuality and homosexuality and their nature, but we derailed into homophobia and heterophobia topics, and briefly anime topic, then into incest and arguing back and forth about incest and whether humans or animals get it on with their family members, and some about non-consent and consent, rape, parent child relations, and maybe meta ethics??? Yeah this thread is a wild tree. We need to Bonsai this tree back to topic.
  5. @Nivsch Here's my suggestion: Ask @Leo Gura, @Thought Art, @Carl-Richard or some other mods why you misbehave, because I'm done with you all, good luck burning yourselves out with these heated discourses. Sorry @zazen but I'm checking out, tired of it! Hope you take a break too from this circus show.😤
  6. @Alexop You could attack Elon Musk for having some bad political takes, but you cannot claim that he's not knowledgeable and technical in detail to not design and engineer, he made SpaceX and Tesla. Yes, he's also a good businessman, and true he has some distorted political takes. Just back up your clams and assertion with justification and evidence, especially for you claiming he's GOT NO TECHNICAL AND KNOWLEDGE ON ENGINEERING! It's not just that he's good at hiring skilled experts, but he himself is great at engineering, and a good visionary in his field.
  7. Oh my god, you guys are having it backwards that it hurts my head...
  8. @Nivsch Again, no one here is saying Israel is 100% the root problem, but they're adding to part of this problem of perpetual terror of the Palestinians by land grabbing their territory, occupying parts of they're land over time. And curb your islamophobia, it's against the forum guidelines https://www.actualized.org/forum/guidelines/ to hate on religion or attack religious beliefs.
  9. @Lila9 By definition Israel has more superior military capabilities and technology over HAMAs, which is why this war is asymmetrical in the first place. Yes, both sides are guilty of genocide, HAMAS AND ISRAEL. Yet when looking at capability, Israel HAS THE GREATER POTENTIAL FOR DESTRUCTION, not HAMAS in this specific conflict. Stop both siding Israel and HAMAS you two.
  10. @Nivsch Yes, you and @zazen having this heated discourse, @zazen and @hundreth having a heated exchanged. You and @Lila9 being biased and preferential towards Israel over Palestine, and others being biased with Palestinians over Israel...this WHOLE THREAD is a masterclass of biased positions, and deception. The amount of devilry in this whole thread, as @_Archangel_ put it: Have made discourse nearly impossible without losing our minds in the process.
  11. Another dumb react video, misleads the audience by text and thumbnail, gives a fragmented, biased and preferential coverage of the situation, and panders and pampers to the Knox Hill and Ren audience by downplaying and dehumanizing King Dotta's great diss attempt. Oh, and he's a covert racist too for demonizing him and downplaying the struggles of a black artist and rap culture:
  12. Great example of immaturity, and also being a covert racist if you know enough about rap, hip hop culture, black culture, and King Dotta's rap style. Reason why I say this is because this reactor chose to attack and undermine the technical, but downplays the message behind the bars together. Also chooses to not give prior context for this beef/drama between King Dotta and Knox Hill and Ren, hoe Knox Hill dissed King Dotta first. Also great example of how evil and ignorant the react community and reactors are, being content thieves, stealing content via not asking permission and playing most of their videos without credit, in poor taste and devilry. Funny he calls King Dotta a thief, yet this third wheel Dan is also a thief: When you learn of the full situation this react is stupid.
  13. Music to my hears if any of this drama is true. Karma is about to go full circle on this bicycling sociopath man, not a blue haired peecuck anymore, but still a cheating birdie: Keep on proving Mr. Girl right, on how sick this online community is, how you all are entrenched in this online power dynamics.
  14. @Nivsch Sure but Israel has the war technology to have guided missile strikes, and A.I information gathering, to know exactly who's who in a building floor, so Israel can actually mitigate killings of Palestinian citizens caught in the cross fire, while HAMAs doesn't poses that level of technological weaponry. So the onus should be on Israel as it can target precisely in comparison to HAMA? Sure that Hezbollah for example has the same ideology and intent similar to HAMAs, and it may not be Palestinian but Iran's proxy, that doesn't mean that Israel's invasion of Lebanon and cutting off north and central Lebanon from southern Lebanon , which leads to militia groups in south Lebanon forming Hezbollah, doesn't mean Israel isn't at fault for Hezbollah forming in the first place. In fact Hezbollah isn't occupied or anything allowed them, from Iran's support and others the means to nation build and develop social infrastructures like schools, hospitals, farms and other buildings as Hezbollah, all the while having funding for military equipment and military training, which makes Hezbollah more different than HAMA which is much closer to Israel with Palestinians occupied by Israel in Gaza and West Bank:
  15. @Bandman The best argument and evidence for why Elon Musk isn't a politically incoherent self-serving unintelligent traumatized man child that doesn't actually know anything detailed or technical about the technologies and innovations that he brought forth, is the starting of this argument being bad faith and uncharitable in it's framing right away. You first name call Elon Musk, and Ad hominem him in the political area with 'incoherent' and 'man child', why should the arguer that supports Elon Musk, the opposition, agree to argue with you when you start this heated exchange, and demonstrate unwillingness to learn and exchange ideas of the other side, about Elon Musk, when you frame him negatively and unfavorably? The second issue is your claims and assertion that Elon Musk doesn't actually know anything detailed or technical about the technologies and innovations he brought forth? Is that including any SpaceX rocket parts? Tesla's electric car and electric car stations he also designs himself? Is him being the leader of both Tesla and SpaceX not evidence enough to the contrary of your uncorroborated claim of his lack of detailed technical knowledge?
  16. @Alexop Well, it depends on which type of AI. There are AI that are mostly used in specialized fields to crunch down astronomical numbers and variations, in a very narrow field, for example Alpha Go and Alpha Zero are such AI programs that process vast amounts of chess/Chinese Go variations and pick one that minimizes the opponent's creativity and maximizes it's own advantages on the board. Then there's AGI(Artificial general intelligence) which is a type of AI for general tasks with hard to define parameters. This type may be the one you're thinking as life coaching needs the coach to speak and listen well with their clients, what values they use, what specific problems in life they described and the obstacles they want to overcome. An AGI might be able to solve life related issues with ill defined criteria with general intelligence. Another type is both specialized and generalized Artificial intelligence, or super AI, which is hypothesized as the type that could answer for as deep as the true nature of things or existential questions, past definable or indefinable problems conventional AI can't fully solve for.
  17. @zazen I partly agree that some sensible people, Israeli and Palestinian, are not calling for Israel to not exist but the current alt right nationalism/zionism in Israel, and similarly to Palestinians. However, due to this conflict most people, from either side, are getting mind slayed and are caught in this polarized binary of us versus them, right/wrong, good/evil, black and white thinking, other side must die and we survive. So we must have more accurate reporting and more transparency in the news and how the conflict is framed. Obviously the propaganda between Israel and Palestine's news reporting is obvious to outsiders, but not to it's own citizens because of the cultural zeitgeist and mass backlash of the HAMAs event. Agree, most relics of post colonialism and even imperialism can't exist as power structures in our current modernized world. True that religions and other traditional structures may not coexist with some aspects of the modern world, yet we can't throe the baby out with the bathwater. We still need stage blue/range as human developments for others.
  18. This is a very interesting video that somewhat has implications for this Israel Palestinians conflict. Where it's important is the development of values, cognitive and moral development, personality typing/traits especially sociopathy/psychopathy innate and environmental: There's also some implications for 9 stages of ego development, shadow work, other lines of development in life to societal development, ideological beliefs indoctrinated from birth, in family, in culture and the mainstream/alternative information ecology, from news, to social media, to videos, radios, propaganda, and other disinformation/misinformation tactics that manufactures consent in times of war and times of peace. What Israeli and Israel needs to stop avoiding is they are capping and denying the social infrastructures that can allow Palestinians their citizenry and nation building, militarily speaking even before HAMAs invaded their border villages. What Palestinians also need to realize is that HAMAs is using those donated funds to build tunnels and other war infrastructures for asymmetrical warfare. Both sides need to realize they are in a culture warfare, that Palestinians are lead by HAMAs which has values from stage red to stage purple and stage blue, and that Israel is mostly at stage blue/orange values with some red militarily. This whole conflict in short is creating conditions environmentally to produce ore psychopaths and sociopaths.
  19. A great video of Daniel Schmachtenberger, Iain McGilchrist and John Vervaeke talking about the meta crisis. In this perspective I'll be analyzing their body language, tonality, pacing, discourse analysis and some statement analysis when appropriate. I'll also look at presentation style, what they value and the framing of talking about the Meta crisis. After watching the whole video and it's clips I felt it's worth going through it a few more times: Credit to @Carl-Richard for this summery of the video and each person's framing of this situation: 'The overlap between their worldviews and their ways of conceptualizing "the crisis" ("the meta-crisis", "the meaning crisis", "the master and the emissary"). Daniel has a social/economic/game-theoretic focus, John has a psychological and philosophical focus, and Ian has a psychological, philosophical and neuroscientific focus. They talk about meaning and how it is not reducible to purpose (you also have coherence, flow and mattering), how the modern/post-modern world developed a reductionist materialist worldview and moved away from the sacred, how it can be understood by looking at hemispheric lateralization in the brain (left vs. right), the need to steward catastrophic technologies and the power games related to that, and many other variations on those questions. They seem to be converging on the need to create an updated form of religion.' Now let's look at their body language and tonality, and the discourse:
  20. This video contains all the classic body language signs of defensiveness in mannerisms, facial expressions. I'll be analyzing his body language, tonality, and some of his word choices. Prior context: He's reacting/responding to his situation of YouTube blocking his comments on other YT videos: So throughout the video his baseline includes lots of self grooming and pacifying gestures, left hand grooming his hair on left side and rubbing his mouth and chin, and sometimes his right hand rubs left cheek to left a lot. Typically self soothing gestures indicates distress or subconscious seeking of relief from stress. Given his prior context of getting shadow banned or even canceled/censored in Instagram and YT comments, and that he's disabled/handicapped(Given his tonality sounding nasally, which makes me feel before that he's in the autistic spectrum/Asperger's syndrome, but later he reveals he had a head injury as well). Also a lot of lip retraction, sometimes lip compression, and clenching of jaw back and forth in combination indicates him processing stress and strong levels of disappointment/disapproval, and being defensive about this situation. Also, lots of lip retraction and jaw clenching/masticating can also mean he's stressful with what he's saying. Also micro 'epistemic shrugs' with small mouth frowns and in some of those lots of self grooming that hand, either left or right, goes palms facing up in a hand gesture of 'I don't know', which indicates he could be feeling uncertainty/uncomfortableness/anxiety in regards to the shadow banning.
  21. @StarStruck Are you still star struck?
  22. @Carl-Richard It's still interesting how they're able to communicate in good faith and maintain good body language, with a few moments when John Vervaeke looked a bit bored and a few overt illustrations, especially pointy fingers, a big no-no in the body language community if you want to build rapport as pointy fingers are like spears to the subconscious mind. Just rewashing this video is very interesting, Iain McGilchrist slower in pacing while Daniel is much faster. But I'm still confident I can battle rap each person there, and draw better than them.
  23. @Bandman Nice painting. Please don't tell me it's A.I generated?
  24. Interesting take on Elon Musk and this whole situation: https://fb.watch/oSMWOfLqAe/