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Everything posted by Danioover9000
Danioover9000 replied to CoolDreamThanks's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Rafael Thundercat Can you rephrase that better? I don't know if this is directed at me or the OP or @Juan... -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Karmadhi Speaking of him: -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@zazen True. -
Danioover9000 replied to Whitney Edwards's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
The problem here is not enough perspective taking, or going meta due to limiting beliefs and fears you have from your shadow selves you suppress. Try to be post modernist in your thinking and try to look at the world from the perspectives you don't like and find immoral. Try to understand and empathize with those kinds of worldviews for a week or a few months, just think, see, hear, and feel from their lens of this world. That way you understand the racist's, or rapist's, or other evil person's worldview, and out of love, not hate, you finally correct that worldview and resolve it in your mind and heart. -
@Thought Art I know, I'll keep them in this section of the forum now. After this one I'll take a break and post other things not drama:
I think the following showcases Destiny's ability to persuade and convince, but also to converse and be intellectual: and
@Thought Art Destiny's best qualities are: Due to the developmental factors, I think he's a staunch stage orange values, with some green and yellow values specifically within debating and arguing when it comes to intellectually understanding the opposite ideology. He has to me a left brain hardwiring, plus within the autism spectrum/neuro divergent, which makes him cognitively process differently, but more categorical and literal thinking with some cognitive biases. I think his circle of concern, or moral development is modernism framed rather than post modernism, that he leans more moral absolutist than moral relativist depending on context and situations that benefit him he goes more moral objective, but situations that don't he fronts moral relativism. I think his personality typing/traits are the following: that he's open minded within arguing/debate frames, but in reality he's close minded, and is more conscientious than chaotic and loves organizing and planning logically, and given the live streams and live events he seems more introverted than extroverted, and 50/50 on the agreeable/disagreeable traits although I think that he's more disagreeable based on other contexts, and highly neurotic. I think he's also got the sociopathic traits and a few traits on psychopathy and manipulation, as well as narcissism in a spectrum. I think his Myers Briggs typing is the DEBATOR(ENTP-A) but with I increased as well given his autism. These personality traits inform how he thinks and feels, his cognition, morality and values. These personality defects also stem from his personal history with his family, father from America, Mother from Cuba, and a catholic background, and the trauma he received when his grandparent killed 3 puppies, one by one, in front of him. He also values rationality and logic, and resistant to expressing his emotions genuinely less but performatively most, given his chosen career path and financial sunk cost fallacy into being an online gamer/streamer/political commentator and debate bro for 12+ years, and prior years was him being a cleaner, and before that a casino staff member/manager which he was laid off, and before that a student pursuing a music career in university. In terms of Architypes and shadow work, there's a million just like everyone, but I think his shadow aspects are around femininity and some parts of masculinity. Especially given his recent situation of his open marriage and polyamorous relationship, maybe cheating by Melina for a man called John who looked way more feminine than Destiny, I think that actually really bothers and disturbs Destiny. Although he's expressing understanding of this situation, taking part blame of him unable to give Melina attention and care as much as she needs from the relationship, when he declares he doesn't care of her other partner I think that's BS, he does care. He has this competitive part to his psyche that won't allow a challenge unanswered. I think that he's at opportunist stage of ego development(9 stages of ego development by Jane Loevinger). Hard to understand a conformist staged ego choosing this lifestyle and livelihood as conformists typically seek more real life communities and groups to fulfill their need of belonging, or an ego at construct aware tolerating this kind of lifestyle of being a streamer and debate bro. Given I'm an ex-fan of Destiny, and how much information I could find out to assess his circle of life domains, from career to finance to intimacy and familial relationships, to his health and fitness, to his leisure and potential spiritual development there are some asymmetries in his life that contributed to the personality, in real life and potential spiritual development(he did have some psychedelics, I think it's shrooms, in the past that nearly was a bad trip, nearly killed his ego, which made him double down on his egotism more) His following ideologies he believes, indoctrinated by, and self identifies, biases and prefers with, from past videos and lives he did and interactions are: Capitalism, Americanism culture, determinism, logic, reasoning, modernism, Neoliberalism, online gaming, arguing and debates, rationalism, secularism as it justifies his open ended polygamy, science. His potential shadow selves, from individual scale to collective scale, will be the opposite of these ideologies I've listed so far, and more. Arguably speaking, this is a long time coming for someone like Destiny, but I won't glee or celebrate his suffering. I wish him well in patching up his relations, with understanding and empathy.
Danioover9000 replied to CoolDreamThanks's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Salvijus But what if piracy and plagiarism is involved, and stealing artworks and content from a struggling artist, effecting their profession they chosed themselves? And at mass scale such that it doesn't feel at first piracy or plagiarism? The idea of companies taking your work out there, using it to feed the A.I programs, without consent, without your knowledge, and even drawing better than you and gaining more of the fame and money that could have been yours? Exact same problems that the react community and reactors have: More on A.I disruption: Please be understanding and empathetic to the artists losing their jobs to A.I programs, at least do that if you're following and practicing @Leo Gura's teachings. This A.I disruption is dark for others. Sure, I'd partly agree on the existential, metaphysical levels that Art itself as infinity was never about survival. However, when you factor in the history of art, it's evolution, especially modernism and post modernism artwork, you can't be sure it's never about survival because marketing and popular consensus or pop culture or mass consciousness, in line with other economic, political, cultural, societal, and technological developments interplays and influences survival of certain art styles over other art styles. For example realism was waning away and surrealism became more popular, and landscape paintings of buildings or urban places less so, so much so that Adolf Hitler struggled to make a living for himself as an artist as the survival of art was changing and he was unable to adjust to the more popular art movement then. And also, based on many developmental factors Art changes in terms of Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing/traits, ego development, states of being/becoming and consciousness, Integral Theory's other lines of development in life and societal domains, and different ideological beliefs indoctrinated by culture and family, and information ecology leveraged by capitalism and Neoliberalism and big corporates manufacturing consent in the masses today. These developmental factors plays a role in adding relativity to art, and due to limited time, energy and attention, due to finitude, we have to select art that suits our individual subjective tastes over some other art pieces, make a purchase to the artist that caught our attention over the artist with less engaging artwork. See? -
@Juan Thank you, coming from a Tik Tok representative it's sweet, but I am gonna take a break, got me the cold. In future I will make a fair take on Destiny as I got a good amount of constructive feedback from users that have supported me here, and I will keep it brief just for you boy.
Danioover9000 replied to CoolDreamThanks's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@lina True, progress is also perspectival and pluralistic, some what post modernistic, yet we cannot abandon the singular, modernistic objective standards of what makes good art and bad art. The key here is to to be asymmetrical yet balanced to symmetry, and to mind our ideologies and dogmatic reactions to establishments and changes, and to be humble when one development may lead to regression in another. This video is also a funny take on this situation, it resonates: -
Danioover9000 replied to CoolDreamThanks's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Salvijus Sure, I'd partly agree on the existential, metaphysical levels that Art itself as infinity was never about survival. However, when you factor in the history of art, it's evolution, especially modernism and post modernism artwork, you can't be sure it's never about survival because marketing and popular consensus or pop culture or mass consciousness, in line with other economic, political, cultural, societal, and technological developments interplays and influences survival of certain art styles over other art styles. For example realism was waning away and surrealism became more popular, and landscape paintings of buildings or urban places less so, so much so that Adolf Hitler struggled to make a living for himself as an artist as the survival of art was changing and he was unable to adjust to the more popular art movement then. And also, based on many developmental factors Art changes in terms of Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing/traits, ego development, states of being/becoming and consciousness, Integral Theory's other lines of development in life and societal domains, and different ideological beliefs indoctrinated by culture and family, and information ecology leveraged by capitalism and Neoliberalism and big corporates manufacturing consent in the masses today. These developmental factors plays a role in adding relativity to art, and due to limited time, energy and attention, due to finitude, we have to select art that suits our individual subjective tastes over some other art pieces, make a purchase to the artist that caught our attention over the artist with less engaging artwork. See? -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
As simple as this video is, it resonates: -
A LOVE LETTER TO DESTINY'S DIVORCE It's hurts, you know? Really does...when an ego mind thinks it can be destiny itself. It's like fated, right? Fate fates fating face, saving grace? Nay, too morally debased. Selfish nestles in big gnomes, red garden secrets untold. From sickness to strife, till death do us apart.
A level headed take from someone I feel is mostly stage blue values. There's some mention of red pill and manosphere stuff, but this guyreframes from that:
To me this is a good example of a speaker mostly stage blue values reacting to a divorce from a more open ended marriage, with some respect and dignity in framing unlike the other online based conservatives: To me this was a tough choice, as he isn't squarely at stage blue, but has different values from stage orange and even green, maybe a tiny bit of yellow when talking about the wisdom of truths in the past(likely meant wisdom here) is also likely relevant to modern times. Maybe we need another thread with Integral Theory framing for these types of individuals with a mixture of values.
@Danioover9000 One other thing, I strongly disagree the assumption that asking why do some people like spoilers, and it's implicit opposite of some people don't like spoilers, is a stupid and dumb question. I think these types of question and many more types of questions is important for understanding, so that bit I don't agree with. I also want to correct him and state there are at least 2 types of people in this context: those that care about not getting spoilers, because I guess they want to preserve the magic and mystery, and the other type he misunderstands as the 'don't care about spoilers' type, ACTUALLY care about wanting that spoilers, wanting that leak to either start confirmation bias of past conjectures or speculations of the characters and story plot, even lore and world building. In clarity I think both types and more types of people care at various degrees here, and I think it's really hard of most businesses to survive if almost everyone ACTUALLY don't care, mostly indifferent to spoilers or not spoilers. In fact if he's correct his own channel and his LP will be jeopardized by this apathy mindset as nobody would care of him leaking or spoiling plots of a movie.
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Raze That's just even worse, that cat didn't deserve to get it's leg injured by an Israeli bomb. Sickos. This whole Israel/Palestine conflict sucks. -
@Girzo And watch me get banned, censored and canceled from the Destiny subreddit, because lately there's very biased moderating of critiques at length about Destiny. Just see Mr. Girl and Dark Viper's articulated responses to Destiny's false assumptions, just poof the mods lock and delete and kick out fair criticisms. To be fair, even if I was good willed and good fait, and were to critique him from above higher developments, that piece of critique would be weaponized by his own ideological enemies, just like a fair and unbiased critique of science would be weaponized by religion or other ideologies enemy to science.
@Hojo Like finding Nemo, except he mistakes the aquarium for the ocean. The fish doesn't even realize it's talking to itself.
@Thought Art With a pinch of sugar and salt.
@Leo Gura I'm more sucrose addict than crack addict. Addictingly likes beatings, betrothment sweet. Yet the marriage failed, fate weeps Destiny's orange meanie is Sweeny Todd who edicts at his blue feet.
@Juan @Carl-Richard
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Thought Art Careful, you're sounding like @Nahm who uses non-dual thinking to say a lot but make little sense... -
Danioover9000 replied to CoolDreamThanks's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Thought Art I can. I can also include living artists trying to earn a living and feed themselves with their artwork, which in some cases on the internet is getting stolen by A.I. Are these artists getting some royalties and copyright protection, considering some cases these artists don't even know bog tech companies and A.I image generators take their work without permission? Just ask @Space's thoughts on A.I disruption and how it effected his/her editorial art review job. -
@Israfil I'll give the article a read, but a quick few questions: Why do they consider competitive systems and their tendency degenerate? Isn't that the systemic thinkers moralizing against competition? Don't they also understand the good and necessary level of merit and competition that capitalism generates? I find that some systemic thinkers when viewing this game theory of game A versus game B, reads like the over simplistic views of Capitalism versus Marxism, that game B is like a utopia while game B is the most realistic and workable solution currently. Why are intelligent people similar to Daniel Schmachtenberger or John Vervaeke deluded?