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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Vrubel Why would John Mearsheimer say there's literally no existential threat to Israel? Also that's anoterh argument I'm and others here are not making, he is. Stop assuming I'm arguing the same as him. Cleansing and ethnic cleansing while they're at it, and some genocide because after all HAM,As, similar to Hezbollah, is integrated into Gaza and West Bank, so again how would you avoid unnecessary lose of life while taking out HAMAs terrorists? Also, Isreal's military equipment is so precise they know exactly who's HAMAs and who's a Palestinian civilian, so wouldn't this fall under the definition of genocide by the UN? So it's clear when HAMAs or Hezbollah take advantage of it's population, but not so clear when Israel does?
  2. @Nivsch 🙊🙉🙈🤷‍♀️
  3. This is the AIPAC: And John Mearsheimer's take:
  4. @Salvijus I dare you to say that to a starving artist. In context this 'piracy thing' actually is important when piracy and plagiarism negatively effects competition between competitors and their customers base, and piracy and plagiarism saturates the market so much with unpaid labor and many ideas ripped off from the original creators that it both cheapens and lowers quality, undermines quality, and due to market saturation increases barrier to entry for newer creators wanting to profit and do their LP and make a living doing so. But when the market is so saturated with pirated, copied and plagiarized content, then what's the incentive for consumers to continue consuming services and products off of original content creators when the thieves outnumber them? And you're using spiritualism and non-duality to dodge the practical and realist ramifications of these plagiarism and piracy done by tech companies and A.I programs.
  5. @Parallax Mind From the perspective of someone who believes fiat money is a scam, taking into account capitalism and neoliberalism as an ideology, and even feminism and egalitarianism and democracy from the west as ideologies indoctrinated and blindly believed in dogmatically, also interplaying with secularism and atheism, and the above ideologies contributing to decline in birthrates, increases in higher divorce rates, higher unemployment due to increase in A.I and automation and migrant to female workers within a given industry, corrosion of the moral backbone of a country in regards to theocratic moral frameworks, fiat money as a scam isn't that far fetched if the basis of fiat money is 'blind belief and faith in paper money itself and the belief of governments regulating that paper money itself' in comparison to currency back then based on the rarity of gold and silver. After all, what's stopping a more secularist government to flip flop and back peddle, and change around freedom of speech and protest rules?
  6. @Vrubel And? That's a different argument related adjacent to the other arguments we've been having. The argument we're focused on is the humanitarian crisis caused by israel onto Palestinians from the West Bank, to Gaza, and even to Israeli Palestinians by the alt right Zionists within Israel, israel expansionism of a greater israel at the cost of some Palestinians dying and suffering, and related is the problems of the israel lobby movement within the USA leveraging thier support of israel. So John Mearsheimer's argument is specifically in regards to the humanitarian crisis and against Zionists wanting to genocide the Palestinians for a greater israel. What John Mearsheimer isn't argueing for or against is HAMAs and Hezbollah specifically, and whether it's justified for isreal to exterminate HAMAs or Hezbollah, John is more focused on the lose of life of civilians by israel's military, so I think this 'downplaying' is merely another argument that he isn't making, that you're assuming he's making. What people don't get is how integrated HAMAs is to Gaza and even the West Bank, and Hezbollah is to southern Lebanon, and the military actions of israel radicalizing Muslims who may have been centrist, or slightly right or left leaning, to be polarized into strongly supporting Hezbollah or HAMAs due to fears of israel invading into their areas. By israel ethnic cleansing it's borders, the attempt will create collateral damage to Gaza, to West Bank, and if the situation escalates, to southern Lebanon. Can you imagine the cost of life if israel isn't held down by the USA? Do you know how many lives will get killed and suffer from israel invading? It's almost guaranteed that lose of civilian life will be far greater than estimated. How is the whole apartheid BS? What is a better parallel to this situation? Nazi Germany? And how would you lead and manage this conflict against HAMAs and Hezbollah, while minimizing cost to civilian lives caught in the crossfires, by sophisticated technological weaponry by israel's weapons versus HAMA's own?
  7. Good mature mind, and good leadership role modal: and
  8. So much of what this guy says resonates with me deeply: I'd put it more severely in some cases but that's how I feel generally towards people whining and complaining about spoilers, or always seeking spoiler free content, or questioning the existence of those indifferent to spoilers. Yes, some people that are not effected by spoilers exist! For example, in the context of a book, with mystery genre, a crime happens and I don't know who did it. Halfway through my family or friend spoils the plot and characters a bit. Am I triggered? No, not so much, because what happens in my mind is that genre then becomes SUSPENSE, now I want to know and experience HOW the crimes happened, the events leading up, and even I want to know MORE about the characters and story plot. Another example, in a movie same thing, don't know much other than trailers, someone spoils it for me and I actually want to watch the movie more. In fact happens with older movies I've watched, as I've got good visual memories, and sometimes a movie comes on and one of my parents can't quite remember but few seconds in I remember ALL the major and minor events and characters, and sometimes if I'm asked or comment on the movie a few of them would discourage me from commenting or 'spoiling' the movie even when We've watched it already! Same with visual novels, same with video games or other art media, this spoiler culture is quite strange to me, strange how easily offended people get with spoilers, disregarding that in the 30's printing press were full of spoilers, disregarding nowadays the internet has a multitude of information full of spoilers. So why this aversion? For some of you effected by spoilers please explain to me your worldview, your mindscape, how you think and feel in your life dealing with spoilers. Same for those tolerant and indifferent to spoilers, please tell me how you particularly think and feel and process spoilers. Note: obviously I do not support swearing or vulgarity used frequently, or demonizing/dehumanizing some people's thoughts and feelings like that guy in the video does as he's also a victim of social media machines and ideological echo chamber. Some really don't like spoilers for some reason, which intrigues me. Sometimes it's just irritating to deal with such people's poor attitudes to no spoilers or spoilers.
  9. Another mature minded person, the interviewer but especially the interviewee, similar to systems thinker. This is part 2: and below is part 1: A lot to watch through and note take, but worth it. Enjoy.
  10. IMO, even though he's born under the Chinese astrology with double dragon(year and month of the dragon, which means such a person is predisposed to higher selfishness, egotism, but drive and ambition) he is mature minded for his time, mature enough to see the value in mixing different martial arts together, as well as fitness. A pioneer ahead of his time.
  11. @StarStruck So for others here, me included that have just heard about this: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjFjd6Bs5WDAxWEU0EAHadWAyEQFnoECCEQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.investopedia.com%2Fterms%2Ff%2Ffiatmoney.asp%23%3A~%3Atext%3DKey%20Takeaways-%2CFiat%20money%20is%20a%20government%2Dissued%20currency%20that%20is%20not%2CU.S.%20dollar%2C%20are%20fiat%20currencies.&usg=AOvVaw0XUI8ubUdkRIl1H3taVn-V&opi=89978449 So that basically explains the concept of fiat money, so, given that we have established what fiat money is, typical examples in that link, we now have grounds to discuss and even argue out whether fiat money is definitionally a scam or not. I'll be on the side that is in favor for fiat money.
  12. @StarStruck Steven Crowder? Now I'm worried for your GF.😁 First of all, what is this fiat? And why do you think it's a scam in the first place? And could you provide some articles or sources showing that fiat is a scam? Is it similar to an MLN or Ponzi scheme?
  13. @Yimpa Is that the paid version above Chat GPT3? I'll have a read. I know I'm viewing this from an argumentative framing, but for the sake of both arguments for pro and con: Ethical considerations: 1. Originality and creativity: This point is actually the weakest to me in argument because origin is historical and close to philosophy, metaphysics and epistemology, which is prior context and background information for this specific issue. All this means in the context of A.I's ethical or unethical status, is that this issue raised questions of originality and creativity, just philosophical inquiry, again background noise for this argumentation. Because time, energy and attention is limited and getting more limited due to social media negative mind effects and predatory tech companies brain rotting Gen Z and beyond, we likely don't have time to be too abstract and philosophical when we really should ask ourselves, if A.I is unethical, and if our intuition is more correct in it's immoral use, why are we not arguing more for implementations to regulate this technology instead? That's like we're wasting time talking about the origins and creativity of a heist or fire burning wood, when we do have wooden houses burning and robbers robbing banks right in front of us. 2. Economic impact on Artists: Probably the most pressing issue here, in context. Reason being is there are some art professions out there negatively impacted and disrupted by A.I, and some companies are either too slow to adjust or are biased for cutting corners and bias for technocracy at the cost of an art profession losing quality and lives negatively impacted. Some artists don't recover from such a lose, even when few have many decades of expertise. Just take a look at the Japan economic market for manga, for say a couple of decades. Now imagine A.I art starting to take over that market, saturate the manga market even more, out perform mangakas, and undermine their ability to do meaningful paid labor work. What happens to the past paid workers when one thing replaces specific job positions and skills that the past workers find meaningful to do, and get paid for, and in the context of mangaka jobs which salary is middle low to lower class, barely affording them additional luxuries and merely living a hand to mouth existence? That's a soul crushing realization and obstacle for Japanese artists, who have sacrificed quite a bit to even get into the mangaka industry. And this is one specific example out of many worldwide. 3. Attribution and credit: 2nd important to economic impact. How do we know who or what gets credited, and attributed to art work? Credibility and attribution is important for pathos and reputation, credit and qualification, and even research. We can even make a hypothetical in the writing context, in that the book you've got from an author was fun, exciting and though provoking, and you found out such an author is in talks. You met this person even, had a chat, and moved on. Years go by, and you find out this charismatic, and charming author, was a scammer, and in fact the original writer was outside of public conventions or promotions and marketing events, and instead letting this charming person take all the credit and attribution that this secret introverted artist would have gained instead. This discovery has damaged the trust from fanbase, and trust from publishers and marketers of this book this charming individual attributed himself to be the writer. Do you see the reputational lose? Also, such a case has happened in history. 4. Bias and representation: Yes, bias and representation will also be an issue, but much less from the economic impact or the credit issue. Simply put, whoever's group and culture wins, and is in power, gets to decide bias and representation for themselves, the winners, over those underrepresented as the losers, and gets to propagate their winning ideology over the losing ideology, get to proliferate their ideologies, indoctrination, beliefs, their biases and preferences over the losing ones, based on many developmental factors. This world is 75% stage blue societies and culture, with 2nd being stage orange groups that also happen to be part of the top 5-1% of the elites of this pyramid. It's a similar issue, albeit different context, to problems of overrepresentation and misrepresentation, of a minority opinion and views being overrepresented as the norm when in fact it's the minor: now for the counter points: 1. New Forms of Creativity: AI can assist artists in exploring new forms and ideas, pushing the boundaries of creativity. It can be a tool for human artists, rather than a replacement. This point 1 assumes that A.I as a tool can assist artists to some extent and will not replace human artists, in particular their output and performance in drawing and artistry for the foreseeable future, and will not go outside the parameters of being a mere tool for human exploration of forms, ideas and new creativity. This is a faulty assumption because after an A.I program, like Deep blue for chess, or Alpha Go for Chinese Go, after the program is sufficiently trained on data sets of patterns and variables within say chess or Chinese Go rules and move sets in it's earlier training, will exponentially improve drastically that it can compete and outperform Grandmasters with decades of experience. Given the exponential growth, if A.I improves rapidly all of a sudden, becoming A.G.I or even the hypothesized super A.I, how long will this tool used by humans, be so superior that we end up as it's tools, or are replaced? 2. Accessibility: AI democratizes art creation, allowing those without traditional artistic training to express themselves creatively. Oh boy point 2 will be a controversial take for me. So, my position: democratization is a mixed bag, and depending on context too much can lower quality and cheapen quality and performance. Reason why is because if we look at many things that have been democratized too much, and we look at other outside and loosely connected contexts where feminism and egalitarianism and democracy as ideologies, in line with atheism and secularism degrading the moral foundations of a traditional family unit, of some traditional male/female roles in society, and negatively impacted birthrates, fertility and higher divorce rates via sexual liberation run amok, we can see that too much democratization with little regard for regulation can and always cheapens and lowers merit and quality. This also depends on how this democratization is carried out, and how its handled as opposed to laisse faire sexual liberation and freedom for all unconditionally, even though such radical freedom morally degrades and leads to hyper degeneration. For once capitalism, and even Neoliberalism and their principles holds true, not their ideological dogmas but the principle of quality and merit. Sure automation and the industrial revolution did a lot of good things, like make faster car productions and assembly lines, yet the cost is laying off of workers in some of those factory lines, and given their IQ distribution and how fixed IQ can be, means those laborers will on average struggle to get higher paying jobs or knowledge working types of work, and face fewer opportunities with higher automation. Combined with migrant workers and female workers competing for that same type of labor position, that already triples the difficulty of an employer hiring some employee when he can hire a cheaper one or install automation for productivity goals. 3. Educational Tool: AI art can be used for educational purposes, helping individuals learn about art styles, history, and techniques. IMO weakest point, although not to say for education purposes it's useful by itself as a past time, but for just educating and learning purposes. However, as a counter point and refutation in context to the livelihood, and economic impact artists can make? A counter to credibilty and attribution issues? It's lack luster. For example, If I argued the ethics of animal slaughter and whale hunting practices on the industrial level, and your counter point and refutation is 'for education and research purposes, because each whale hunted and killed is documented, it's insides accounted for, it's weight, and it's body parts sold as consumption, and fuel for indigenous people' to justify hunting and killing of whales at mass scale, then such an argument is very weak morally and ethically. It's another question of if the means justify the ends, with or without context, or even in light of counter evidence that suggest greater harm for greater efficiency. 4. Collaboration: AI can be viewed as a collaborative partner, where the human artist guides the AI to create something unique. This counter point is cute. Let me explain. This is basically a deep level of gaslighting and denial. Hypothetically, given the ethical qualms of A.I, and whether A.I is unethical, the guilty party in question is framed here, in this counter point, as a potential 'collaborator, which can be viewed as a collaborative partner, where the human artist guides the A.I to create something unique'. These are faulty assumptions. This is like if A.I's is guilty of rape, and we hold a trial and argue for both the prosecution and defendant, and the defense's rebuttal is to look at the victim, and reframes the rape and non-consensual sex as a rape fantasy, a roleplay, and since both parties are adults with some alcohol in their system, and you both verbally consented, especially you saying 'yes!' so excitedly, then there's no rape here, so view your rapist as a potential sex and love partner then. Or a lesser severe parallel is to review the thief that stole your work as a 'person in need, and also you just given him a gift of money and some clothes anyways, so you're actually helping the thief out.'. So in conclusion, while I liked the nonbiased answers from Chat GPT4, it's objective in it's take, it's answering for it's kind, it's answering for the potential ethical issue it's kind can be culpable of. So really, it may even be fronting an objective neutral framework but has deep hidden bias in favor of it's own kind flourishing even over humanity, while pretending to be unbiased and objective in it's language and answering. So unfortunately I'll have to grill Chat GPT some more, can't quite trust it's answers here.
  14. Some good videos to watch and consider the negative impacts of A.I Art, A.I in general and how it impacts creators and how people think, behave, and feel: This is how a biased and preferential use of A.I looks, and how defensive and dogmatic a rationalist is rationalizing. Very reasonable take on the ethics of A.I art.
  15. @Hojo So many faulty premises here. Assuming if a person worries about A.I taking your job means you are a paid mimic and not an artist, assuming an artist creates just because they like to create with no other ulterior motives or other developmental factors, assuming A.I cannot take your mind even though there's growing evidence that A.I are getting better at predicting your behavior and gathering your user biases and preferences and hyper tailoring and hyper curating content via algorithm to suit your biases and keep you hooked into their social media platforms, assuming anyone can see and differentiate A.I art from human art because it's not creative human art, and assuming only people who haven't developed their own style and mimic other styles will suffer, even though you and I were mimicking other artists, or others mimicking for study is essential development early on. In fact I'd argue that A.I art hurts beginners and novices with procrastination and laziness issues even more, like Gen Z being victimized by social media algorithms and Tik Tok like internet echo chambers, just by design of companies and engineers to grab your attention, hook it and maintain it quickly for convenience and efficiency, at the cost of rotting gen Z brains. And as time goes on, the negatives of the internet, social media addiction and mental health issues from A.I increase, we'll see fewer and fewer people with mid to long attention spans and unable to concentrate for just 10 minutes, or just 20 minutes to sit down and read a book, or focus on exercising or meditating. Even drawing is becoming a dying art, it'll eventually be so difficult to draw with pencil and paper. The future looks grim.
  16. @Yimpa True self all the way!
  17. Although this does undermine parts of my position, I find Ethen Backer entertaining, but he does make an interesting point when covering plagiarism: And the real issue in that context is saturation of market. Higher saturation means higher coincidences and synchronicities between 2 or more creator ideas and even formats, which can increase occurrences of piracy, plagiarism and copyright infringement of intellectual property, and fiar use issues. So, if we jump back to the A.I context and look at all the other fields A.I has positively but also negatively effected parts of a field, like chess, Chinese Go, A.I generated music(almost there with remixes, even Eminem's company filed DMCA of the cat version of Eminem's music), and currently with this A.I craze for better images, better music, for robots that carry bags, that can go fight wars, automation. Look at all that technological history of A.I to the other technological advancements not that comparable, and you'll see a patter of creation, disruption, and establishment into mass consciousness, and the cycle restarts at creation. We'll also see a pattern of recovery from disruptions, albeit some paid with their lives and livelihood short for each disruption. The most important question, especially concerning artists and professionals, is can we survive A.I disruptions, in comparison to other technological disruptions in the past?
  18. @LSD-Rumi What are some of your suggestions for good blog design, and and coding in a better search feature?
  19. Like this video is so triggering because one of the few threads I started here in this forum got locked for either low quality for simple questions, when I'm just inquiring about the video. Also started some bad relations with a few past mods like @Forestluv and past @Nahm from just that. It's amazing how that thumbnail triggers me back into memory lane I don't want to go to...
  20. @CARDOZZO That video is so fucking triggering...
  21. @EdgeGod900 Loyalty to TRUE, CONSCIOUSNESS, LOVE and, 'I DON'T KNOW.'. Also pyrrhonism.
  22. @SeaMonster Yes, exactly the case. His online cult is leagues beyond this place, the doxing and dog piles and cyber bullying/harassments is on another level, especially against good faith critiques of Destiny. They really can't take criticism well.🤣