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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Good starter on analyzing poetry: Of course much better combined with meditation, mindfulness, concentration and contemplation techniques for the implicit understanding.
  2. Objective: to be a better writer and poet, to improve my usage of other literary and poetic devices. F ew videos: and
  3. A great video containing all classic signs of defensiveness and disappointment, and lots of self soothing and pacifying gestures. I'll be doing a general body language, verbal, discourse and statement analysis of the three, and point out some signs of defensiveness and disappointment: So throughout, the woman in the middle nervous laughs and other signs of nervousness. to her left, or video's left, is the black guy which has the most energy of the 3, lots of facials and gestures, and displays more upsets and emotional tone than the 2, and the white guy on right does try to match the black guy's tonality and energy, but is lesser. Generally, when The Game says a bar they disagree with, they're faces scrunch up, tense a bit, and we do see eyebrow flashes followed sometimes by hands palm up signifying confusion and the 'epistemic shrug' feeling the following of uncertainty, anxiety and uncomfortableness. Confusion also did show in some of their faces and mannerisms, which to me means they don't get some of the slang and the references The Game is making about Eminem AKA Slim Shady. Between 19:05 to 20:40, we see a huge spike in body language from the guy on left, visibly upset and angry, raised voice and projection, more tension on face and fast karate chops with his left hand on that snitch line, displaying astonishment, followed by nervous smiling and head shakes from the woman and the other white guy who also reacted with lots of lip compressions, rocking on chair, head shaking, and brief moments of hand covering mouth. After that timestamp the 3's defensive body language and tonality worsens and the guy on left no shakes his head and does blocking/shielding with his hands covering his face and looks down in shame and disappointment, the other 2 would mirror partly this defensiveness. Claiming they're partly biased to Eminem and trying to downplay it and fake an objective tone and framing, but most of the video they're emotionally hurt, disappointed and negatively thinking/feeling, being defensive and dogmatic which then clouds their self awareness and makes them even more biased. Like they complain that the Game was taking too long, dissing others like 50 cent or Dr. Dre instead of Eminem, but they downplay and let Eminem slide with the same tactics of dissing the target rapper but his other artists and companies, and parts of mainstream culture, which is hypocritical. I suggest you watch it and observe their body language and tonality. In comparison and contrast to me, even though I'm an Eminem fan I remain objective and check my biases, and do my own homework on other rappers and their catalogues, see what they're capable of, and respect rap battling and diss tracks as an artform. I even know some slangs and rap sayings here and there, which makes their reaction to 'I unpack the heat with my oven mitts.' a slang for unpacking a gun and shooting someone, and their reaction to that line as a hook is just sad. Little commentary about how nice and fire the music beat was, and little fairness towards The Game and how he written his lyrics and bars, no thoughtful commentary. This is why I consider this a great example of immaturity, and it's embarrassing it's a YouTube video of reactors, which means there's some editing, which means they had chances to self reflect and see their own stupidity.
  4. A great example of an immature mindset by these 3 stooges: Claiming they're partly biased to Eminem and trying to downplay it and fake an objective tone and framing, but most of the video they're emotionally hurt, disappointed and negatively thinking/feeling, being defensive and dogmatic which then clouds their self awareness and makes them even more biased. Like they complain that the Game was taking too long, dissing others like 50 cent or Dr. Dre instead of Eminem, but they downplay and let Eminem slide with the same tactics of dissing the target rapper but his other artists and companies, and parts of mainstream culture, which is hypocritical. I suggest you watch it and observe their body language and tonality. In comparison and contrast to me, even though I'm an Eminem fan I remain objective and check my biases, and do my own homework on other rappers and their catalogues, see what they're capable of, and respect rap battling and diss tracks as an artform. I even know some slangs and rap sayings here and there, which makes their reaction to 'I unpack the heat with my oven mitts.' a slang for unpacking a gun and shooting someone, and their reaction to that line as a hook is just sad. Little commentary about how nice and fire the music beat was, and little fairness towards The Game and how he written his lyrics and bars, no thoughtful commentary. This is why I consider this a great example of immaturity, and it's embarrassing it's a YouTube video of reactors, which means there's some editing, which means they had chances to self reflect and see their own stupidity.
  5. @DocWatts There's also speculation that a week before Jan 6 FBI had some intel that a few alt right groups were planning on some kind of rioting and insurrection if Trump didn't win. So how come they didn't respond fast enough, and allowed Jan 6 to happen and let a few people injured and 1 killed?
  6. @Merkabah Star Example of pure cope.
  7. @Parallax Mind In response to this: What points I'm trying to make are: Late stage capitalism and Neoliberalism as ideologies is possible when almost everyone believes in fiat money, and predatory capitalism is possible with lobbyists in government leveraging policies to enforce more reliance on fiat money and less on gold and silver investments. Fiat money contributes to feminism and egalitarianism negative outcomes, as more people believe in paper money, and materialism, they tend to spend more money as the governments will print more anyways. Fiat money dovetails well with secularism and atheism, and adds to the egotism and individualism because again they can just print more money whenever.
  8. @Devin For sure, I'm just venting a bit about Jan 6, honestly where were the normal amounts of security and police then? Biden or FBI could've at least been aware that MAGA and the more alt right conservatives would've been pissed off enough to start something.
  9. @Devin I feel it could be like this, although it all depends on if and how he loses, if he loses spectacularly there might be a backlash like that. They better up their security this time cuz Jan 6 security was just bad.
  10. Good example of stage blue dealing with climate crisis and lose of land:
  11. Is this a good example of arguing and debating leading to less self awareness?
  12. Another example of Destiny's skill sets on arguing and debating:
  13. @Yimpa Disagreements = DEVILRY, duality creating and maintaining of me and you.
  14. @Bobby_2021 I agree with this as well, just make the power plants somewhere just in case a fuck up happens it's nowhere near populated areas. Future seems to need more and more nuclear energy, and compared to oil and fossil fuel it's promising. I wish the stage green people would stop getting so offended and triggered about nuclear energy, just like the stop oil protestors are, just protest in front of those companies if you have to.
  15. @DocWatts True, also it may be rumors but scientists are working on using super conductors as part of improving the efficiency of those nuclear power plants and how they fission, I think.
  16. @zazen Yes, a different take on that: IMO she needs better training to lie convincingly, you can't just make statement of "I saw the report" but when pushed back, 20 seconds later "I didn't saw the report". Based on my read of her body language, her left cheek smirking either in contempt/moral/intellectual superiority in her claims, plus brief furrowing of brows for concentration/focus or maybe micro expression of frustration.
  17. IMO very groovy, and similar to UK grime/drill: Yeah, how can anyone get so calm, or remain calm, with such a groovy music beat?
  18. I don't know if it's UK grime or drill, but it's quite upbeat with the music beats, and nice simple rap flows. Quite groovy:
  19. A great insight into how a person, and a man, processes a divorce: Be open minded and willing to learn from this perspective, no dogma or close mindedness. It's fascinating to see in almost real time how a person with Destiny's developmental factors, values, cognition, morality, personality types/traits, dark triads of sociopathy and some narcissism, ego development, other lines of development, and ideological beliefs and world view deals with a divorce. Also this is not his first but roughly a total of 5 separations so far. This is the worldview of a polyamorous person.
  20. @Devin That's also another possibility, as China's working on that quantum laser thing. next stage of economic warfare will be which country occupies earth's space orbit with it's satellites?
  21. Fair enough. I was used to it spelled the other way.
  22. @BlackPhil That's cool. Me and Crysty wish you a Merry Christmas! Update: I was experimenting around different visualization settings. One of them using words and images in a train, and both of us played a word game, linking by phonetics AKA rhyming. We'd either link by prefix sounds, root words or suffix sounds, we'd also play around with different limitations and constraints in this game, it was real fun.
  23. @Merkabah Star I don't get the flip flop here with the EU. Earlier they're willing to condemn Israel for this humanitarian crisis, but then turn around and target Elon's X, which is fair, for hate speech to Israel...I don't think this will go well for EU. Also Rumble is a bit biased and heavy into free speech issues, as if if they switched with YouTube and had it's billions of users, content and viewers that Rumble wouldn't be changing it's free speech policies.