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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. And this much asymmetry of power from one lobby group, and how much enormous influence this lobby group, AIPAC, has on USA discourse, how they shadow banned fair criticisms of it, is part of a larger issue of lobbying itself in the American political landscape. They get away with thought terminate cliche critics and critical thinkers on the middle east and Israel/Palestinian conflict. Among many other problems within the American political system is why we need more conscious politics:
  2. @Schizophonia Yes, there's definitely other developmental factors of regression, and other negative situations that contribute to the formation of a mass shooter. Never forget they're human too in higher suffering than average people, as most people tend to always think mass shooters are evil and bad, no, they're in deep suffering in comparison, and they haven't resolved that suffering in themselves yet. Very easy to see a general lack of empathy, apathy and robotic distancing from perpetrators.
  3. @Merkabah Star Thank you for sharing. Very interesting body language, very interesting communication style, I intuitively feel it could be OCD or something like that. Good framing and presentation, and good point on the question of "What's your favorite blank?" as a childish question.
  4. This video has a good mixture of both maturity and immaturity, good points and overall decent video covering online politics, spot the areas where it could be considered maturity:
  5. This video has a good mixture of both maturity and immaturity, good points and overall decent video, spot the areas where it could be immature:
  6. @FourCrossedWands Is that official? Have the investigators conclusively determined the son did kill him, or did the father commit suicide, or some other cause? Also, my heart, understanding and empathy goes out to the victims, but also to mass shooters, they do have it rough sometimes in life. Don't forget to seek a professional out there, a hotline, or go do therapy and psychoanalysis too.
  7. @nhoktinvt I think the same, it's silly and should not be taken seriously. In fact, since it's growing in popularity an argument can be made against femdom indoctrinating men to emasculate more, and empowers the hardcore feminists abusing the men. It all feeds into why human decency and moral degradation is happening, why online content some of it is degenerate, and why we have declines in birthrates and high divorces and single parent households far more now than in the past. It's part of the fallout of egalitarianism, feminism, and capitalism especially as an ideology, part of the negatives of atheism and secularism downplaying and undermining moral ethics of societies.
  8. Nice and decent body language analysis of Colleen, once again another apology video:
  9. @Nabd I agree, it's analogous to asking what group x wants, and they say "hamburgers" and describe themselves as "burger lovers" and other outside groups bicker whether they really love meat patty burgers or they're fronting and like fish burgers instead. Zooming and reducing and small picture thinking here. We should zoom out, go meta and ask "what does Burger King, fast food industry, meat businesses and fishing industry want as capitalistic ideologies trying to indoctrinate consumers?". We should go meta and consider the many developmental factors and be perspectival of this situation via Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, Integral Theory's other lines of development in personal life to societal domains, and other ideological beliefs indoctrinated by culture, family structure, and information ecology via marketing and advertising, books, news, radio, video, TV, social media and algorithms hyper tailored to hook and in attention and curate content to user biases at the cost of brain rotting their attention spans and making them more narcissistic and self entitled.. However, due to polarization and propaganda, most will just be at tier 1 cognition, and have deep us versus them bias, and lose the bigger picture.
  10. @FourCrossedWands 7 military grade weapons legally, the guy suffers from severe depression and schizophrenia? What were parents thinking letting him have firearms in his condition? I assume he only has a father and no mother, as in that video the Dad is dead. Whether he killed him or the Dad suicided which made the son's mental condition worse, we'll have to wait for a more complete investigation. We'll have to wait and see when investigations are complete, but if I had to guess it's religiously motivated in stopping Christmas celebrations in Prague, and stopping tourists from coming there as the timing fits.
  11. I've used headphones that cancel sounds from the outside. Anyone use headphones?
  12. @Princess Arabia I partly agree that to use loaded terms like 'wrong' and 'cruel' as attributes for perfectionism is loaded and needs clarification. note: Almost said OP was using poetry to personify perfectionism, but I don't know that felt strange and out of context.
  13. This guy's just an endless example of immaturity, can't even appreciate a story or plot twist: and Twitch culture and online culture and social media has made this person immature. Also, disregarding whatever cognitive and moral reasoning for Kohaku's seeking of revenge, it's more understandable yet I can't empathize at that level. However, at around 2810 to 28:20, her answering that way of not for revenge sake, but it's what 'humans would have done' I immediately feel like a person who that deeply traumatized, in a strong state of depression, derealization, depersonalization, and strong apathy state, like a robot describing it's own actions from 3rd person perspective and comparing it's behavior as what 'a human would have done' that kind of answer comes from a deep psychological distancing from feelings/emotions associated to people and situations, stemming from also said trauma, which is why that response to me makes sense intuitively because a normal person would not describe themselves in that 3rd person apathy as that is what humans would do, as if the person speaking is a robot. I feel like this streamer/gamer is just too immature to get it, and delving into this is too risky for his viewer base and his career.
  14. @Asia P Straight to a practical advice, go and study NLP techniques, and work on your visualization, especially when to associate or disassociate, AKA creating mental 'distance' between your ideal self, or ideal goals/outcomes you can imagine and picture, and picture a ruler that makes that ideal outcome weeks, months, years and maybe decade away from where you are in that timeline. Also continue to study principles and general guidelines, and to always contextualize them to your particular life. Put aside the spiritual stuff and the no-self stuff, just learn to visualize better, and NLP techniques to generate motivation in you. GL. In very short yes it's psychologically normal to process negative feelings/thinking during a spiritual path, but do not let that destroy your motivation for a better life.
  15. Fun fact for @Leo Gura, @Carl-Richard and @Miguel1 , did you know that the human ear can pick up infrasound as well? Similar to light, sound also has a lot of range, and areas in that range where we can't consciously 'hear' sound, but those types of sound still effect our subconscious? Also a term for this type of infra sound produced by biological creatures is called bio acoustics, like bats and sperm whales? Well, if you look through reports of big foot there's something interesting with sound too:
  16. @Nilsi Okay, maybe I'm wrong and distorting my own arguments for this. Also I'd like to comment on that Chat GBT but I lack sufficient context for that so I'll aside that. IMO, to me it just seems like the user @jimwell is either conflating the weaknesses of OCD with perfectionism, and maybe making both falsely equal, because Imma be honest, in my top ten values and my mission statement for my LP, excellence is in my top ten, which can tend to make me seek 'perfectionism' because I don't mind spending more time, energy and attention into drawing or rapping or gaming, and getting that ideal result in the process. I can also relate a little bit in empathy and understanding for the OCD bit as I do wash my hands and clean a bit more generally, which is why I felt intuitively something inaccurate with OP's statements regarding perfectionism being cruel and wrong and felt it's more projection. Also it's not the idea or concept itself being wrong/evil, it's how we embody towards these ideas and our behaviors that make it so, plus thinking too. I'd like to hear some arguments or counter arguments to this because it doesn't feel complete to me.
  17. To be more clear with the question, why is perfectionism wrong and cruel, but not the OCD itself? Is perfectionism and 'perfection' itself evil?
  18. @jimwell But isn't that more OCD and not perfectionism? Also, because of perfectionism is why past geniuses and legends who worked hard and pioneered developing fields for humanity the reason why mastery is a thing?
  19. My ears are fine, so no damage here. Also ear plugs are annoying.
  20. @Carl-Richard I mostly agree, although this still is context sensitive dependent and to developmental factors like cognition, morality, personality types and traits, states of consciousness, other lines of development, and similarities/differences in ideology and worldview that makes me lean to one group over another group I don't like. I don't have much time, energy or attention to spare to strangers in general, plus am introverted so some of these aspects covered in video makes up part of my social behaviors when needed, obviously not the negative ones. For example I do close my body language down and sometimes use the phone to distract and not give any strange looking people any excuse to talk to me, as I don't want trouble.
  21. @StarStruck Yes, voice training is so important, which is why singing exercises, vocal exercises, even rapping and freestyles are important to do. Furthermore, mini exercises on tonality, and voice mimicry or voice impersonations is also great skill, just imagine changing your dialect, your accent, having the ability to deepen or lighten your voice, implementing other voice qualities, you'll save a lot of money hiring voice actors/actresses and you can voice your own characters it's actually exciting to do. Mantras are also great.
  22. A decent showing of debate skills here: A clash between stage orange and stage green worldviews.
  23. @bebotalk Sure, partly agree that most people misunderstand and some demonize marketing. For example the YouTube rap community and react community, if they don't like another YouTube Channel trying to grow, will call them 'clout chasers.', as if to imply the person is chasing clout, seeking drama and stirring up attention to gain a following, which actually is normal considering that marketing is so important for an early business, to promote and advertise yourself as a freelance Indie whatever to a wider audience initially, then to niche down into what you do, your target demographic/psychographic, and what you're good at doing, and who you ideally want to be.
  24. @Merkabah Star No excuse to act petty as hell. I'm done here, gl to you, @StarStruck and @zazen.