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Short video with clips from others as to why it is, which sounds to me like stage blue reasoning of why they are dominating: IMO, my more stage orange interpretation of this is because they take MASSIVE ACTION, practice and discipline themselves, and dedicate themselves to their craft while minimizing distractions, and just keep taking action and correctly practicing until they get results. However, again stage orange interpretation, I think it comes down to the individual who strongly desires to win and to excel at a given field. Dedication, discipline, will power, courage, and some other values and factors of a great fighter or champion are not just limited to Islam as this video wants to suggest, but these are universal principles each human being has and aspires to achieve, in varying degree, which is one specific disagreement with this video's framing. Yes, the trend suggests that Muslim fighters are on average winning more, but that doesn't mean that dedication, discipline and hard work is demographic dependent to Islam or other stage blue ideologies, those principles are systemic and go across to other religious beliefs and cultures towards each person, if they feel a deep desire and vision towards a goal and are willing to dedicate and discipline themselves towards it. Your thoughts?
Fantastic example of immaturity, not this particular video although it's a mix between maturity/immaturity, what's fantastic was the other past video and clip I can't find, after his comments on Eminem, a white man being the G.O.A.T in an black culture setting, and the sea of reactionaries against this man's opinion is an IMMENSE TREASURE TROVE of immaturity! As is what's covered in sociology, they have a concept called 'Bar Adjusting', look it up. Just fascinating stuff.
This is Dr. Umar Johnson's video after the other one where he said stuff about Eminem, sorry can't find original video and too many reactionaries reacting to that, gonna give me plenty of material to body language analyze reactionaries?
A body language analysis interlude: Don't like the thumbnail, kind of misleading in font and title, white font on top and dirt yellow on bottom, really? Also smart contemplating pose on right...REALLY?! First impressions from Dr. Umar Johnson, he's quite passionate and has an emotionally charged tonality, and great emphasis on some words, and as the video goes you'll see his body language and mannerisms animate far more in emotion addressing the cultural appropriation and as sociology calls 'Bar Adjusting". IMO, while his views can be quite strong, I think there's a kernel of truth regarding Eminem's rise to success and fame partly for his skin colour, and partly because most young white cis gendered males elected him and champion him as a G.O.A.T of rap. I can understand and empathize aa little bit with Umar here, and even Eminem agrees when he said in a rap song 'if I was black I would've sold half'. Discourse analysis: podcast setting, Umar is on a sofa, the others are seated comfortably. This is also Joe Button's podcast. Specifically when Umar brings up Palestinians and Israel, and claims someone from a different culture or race can't proclaim they're the best within Palestinian or Israeli culture, it makes sense to me, but notice the others reacting, and that one guy changes his posture and sighs loudly...🤣🤣🤣 never gets old for me, that is tell tale for distress and high increase of anxiety that the subconscious mind has to release. Love those sets of non-verbals.
While I'm dissecting him, this other man is also interesting for body language analysis, and the reporter he has shown:
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@zazen Thanks, here are a few more: and While I'm not surprised he's getting smeared campaign and getting slandered, it's still a sad thing to see him getting censorship like this, getting the John Mearsheimer treatment. -
The next victim for my body language and tonality analysis: Topic and some prior context: YouTuber covering the Israel/Palestinian conflict, and due to language used seems to lean more for Palestine and the humanitarian issues there, and less to Israel's actions. Naturally the topic is emotionally charged so I expect more emotionally charged non-verbals here. First impressions and general body language and facial: Interesting communication style. First his posture, which is left arm and elbow sticking out, as if to occupy space on his left, communicates confidence and domineering energy, like the typical cowboy American, while walking puts hands on hips and sticks out elbows. Right arm position not visible. Facial expressions are interesting an varied, but a consistent is his furrowing of the brows which means concentration/frustration/anger felt, either anger/frustration of Israel's perceived genocide of Palestinians, or concentration of reading a text or statements of the news, and focusing on the interpretation of them. Moments of eyebrow flashing as well, on some key words, and eyebrow flashing means the following in a ratio: Emphasis, social approval seeking, and feeling surprised, and my intuition here is that every eyebrow flash from him here is more on emphasis and surprise rather than social approval/social validation. Also moments when he talks about Gaza families or Gaza civilians driven from homes, moments when he eyebrow flashes, again either for surprise or emphasis, he would then furrow his brows while his brows are raised, giving this image of sadness, because part of a face that is displaying full sadness you'd have the eyebrows both raised and furrow a bit, which is a universal emotion as well as other several emotions felt which will flash across the facials. Tonality: is of UK, or GB culture, and speech pattern is British culture, also on moral qualms or moral issues from Israel's actions his tone will have small condemnation of it's military actions and the killing of civilians mixed in with Hamas terrorists, and displacing Palestinians due to damaging buildings and property and increasing the humanitarian crisis there. Consistent tone throughout with moments of condemnation and maybe moral/intellectual superiority and a bit of aloofness, although I could be wrong here because British dialect, accent and cultural tone I could be wrong on, but there could be a possibility he's feeling some contempt and moral/intellectual superiority towards Netanyahu and Israel's actions to Palestinians caught in the crossfires. Also moments of inflexion and emphasis on emotionally charged words or some other keywords with his tone, and also has a punchy tone again found in parts of the UK. My feeling from his dialect and accent is he's in the London area or close to it, as royal family British speaking patterns I could detect from his voice, and in that area there were protests that were pro Palestinian. Also from his tonality and word choices and word values, he seems to value logic and rationality, and values moral/intellectual consistency, so when he addresses the hypocrisy and double standards from western media from the USA and UK over Israel/Palestine conflict, in comparison to Ukraine/Russia conflict he seems contempt towards inconsistency in morals and logic.
A decent video on the body language topic:
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Very informative video, directly and indirectly shows problems with this thread in terms of developmental factors: -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Schizophonia Firstly, thank you for clarifying this to me. Yes, specifically Chechnya, Dagestan and other certain eastern regions with mountain ranges, where combat sports such as sambo and wrestling are both a cultural practice and a means of social empowerment and self defense to a degree, would be the more plausible explanation for why on average those in these regions are dominating: genetics and environmental conditions. I also agree their theological explanations and justifications does sound ridiculous, especially from Joe Rogan and a few others. I stand corrected for just generalizing that Islam and being Muslim, and generally having a strong religious background, directly equals being a much better fighter on average. This YouTube Channel is IMO a decent underrated Channel that covers martial arts and bare knuckle fighting, but it's owner has an Islam background so it made sense why he arranged the clips like this now. Again thanks for clarifying because I just went with the video. I think to be fair to that YouTuber he's making a point, but this point of how Islam turns into fighters is very contentious because you then have to be willing to bring up the caliphate version of Islam, and contend with the more extremist interpretations of Islam because Islam at that region of the middle east and other parts of the middle east, and at that time were from a warring tribe surrounded by other warring tribes. So IMO very contentious due to the current stereotypes and having to address the historical events of parts of Islam being violent as in those time periods. Also, putting aside hard work and training, Mohammad Ally also had good genetics and environmental conditions, good height advantage and arm length over his opponents, and cardio which allowed him that edge, but using him as an example is sketchy because before converting to Islam he was a Christian with a troubled parental relationship and family. I'd go as far as to claim that in the USA's history of the slave trade, and artificial breeding by masters over slaves to breed the ideal physical traits of slave labors for longer endurance and stronger lifting of material, which all of this is systemic, that 400 years of slavery is why Mohammad Ally was that powerful and others like him are that powerful to begin with. P.S. Synchronicity is a funny bitch, because this week I just got an app, Uniciv, which is a decent spin off of Civ 5, and one of the civilizations I founded the religion Buddhism with one of the great prophet units, and added the leader and follower enhancers as Buddhism with a more warfare and combat bonus, so when I read your analogy I can't believe it, it's insane to think I also just did the analogy you forwarded, but in that game🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 -
@ladyneptune Also, if I had to guess your username origins: A play on words and concept, because Neptune is a planet but either in the Roman or Greek mythology Poseidon is at neptune, is the LadyNeptune is a feminized version of that mythology. Or, this is a reference to Hyper Dimension Neptunia, the visual novel and the anime, a paordy of game consoles basically mixed with anime tropes.
@ladyneptune Hey! You into astrology? Well, I'm a Gemini. New year new me? Every night I die deep inside, and my twin flames the other half big bright. Right versus left, right versus wrong, bright versus dark, Jesus Christ taught us verses of us unified with the universe, in an Ark en Ciel, GOD nature we all just forgotten like a sparkling gold glitter the Leprechaun back and forth throughout the rainbow we taste. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
This is mostly a stage blue line of justification for why Muslim fighters are dominating simply because of their religious beliefs and practices and the rigorous Islam faith indoctrinating some discipline and minimalism into these fighters, with some stage orange reasoning in it:
@Juan The goal of this *mega thread is to educate and showcase examples of OCD, but also of other forms of mental disorders for research and education purposes, and raise some awareness in this forum of the variety of mental disorders and abnormal states of consciousness. Which is why I'm asking users here to share some examples of mental disorders, OC or others. As far as prescriptive advice, yes go seek a professional and seek therapy, but at the description level, this mega thread serves to educate and show examples of abnormal states of consciousness in various peoples.
I feel like there's a significant lack of understanding in this forum about Psychosis, mental disorders, and other negative personality traits. Please share some lists of examples of every kind of mental disorder and psychosis discovered by man, so that we have a better understanding of it here. All users and mods like @Carl-Richard, @Space, @Michael, @Synchronicity, @Sincerity, you are welcome to give me examples. Let's grow this mega thread! Also, as a person who suffers slightly from OCD and needing cleanliness, I disagree with @Leo Gura's blog, I never knew you could eat a banana like that, and I wished I knew beforehand which would've saved me from washing my hands too often, you have no idea how much I had to clean the sap from under my nails from bananas, it's so tedious: https://www.actualized.org/insights/how-the-queen-eats-bananas
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Another punchy video by him: -
A long time ago, @Leo Gura has made his video on the 65 + principles of the good life: Which IMO worth several re watches and notes, and contemplation. Now witness the power of just one of those principles, open mindedness and also a business principle of 'diversifying your portfolio'(Basically on the abstract having multiple sources of information of one situation, in the concrete for the business contexts that's having multiple investment types, not just invest 'all your eggs into one basket'). The following situation are body language analysts that covers the Madeline McCann 'disappearance' case here, and the following analysts are: The behavior panel. Observe, who also listed a link to a statement analyst's take as well, worth checking out. And a streamer called Superchuffer. IMO this is one of their weaker ones they covered, for some reason they just won't factor in that much potential guilt or possibility of the parents covering up their crime, and their analysis just omits some details and just focuses on the first interview. IMO this video is more conservative and emphasizes less their culpability and more their grief and negative feelings. Compare, contrast and make distinctions with the Observe's analysis and his own perspective and interpretation of their body language: IMO it differs more from the 4 behavior panelists, the Observe, his takes are more assertive and more cynical towards their potential guilt and culpability of Madeline's death. Also links in another video by a statement analyst who did a fantastic job interpreting from transcripts from another video their imbedded confession. Let's then see what Super Chuffer has to say of this situation: For further context, this guy is a streamer, and although I have bias against streamers, this is one of the few that does it right for me. Very interesting takes and worth some watch through. So! What's the biggest takeaway here? As always, it all comes down to developmental factors, which are many, that are cognitive, moral, psychological, from personality types/traits, from shadow aspects of one's ego, up to social factors, and especially ideological beliefs and self biases and preferences that shapes one's interpretation of this situation. Never bet all your chips, or put all your eggs into one basket, always try for multiple sources and consider multiple facets to a situation, which has the nice benefit of auto correcting for wrongness on your part of the analysis. By having multiple type of analysis, and other perspectives, it does lead to more accurate reads. BTW, the Observe guy is a dog lover and has some Stage Green Spiral Dynamics values of animal welfare. Why is that important? Because in a different video, covering the death of a dog from potential neglect which the couple, social media influencers did euthanasia on, when they did their 'apology' video, he was so triggered it almost undermined any of his objective takes of their body language and tonality he's analyzing, and at the end moralizes against them.
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
If true, it looks bad: -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@zazen Very brave journalist. Even if someone isn't a body language expert, the mood in the room and their faces when he's talking says it all. -
Just one more time before I move on to other targets, compare this clip with this video that has Nick Fuentes debating Destiny: Assuming the jet lag from Ryan Dawson wasn't severe, or just assuming that him at baseline without jet lag doesn't change that much, is he truly a Nick Fuentes clone? I want you to observe the difference in body language, tonality and vibe between Nick and Ryan, and decide for yourself who's being more truthful with this stupid comparison which is obviously a bad faith attempt by Destiny to discredit Ryan further. Done with Destiny here, I will cover Nick Fuentes next, just in terms of body language and tonality and words he utilizes, not so what he believes in, but how he delivers those talking points that made him successful in the past, regardless of his current situation today, body language that you could potentially role modal in yourself for better persuasion. Regarding the video itself and discourse analysis, well, it's cringe, just corruption of complicated spiritual truths and concepts, and cringe online dramas discourse, never mind the others, just focus on how Nick is delivering his points across, and compare them to the low energy of Ryan.
The original is pretty good, but this anti night core version of it is awesome too, so deep:
@MarkKol I definitely agree with this. If you or anyone is more interested why, check out the threads below: Don't wait, find out now!
@kenway I have watched it once and posted my body language analysis here if you're still interested: I may come back again to re-watch and add more analysis. First impressions in terms of body language, Mike Sartain is decent body language communication, good verbals and eye contact, lots of illustrators, hand gestures. Critiques from me would be too much finger pointing and wagging, big no no for me if intent is to build rapport, trust, and persuasion, unless it's displays of dominance. Destiny is as usual as I covered him, but he does get animated when Ryan Dawson points out he's reliance of 'googling' and 'fact checking' with his phone, IMO a reasonable point out because it parallels to a chess game when a chess player cheats via A.I chess engine and the other doesn't, so IMO disrespectful to a live face to face debate towards Ryan Dawson. Now I know quite a bit as I was an ex fan of Destiny, and some what know of Mike Sartain, but this is a first watch of Ryan Dawson. In Ryan Dawson's case, verbally and non-verbally very subdued, passive, low energy and low vibe, according to him from jet lag, similar energy like Lex Fridman. Due to this, and my lack of prior contexts of Ryan it was difficult to get a good read, but he does have moments of high energy, and defensiveness towards Sartain's passive aggressiveness when he made points about 9/11 and about the Israel/Palestine conflict, and indirect points of A.IPAC, an Israel lobby within America that influences policies in Israel's hegemony and interests, which Ryan eludes to being the major source for why George Bush invaded Iraq, and other things about missing Anthrax, and a few points of conflict and remarks about military personnel lying which did make Mike Sartain do posture shifts by going up and down the chair(🤣) a few times, and that one time he actually tuts at Ryan which is also a verbal strong disagreement/disapproval, which is funny to me. Not much to breakdown Destiny, I do recognize certain facials of tension and micro expressions of disgust or intellectual superiority, and pointy fingers.