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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @zazen Reminds me of this 300 line in the movie: Decide for yourselves what the metaphor points to.
  2. @Nivsch That's interesting, so who's responsibility is it to rebuild damaged social infrastructures after this Israel/Palestinian conflict? The Gazans, who are far less developed as a nation and state compared to Israel? Lebanon? Egypt? Turkey, who are NATO allies? Syria? the whole of Iran? Maybe Iraq? Maybe every Islam follower around the world? Why not Israel? Why not other Jews outside of Israel and from other countries? Why not the ruling elite rich Zionists? Why would you shift responsibility away from Israel, the ruling Zionists and IDF, who's doing most of the property damage on Gaza hmm? How about the USA being a candidate for rebuilding damaged Gaza buildings and infrastructure, via loaning equipment?
  3. @Ramanujan To be fair to the European colonization and settlers, there was a lot of good that came from the colonization Era, for example when the Spaniards and conquistadors set foot on south America, and encountered the Aztec empire, key word EMPIRE and not tribe, which practices some forms of cannibalism and human sacrifice of ripping open the chest of defeated tribal warriors while they're alive, the Spanish colonists put a stop to those barbaric practices, and even the native tribes in that region, and no the Spanish there weren't just being brutal but they were diplomatic, but they didn't have to be too diplomatic because the losing tribes in that region offered to make a coalition against the Aztec Empire, and thanks to them over throwing the Aztec empire peace was restored, and no more barbaric practices of cannibalism and human sacrifices were continued. Also, before and during the European colonization GB is the first Empire to have a strong anti slavery policy as an altruistic principle, and they were the first, not the USA or others, to pursue an anti slavery policy.
  4. @Vrubel Cool, just don't forget to tell the sunny handsome IDF or the shining Zionists running Israel to rebuild the damaged buildings, properties and social infrastructures within West Bank and especially Gaza okay? Homeless Palestinians who struggle for fresh water and maybe drinking salt water due to IDF planning to flood the tunnels with seawater are very harsh environmental conditions for the citizens no? Again screw HAMAs, but don't screw the Palestinians yeah?
  5. @MellowEd In another context, say in a Uniciv game, or Civ 1,2,3,4 or 5 game, you're like this great prophet unit designed in the game to spread a religion within your own friendly city state territory. However, in this forum, this isn't friendly territory, and this forum talks more about Self actualization, philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, psychology, spirituality, non-duality and other advanced concepts, basically 'unfriendly territory' for you as an enemy city state, which diminishes your spread percentage rate here.
  6. @MellowEd Besides the spiritual context here, in the body language/verbal/discourse/statement context, my first impressions is he's a good communicator, good tonality and good body language communication of his beliefs and experiences. Lots of referring to the bible and it's passages, hopeful tonality. Pacing of speech is also fast, almost like Destiny or Ben Shapiro with that quick delivery and also deep chesty breathing which makes sense to me even though chest breathing could be interpreted as distress and the body needing more oxygen it makes sense here as he's speaking quickly and with energy, good punctuations and inflexes on certain words. Overall I do feel he's quite persuasive in communication, and factoring in discourse and presentation of his setting, him talking to Christians like this it makes sense for him to speak and behave like this non-verbally. I detect very little deception or defensiveness from him, I think he's telling the truth of his experiences, so his experiences are genuine to him, and I detect very little incongruence of his baseline to his audience, definitely an experienced speaker so pretty decent to me.
  7. @MellowEd Here are my thoughts, disregarding the forum culture here: Yes, spirits and the paranormal/supernatural exists IMO, at least from what I've experienced so far. Yes, souls exists regardless of what most people think here, because that explains the subjective experiences of those dreams as your soul traveling to different parts for exploration., into places with wonky physics and different logic structures. You can check out my thread here:
  8. This is an interesting debate, good to observe the maturity/immaturity of the speakers. Note how Destiny deflects and weaponizes rephrases:
  9. I realized the main problem with posting drama is it's in the wrong sub forum. Various topics about Destiny, not for drama but to keep his problems relevant to this space. So share videos about him, some problematic things he said and did, and maybe some good debates he has. As I have said in another thread in terms of many developmental factors Destiny's sociopathy, him valuing capitalism and determinism, him having a head space bias and categorical/literal thinking pattern, him having lower moral development closer to modernism than post modernism, him having some psychopathy and sociopathy mixed in with him being open minded, conscientious, introverted, disagreeable while faking agreeable signs, Integral Theory's other lines of development in life and society as he's raised half Cuban half American with a distant background of Catholicism, past conservative and nowadays liberal. I think due to his 12 years of online gaming and debating political topics in a low conscious drama environment he has developed skills to lie nd perform really well. take these 2 videos and compare and contrast: and Are remarkably similar. After observing his baseline in body language and tonality, and seeing his performative gestures, it's amazing that we have him behaving as such in the Mr. Girl drama, a person who really made him distressed and defensive underneath that performative show of calm and confidence despite the framing, and behaving very similarly with his wife divorcing him. Here's one rare moment, I feel it's genuine more than deceitful, which begs the question of the relations between him and Brittany here: Share yor thoughts about this growing in popularity streamer.
  10. @kenway To be fair to some users here, I think they just can't imagine a dead child body. I bet most here can't and are not willing to visualize a dead child, so imagining 8,000 dead children is going to be extremely difficult for these people, especially when they're indoctrinated into demonizing and dehumanizing the Palestinians together with the HAMAs group. It's too personal and in-field for them to open their minds to the possibility that they are mind fucked by their state and are wrong in their assumptions. For example it's far easier for them to imagine candles and match sticks and a book and they're always in the moral right, but dead bodies? Nah, that's to disturbing, too strong a thought terminating cliche there. Easier to dehumanize a national identity than to empathize with their decades of suffering.
  11. @Raze I'd love to see how the hoe Destiny would handle any discourse with Norm Finklestein or even gape, given how pro Israel he's been lately.
  12. Very decent coverage of the whole case here too: My first impressions: Great coverage of this case, she's got decent body language and tonality. For sure since she's aa parent herself she may be biased going into this case, but I felt like most of her points are accurate, no deception, moments of defensiveness and moments of moral outrage that creeps into her tonality and face when she points out Kate's strange behaviors as a mother, and some on Jerry too, which IMO I share some of her takes since I did a deep analysis on the McCann's body language. In fact with her bringing in more prior context to this case it also made me feel more certain of my past conclusions of them, which also made me feel sick to think about.
  13. Update for @kenway: I have found a video of Ryan Dawson here: I'm happy that this validates my impressions of him and clears it up. Due to him stating he had jet lag I assume his low energy and vibe was limited to jet lag, but here his baseline is consistent with that Destiny video. Mind the low video quality here, plus there's several jump cuts as well. Body language and tonality is consistent, low voice, low energy and vibe, borderline drawling a little bit at times, and yeah has this Lex Fridman energy to him, minus monotone I think there's a little bit of a dialect there from the North Carolina area. Between 2:40 to 2:55, around 2:50, when he's describing his context for the Israel news interview, and how they manipulated his clips and sandwich him in between 2 Neo Nazis, he gave a eye brow flash, and shakes head, and prolonged closing of eyes. Eyebrow flashing typically means the following in a ratio in context: feeling surprise, emphasis, or social connection/approval, and I think in regards to that news, this eyebrow flash is feeling surprised that they did just that, to associate him to Nazis. His prolonged eye closing is typical if internal and cognitive processing or distancing psychologically because generally the body opens up more to gather in more sensory information from surroundings, but when the body and mind perceives a threat, or a situation that caused negative feelings and fear, the body instinctively closes up and closing gestures would crop up non-verbally, and here I think it's less likely internal processing and more psychological distancing from the Neo Nazi label. Finally his no shake, which is typically in the western cultures and western hemisphere, to non-verbally show disagreement, disapproval, sometimes distancing and disappointment, head shake side to side is used, and here it makes sense because he just stated that they used a clip and placed it between two Neo Nazis, and given the widespread social taboo of Nazism it makes sense there would be a no shake with eyebrow flash and eyes closed long. It parallels to false accusations of being a Rapist or Pedophile, as a thought terminating cliche it's psychologically disturbing to even think, therefore the mind and body in conjunction would quickly close down, make itself take in less information as a defensive reflex. Also worth noting eye bags, and dark circles around eyes, maybe a health issue or lack of sleep, which I will guess that Ryan Dawson stays up late to research and do his journalism, I guess. It could be something else. Also, in this video's intro, around 0:30 to 1:00 minutes in, I note his eye cues are accessing visual parts of his brain, that he's both remembers an image/scene, then constructed that image/scene because of his prior Barnum statement about 'most' people can't do what he does, followed by small lip compression/dry swallow, then he completes his thoughts by saying most people got a lot of things to hide and can't say, and a micro shrug from his left shoulder(which is an epistemic shrug, feeling of uncertainty, 'I don't know) when referring to him going alternative and away from mainstream, away from 'corporate media'(his shadow and boogeyman), also prior to this statement he looks, downcast eyes to his lower left, eye cue for inner monologuing but also in that direction there's an object which he moves with his left hand, could be both or one over the other. When he tells his story and his start and upbringing, and career, roughly from 1:05 to 1:55, and more on his online career at 2:00 to 2:40, I feel it's quite genuine, especially when he recalls the Island he grew up near North Carolina, moment of eye fluttering rate increase which means internal processing again, followed by lots of eye cues to his upper left, remembering visuals, and his tonality softens when talking about his memories. I feel in those moments he's genuinely recalling memories precious to him. In conclusion, I try to check my bias and preference against Destiny, but given this video and Ryan Dawson, and Destiny's slanderous video, I feel quite pissed off at him. It's just disgusting to think some human being would slander Ryan like this, even a morally grounded sociopath would double check and reconsider a smear campaign if he knew prior contexts of this individual if it's a viable strategy. It's a shame really, makes me hate Destiny much more, and this growing online cancerous cult surrounding him and the social media platforms around streamers and gamers, and this guy just get's a free pass and isn't challenged and given backlash for what he did to Ryan Dawson. It's so immature, and I hate the online spaces for allowing this to take place. Now that rant and personal bias over, the soft science of body language analysis I did on this low quality video interview of Ryan Dawson, I conclude he's mostly genuine, and I am happy that I validated an intuitive feeling that Ryan's default is low vibe and low energy, even though maybe on the conspiracy stuff I may disagree, but in terms of communication I feel he's integrous.
  14. Such a hilarious coverage of Destiny!🤣
  15. @kenway You're welcome! Anyone interesting that you think is deceptive or is strangely defensive, and you want my interpretations via body language analysis let me know.
  16. I thought we're all in implicit agreement that we'll be talking past each other, and just list some talking points with zero engagement no???
  17. @Nivsch So??? Also, Aren't you supposed to ignore me? Like WTF?
  18. @Vrubel I don't like your accusation tone here, I think nobody here is using g tactics like what HAMAs is doing. In stark contrast the Israeli military have the latest technology in weaponry, and advance scanning systems such that they KNOW EXACTLY WHO THEY'RE TARGETING, so I don't know why this is a flex in your view here?
  19. THE TRIDENT SKEWER Firstly, At Never intimate, volatile scum, sexual cu** hoping hoes would suck his toes Nympho. Secondly, At Vile rodent, utterly benign, emasculated lad, how glad you're second to that nympho above, but seconds away from my oven mitts. Lastly, At Lusty illiterate Lila, late at midnight, fantasizing 69s with the nympho and the rodent late.
  20. Interesting takes from one of the hostages: My first impressions, some withholding here, but mostly truthful.
  21. @Danioover9000 I can't believe I missed this one, this one is also good even though he doesn't call himself a body language analyst: EDIT: Yes, since he covers the language analysis portion, he's effectively doing statement analysis, less rigorously than a professional statement analyst, but overall similar conclusion reached by Observe and the statement analyst he linked.
  22. Cringe debate between Destiny and Cenk on Israel and Palestine conflict: Cenk here in the long term, morally is on the right, but in argumentation he's inaccurate, plus he's arguing at Destiny who has virtue signaled being pro Israel along with that moderator, he'll never have a good rhetorical win or good optics, especially anyone or most people, even with very reasonable takes and critiques of Israel, if an arguer is seen as too pro Palestinian and especially if it sounds like such a person has HAMAs sympathy, slander and defamation and censorships follow. So Cenk is actually on the unpopular side of this issue, and Destiny, like a motte and Bailey fallacy and position, Destiny is on the high ground with the popular side. I fucking hate popularity contests like these. Just because it's trending or popular doesn't mean it's TRUTH or it's right morally. Just like in Iraq war, Saddam Hussain had nothing to do with 9/11, yet Bush spun it as him being responsible for that, and everyone in America, the majority, went with it, even if there's devastation and carnage for the Iraq people that followed a bad military coup of Saddam's regime, and a bad martial law enforcement of the USA.
  23. Good explanation by Thomas Sowell on the history:
  24. Here's another good video, will be body language analyzing their tonality, and more on discourse: