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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Karmadhi I agree, decent 20 minutes interview, may do a body language analysis, which I did on Owen Johns here before a bit, IMO got an aggressive communication style, tempered with that British accent, with some under lying tension in his tonality, and MY GOD, so much head and body movement per statement made, also does emphasizes with head and sometimes body. I might do another body language analysis of him. I'm just wondering how much did he pay the other guy in bitcoin to come on?
  2. @Karmadhi Not really, but I am shocked at how this little conflict has made most people stupid, making them feel like they're forced to pick a side, us versus them, binary literal thinking, polarizing the spectrum and so on. Only real issue here, which I'd partly agree with @Nivsch in a rare moment of agreement, was when he brought up Oct 7, to which I stated that the majority of us or them speculating on HAMMAs motifs is just us speculating on very little facts and evidence that conclusively determined HAMMAs planned Oct 7, or Oct 7 was a opportune moment for them, or whether Iran or Hezbollah knew or not. That's my take. But remember this is a rare moment I'd agree with that user, we're mostly contentious ATM.
  3. @Nivsch Maybe on this part I'd partly agree with you here. HAMAs, on the oct 7 launched their into villages on Israel's side, and did kill some and take some hostages also from that party. Even in this event there's little evidence to conclusively determine HAMMA's actual intent or motif for this attack, whether it was planned, or it was an independent decision on their side with no involvement of Hezbollah or Iran. This portion I think whether you're pro Israel or pro Palestine, or just an outsider, we all have to agree that we're speculating their motifs in this event. IMO, my intuitive speculation of this Oct 7 was HAMMAs hoping to drag Iran and Lebanon and it's neighboring resistance groups that share it's ideological cause of attacking Israel, and hoping for Israel to attack far more aggressively. The first purpose was a dud, Iran and the rest stayed reasonable and were more intent on just talking aggressively at Israel, but no rapid military action from it's neighbors followed this attack. The second purpose is IMO 50/50, Israel did militarily responded, and Israel's definitely straining from it's international relations especially from the UN tribunal South Africa plans on charging them for genocidal acts, and planning on limiting what they could militarily do.
  4. @Nivsch This is also because the nature of this pandemic, a virus, is for the most part invisible, and we only perceive it's tail end effects, so most people can get away with playing both siding, confirmation bias, and many other fallacies or psychological factors, based on many developmental factors. At that time, from just the limited intel from the virus other than fast spread rate, and death by tuberculosis or pneumonia like symptoms, AKA damaging lungs and drowning in your own fluids, plus hospitals filled to capacity in China and Italy, was so fear inducing that really the most commons sense thing to do is take the vaccine and do your part to minimize the virus spread. That's fine if some will just take 2 shots of the vaccine, although it'll depend on the health of each person, and each person already maximized their health and fitness, and still have weak immune system may benefit from the 3rd booster. Not just for the elderly, but for young children and those with compromised immune systems, respiratory issues, or even myocarditis.
  5. @Rafael Thundercat Hey, I'm the body language guy of Actualized.org, so I'm assuming this is directed at me, not at @Carl-Richard. Don't bug him too much because he recently is now a scientist/doctor or something. And yes, her feeling 'horny' or some attraction/stimulation from talking to someone who can match her intellect, it's possible. Maybe it's mental stimulation here, but I'd be careful to jump to a decisive conclusion from just body language alone because her background was a poker player, and they're trained somewhat to mask or fake expressions to a degree. Also facial expressions/micro expressions, and not 'face language'.😁
  6. @Karmadhi Tunnel warfare is even more difficult considering that it's mostly one way, little cover, and sometimes you have to deal with darkness. A more classical historical example of tunnel warfare: That's just nuts, and I even heard some historical accounts in the siege of Constantinople they also tried digging tunnels too. During the Vietnam war, the North Vietnamese dig many tunnels in the wilderness, and the Americans had to carpet bomb and clear the jungles a bit to deny them cover. Or there are other reasons why they went really hard on the wilderness of Vietnam:
  7. @Yimpa Firstly, I disagree with how you're reframing my argument as if it's just emotional outrage. Read my reply to another user here: That's the real issue here.
  8. @Yimpa But that's not the real issue here of me trying to preserve my biases and preferences and stage green values or takes. The real issue is her misinforming and misleading her audience and general public with pop science and virtue signaling mainstream science, and claiming that body language analysis is pseudoscience is a bad claim, only backed up not by corroborating evidence, but by her baseless claims of a lack of 'peer review', or her projecting hard sciences biased for quantitative research and methodologies, and she actually lacks any evidence to undermine body language analysis as a field, for instance she thinks that a lack of evidence = evidence of lack, which is wrong IMO because sometimes a lack of evidence just equals a lack of evidence, not evidence for lack. She mistakes and projects S.T.E.M standards onto a soft science like body language analysis, mostly qualitative research and methodology. IMO that's also deep category error from her.
  9. @Karmadhi I partly agree with this post, and agree that Israel probably should have implemented quotas to assess a ratio of HAMMAs to civilian kill ratio, and settle on some reasonable ratio there. The real issue would start not at surgically attacking them, like they did in Lebanon(are you referring to the Beirut assassination here, or what they did years ago in south Lebanon that created Hezbollah?), the problem is sending in soldiers. Urban warfare is actually difficult to do especially when you may have about 10-100 civilians in a building with 1-10 or so HAMMAs terrorist fighters. Without intel of the interior of the building, exact numbers of civilians to MAMMAs, and the right training to clear each room, it can be difficult plus the civilians themselves will panic and be frightened when seeing IDF soldiers, and in the middle of a gun fight. Control of scared civilians is more difficult when you also have to deal with terrorists firing at you or your team. Here's sort of a primer on urban warfare, the guy knows his stuff, but honestly I say he's downplaying how difficult it can be:
  10. @Rafael Thundercat I edited my post earlier, sorry for the incomplete post. Also, *internal bet. Also, thank @Leo Gura and mods that they haven't hidden this thread because I was just browsing this forum. Count yourself lucky.😛
  11. @Rafael Thundercat Systems thinking or high philosophy videos are just porn to me if there's no viable or concrete list of solutions we could start implementing, I wish for example Daniel Schmachtenberger did this at the end of his talks, makes things seem more feasible and hopeful to do, not these UFO levels of ideas, might as well be mind porn.
  12. @lina I just wish there's greater international condemnation for Israel's excessive military acts, I hope this is a wake up call for those Israel Zionists if they really care for international support at this point, they need to find another way to deal with HAMAs without enraging the whole world at the same time, but I doubt even this, hence back to the back and forth of Israel/Palestine conflict. I'm almost morally bankrupt for the both of them, especially Israel I have lost all respect for, and for Palestinians suffering because I'm even starting to find it difficult to understand or empathize with their suffering at this point. Seriously a fucked up situation both are in.
  13. @lina IMO I think this will be likely. No way USA will just sit back and not twist this to help Israel somehow save face. Unfortunate but that's corruption.
  14. A bunch of nothing burgers from this YouTube 'news' for Hip Hop: Dr. Umar Johnson, I can agree he's a bit racist, he still has a point about the whole white paradox of rap, and marketing/business of rap and hip hop music, like the above video: So IMO it's complicated and based on many developmental factors like value systems, cognitive patterns, morality, stages of ego development, personality traits, individual to societal domains per line of development, and ideological beliefs indoctrinated by culture and society programming, family upbringing, and information ecology we consume to make sense of our worldviews, which big corporations and businesses have a monopoly over, and manufactures consent from the masses with. People like that stupid, simplistic 'news' videos are just fucking reactionaries that only focus on sensationalizing these news and events, disregarding careful deliberate understanding of just why someone like Dr. Umar is talking like that, just bad faith smear him and sweep under the rug what he's REALLY POINTING TO!
  15. This sounds like a solid take from this guy: Systemically speaking he's on the right, don't know if the specifics and how he communicates this is that accurate. At least this intuitively feels right to me given the Eminem STANS, and YouTube rap and reacto9r culture/communities lately, him as a mythological cultural phenomenon, a gate opener for the young, white, straight male demographic to mix in with various other demographics in Hip Hop at that time made sense IMO. You r thoughts?
  16. @Rafael Thundercat It's a nice video, everything in theory is nice. The main problem is that it's so complex, and stage yelow thinkers also suffer from inaction and armchair philosophy, or mental masturbation that I just feel like his or her argument just goes nowhere but chase it's own tail. I really wish at the end of talks Daniel Schmachtenberger has, or John Vervaeke, or Jamie Wheel, or Iain McGilchrist. offered some list of concrete solutions to bring down to planet earth what actually do with these highly advanced talks, not Just some 4D hyper dimension Neptuna spacetime bending wisdom talks LOL!🤣
  17. @Juan Of course you don't have enough time, all that time is being sucked by Tik Tok!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  18. @Navaneet I'm the exception, as whenever I fight or compete I don't obsessively think 'I AM BEING COMPETITIVE!', or 'I WILL DOMINATE YOU!', or 'FUCK YOU DIPSHIT! I WILL TAKE YOUR MONEY!', or whatever domineering themed thoughts. I just am mindful, shut down over thinking, and let my body do the fighting. Likewise with other forms of art like drawing, music, or even games like chess I don't think to attack people, I just merge parts of myself into the activity with mindfulness.
  19. Competition can also be seen, in Spiral Dynamics stages of development as nowadays stage orange capitalism, but again if you contemplate deeper there's different levels and forms of competitions on the lower spiral or the higher spiral developments. Even 2 philosophers or 2 stage green/yellow or even turquoise thinkers or intellectuals compete with each other's intellects, comprehensions and how each one conceptualizes reality, even if the framing is 'collaborative or a team work'.
  20. @Spiritual Warrior Competition is important depends on many developmental factors, and it's a bit complicated to discern it's true nature. Initially, IMO it's important for rankings, hierarchy establishments and for the beauty of contrasting yourself against a competitor that loses, or even in some situations your competitor wins against you. That whole game A dynamic is beautiful, and I wish systemic thinkers and philosophers appreciate it for what it is.
  21. @kenway What do you think is the probability of Israel being found guilty in this UN tribunal case?
  22. @lina Yeah, that bit from John Mearsheimer was suspicious. I respect his take on the Ukraine/Russia conflict and it being the west's fault, but I don't know why he won't stand with what the UN and South Africa's legal battle charging Israel's genocide acts.
  23. @kenway Oh yeah, white phosphorous grenades are pretty dangerous, as they're known to burn upwards around 2,000 degrees, hot enough to melt metals, that guy's lucky he got away.
  24. @Yimpa I agree, I'm venting complexity at this point. It's just one of those videos you watch, and it's like there's so many mistakes, at the deeper levels too, that I can't help myself face slapping myself over. She's partly right on the scam stuff, but that doesn't make the whole field a pseudoscience, just immature take. How does YouTube live with itself?
  25. @Carl-Richard Great post, mostly agree with points here. I just feel like this YouTuber doing the critiquing of body language analysis as a pseudoscience was doing deep levels of category error, hypocrisy, over-generalizing a specific issue, as if 1 scammer in 1 field of interest makes that field pseudoscience. and even has her own confirmation biases in her coverage against body language 'experts'. Especially times when she repeatedly goes to that point of 'peer reviews' as if it's 100% not corrupted and zero epistemic flaws is just dishonest and ignorant IMO. I kind of agree with the Paul Eckmen stuff, about those micro expressions, but just felt she's using quantitative standards onto a qualitative field, I think, plus DARPA, CIA, FBI, and TLA are organizations and collective structures within the USA as a big culture and part of government security, to some degrees, obviously to me such groups are heavily biased to pragmatism. utilitarianism, and just want a codex or system for their survival interests, so Paul IMO was in some sort of a moral dilemma, of either going along with it or abandoning the whole project.