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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @zazen Likely grasping straws and deflections, and trying to re-define genocide.
  2. @Majed It's a pun with the word 'Fascism' and the word 'Fascia'. Fascists are nouns given to those who believe and follow fascism, but the same word is also given to doctors and scientists that study 'Fascia', the tendon/ligaments around musculature, as 'Fascists'. Get it?
  3. How there's silence and quiet about this video here is shocking: Speak up, and share your views on this UN tribunal.
  4. @kenway True, because this current UN tribunal is on specifically the acts of genocide Israel is doing, and calling for more limitation of what Israel is currently doing, called provisional measures. Any other pivot or twists are distractions from this specific case being built here.
  5. @Israfil What 5%? Do you mean the 1-5% of rich upper class, instead of the rest of the lower-middle class? Great you agree with me that most will ignore his message, so explain to me why would the majority ignore this then? Because they would rather listen to Gary V, therefore they're ignoramuses? But some will listen to it is enough justification for not changing his messaging? Because 'someone' thinking similarly is motivating? What makes you assume that I don't care to solve the Meta Crisis? 'To me and many people', contradicts your previous statement of 'some' people, the 1-5% that will listen, so which group are you referring to here if his priority is to convince and persuade 'many other people is one of his priorities'? Since this is so important intuitively for you, can you provide your solutions to the Meta Crisis then?
  6. @kenway Very little other than just saying it's derogatory for the sake of being bad faith and slandering the speaker. Important context: They don't speak English as their primary language, so obviously an increase in chance of miscommunicating. So obviously bad faith actors will twist that to mean he's being derogatory, out of thin air!
  7. @Nivsch Nit picking on miscommunications. Stop being bad faith.
  8. IMO, this is a very interesting video. Will body language analysis, verbal, discourse and some statement analysis for the context of communication and speaking, less on defensiveness and deception:
  9. Good example of how to communicate and cause emotions and motivations, powerful video:
  10. IMO fantastic speech from the South African representative, so powerful.
  11. @Israfil In fact, these talks appeals to the UFOs and Aliens out there way more than to people and humans on this planet, that's how abstract and complicated and jargon this Meta Crisis is! When you're talk is just appealing to UFOs and not people, somewhere something bad has happened in how this is communicated. Sorry, but it's WAY TOO STAGE YELLOW FOR 95% OF THE WORLD POPULATION!
  12. @Israfil Of course he did give some examples, but they're not specific enough, and not compelling enough for me to feel any urgency at all. Sorry, but the rhetoric or persuasion tactics were not there. And I don't hate Daniel Schmachtenberger or any systemic thinkers and communicators out there, just make it more practical at the end, other wise the listeners are just mentally masturbating and circle jerking these abstract concepts.
  13. @trenton Just based off of what you said in this post, seems like a lot of anxiety has to do with first lack of recognition of talents and achievements from family first, and from peers growing up. That anxiety is like another fear based feeling, a fear of being too average or mediocre or irrelevant. Don't fret too much, it's another common limiting belief most people have, among other hundreds of limiting beliefs. Slow and steady self help and personal development, and some NLP, wins the race. SPOILER ALERT, a much deeper, existential, spiritual and metaphysical answer to this is in the below: The reason why most people, and some feel more anxiety or depression for their life purpose, or what they want from life, or are clueless to their purpose, or are this depressed, is because they deeply miss their powers as gods or goddesses prior to incarnation into finite human beings. They just miss the huge amounts of knowledge, powers, and other aspects of being deities in the past, that they sacrificed to become human beings or some type of hominid or some other finite creatures like animals or aliens. They deeply miss that, so the root of their anxiety and depression, really, is to cope with this deep spiritual and metaphysical lose of who they were before becoming and being finite beings in planet earth working mediocre jobs and just living as humans with very limited knowledge and power in stark contrast to who they were before finitude.
  14. Here's full video of that UN tribunal, South Africa versus Israel: Very interesting so far, hard for Israel to argue back fairly without resorting to bad faith tactics and deception.
  15. @Nivsch Dude, that's called news, and all news has bias and preferences and propaganda. Don't like it? Switch to one that comforts your ego then. Oh, forgot that you can't ATM, because your media is far more controlled now...
  16. @AerisVahnEphelia This post is really good.
  17. Apparently there's proof and evidence to corroborate Katt's story: Damn, this makes those body language 'experts' on the behavior panel look STUPID!
  18. This one sounds very interesting, share your thoughts below:
  19. @Raze Give that man a medal of honor, for getting beat up here and there for just peacefully protesting. Busted up sun glasses and shirt, what's next? 😁
  20. I feel like just meditation, with some puzzle solving, and playing strategy games will increase IQ a little bit, but I do feel like meditation might have a greater influence on that increase. Why not just focus more on meditation instead of these several brain training programs?
  21. @Majed Here's the mind of a Fascist: "Subject 1 exhibits great tensile strength in his ligaments and tendons when asked to perform an isometric exercise. Subject 1 demonstrates great mind muscle connection, and muscular coordination, and no misfiring of nerve signals to the soft ligament tissues around these following muscle groups. Subject 2, in comparison and contrast, has weak ligament and tendinopathy, and has greater muscle mass than subject 2. If subject one's weakened ligaments and tendons, and the fascia surrounding those abnormally gained muscle size overdoes body building training, and dynamic training, and doesn't stop taking steroids, said subject 2 will risk snapping the weaker tendons and ligaments not conditioned by isometrics to carry such massive muscle groups, unlike Subject 1 who trained in isometric programs and thus developed harder tendons and ligaments that has greater potential to even carry a bigger and more developed, naturally, muscle size if subject 1 desires so."
  22. @Israfil My proposal is talk less, do more, something that these systemic thinking philosophical circle jerks aren't taking action much, just talkin. Plus give concrete examples at the end.
  23. Apparently I can't update or add another user, tried refreshing but nothing, anyone have a clue what's going on? Anyone having the same issue as me?