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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Carl-Richard That is actually interesting heading a soccer ball could give some degree of CBT, especially the old school thicker rubber balls they used to have. What nobody is talking, especially BJJ, and some forms of wrestling and JJJ, especially the rear naked choke, is that it does cause CBT via intense artificial increase of hypotension, of blood pressure to the brain and could increase chances of stroke sooner or later as higher blood pressure, or sudden blood pressure increase to capillary bruises that capillary. Now take a look at how popular BJJ has gotten, and nobody but me is talking about how dangerous these chokes are to the brain. Oh yeah obviously punches, kicks, elbows, knees and even head butts to the head causes CBT, but I'd argue even worse is choke holds, repetitive in training and in competitions and matches.
  2. @Devin It does feel like that to me IMO should've taken it easy. But it depends on many developmental factors, and currently some people don't like the wise king leader.
  3. @Spiral Wizard It sure does sound promising, but a few limitations I intuitively speculate here: 1. Too much browsing news to news, worrying if you're in the 'right wing' aisle, or the 'middle' aisle, or 'left' aisle, thereby consuming too much time, energy and attention from viewers, which would be better spent, for examples, in training, or meditation, or contemplation, or ironically enough just reading some articles and consuming a typical news reporting et cetera... 2. Indoctrinates, may also groom/gaslight, reductionism/rationalism when it's too early to do so! It may make you feel so 'stage yellow thinker' but when life smacks you a bit, you drop to stage orange/blue mad. 3. Viewers/consumers trusting the labels...because blind assumption that each news piece is independently verified, each fact and evidence is vetted to support each article's claims...meaning if I take over this app, and manipulated the labels around a bit, then I get to sneak my biases but under the framing it being 'unbiased'. Sneaky. this is the opposite problem of point 1. 4. No section for viewers to argue and debate back and forth, make them discuss about each piece of news. In summery, stay frosty and vigilant, always be open minded, willing to learn, entertain strange thoughts and discard them, and contemplate. Never be dogmatic, and always assume you're wrong so that you go source another source, not stick to one source too long.
  4. @Yimpa You were almost funny there, if you had said 'Tragic Tantra yantra app' instead of 'tragic titanic app', like come on, titanic is old news nobody in gen Z gonna get the reference. So you get a 😆 instead of a 🤣
  5. @Nivsch Understandable given that, from my recollection, Thomas has lost a total of 2 lovers so far, a potential third if that female hostage survived due to her being good natured to the daughter, and that he has experienced a hostage situation indirectly being the father of one of the hostages here. Obviously most people won't be able to be unbiased and neutral, even I'd feel crossed if a group did that to me. After the analysis, I tend to exercise some caution because rhetorically if you appear a 'victim' or 'traumatized', in the public eye, that's a super moot and Bailey fallacy there, because even if I soft ball and question a bit, out of good will, if I'm so much perceived as attacking that person, with that victim card and trauma shield, I'd get Reverse Uno'd into censorship. So Piers Morgan was definitely tied down here, and had to for optics soft ball him and his situation. Minor critique from me to Piers, is that moment in the video, last 5 minutes, that one he should have continued questioning Thomas and allowed the daughter to leave. Also some good statements by Thomas here actually, from the opening he does say that his daughter mostly speaks Hebrew, some Arabic, and not that much English. I believe he was shielding her and trying to minimize Piers from asking too much questions at his daughter, and IMO this parts a bit mixed for me because if Thomas didn't want his daughter getting interviewed or questioned, or in view of cameras at all to begin with, he could have told his daughter to wait in her room or play with someone else and told Piers that his daughter wasn't feeling well or some other to excuse her from the interview. Instead, she's there with the Dad, in what looks like a setting and discourse, I assume IDF or public relations set up that room with the flowers and his daughter's pictures behind him. Again generally his body language to me is too open for someone who really should be defensive given the situation, unless that psychotherapy did some kind of hypnosis technique to him or some other psychological technique to make Thomas trigger this 'confidence' or 'arrogance' that he was from his posture. which is contributing to this juxtaposition throughout the interview before that last outburst towards the end.
  6. @kenway Thanks! Yes I will do that, but since I'll be covering about 16 speakers plus some prior context here and there it already feels like a super lengthy analysis, maybe a month of it. I'll do the long version in my other thread but post a shortened one here cuz I was warned for super long posts and I don't want to take up the drama and back and forth already happening here. Proof whether I'm here or not this thread has some spicy moments and exchanges.😁
  7. This is pure comedy gold, sometimes way better and entertaining than a typical diss track just for the roasting:
  8. Fantastic coverage of a potential future problems for Israel:
  9. Sorry for late replies ya'll. @Lila9 No disrespect to you or @Nivsch, @Vrubel but lately you and other pro Israeli, and sometimes pro Palestinians keep on bringing evidence of shorts or clips, but not make the effort to also share the original video: And after doing some body language, verbal, statement and discourse analysis, I came to the conclusion that this video that Thomas Hands was being mostly defensive, has genuine defensiveness but also is lying here and there via omission, withholding details. Generally Thomas's body language and posture is strange. Victims of an evil will typically be defensive and generally have closed in body language, crossed arms, prayer/stippling of hands, shoulders sometimes hunched in, to all appear smaller. Yet Thomas's body is so open here, hands resting widely on sofa, taking space, signaling dominance and confidence which IMO looks so juxtaposed to a victim here. Also Piers throwing into his opening statement as him being 'Irish' to build instant nationalist rapport and trust with Thomas Hands who also is 'Irish'. Especially in terms of discourse it's emotionally manipulative. From the flowers, to pictures of Thomas Hand's daughter, to Thomas Hands wearing a 'white' pull over, in colour psychology in the west white represents purity and goodness, and also throughout Piers Morgan asking soft ball questions to him. And that outburst he had on your clip...there are a few moments there that are red flags to me, especially when he goes and attacks the protesters when they chant 'from the river to the sea.' but Thomas omitted the last part 'And Palestine will be free.." Here is especially IMO a big red flag because now he's displaying aggressive body language behavior to just the protesters, not HAMMAs, to the western Palestinian protesters. Also before Thomas's rant he displayed a strong sign of disgust to Piers Morgan when Piers was asking and framing the protests. Video below explains that slogan, between 45-50 minutes in. Also I suggest you watch that PBD podcast with Bassam Youssef: So IMO, body language to me from him is he's mostly defensive with some emotional manipulation here and there. Decide for yourselves if he's being genuine, IMO he mostly is, but how he communicated is suspect here.
  10. @kenway I've watched the South African part, and currently watching Israel's part. Generally, you're not missing much, just linguistically Israel reframing and distorting and deflecting with use of sophistry, undermining the definitions of genocide, good dodging and deflecting. I will be doing a body language analysis on both parts as I generally feel that some speakers on either side, just some, have nervousness or defensiveness. Especially a few of Israel's defense lawyers, the first guy was too shifty and adjusting his papers too often, also on podium he leans away from South African side. Also moments of lip retraction, lip licks and lip compression, just slight whenever he brings up South Africa, genocide, and giving some talking points of Israel's defense. Second guy from Britain, good linguistics, actually chose the right angle to attack South Africa's case from, although his claim they just want to keep range within 75 years, and his whataboutism on historical ranges to consider. Also pro tip: if you ever feel dry throat, and feel your voice about to go hoarse and dry, pause and drink some water, strategically pause to drink water because that moment when his voice failed, and he had to dry swallow non-verbally communicates weakness. Also, nick pick here, please when you wear glasses wear them properly, because the camera angle makes him look looney, and unkept, maybe camera angle.
  11. @lina That's part of the challenges to communicating, and handling semantics/syntax structures. I sometimes would do this, use stereotypes or caricature examples to exemplify each stage of development with. The real issue is when using a stereotype of a person or group, the user doesn't clarify or explain briefly why the example was used, and lately in this thread whenever someone uses Spiral Dynamics to demonize/dehumanize, they just use the negative loaded terms and stereotypes, but don't explain why it specifically used, they just negative label mainly HAMMAs and sometimes Hezbollah as just stage red terrorists, maybe include Houthis, or ISIS, or Afghanistan's Al Qaeda, most polarized perspectives just label them 'stage red' without bringing up nuances when, for example, Hezbollah has stage blue elements like hospitals, schooling, farming, and other social infrastructures within it's own hierarchy in Southern Lebanon, or don't add prior context to say that Israel's invasion of Lebanon, and disconnecting the north and middle from south Lebanon gave opportunities for the militia groups to form Hezbollah.
  12. @Nivsch Even if I'm wrong in my argumentation and ration, the fact is that it's not a 1:1 kill ratio, 1 HAMAs terrorist killed to one civilian, man, woman, or child killed. The death toll, even if it's not 10,000 to 1, or 1,000 to 1, 0r 100 to 1, or 10 civilians to 1 terrorist, point is civilian death toll is higher than terrorists killed. Is that a highly moral army, that possesses guided and dumb bombs, precision weaponry, knows almost 'everything' when it targets each building? Is a quality of a highly moral army, when it goes to war, has a higher civilian death toll per enemy killed?
  13. For the readers I'm supposedly trying to lie to.
  14. @zazen True, talking like that just paints a bad picture of pro Israeli supporters as blind believers and dogmatic animals with no soul, leading to a sort of bad apple spoiling the bunch. I think @jaylimix is part of a symptom of the evils of the internet, and how over consuming social media and Tik Tok rots the brain and makes people sheep. I actually think this person in real life will say and act differently outside of the internet because there's no anonymity, or internet protection, or because this user is appealing to and making fallacies of pathos and ethos and populace, because pro Israeli is much bigger than pro Palestine, therefore he/she sides with the most popular and widely accepted side. I do think the Israel/Palestine conflict is polarizing people's minds, reducing critical thinking and independence of one's common sense making apparatus, any other social context such a person would behave rationally and reasonably, but when some contexts involves wars, or human killings, or terrorists, or any other dark subject and dark loaded terms, that itself becomes a thought terminating cliche, increasing bad faith tactics and disingenuous takes and acts, and reducing good will and good faith exchanges of ideas.
  15. @Nivsch And where did you get that ratio? from Israel's side? Yeah keep moralizing and preaching. Where's your moralizing since then, picking on me and not @Raze or @zazen or @Merkabah Star, or even @kenway? Even @Leo Gura and mods can see this.
  16. Not to downplay either side of this Israel/Palestine conflict, but there's nothing special about Palestine and even Israel at all, especially boring Israel. Taking into account all it's history, and geo political power dynamics, the PLO was created by the KGB from Russia, rough equivalent to the CIA from USA, so in the biggest picture, if this was a civilization game, PLO is a small village founded by one city state, and Israel was founded by another city state with it's own ideological agendas. long term both Palestine and Israel are proxies for USA and Russia, for the capitalism/communism warfare, and based on many developmental factors like stages of development and value, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, and other lines of development from person to societal domains, and ideological warfare and beliefs indoctrinated by culture and society, family upbringing, and information ecology consumed and manufactured by big companies for conspicuous consumption, and biases and preferences that shapes one's worldviews.
  17. @Nivsch Is this before or after using google translate, or consulting with Chat GPT? You also have the right to remain silent and consult with an A.I first before answering. Me using a picture from @jaylimix's Gatling gun mount as proof of genocide is your misinterpreted assumption. My question to @Leo Gura, @Carl-Richard, @Space, @OBEler, @Thought Art, @Forestluv, @Nahm and other mods and ex-mods is a moral question: What @jaylimix did in his post, slipping a joke about genocide and violence towards Gazans and Palestinians, not HAMAs, Palestinian citizens, by IDF, is that one moral or immoral? IMO, IDF bombing that Christian church, and killing some Christian Palestinians makes them immoral. IDF killing way more women, children, and pregnant women, 100 to 10,000 for every 1 HAMAs terrorist, makes this a moral issue.
  18. @jaylimix @Leo Gura, @Carl-Richard, @Thought Art, @OBEler, @Forestluv, @Space, mods and ex-mods, is this post immoral? In your views, is @Nivsch and @jaylimix immoral for joking about this genocide?
  19. @Devin The land of freedom, burgers and hotdogs, and actually great steakhouses? Although Outback is great too, especially the bloomin onions.
  20. @Raze Arguably this event has higher probability of escalation. Not good.
  21. @Yimpa Your allergic to seafood? All seafood? That sucks, and I understand. My parent don't like seafood, specifically shrimps but I don't know if it's allergy or just strong dislike, but I do like lots of different seafood varieties, from fish to shrimps to calamari one point, and small squids. Only Mollusks or those seashell types not to agreeable as the texture too chewy to me, but I don't mind calamari despite it being chewy cuz of the flavor! Also, fish and chips!
  22. @Israfil It's not that I'm arguing that Daniel's messaging is meaningless, I'm arguing that it needs improving, needs some more concrete examples to bring down to earth these very complicated topics that the majority just won't get. But regardless I'm done, dropping the topic, rage quitting and moving on. Please don't ever tag me or mention me again.
  23. @zazen If Israel loses they have to abide by the provisional measures right, and if they refuse they are fined and embargoed by other countries? I imagine if Israel loses this will slow down and put more caps on what Israel militarily can do, which gives HAMAs some breathing room here, that's the tradeoff here that is bad for Israel.
  24. @zazen So true, even when I imagine trying to argue for Israel's side it's tough. I can't just stick to logos anymore, I feel like appealing a whole lot to ethos and pathos to compensate for the lack of logos, and lack of solid logical explanation to explain each event from oct 7 onwards, like where do I begin? Maybe starting it off by explaining how difficult it is to fight guerilla warfare and tunnels just like in Vietnam, having to carpet bomb a wilderness, or reframing this as a siege warfare and go that route. It's tough, maybe the indoctrination path? I feel sorry for the lawyer having to do this. Maybe hire Destiny to argue for Israel.🤣
  25. @OBEler Already got a warning point for something else, don't worry.😂 I'll just leave the thread, guys lately so sensitive.