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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Heaven So because Jewish country is justified after holocaust gives them a genocidal pass? If I survived your attempts at murder, and you killed some of my family, am I justified in murdering you back, because I nearly got murdered and you killed some of my family? When did the UN agree they would live in Israel? Israel is Jewish country for almost 100 years, they aren't going anywhere, justifies the IDF in using dumb bombs, targeting civilian buildings, destroying 70% and more buildings in Gaza, and restricting Aid from outside world? In comparison, when allies bombed Germany during WW2, 40% of Germany's buildings got destroyed, so why the 70% plus destroyed buildings in Gaza? Also why assume a binary ultimatum for the Muslim countries nearby, to accept Israel unconditionally or do WW3, when this specific issue is genocidal intent and acts by IDF onto Gazans? So what 'power games' are you referring to here that caused 9/11 in America? How does HAMAs=Nazis=ISIS, when Israel=N? Why is trying to justify their actions=believing a story told? Who's lying to who?
  2. @Lila9 So the ultimate logical conclusion is that you want Palestinians in Gaza, in West bank, to convert to western values and democracy and stop fighting? Also by implication you want Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Yemen, most of Iran, to just speed up development into western democracy, egalitarianism, and feminism? You ultimately want this American ideology to quickly spread and infest most of the middle east, regardless of cultural lose to those following Islam?
  3. @OBEler When people are too biased, too dogmatic, too close minded and too triggered, we get threads 300 pages and counting with some heated debates and instigations and exchanges, that's what's going on!😂
  4. @KoryKat The real isn't the Non-duality or spiritual teaching, the real issue is that this is @Leo Gura's website, and owner. As owner he has rights to private space of his own, his rules, and the same for Reddit, the business owners and that thread. We just have a difference in teaching methods here, not about the spirituality or non-duality, but a complaint in teaching and communication.
  5. Good example of ART being coopted and weaponized by either side:
  6. @Leo Gura That's an interesting point that Arabs and Jews lived peacefully pre-Israel. Makes people wonder if they're open minded to it and not dogmatic.
  7. @Nabd , @zazen , @Lila9 and @Nivsch, please take a slow deep breath, this exchange is roasting this thread like an oven.
  8. @Raze This is just counter productive and counter intuitive for Israel and IDF to do this. Easily can see how this will just keep terrorism growing in that region.
  9. @Nivsch Also, even if current Israeli in Israel, all the population plus the leaders just gave up, packed their bags and left to another country or land, the USA's few politicians in the past, and a few generals made it very clear that an Israel state will still be their even if they have to make one their own, meaning there's a vested interest by the Americans for the state of Israel to be there. I'm beginning to think there's simply no good solution out of this conflict at all as long as America's hegemony and interests are there in that region, and some of Russia's interests are also there in that region. This is a long proxy war from those two other countries. On top of all of that, even if HAMMAs is destroyed by IDF, HAMMAs is a symptom of a deeper problem that'll just generate another terrorist group as long as living conditions for the West Bank and Gaza are sub optimal for Palestinians. It's so bleak for this conflict and the world.
  10. @zazen Oh you got to be careful Zazen, this might actually be reported as a threat to doxxing. Or the joke is lost to me and I misinterpreted.😂
  11. This is getting a bit heated ATM. @Carl-Richard and @Thought Art might need to chill things here. We have to step back and slow down a bit, because now it's no longer just Israel versus Palestine, or the total sum evils done onto Palestine by Israel, starting from 3,500 roughly years ago, but Yemen and the Houthis are getting involved and the Houthis are attacking almost any shipping coming from the south through red sea. I feel like this is very similar to WW1, where 1 or 2 local events cascaded and had domino effects throughout the regions. What would we do if this conflict starts spiraling out of control, and Israel drags the USA much further into this conflict, and even bring in the UK, Russia, even China? This could seriously escalate within this year into a WW3 scenario. I feel now there's just literally so much evil being done back and forth by both sides that there's literally no innocence here, no innocence at all, just which side is more abusive than the other in the Israel/Palestine conflict.
  12. My best guess here, was that this guy read in some paper, done by someone with a moderate/left leaning bias, labeling him as a white supremecist due to him showing some support for Donald Trump. Technically some people who are die hard fans of Trump are that, but most people who are traditionalists/conservative, a bit nationalist, some of them have a bit of that and then some. This also, due to body language and tonality analysis, also due to many developmental factors here, shows a blind spot in Joe Rogan, that he'll give Langen or Trump a pass due to his biases. So actually even if it's a bit much, the smart black man is right here in at least saying he's got some right wing biases. Also good showing that intelligent people are deluded too, from this smart black guy to Langen. Smarts doesn't also mean immunity to ideology and dogma. Your thoughts? Is Joe Rogan being blind here?
  13. @Raze Yeah that Bassam Youssef in PBD was just something else, Adam was just crushed down!😂
  14. @Florian The true nature of fighting is based on many developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, shadow work and shadow aspects of one's psyche, other lines of development in an individual's life to societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated and gaslighted by culture, society, the information ecology we consume via social media, internet, videos, radio, news papers, clips/shorts/edits from Tik Tok culture nowadays, tv programs, and many more points of information leveraged by big companies, and self biases and preferences of what and which type of fighting or martial arts you do. For example, compare the following videos about fighting : to to to
  15. Really good example of narrative warfare, so much to break down especially in terms of discourse, and some body language and tonality analysis:
  16. Very nice and simple example. I love this showing, as it really shows very clearly how both sides will manipulate, but also how the producers, capitalists and marketers themselves, would manipulate this situation for profits, views, and clout. people behind this filming and documentary know what they're doing, and don't care if their mishandling and polarizing framing wars would ruin any possibility for reconciliation from either side of this bad situation. Shows you exactly what's toxic about society today, and how manipulative stage blue/orange valued people can be:
  17. @Nivsch I think tactically IDF should be defensive if Hezbollah attacks, they shouldn't launch a counter offensive or risk getting countered by HAMMAs or some other terrorist group from a different direction. Hezbollah ATM is clearly the strongest threat nearby the north, as Hezbollah are well armed with modern weapons too, which is why Israel's been pressuring the USA for more help even if that drags Iran and others into the entanglement. It won't be like the last time IDF would just launch a land counter offensive, Hezbollah now is really armed and trained up, they need to be more careful and will need air/sea support if they do try to pushback and invade southern Lebanon.
  18. So just general analysis of her body language and tonality, and the discourse and framing of this situation: @StarStruck The discourse/framing obviously will have pro Israel, and would have a narrative of supporting that side. Would have been nice if they showed us her wounded arm, because according to her when that HAMMAs shot her, it hit her shoulder and detached her arm...but her right shoulder looks fine...This is assuming the translation is accurate to begin with and isn't tampered by IDF or anyone else translating her words. Also this is from news 13, which is biased to Israel and against Palestinians. Keep framing in mind. Her body language generally looks subdued and shelled in, also her facial expressions are minimal with a few moments of contempt and a few moments of dubious delight. Her tonality throughout is low, subdued, and feels to me like she's depressed or disassociated from reality, and from her memory, obviously from some degree of trauma she experienced. Also very interesting red flag to me, at 7:34 to 7:50, when she said 'hidden' and said 'with a terrorist watching me 24/7, raping me with his eyes.' she does a half shrug. Shrugging in body language is a non-verbal sign for feeling uncertainty, the subconscious mind not sure or disagreeing with what the conscious mind is saying. Also followed by downcast eyes signaling shame/embarrassment, with a quick lip lick and small nervous smile, in combination these signs tell me that she felt very unsure of what she's saying, Also when she said "It was my biggest fear." she looks upper right, small head shakes, and a more obvious lip lick...IMO her subconscious mind disagrees with her here, which tells me she's withholding more than what she's letting on about what she really feels. Also "his wife was outside the room with their children" was followed by her head tilt to left, exposing her right neck, and left shoulder shrugs, followed by quick and sudden lip lick, compression and retraction, here IMO she felt a spike in defensiveness and withholding again the exact details here. "That's the only reason why he didn't rape me" and a few seconds after that she does a left eyebrow flash, but it's subtle and slow. In body language analysis an eyebrow flash means the following: Social approval/connection, emphasis, and surprise, which here I felt least is feeling surprise, but more likely social approval and emphasis, emphasis on the rape didn't happen solely because his 'wife and children' were outside the room...also followed by prolonged down casting of eyes and a very micro expression of a small smile, here I assume it's dubious delight or feeling guilty pleasure here, as if she's not telling what really happened there... What you said about her lips @StarStruck, could be from STD of non-consensual/consensual BJ because Stockholm syndrome can make hostages do strange behaviors towards their captives to placate them, sometimes venerate them as the good guys out of survival. Or she had a botox injection, which IMO low probability before the the interview. What do you think?
  19. @Karmadhi Someone compared what's going in Israel/Palestine conflict to the Russia/Ukraine conflict? That's a wild comparison. Arguably Ukraine before the war was doung way better than Palestine, and even during the wars what's happening in Gaza is far worse than in the Ukraine, far more worse. A better comparison, for scale, is this and WW2. When Allies bombed Nazi Germany, 40% of buildings destoryed in total. That 3 armies in coalition, against one big country. Compare that to the 70% of Gazan buildings destroyed, by just 1 army, because of oct 7. WW2 started and dragged UK into it after both Germany and Russia invaded and split Poland in half, resulting later in the iron curtain and Warsaw, and so on And even if there are some Israelis sympathetic to tbe humanitarian crisis in Gaza, if they expressed support for Palestinians, they go to jail apparently, so even the Israelis within can't just vote for some other leader to replace Netanyahu and oust him democratically.
  20. @Someone here Pfft, by your logic you just cheapened GOAT (greatest of all time) for GAP(greatest at present). Talk is cheap nowadays IMO, don't debate bro me cuz I'm stating my opinion here. If you really want to know, seriously, give both Ronaldo and Messi, may or may not include their teams, and use the old soccer ball, the 3 times as thick one. You'll know real quick who's better physically, who's skillful, et cetera.
  21. @Princess Arabia What you're seeing here in the thread is the Neo Advaita trap, and Zen Devilry. Some try talking like Leo. And some even sound like @Nahm with that roundabout way of saying things. Even witb simple questions like "is your hat white?", they need ti give the same non-duel Neo adcaita spiritual speach, when really it's a yes or no. This kind of talk just makes them all so dodgy and defleft unnecessarily
  22. @Jowblob How is Andrew Tate an average Joe??? Does an average Joe own a private jet, or steal one? Is an average Joe worth 50 million in cash, or debt?
  23. @Thought Art Very true. The 2 contexts here worth keeping in mind when thinking about why Andrew Tate is talked more than Conor Murphy here: 1. Andrew Tate, just like Dinald Trump who Leo hates, also has mind influence and a wide appeal to younger men, to the red pill ideology and others similar. He's talked more here for the long term dangers of dogmatic ideology from the red pill. 2. Conor Murphy has some mental health issue, maybe a mental disorder/internet troll virus in his mind, and a fitness Youtuber one point. He also did some psychedelics but somewhere ended up inflating his ego and leans into his trolling much more. He's talked here less because Leo one point tried reach him, talked to him to try and contextualize to him his problem, but somehow it failed to reach him. Also, Andrew Tate is more popular than Conor Murphy.
  24. @ChrisZoZo @ChrisZoZo IMO, the reason why so many people are attracted to Andrew Tate, and some really love him, is because he has what most people don't: will power, ambition and drive. Unfortunately most people are so complacent and myopic, and lead mediocre lives by social design that it hollows out one's spirit, therefore most who lack spirit are attracted to those that have spirit. Those that lack a will power of their own, are attracted to those that have will. Those that lack drive, follow those that have drive. Ambition less people love those who have it. And most will overlook Andrew Tate being the devil if it filled their hollows with soul.