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Everything posted by Danioover9000
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Lila9 I maybe partly agree here. Take ownership of Palestinian children? Some SJWs do, as most in terms of Spiral Dynamics stages of development they're at stage green, where you'll find most humanists with humanitarian values, egalitarianism, feminism, multiculturalism, animal welfare, environmentalism, new age thinking, anti culture movement, hippie communes, witches, supernatural/paranormal practices, occult, SJWs, most left to far left ideologies like liberalism, democrats, socialism, anarchism, post modernism, et cetera. Shifting the blame to the most vocal group, like those in Tik Tok or Twitter SJWs, isn't right because they're only some, only the minority of most stage greens. They may appear to glorify terrorism or HAMMAs, but in their POV some appear as freedom fighters. You do know about relativism right? ONE MAN'S TERRORIST IS ANOTHER MAN'S FREEDOM FIGHTER? How is shifting the blame towards HAMMAs more and Israel/IDF less, going to solve this situation? That's like cutting the leaves of the weed, only focus on surface level problems, and not solving the root of this issue, pulling the WHOLE WEED OUT, leaves, flower, and roots. Even if I grant you that HAMMAs is destroyed, how would that stop another terrorist group rising up in response to Palestinian lands shrinking, to very low water and food and electricity in Gaza, to genocidal intents/actions by IDF displacing Gazans, to the deep revenge they feel to IDF killing a lot of women and children just to get to HAMMAs? -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Vrubel If you're being honest with yourself, you've been in a lot of heated arguments pushing your bias lately, instead of trying to steel man the pro Palestinian position and taking it slow. Even outside this thread this is a consistent pattern with you. Obviously a bit guilty myself here, but I at least slow down, breath, and try to argue both sides fairly. -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@zazen Interesting that nobody wants to give a straight answer to an IDF shooting a person waving a white flag as a war crime and end up deflecting and dodging the question, and the large portion of them leaving the room before he gave his speech. -
Probably the best freestyle so far, but IMO it's the best pre writtens freestyle, just the execution is too clean for it to be 'off the dome' or completely improvisational:
@Maciej Borowka Food porn, obviously😝 I do also think Leo releasing a few older footage on the blog would be interesting and nostalgic as well.
Danioover9000 replied to Hardkill's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Hardkill Guinness world record? Would've been nice if votes were more neck and neck. What are your thoughts on why those two lost so bad, and Biden somehow won by huge margin??? -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Nivsch And this is why misinformation and propaganda is dangerous, it desensitizes the population so much that apathy is widespread. If Israeli really cared for the suffering and deaths of the Gazan children, immediate demand for ceasefire, or boycotts and civil protests would happen in Israel. IF they cared, BUT the propaganda and the constant labelling of Palestinians and human animals and HAMMAs HAMMAs HAMMAs HAMMAs, so much thought terminating cliches so often that apathy and distortions are the only way to live in peace, in blissful ignorance, otherwise you'd cry, get angry and be sick of it. -
Danioover9000 replied to Tudo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Tudo And the proof of the proof? -
Danioover9000 replied to Tudo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Tudo When you are interacting with said others in one room, communicating with each other via body language and speaking style. The second question feels like a begging to skepticism and to the state of not knowing, and parallel universes because how can anyone ever know if they'd dream up another in the future when sleeping? Or if it's already happened considering no concrete existence of time albeit objective/subjective time exists? -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Yimpa True. @OBEler @Yog Very similar to this idiom: too much of a good thing is bad. So, don't drink and drive, and drink too much. Basically that's what most governments are positioned with UFO information, don't give too much out that it may risk mass hysteria. Also, another good reason why they would withhold alien technology: near infinite energy source and energy generation, which means readjustment of how governments regulate energy costs and taxes. -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Merkabah Star This'll be an interesting year. Will they soften, or harden their positions? How much suffering until something changes drastically? -
I recommend fully watching this video, so many insights and lessons from developmental factors: https://youtu.be/1p11-oggW1E
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I do like this video here: IMO I do mostly agree with this guy's take on the whole situation, albeit maybe bias due to Charlie Veitch here and others asking him to cover this. I'll briefly argue for both sides here within that situation, and this guy's take. From the woman's point of view, I can understand and empathize a bit because I've witnessed a conflict between part of my family and a neighbor get into some dispute over our fence and hedge. The guy trying to chop our conifer hedge, some of the branches out so that in his view, he could replace his fence. However, he never made contact, and never knocked on our door to ask for permission or let us know he'd do it so he just took action. I let one of my family members know, and followed behind shortly, and even though some of our branches were a bit tall and a bit over, it wasn't obstructing his fence project, and it quickly escalated into shouting between my parents and THAT GUY, and luckily that guy backed off and his wife chilled him down, and ever since I have never forgiven him and mostly kept one eye on him and his side. What I'm trying to say is that it can be difficult to remain calm and rational and civil, when you see some neighbor or in this case a complete stranger on YOUR PRIVATE LAND, so thinking in terms of male centrism here, as if she should've remained calm felt a bit projecting and immature from this bald guy, yet I don't disagree with him yet he's still wrong in judging her and taking his side. Also observing that clip from her she's on her bicycle and has a dog, no visual of conceal carry or weapon, so best guess is she NEVER expected to see a stranger there, and was caught surprised, and now is in a state of panic/defensiveness/distress, from general body language and tonality from her. The bald guy tries to reframe and downplay her reaction to a stranger filming, but I'd counter argue that and say she might have also, on top of feeling him trespassing, camera fright, that she'd be filmed and now god knows how many viewers are seeing her and how many eyes are on her, which adds onto her distress and defensiveness. And this guy Charlie Veitch...let's just say he's one of those reactionaries making stupid political commentaries, and is quite opinionated, and yes I have a bit biased against him here. First of all, what business does he have on HER PRIVATE LAND? Just based on verbals and tonality, also have seen snippets of this guy's face and body language in his past videos when it comes to social interactions, also in conflicts he's body language has this satire or sarcasm energy, not nonchalant but more like condescending, as if it's the other person's fault, like that? -
Because last time I checked, filming/photo in public spaces is allowed legally in most western democracies, but illegal if in privately owned land where permit is needed, and in baths or homes where reasonable exposure to public is very low. So what's the problem here then? From a bunch of Chinese tourists? However, are there moral/ethical issues? IMO it'll depend, take for example: Is this moral/ethical to you, in how he filmed and how he communicated? Do you think there's some coercion or him baiting? Also, interesting video here:
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
My god, even if this is a work of fiction, you can't make this up: -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@kenway SHE SPITTIN BARS! Damn, hurts to be Joe Biden. -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Reminder for everyone reading here; -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Lila9 Botched, sounds like they terrified by the USA. Also, the South African arguments still stands. South Africa not acknowledging HAMMAs or denouncing HAMMAs in their case is irrelevant cuz they focused on Israel's genocidal intent and acts. Also, just because they survived the holocaust does not excuse them, in fact it implicates Israel greatly cuz they survived and know the effects of getting Genocide onto them, so it stands to reason that what Israel is doing to Gazans, destroying 70% of buildings, displacing northern and middle citizens to south, destroying 16 cemeteries so far, and having a civilian of men, women and children death ratio higher than HAMMAs kill ratio, and reducing food and water supplies to Gazans, does not nullify South Africa's claims of Israel genocidal intent and actions, which then has to be followed by provisional measures to cap Israel's military a bit more. I guess in conclusion those UN are spineless immoral people, willing to try to sweep under the rug what Israel's IDF doing, and what USA doing. Bunch of morally compromised members. -
@Ulax Nice word pun there.😏 At least 5 hints and calls: French word 'merci' is thanks in English, so thanks mods. 'Tres Bien, merci.' is in English 'thank you very much.'. Mercy mods, asking mods to be merciful to you, the phonetics similar to the word 'mercy'. Also 'mercy moms'. Also 'Mercy Killers', the rock ban shout out here, but also mercy killings in general.
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Ben Shapiro versus Destiny, EPIC RAP BATTLE! bonus battle: But best freestyle ever: Ya'll share your thoughts and feelings, albeit I care naught thoughts and feelings. -
Just amazing what you can do with A.I programs. Ben versus Destiny in rap would be amazing and funny AF.
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
This makes me sick to see; Like WTF?! They were unarmed, and literally moments later shots fired. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Space I mostly agree. Destiny is like this Chimera, got good political takes, bad online toxic behavior especially him belittling young people and virgins even though he's against red pill he doesn't offer a solid convincing solution to replace that red pill which he persuaded some to leave. By persuading some to leave the red pill or any ideology, fine, but Destiny doesn't offer a solid replacement for their minds to attach to which leaves them little choice but to follow Destiny the idea, Destiny the brand, be a member of the Destiny DGG, btw Destiny's name is based off of the game DESTINY, his real name is Steven Bonnel the 2nd, so Destiny is a brand name, his determinism, materialism, capitalism, rationalism, atheism, his open ended relationship style, and other ideologies he implicitly slips into the persuaded/convinced mind in order to mind infect and propagate the ideology of Destiny as an idea for those lost in LP, all for the clicks, views and profits despite the waste of time and energy these followers will lose to just viewing his content over and over again. Also, I did a body language analysis and tonality read between the Destiny and Mr. Girl drama, found that both are lying, mostly Destiny with some signs of distress and verbal contradictions in his video 'Destiny Addresses Lav And Exposes Mr. Girl', and Mr. Girl in his 'Statement on Destiny' video I mostly find lots of distress and defensiveness, some lying due to his narcissism. In this I slightly side with Mr. Girl's takes than Destiny's, seems like Mr. Girl is actually right that there's some toxic sex and relationship dynamics with Destiny and female streamers near him. -
@Devin Arguably speaking, where disassociation and open mindedness are the same, and similar, is that both require EXPANSION FROM SELF. For example, if I want to be more open minded, I have to shrink/subtract from myself a bit more in order to better do 2nd person perspective, to better understand and empathize with the other's perspective BECAUSE if I don't empty, subtract, or concentrate myself down, then there's little room in my mental/emotional state for another's perspective. Do you understand? I should have started with defining what open mindedness and disassociation is for better understanding. Here they are: dissociation /dɪˌsəʊʃɪˈeɪʃən,dɪˌsəʊsɪˈeɪʃn/ noun the action of disconnecting or separating or the state of being disconnected. "we in the West honour a long-standing dissociation between church and state" Similar: separation, disconnection, detachment, severance, divorce, uncoupling, split, setting apart, segregation, distinction, division, isolation, alienation, distancing, sundering, disseverment. Opposite: association union CHEMISTRY the splitting of a molecule into smaller molecules, atoms, or ions, especially by a reversible process. PSYCHIATRY separation of some aspects of mental functioning from conscious awareness, leading to a degree of mental dysfunction or to mental conditions including dissociative identity disorder. plural noun: dissociations "the dissociations that one can observe in neuropsychological patients" open mindedness: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjE06zp9_SDAxWha0EAHZoYArIQFnoECBwQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdictionary.cambridge.org%2Fdictionary%2Fenglish%2Fopen-minded&usg=AOvVaw2UGcxkUKy79bAp3xlNn2fi&opi=89978449
@MarkKol Sure, but they are full of personality at least, and feel human and flawed. Meanwhile this guy...I don't know.