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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Did you know rock and roll was a black thing, until Elvis made it different?
  2. IMO I have mixed feelings. This is a good example of stage green expressed in a healthy way, but at the same time, it's their property and land, it's their property and rights. Honestly if it was me, and my property was messy like that I'd fix it myself, or have my family/friends give a helping hand over some stranger IDK. IMO I understand and can empathize with both perspectives, from the guy cleaning for free and being a humanitarian/environmentalist type of hippie or new ager, I get that kindness, but I also get the other side feeling defensive about some rando cleaning what's not theirs legally. So, IMO great examples of immaturity, one from oversight and blind compassion from one side, and the other perspective being close minded, defensive and allowing their lower ego to get reactive and reactionary rather than RESPONDING to the guy here.
  3. Just like Osho says, this Israel/Palestine conflict is a HUGE trap by the USA/UK. and Great insights here guys, just open your minds up and listen up. I don't even know why some people here hate Owen for expressing himself here, and saying his opinions. Maybe RSD get's more dates than you or something, like IDK. In a democracy he has rights to freedom of speech, to express his biases and preferences, even if he gets more lays than you it's more a you problem.
  4. Another study on defensiveness and distress, also will be doing body language analysis and tonality: Videos for context and establishing his baseline: these 2 are when he's defensive. Next 2 are when Cliff Beats isn't as defensive and is more relaxed and supportive: Lastly this livestream is to establish how he interacts with his GF: Body language: Tonality:
  5. @Nivsch Nobody is saying Owen here isn't allowed to have his own ideological beliefs and biases.
  6. @Focus Shift ATM unrealistic to expect all of mankind to go from Game A to Game B, from tier 1 to tier 2 cognition and be all systems thinking. Also, there qre so many developmental factors involved that it creates this Mandala effect and Chaos Theory. For example, weapons have a developmental factors and through lines as well, and we won't cap at just strategic nuclear warheads or tactical nukes, but we may go further, which may obsolete nukes if we find sufficient counters to nukes.
  7. @Yimpa Bartender: So gents! What'll you have for drinks and meal? Diddi: Imma have a Martian Martini cuz that alcohol smooth AF, with Bangers and Mash, and that sausage better be a banger, and that mash better be for realz yo, and nothing but groovy gravy. Ben Shapiro: I'll have some pint of Bitter Shandy with Fish and Chips please, to not upset my British conservatives again, to eat fishy cod and gain carbs from chips. Jordan Peterson: I'll have sparkling water, for the subconscious bubbles, Sprite for my higher self, and a lobster tail with a side of scampi, absolutely no chips and veggies, as I'm a carnivorous psychologist, with teeth desined to render flesh limp from limp. The 3 merry men have their drinks and meal, Diddi talks of his exploits in the industry, Shapiro larps on his ownership of Destiny, and Jordan Peterson enlightens the 2 of cultural markets, the merry gay bartender offers them, they're in an Inn, a VIP room for 3. So! Diddi, Ben and Jordan are in their rooms...
  8. @Epikur That guy's a Destiny STAN, really cringeworthy.
  9. @Yimpa Yeah Donald Trump A.I really had a good rap flow and beat, gave me goosebumps hearing that.
  10. @Majed True to some extent. For example the statement that 'facts don't care about your feelings.' At first seems true, but is actually wrong because that assumes facts and logic and superior to feelings and intuition, when in fact we, based on many developmental factors, and ideological beliefs and biases do selection bias and confirmation bias, cherry pick facts that suit our ego and preferences. In reality reality is metaphorical and also anecdotal and thrives on stories, and our minds and consciousness, or just at least our brains aren't good at only processing facts without context. It's the other way around, that 'facts do care about feelings', because depending on our feeling, one fact is valued over another fact. 'Feelings don't care about facts.', is also a good insight.
  11. @bebotalk Really? I thought in the video it was more the westerners?
  12. @Chosen144 You mean like Unreal Engine, the program that Unisoft and other games use? It's okay, but it'll depend on so many developmental factors like spiral dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in life and societal domains, ideology and biases. Will also depend on what type of musician you are. Do you want to be a remix artist, a rapper? A ghost writter? What music do you want to do?
  13. @MellowEd My childhood haunting was a bit sinister, it was resolved. My current one is closer to holy, and nice.
  14. Can some of you on the other side stop belittling @Twentyfirst, @Karmadhi and @Merkabah Star? They've got some decent takes in this situation, especially @zazen. Mostly in terms of language or just the undertone of the back and forth is a bit hateful.
  15. @Kshantivadin Technically you could degenerate the expression of consciousness. For example some have heavy metal poisoning, or have CBT(concussive brain trauma) that can alter states of consciousness, especially behaviours. Another example is that one guy who survived a pipe blown inti his brain, but he degenerated from that and his developmental psychology changed.
  16. Hey y'all, been taken a week off. I'll start this off by doing a body language and tonality analysis of two YouTubers who are in conflict, and analyze their body language for progression of defensiveness and distress, maybe deception if I pick it up: Some prior context/discourse: After his reaction to Eminem's Doomsday part 2 remix of some artist IDK, which is mostly positive and gleeful when he heard he took shots at Benzino, and after his reaction to Benzino's Vulturius and Rap Elvis(IMO decent diss tracks), so he dressed in some black hoodie with a black durag. The shiny black hoodie also has white font lettering of H.OE.S R HEADACHES. The word 'hoe' here is slang for prostitutes, whores, sluts, promiscuous young women, the R is mirrored and also a phonetic for likely 'are' here, and the word 'headaches' here would like mean altogether 'hoes are headaches' meaning sluts, bitches, whores, prostitutes are a problem/hindrance to deal with in your man life. Body Language: Generally speaking good communication with hands and head/face, but overall pretty defensive every time he mentions Coi Leray and this Eminem/Benzino drama. Introduction is interesting, between 0:00 to 0:08 you see, right away small head shaking of disagreement/disapproval, then Stevie give micro expression for contempt or moral/intellectual superiority by small tension on one cheek, says 'Coi Leray is really talking blank(likely shit, meaning BS). During the middle of that statement, Stevie gives small nods, micro raise of left cheek(contempt or feeling moral/intellectual superiority), but see his blink rate spike to 3, looks his left quickly with 2 quick blinks,(rapid blinking is likely information or internal processing) and as he looks left he also does a mouth shrug small tension(shrugging is feeling of 'I don't know, uncertainty, or no information to add to a statement or situation here), looks back at public cam and says "Yeah.", then returns to left and AGAIN a quick 2 blink. Also next 10-15 seconds of promo and shout out of his sales, energetic tone and delivery, left hand more active in illustrators and pointing here and there. You can also see around 0:50 to 0:56, Stevie raises his voice around naming her and recollecting Eminem's bars, does a head roll and eye rolls(like an eye roll, the 'here we go again' feeling disbelief and bracing oneself of the uncomfortable feeling to come) while saying "Something to the extent of" followed by lots of head shaking and tension around eyes, then jerky motions of head and shoulders, here I feel it's both feeling uncertainty and anxiety of trying to remember his lines but also defensiveness of her perceived statements against Eminem, his idol he adores. At the end before a jump cut he does a head tilt back and a tensed sniff, almost like a sign of disgust with rapid eye blinking again. Tonality: Clear American English, I hear a southern accent maybe, or maybe he's in the NYC area IDK. Some moments in this video there's undertones of anger/frustration, of hurt towards this young women, who's a daughter of Benzino, who to him is an ideological enemy because of past drama and conflict with Eminem, who Stevie here admires and respects more. Now let's do the same for the second guy, RedTop:
  17. IMO a bad look on Destiny: Also the following 2 videos highlights the problems with this thread: Facts DO care about your feelings, but FEELINGS DON'T!
  18. @Bobby_2021 @_Archangel_ Okay, cool story bros. @zazen gonna take another break from this thread, GG and GL with discussions @Raze, @Karmadhi and @Merkabah Star.
  19. @Bobby_2021 Sure invasion isn't happening, but colonialism and genocide is. Look at the starvation tactics and destroying building, as if they want to displace the Gazan population...
  20. @Bobby_2021 By that logic, Nazi Germany did nothing wrong when they did Poland in together with Russia, and when the Allies declared war they're innocent, by your logic they can just excuse whatever terrorist acts from Poland, or from the Allied forces or resistance fighters in Germany as acts of terror, and justify their actions then.
  21. @zurew OMG, that's exactly like how Paul Eckman's work was paid and funded by DARPA, CIA, FBI and border security, for national defense reasons in the USA. They just funded his 'science project' and wanted a codified facial data set, call it 'SCIENCE' and 'quantifiable SCIENCE' and get away who their pseudo science meanwhile virtue signaling they're so OBJECTIVE. You're falling into this trap they do as well: Albeit I made some counter arguments of her presentation that Body language analysis is a Pseudoscience, I can't help but see a parallel with you and those DARPA that wanted to codify Paul Eckman's work based on faulty science methodology. Point 3 is relevant because when all is said and done, how are Palestinians going back to their homes? If HAMMAs is destroyed, do Gazans get to return to their ruined north Gaza? Do they have homes still in the middle and south of Gaza? Like do you not see how relevant this is to Genocidal intent mate? BTW Palestinians will NEVER SURRENDER THEIR LANDS TO ISRAEL! Palestinians will keep on trying to live in what's available land for them, even if Israel demolishes every hospital, every school, every apartment and houses Palestinians will return to try to rebuild what's left. Question is that why are you not factoring the destruction of their buildings as part of genocidal intent? I think that's relevant here, cuz meanwhile most Gazans are outdoors in sough Gaza starving to death and with little shelter. Same for all the other points I made. Imagine if Nazi Germany went their genocide of Jews differently, they didn't kill them at all, but they sure as hell made life very difficult for them, destroyed most of their communities and homes, restricted their water and food, made genocidal rhetoric against them, dehumanized the Jews, therefore in your logic because they never killed Jews Nazi Germany never genodcided them??? COME ON BRO. I personally don't care about some rando's chart, might as well be crayons and call it 'BRO SCIENCE, YOU KNOW SCIENCE?!' or 'FACTS DON'T CARE ABOUT THE FEELING!', like if I have to point out that the real purpose of arguing and debating so to persuade and convince others to adopt your POV, but in reality it's the SURVIVAL of your ego and ideology to mid infect other's perspectives, then we can't argue. I'm just right.
  22. @Bazooka Jesus Oh, another Tom Macdonald song? About cancel this, woke shit, race baiting, white rap privilege? Firstly, this white sun burned suburban perp, thinks he can go virtue signal you righties? While sporting fake dreads, fake tats and ta-ta? While relying on Nova Cain as your cane, dabbling on her aspirin baps, cuz your knee caps got capped? Damn, HE NEEDS MORE MILK LADS! To bad these baps belong to RA the rugged man. Better pay rental for her racks man hoe. Secondly, lyrically you meek, genes weak, seems seams unfolding, protein degeneration unfolding, no wonder you got to lean on a cheesy bent chaperone, classy, this lady birdie , aphids she ate, lame blame fakery of this game I flame. Just saying, you combusted, stop fronting to rights when your left with lies, R.I.P guy, this liar lies. Flies carrion, carrying on, mating and laying eggs to maggots, to grow up into MAGA, weak tardy, hardly limerick worthy, cannot live up to Tom Hardy.
  23. @zurew What this fails to account for are the following: 1. This analysis doesn't account for genocidal intent, or acts of genocide. 2. This analysis doesn't account for population displacement.' 3. Fails to account for 70% and more buildings in Gaza getting destroyed, as opposed to WW2's allied forces bombing Germany and it's buildings destroyed are 40%. 4. That analysis fails to account modern technology American weaponry that IDF has, scanning technology, and the ratio of dumb bombs : guided bombs used in these IDF attacks and demolitions of many Gazan buildings. If they used more guided bombs that means they knew how many civilians to militants are exactly, which proves genocidal intent. If they used 2,000 tons of dumb bombs this also proves that they don't care as much about minimizing civilian lose, therefore genocidal intent. 5. This analysis fails to account for the propaganda spoken by Netanyahu and claiming Gazans and Palestinians are 'Amalek' about 4 times, and hundreds of genocidal language by him and his cabinet. 6. This analysis fails to account for starvation tactics by IDF, and making it difficult for AID to reach southern Gazans now, and IDF having so much control over water and food supplies to Gazans. They are literally starving them to death, which adds to the death toll further. 7. Last I remember, IDF approximated that HAMMAs militants total 30,000, out of the 2.5 to 3 million Palestinians in Gaza and some on West Bank, so again this looks suspicious given the amount of buildings getting damaged. 8. Biggest failure point of them all, is that they fail to account that based on many developmental factors like SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development(by Jane Loevinger), shadow aspects of the psyche(Carl Jung's Architypes), other lines of development in societal and life domains(Ken Wilbur's Integral Theory), ideological beliefs indoctrinated by culture and society, how every group uses propaganda and misinformation to manufacture consent, and self biases and preferences that shapes worldviews, and how the ego weaponizes facts, data, and statistics to justify hidden assertions of reality. No doubt these arguers Destiny, and the other two arguers are well prepared with their statistics and data, and 40 plus war simulations, but all 3 are ignorant to their biases and ideology using them as mouth pieces.