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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Rafael Thundercat Yeah partly agree most people want noise, like wasps and moths attracted to light, and some to few other insects just want less light, cuz sometimes lights zap the wasps and moths...IDK where to go with the metaphor but whatever.😂 GradeAUnderA does have a point in this knee jerk negative reaction to drama, calling almost everything drama, then calling all drama negative implicitly, isn't a good place for everyone. I agree with him that we do need to observe and create distinctions of which types of drama firstly, because the murkiness of calling all drama bad and everything YouTube drama, means everything bad. It's silly and causing too much anxiety for nothing.
  2. @DefinitelyNotARobot I agree Tik Tok is the most dangerous social media site relative to podcasts, that is seriously dangerous for the younger generation. IMO it would be nice to survey or browse for higher quality podcasts, but due to the formatting being 1-2 plus hours long and how democratized podcasts are throughout mainstream nowadays, it's a huge competition and noise traffic in deciding the highest quality podcast for yourself.
  3. Cassidy has come out to PPPLLLAAAYYY! Cashis and Eminem diss track:
  4. While I'm here, I'll post the latest in Eminem's diss tracks, starting on doomsday part 2 which is a Benzino diss: Lyrical analysis, some on poetic and literal devices: musical patterns analysis: Then Benzino's disses in order: Lyrical analysis, some on poetic and literal devices: musical patterns analysis: Lyrical analysis, some on poetic and literal devices: musical patterns analysis:
  5. Imma post here to remind myself the Hodge Twins are in my black list of names to include in my future diss tracks, or shout outs: They technically on the right, especially when subliminal programming of music goes so far as to make people normalize gang culture and violence, or some other lifestyle.
  6. IMO this video is a gem, and still relevant to today:
  7. Relevant even after 7 years, and any decades: And these reactors are continuing the problems shamelessly, like parasites.
  8. IMO this guy's a complete clown clout chaser, taking advantage of a drama: The majority of my criticisms are mostly found within this other video: So Knox Hill, you are an actually clown clout chaser, taking advantage of a drama situation that has little to do with you. An example of how evil reactors are. Great job on DarkViper exposing all these reactors.
  9. @Juan James does have a point though.
  10. @Rafael Thundercat You merely guess I would like this? Lucky for you mortal, I find it very interesting! Thanks for the share, I already have intuitions about the negative effects of podcasts. And Leo, sorry you're not an authority here as you merely did 4 podcasts in total, one with the dating guy, one with Charlie from Charisma on command, and twice with Curt Jaimungal, and not to mention the later podcasts were making clips and highlights which IMO some aren't as favorable to you.. Clearly there's something fishy with how Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman and other modern podcasts are moving nowadays, influencing the culture in their own ways.
  11. Interesting takes, what are your thoughts on this?
  12. @Nilsi Yeah, he really is an honorable man, died for what he believes in.
  13. Plenty of examples of maturity and immaturity here:
  14. @Nilsi Of course because the majority of fans demographic that Eminem has is white suburban young males, some spoiled brats who think Eminem is the mainstream of what rap culture is.
  15. @zazen I agree here. Definitely the political spectrum and political center of gravity in Israel has shifted to the right much more than the middle.
  16. OH HO HO HO, Diss track season is here! Your thoughts? IMO Eminem really shouldn't be doing this, I mean the beef is so many decades ago, just let it go man. But then Benzino answered back: IMO nice thumbnail, symbolism of either Marcus Aurelius or a Greek philosopher, maybe a play on the naked emperor. However within is a skull of gold which to me means you dead is more valuable than alive, or you got severe heavy metal poisoning or something. Meh lyrics but that proof scheme was a heavy hit. Your thoughts? Finally, Benzino's 'Rap Elvis'... Sounds WAY BETTER! Especially the music, and the lyrics also have improved. Plus many references and IMO a solid diss track, damn Eminem may have to write seriously for this. ATM GG Benzino! Thoughts?
  17. Lupe Fiasco gives a good lecture about rap in an MIT media lecture: Actually good to learn, and does have several overlaps here in Actualized.org. What do you guys think about it?
  18. @Nivsch Simple, Ireland was conquered and subjugated first by Vikings, then by GB, and part of it fell under GB rulership, then the whole catholic vs Protestants. Long history of conflict there too, with generational trauma. They, just like South Africa, know what that's like when a people's is humiliated generational. Same 2ith Mongolia and the Russ.
  19. @zazen That's true to a degree. Even in Scandinavia's or Sweden's history they have to be Vikings and do the slaving and pillaging first before they grow past all that. Very hard to be that one higher consciousness Viking when most of your clan's built a culture around all that, and took many wars and skirmishes, and organized religion to program that out of them.
  20. @Nivsch Or it's difficult to sit on the fences when clearly in one situation one side is more wrong that the other? Also, how does one do themselves a dopamine message?
  21. @rnd Oh, Russel Brand hasn't worn his sexy white dragonfly shirt, the one he used addressing the sexy allegations. Very curious...🤔
  22. My goodness, after listening to Benzino's 'Arch Nemesis' album, YouTube auto played this album, what a banger!
  23. 'The greatest hatred and evil you could ever inflict upon those you dislike, is to completely ignore them, to deny their existence, and to boycott those you hate. Stop feeding the demons you hate with your precious attention and energy, and watch as those you despise die of starvation.'. Quote by Mystic.
  24. @Vrubel So basically they're more right wing than NYC local government? Blind murderers of civilians?
  25. @Leo Gura True, in fact when this guy said about Tucker's take in a BBC news video, and I paraphrase 'Almost no western journalist wants to interview Putin since the war' and he says well he and other wanted to interview him: That he may have forgotten that sometimes the BBC can send a pretty biased interviewer: good review and analysis: True, Actually found a good video about this, sort of debunking the 'facts don't care about your feelings.':