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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. I will do a body language analysis of this Knox Hill video in response to a Benzino interview, dissect it for defensiveness, possible deception and genuine truths from his POV: Prior contexts and discourse: Body language and tonality: word choices:
  2. Gonna do a body language and tonality analysis of this, covering some statements and discourse. I am a fan of both these YouTubers, so it's a shame they beefing, but I'll analyze and break it down, see who's being defensive, stressed or is likely lying: Discourse: Body language and tonality: Some statements and word choices: P.S the videos below provide context, may analyze in the future. Keep in mind these 3 videos are from 4 months ago: and this MichelleShow video is 5 months ago, meaning that there could be other videos from BXBeastyBoy missing: and him doing a live which is 3 months ago, after the 3 videos released: and this video he mentioned him:
  3. Very nice rap song; It's got at least 4 rhythm cadence switches, 1st is Eminem like with the 3-5 tempos, then the 2nd cadence is a fast rap flow, then a UK drill/grime like rap flow of 10 tempos with the tenth being more pronounced, into a hook/chorus. Very nice lyrics to may analysis and break them down here.
  4. Very nice rap song, like a more spiritual Eminem to me:
  5. Okay, I have this and maybe another 2 in a few days, which I'll mostly do statement analysis, time to work on that specific type first and take some break from body language analysis and tonality analysis, still work on discourse analysis but for now and next 2 mostly statement analysis. May even include NLP as well and potential meta programming of the person via linguistics, so: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwikhKHB87-EAxWTYEEAHU3FC0oQFnoECB4QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmastodon.social%2F%40beadsland%2F110308903681579213&usg=AOvVaw3ffAR1WNhzpUfg7QUeKCgt&opi=89978449 So for context, this is some transcripts from Twitter with Cliff Beats doing a Q&A on livestream. Cliff Beats complaining about his health issues, about Covid-19 and the vaccination side effects, complaining about the hospital visits and all this in a Q and A in a livestream, plenty of paragraphs and tweets to do statement analysis of. However I will first zero in on this tweet that has mention of him as a ghost writer: 'Cliff Beats: I work nonstop, and people don't believe me. "Oh, he's an industry ghost writer but he's always on youtube." Yeah, motherfucker, I work a lot. That's what I do. I enjoy working. I don't have time to sit around. I don't like to sit around. My mind fucks with me when I sit around. So I'm always moving. I'm always working. This is just, wow.:' 'I work nonstop, and people don't believe me'. So very interesting we have two absolute statements, one affirmative and the other negative general statements. So 'I work nonstop' means he's referring to himself working 'nonstop', which is language that workaholics and those who value over achieving and working hard and long would say, although this is dubious because he's not just an 'industry ghost writer' but also a Reactor doing react content, which IMO is the EASIEST type of work available, just take a small or larger content creator from YouTube for example, make a few edits, a few public persona and interesting personality, a few comments and pauses and that's it. So it's likely he's not referring to his reactor job of reacting to other people's work, but more of his ghost writing job if he actually does ghost writing. 'I work nonstop, and people don't believe me.' it's interesting in syntax that he adds a comma, a space and the word 'and' to connect the 'I work nonstop' framing of himself, to then join it with the ', and people don't believe me.', and to me it's interesting his mind is comparing/contrasting 2 metaprograms of itself as a self image of a nonstop working person, to the absolute general negative public image of 'people', an undefined grouping here, IMO likely referring to viewers/general public/subscribers and viewers in YouTube, albeit it's technically undefined grouping, followed by the negative linguistic of 'don't' short abbreviation of 'do not' 'believe me', as if he's painting himself as the target object of hatred objectification of other people's disbelief, of not believing he's a nonstop worker, as if he finds it hard to believe that it's hard for others to view him as a workaholic... '"Oh, he's an industry ghost writer but he's always on youtube." Yeah, motherfucker.'. So this 2nd sentence contains a dialogue quotation, very likely of him impersonating either this undefined grouping or 'people', or impersonating the trolls/haters/critics portion of the 'people' that according to him is in disbelief that he's a nonstop worker. '"Oh, so he's an industry ghost writer', this part IMO has syntax and semantic red flags. In NLP this is known as a 2nd point of view/perspective the mind does, assuming another's view, but what's interesting is in this 2nd person view he refers to himself in the 3rd person perspective while being in an assumed 2nd person's view, labelling himself with the self identity and social role from that, albeit this sentencing should have been written in this sentence for example 'Oh! He's an industry ghost writer!' because the word 'oh.' is both filler but also signals surprise or an ah-ha moment! But notice the role his mind assumes which is likely a troll/hater/critic so the surprise which should be pleasant isn't as pleasant and more like a surprising disappointment. I also find it suspicious that in a sentence like this that's normally an expression of surprise he's referring to himself as any other industry ghost writer, and not THE ghost writer or one of the few most talented, but a more subdued expression of himself from this assumed 2nd point of view using 3rd person limited linguistics as if to create disassociation of himself in this timeline. '"Oh, he's an industry ghost writer but he's always on youtube." Yeah, motherfucker.', the second part of this sentence is a negative contraction, after 'but' would normally be another sentence, but what's interesting is the absolute general follow up 'but he's always on youtube.', which firstly generalizes time, as if demeaning this hater/troll/critic's sense of time thinking that Cliff Beats is always in YouTube. Also interesting that the word 'youtube' the y and t are not capitalized, which is likely that he's on livestream and typing on keyboard or mobile to tweet this, or that he thinks not as highly of YouTube? It partly makes sense given the past several copyright and legal issues he faced with YouTube and Record Labels or other businesses filling a copyright claim onto his Channel. Finally the 'Yeah, motherfucker.' is a dead giveaway for the point of view he assumed as the hater and again the sentence should read like an expression of surprise or exclamation or loud declaration of what's obviously impossible: that Cliff Beats cannot be BOTH just an average industry writer AND always on youtube which he doesn't like as much nowadays right?!, which IMO is a dead giveaway of him setting up this straw man perspective of the dumb hater to then ridicule it via rhetorical statement, when he himself just set that up on himself...also the word 'motherfucker' is negative sexual derogatory term to refer to a 'fucker' a person who 'fucks' his own mother, basically incest, which basically is universally a negative role...unless it's another person's hot MILF or wait what🤪 Next several bits are short phrases so I'll just copy and then insert my commentary in brackets: 'I work a lot(repetition and follow up of first sentence). That's what I do(stating the obvious to this hypothetical dumb hater, again repetition). I enjoy working(this sentence feels like it's further elaboration of the first statement, yes it's affirms more the workaholic nature of himself, and now he fetishes and projects enjoyment onto him working too much). I don't have time to sit around(very ironic statement as Cliff Beats fashioned his self worth and self identity as a React content maker, taking other smaller content creator's videos to react to, yes very demanding work there, just sitting on one seat and doing a few edits and recordings off of reacting other's content, in one room.). I don't like to sit around(Again it's like a performative contradiction of self identity. Firstly saying and referring to himself as an industry ghost writer, yet he also does react content and livestreaming, both jobs selves require long time periods of being in one room sitting on one chair! I'm sorry but I'm triggered a bit and a bit sarcastic if you can't tell, but this is such a contradiction of character and self images he has!). My mind fucks with me when I sit around(so he's referring to himself possessing his own mind, which is cute given spirituality and meditation techniques and theories of no self experiences and the monkey mind and all that. Firstly nobody can actually claim ownership of their own minds, unless with very trained focusing ability and grounded mindfulness, but claiming a mind as if grasping it with one's own hands is near impossible, so it's to me an exaggeration or some linguistic error here. Also his own mind 'fucks' with him when he sits around, is a limiting belief of himself and condition setting of his mind fucking with him only when in a room sitting alone for long periods of time. His ego has set up that false and limiting belief of his own mind, which he assumes he can grab at and own, fucking himself whilst sitting alone in a room...just cringe!😂). So I'm always moving(Again that repeat of the word 'always', as if time is a continuous flow to him, which likely gives hints to how his own mind shapes his timelines, NLP term there, timelines is how our minds make sense of a past/present/future events involving groupings and ourselves, our minds also has sense making apparatuses for timelines and locations in working memory and imaginations too. SO! I intuit that he views himself in a linear timeline which isn't like a ruler that he's viewing like from afar or from a omniscient 3rd person view, he very likely has a timeline that runs through him, and part of that timeline stretches forwards into the future in some direction, and his past the opposite direction of that). I'm always working(At this point I'm confident in saying he values work a lot, or working quite a lot to the point of workaholic levels. It also can very well be an affirmation he has for himself, a limiting believe of viewing oneself as ALWAYS working, because GOD only knows what might happen if I STOPPED WORKING RIGHT?! OMG, THE END OF THE WORLD IF I EVER REST PROPERLY!). This is just, wow.:'(This part I do agree, this tweet is just wow, it's amazing how yu view yourself like this, and how you assume a negative point of view to view you like this. Yeah it's amazing...please get help with your workaholic and maybe alcoholic addictions too.)'
  6. @Buck Edwards My glove is dry. To date, Hare's love is raw hereafter. Molotov in my bowl. From Britain with love, Great owl above, drops a bombshell: you love bomb anyone? And she steals is-ness within you, thinned you, withered you, no kindle to emblaze and engulf in, hat's off theist, in Spain you trust you. Hey PEGI, give me PGs in obscene scenes that need parental guidance. So guy, dance for me, why not? because the giant fears the fall before Jake the killer. So my love shall pass me by, like time's passage by, hall of the Lord's all seeing EYES. Just like GOD made us in his mind, his image, now imagine magic silver rings, slithering towards Sauron's ring, bringer of fire and brimstone we Sulphur, phosphorous we go cuz no fire we own, disowned is our hollowed dark souls, no life Shaq to illuminate hope.
  7. Share stories and old videos of paranormal events worldwide:
  8. Hmmm...this is very interesting, because I'm a fan of Denzel Curry, especially his Clout Cobain song has deep themes for me. Main problem is there's this reactor called Knox Hill, who's an Eminem STAN, a breakdown react channel, react channel, who also is a rapper although to my ears he sucks musically, too dependent on auto tunes. But he choose to interject into this beef between Eminem and Benzino, diss tracks like Doomsday part 2 by Eminem towards Benzino and his daughter, and Benzino replied with Vulturius first, followed by Rap Elvis IMO best diss track of the year. Then Crypt started rumors about Benzino using ghost writers, and Cliff Beats, again both these reactors are STANs, Cliff Beats heavily pushed this narrative and was a bit slanderous so Benzino copyright claimed him, then issued a strike following that, and when Knox Hill heard this he dropped a diss track on Benzino Called Clout Cobain. When Knox Hill specifically dropped Clout Cobain I immediately had issues because I KNOW that Denzel Curry titled that song like that even though it's like this 'CLOUT CO13AIN', Knox Hill NEVER gave credit and attribute, never even mentioned Denzel Curry's Clout Cobain in a pinned comment, crediting the original artist and Channel, not on his description box or even in the video referencing Denzel Curry. IMO it's disgusting that a reactor can do this and not bother to give credit where it's due, so good job on RedTop for spreading awareness! This is a great example that GradeAUnderA in his YouTube video about drama said: There are bad drama, but there are also good and different types of drama. It's really bad to say all drama is bad when there's some good drama to raise awareness.
  9. Great example of this issue, and I actually felt some empathy and sorry for Benzino, pretty understandable when 15 plus years you're dealing with Eminem STANs harassing you: As GradeAunderA talked about in his YouTube drama video, the fanbase is the biggest issue in escalating conflicts to extreme heights. Screw the STANs!
  10. Great example of this problem, and reactors being fake and lying too much:
  11. @Nivsch Well generally in the past she leaned way more right, but recently she almost did a 180 and went hard left. I guess Donald Trump has that effect on people. Like I didn't lose my mind, and am able to be centrist and list strengths and weaknesses of Trump as a character, and in some areas. For example Donald Trump has some charisma and charm tactics, manipulation rhetoric no denying it now. However his weakness is he has higher neuroticism and narcissism, due to his upbringing in an upper class environment, and other factors. It's important to contextualize and be context sensitive to a person(s) and situation, and be honest with your ideologies and biases before rationally critiquing or commenting.
  12. Please share examples of honorable people who held their integrity, even at risk of their life: Great example IMO. She's standing up to tech giants and calling them out, like Elon Musk and other podcasters that lean or show blind faith support of them like Lex Fridman and Joe Rogan and the so called 'dark web intellectuals.'. IMO she's a great example, looking forward to her book Burning Bridges.
  13. @Basman I agree that the internet is mostly saturated with haters/critics/trolls nowadays. I also agree anonymity is both a gift and curse, but also social media sites are like Twitch, Twitter and Tik Tok, which have increases ADD/ADHD, increased psychopathy/sociopathy like thinking and behavior, narcissism and neurosis due to profile pictures being autocorrected and made more pretty by A.I/algorithms, thanks to Tik Tok they engineered a deeper need and chasing of shorter content like clips, which pressured in capitalism with YouTube to adjust and make their own versions, shorts and reels, to keep up with competition even if mid to long format videos may take a negative hit and due to shorts this indoctrinates chasing again shorter span videos. Also now more than ever propaganda and misinformation is much easier to spread, and misbehaviors and demonization such as clout chasing and drama stirring, in bad faith tactics and bad faith agendas are rewarded more by the A.I and algorithms suggest them far more, and most get more views, click rates and likes of shorts and more shocking and sensational content at the expense of human decency going down.
  14. It's both funny and ironic a reactor covers Eminem's The Ringer and feels like he's talking about her specifically. Yes and no, yes he's talking about you as a reactor, as an online leech and parasite that is codependent onto content creators, creators in life, and leaders, and artists that're mostly independent financially, yet reactors and reactionaries depend on clout chasing and drama stirring to stay relevant and chase fads/trends to almost immoral ends.
  15. Latest podcast hosting Daniel Schmachtenberger:
  16. @Nilsi I can agree. This also is a great podcast showcasing him a bit more and how he thinks:
  17. This is a mixed bag of social integrity right here: I do partly agree with Andrew Tate here, definitely Sean was hitting WAY TOO HARD onto SNEAKO, just because of him hating social media influencers? That's enough justification for Sean Strickland to give this kid CTE?! I definitely view Sean Strickland as a fake male role modal, a Donald Trump SIMP, pretending to behave masculine. Really ironic and twisted that Andrew Tate of all people is calling him out on his ignorance and evils without saying it directly...
  18. I want to create a mega thread where the old tell tales o their past. Found this one both interesting and tragic: A completely different world eh? Makes all the struggles and conflicts of today seem like child's play. Please share tales similar to this!
  19. @Buck Edwards We basically need a government for the internet at this point. Fuck freedom of speech if this free speech/hate speech dichotomy isn't corrected ASAP! But don't censor my stage red journal plz...
  20. Great example of weaponized humour: So guess which bias and preference he's in service to, based on his tonality, body language, word choices ECT?
  21. It's just amazing how the mind has to shuffle symbols around to figure out the relations between 1 and 0: And even teachers and very skilled experts still make the most basic mistakes.
  22. @Buck Edwards Arguably Eminem STANs, and even the barbs the Nicki Minaj STANs. Did you know her STANs doxxed Megan Thee Stallion's dead mom's grave and threatened to desecrate it? All for a rap beef between them, that Nicki started, that Nicki bullied Megan for 3 plus years, that Megan finally stood her ground with Hiss.
  23. @DefinitelyNotARobot Those are case studies for my recent body language analysis thread here: Of course I have my own biases with Destiny, Mr. Girl, and a few others mentioned in the past. I wouldn't label myself a STAN for any one then and now, now I'm dissecting their communication for myself, and those interested here.