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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. IMO a polarized and bad take of this Russia/Ukraine political event: First of all, calling Putin another Hitler is just plain propaganda and demonization. I obviously don't support or think Putin's cool, just that remember who you're dealing with: A very ruthless, domineering, cunning, clever, and ambitious leader of RUSSIA! The west if this keeps up propaganda and misinformation, they greatly underestimate how dangerous Putin really is. Also this situation between Transnistria and Moldova isn't going to be a big deal as it's very unlikely Putin would try to invade there, Transnistria is surrounded by Ukrainian territory making Russian invasion more difficult as is.
  2. Interesting video that I'm going to analyze: Prior context: he has reacted and watched the Tucker/Putin interview and is giving his commentary here. Also for discourse and presentation: He's in his room, wearing a white t-shirt(in western colour psychology white symbolizes purity and innocence, and GOOD. So here I was naturally a bit weary and skeptical.). Standard size 3-4 haircut, even, and a nice mic setup, but also the camera for the audience is level to his eye level. His room to his left I note an art station, likely his room is an art studio as to his left has a drawing table with some piles of canvases. To his left and behind has a dim yellow lamp that contains books and again canvases(due note the focus of camera is on him and his background blurry.). Best guess as to his personal values is that he fancies paintings and drawings, loves drawing and education or educating himself(which later in my analysis makes sense as he communicates with care but with many exaggerations.). Body Language: Very expressive of his face and hands, quite a lot of hand gestures and illustrators. Also lots of eye movement to his upper and upper right, or directly right, which in NLP eye cues upper left is remembered visuals, upper right is constructed visuals, direct left/right are auditory, and lower left/right are both somatic and listing, direct downward gaze typically feeling of shame or embarrassment. In his case a lot of upper right to right and sometimes left eye movements. Also at 5:0 to 5:05 he raises eyebrows and widens eyes in surprise(in body language eyebrow flashes indicates feeling surprise, emphasis or seeking social approval/connection)in this case it's emphasis on the word choice 'ABSURD'. Also a lot of lip compression and moments of lip licking and lip biting(in body language analysis lip compression indicates stress increase and non-verbally the subconscious mind didn't like what was said, similarly followed by biting/nipping of one's lips or lip licking after some emotionally charged statements means the subconscious mind is in disagreement and doesn't like what was stated). Plus I note he sometimes rubs his nose(rubbing of nose in body language indicates feelings of uncertainty, stress, uncomfortableness, anxiety.) but in this case he's not just rubbing but also pinching his nose each time before giving a loaded statement, which also at 6:37 he uses his left hand and really rubs that left side of his nose when after talking about the relative options that Russia has, how it wants to both be like the West but after the West becomes more limited in it's democracy or more orthodoxy and traditional. There's also a lot of eye furrowing from him(in Body Language analysis eyebrow furrowing indicates feeling frustration and anger, but also concentration) here I feel like he's more concentrating when thinking about the West and Russia, and trying to draw parallels, possibility of frustration is still there. IMO favorite moments of this analysis is whenever this man closes his eyes intensely, not squinting but he really closes his eyes and shuts down visuals in the outer world, like at 8:16 when he asks "How do we balance this-", and in general in body language when we see people shut down and are closing their body language down, like crossing arms, looking away, blocking and shielding gestures around mouth and eyes, even shifting shoulders and posture to face away from the person causing so much defensiveness and distress, in this case when this man actually intensely closes his eyes he's internalizing a mental representation of 'balancing' of 2 concepts and multiple issues in his mind, such that he needs to disassociate from physical visual reality to engage with his internal processing. Tonality: Generally very calm, and somewhat soothing. Few moments of raised voice and projection, but his illustrators of his hands and face do most of the emphasis of certain words. what are your thoughts on that whole video? Do you think he was mostly performative to his audience? Do you feel he was a bit defensive or distressed? Do you think he's genuine?
  3. And while I'm at it Hasan, tell BLM movement to organize better, create a headquarters and centralize the movement into chapters that can coordinate peaceful protests, and also tell those 2 female 'leaders to stop dividing the donations up, throwing them elsewhere than the black community, and to stop playing monopoly on somewhere in Miami buying up properties. Sorry but Candice Owens got you all with her investigation.
  4. Gross take by Hasan, no conservatives and traditionalists are not that sensitive...in COMPARISO TO FREATING PROGRESSIVES AND SOCIALISTS! Look at so many events of conflicts in the real world where stage green valuing peoples of the left get over sensitive to conflicts. Look at Greens morally judging some African guy who purchases a dog to eat, for himself and his family, and look at all these modern secularist westerners that over value animal welfare, hippies SJWs values getting so sensitive to not understand that that guy HAS MOUTHS TO FEED! Big blind spot and hypocrisy by Hasan:
  5. Gross take by Hasan, no conservatives and traditionalists are not that sensitive...in COMPARISO TO FREATING PROGRESSIVES AND SOCIALISTS! Look at so many events of conflicts in the real world where stage green valuing peoples of the left get over sensitive to conflicts. Look at Greens morally judging some African guy who purchases a dog to eat, for himself and his family, and look at all these modern secularist westerners that over value animal welfare, hippies SJWs values getting so sensitive to not understand that that guy HAS MOUTHS TO FEED! Big blind spot and hypocrisy by Hasan:
  6. @Grateful Dead Could you provide some links to some studies of other countries showing the positive impacts on Cannabis legalization? Also your friend's bachelor about the impact of cannabis legalization on drug help centers versus the data when LSD was used in those drug centers?
  7. @Buck Edwards Maybe, I'll have to double check later but this reminded me of this Bill Burr and Sara mini debate: Reviewed and critiqued this debate moment, and Sara actually did fine just biased a bit, but OMG Bill Burr was just unnecessarily aggressive here, plus he's jumping in to interrupt another debate moment with Joe Rogan and SARA. Just annoying. There were several points made, for example one argument point was 'Are first ladies important?' and IMO they're important RELETIVE to many different factors and lines of development, but especially when you factor into knowledge and experience base. For instance Sara did bring up Michelle Obama's past experiences and knowledge as a lawyer and knowing the legal system, so it made so much little sense that Bill Burr's counter was his mommy being a nurse. I'm like okay? But that's a mirror point and equally moot point...because why should we care about your mommy if she happens to become first lady with a nursing background, when you downplay and demonize Sara's attempt to bring up Michelle Obama's background which could make her an important first lady? As nurses are valuable to doctors for medical assistance and battle field first aid and rescue, very similarly when people find themselves in legal disputes that lawyers are relatively valuable too! This whole exchange is why I HATE COMEDIANS SO MUCH!! Also: Which is a mixed bag for me as well in terms for arguing. Might later do a body language analysis here as there's so much going on in this interview.
  8. Eminem ccovered this well in his rap song STAN. STAN for those who don't know are very obsessive fans that only consume that 1 artist and his work, nothing else, and get violent if their celebrity doesn't acknowledge them.
  9. @Yimpa Well technically Japan's much healthier because USA used nukes twice and forced them to surrender. Like they had no choice but to surrender, let go, and pick themselves up. Although Birthrates decline in Japan is alarming thougn.
  10. @Jodistrict True, unbelievable hoe people here are very quick to demonoze this self immolation act. It actually was a form of protest for Tibetans against China then in Vietnam. Obviously don't burn yourself, but I recognize courage to self immolation. That has to be painful as hell to do and you actually have to overcome your fear of death. Majority of people here, if you're honest, me included, are cowards that will not overcome death like this and we all prefer comfy lives. So I am not going to discredit such a crazy act. Just see and observe with eyes of unbias, put aside your biases and just give credit where it's do, and don't demonize too much. To me that is not cowardly act.
  11. @bebotalk It's simple: Birthrates declining rapidly thanks to capitalism, multiculturalism, secularism and feminism on the rise. Too long working hours, too much career oriented female workers, bot enough social or state orthodoxy supporting family units, and high divorce rates leads to declines in birthrate and reproduction of society's citizenry. Too much human decency decline and moral degradation of westernized countries, and some eastern countries too like South Korea and Japan.
  12. @Heaven General speaking weed also increases addiction patterns, and wjile yes may lower crime rates, that doesn't mean you take my weed. Hands off my weed.
  13. @Grateful Dead I predict an increase of cannibis addiction. Bad mistake to start legalisation of weed, they should have skipped to legalise psychedelics like psilocybin or even LSD, in fact lefalize LSD and put it back into their 12 step program!
  14. @Scholar What a scholarly thing to say, call heroes mentally ill. So Buddha monk in Vietnam who set himself on fire is mentally ill too??? I should report you.
  15. @Paradoxed I absolutely agree! The guy is clearly almost dead! Like WTF are you still pointing a gun for???!!!😑 But can't complain too much it's indoctrinated into him, he trained to point hus gun.
  16. @Husseinisdoingfine Reminds me of the Buddha monk in the Vietnam war burning himself.
  17. @Rafael Thundercat I don't think there's such a thing as political awakening.
  18. @NightHawkBuzz I partly agree. It's another factor as to why most westernized secular/atheist countries like the UK, EU, Russia, USA, Japan, South Korea and a few more are decreasing in birthrates, another consequence of too much feminism, capitalism, multiculturalism and rushed democracy.
  19. @Adrian colby Yep, it's all a culture war, and narrative warfare. We only value the metanarratives we tell ourselves, the stories, anecdotes and metaphors we use to describe reality we see of others and ourselves. THAT is the true purpose of arguing and debate, to defend our relative truths we hold dear from another relative truth trying to kill it and propagate in the viewer's minds. That's why 'facts don't care about your feelings.', is wrong and that 'Facts do care about feelings, and feelings don't care about facts.' is actually right.
  20. @Karmadhi Agreed. As an ex fan of Destiny I've seen A LOT of sick behaviors from this guy, from having this clip of him laughing about the genocidal claims like he was literally laughing at the whole thing, to justifying doxxing some woman's work place on twitter cuz of some joke of throwing an egg at him, to spinning narratives about his divorce from Melina. I even covered him in my body language thread here: And the whole drama between Destiny and Mr. Girl, and it just felt hyper manipulative as hell. Yes Mr. Girl is part provocateur, part edgy, part empath narcissist, part rapper/film maker, but he actually made some good points against Destiny, that him writing on his reddit page gained a lot of traction and critiques against Destiny that his mod shut it down and banned Mr. Girl. It's ridiculous. And that Destiny report he released was telling, but it's a very long read through I don't suggest, but take my word on it it really painted Destiny in a totally different way that I had to stop watching him or following his content.
  21. Main critique of the guy is the red thumbnail, change that, the red is too aggressive for marketing and promo.
  22. @Karmadhi I don't like Piers Morgan, always finding ways to gotcha guests. Great job on Mearsheimer staying cool.
  23. This is a nice rap by Daylyt: