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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @bebotalk Who also believes he's a dragon fly and can feast on girls, Jimmy Savile style, what a world!🙄
  2. Oh my, Destiny has made a new podcast Channel: Anyone wanna Deadpool bet, when it ends in the internet?
  3. Why are public figures compromising and sacrificing their homor for more clout, clicks and views? Why are most pod castors that talks about politics and society, platforming a sociopath like Destiny who has a troubling history of lies and drama farming and making? Why are they gambling with their reputations for associating and validating this sociopath's narratives? As an ex viewer of Destiny, half of what he has said are lies and fabricated. This particular video I did a body language analysis and concluded he's being deceptive and much more stressful from Mr. Girl's take sof him here: Some very important questions here: What is happening, what is going on, and why is he becoming more popular and nobody is challenging him on his sociopathic takes?
  4. @Rafael Thundercat Well, Destiny has finally made his podcast: Let's make some Deadpool bets, when will his end in the internet?
  5. @Tanz I agree, i don't have to agree with what Russel Brands says, and his choices of snorting coke in the past, and his questionable hook ups and his piss poor apology videos. I especially am skeptical of his takes on power, coming from a Charles Manson type of guy, with high charisma and persuasion. Is the lady what I referenced here? While she clearly is too biased against the right wing, she has some solid takes, and trying to poison the well isn't a good look on you.
  6. @Rafael Thundercat A simple and good example of when there's too much individualism, democracy, and free speech: You end up like that woman, who says a lot of talking points but can't back up those talking points with facts, evidence, or anecdotes to show Jesse a real world example of white privilege. That's the more extreme end of liberalism, feminism, and victim mentality.
  7. @Carl-Richard Well, if you consider the whole of humanity authoritarianism has existed the longest of them all, this leader-follower structure, so on average it's actually a more robust system that has withstood time that I say is mostly healthy for SURVIVAL. Now in comparison to say a totalitarian regime? that too is second to third chunk of human history right there, which is a more extreme version of authoritarianism..
  8. @Rafael Thundercat Great post I acknowledge it's goodness, as nobody is engaging with mine means I'm telling the truth.
  9. @Thought Art You're welcome! I can't bring up the definition again, but it's similar to UN's and what the South African case against Israel, part of their definition of genocide is exemplified by that flour massacre, the IDF soldiers starve them to near death, as part of a fear inducing tactic, and these little incidents with snipers or some random soldiers firing into the crowds is another form to induce further terror into Gazans, keep the terror and fear fresh into the minds of Gazans and some potential HAMMAs among them. It's part of that whole package of genocide, it's not just mass killings of armed or unarmed civilians only, it's a sequence of patterns to eventually allow the occupying force into newer territory. But thanks for overseeing this thread again you're level headed that I can take long breaks.
  10. @Thought Art And another horrific incident painting the IDF and alt right Israel in a not so good light. You can even do some body language analysis on the Israel spokesperson and he's having to do a lot of internal processing and thinking, meanwhile fighting the surprise and shock down.
  11. @Merkabah Star This situation is so bad that we gotta rely on Donald Trump to this this mess, and you know that he's becoming more and more popular is telling a whole lot of a screwed up this situation is.
  12. @Carl-Richard To know whether western values are objectively good or bad we'll have to factor in more developmental factors as well, not just only SDT. Ever since the rise of secularism, modernism, egalitarianism and feminism, there's also a decrease in birthrates in most westernized 1st world countries that it's not reaching the threshold of replacement numbers per society, due to the following: 1. High divorce rates, which are correlated to more females on average being more careers orientated due to feminism, and hyper capitalism, as well as the destruction of the family unit and nuclear family which is sourced from theocratic religions. 2. Secularism and atheism, which cannot make their own moral codes and ethical standards, so they still source from say a Christian theocratic worldview, and they don't even acknowledge that the constitution is inspired by the religious moral frameworks. However secularists and atheists fail to start marriages and raise families successfully because family is a deep national and religious aspect of humanity, and they demonize religious orders and theocracy, and given that marriage and family are so integral to religious orders and to a stage blue society they demonize the hell out of healthy family units and instead end up subconsciously creating more single parent households and dysfunctional family units that traumatizes young children, to then later on in life repeat that same mistake if they don't overcome that. 3. Birthrate declines in most westernized secular countries, like the USA, Canada, UK, EU, Russia and China, especially South Korea which has adopted western values and culture, like multiculturalism, egalitarianism and feminism despite the capitalism which is higher than the USA or UK version, as their work culture is a bit more toxic, same with Japan work culture is too demanding, western values, and not to mention the West especially USA bullied Japan into a surrender via nukes, then transported their ideology onto the Japanese's organized theocracy/imperialism, which made them have to adapt to a more westernized culture or face more penalty from America. The biggest blind spot to most westernized 1st world countries is they all assume egalitarianism, feminism and multiculturalism is a given and that every society around the world should be liberal and screw theocracies. Well that doesn't produce good outcomes because see egalitarianism is itself abstract and needs enforcement mechanisms by the state like law and order to maintain such ideologies, which on average mostly men do. Without law and order and enforcement egalitarianism would have extinct a long time ago. Same with Feminism and even the suffrage movement, they still needed enforcement arms and mechanisms like this, largely provided by men as MEN have created those rules and rights in the first place and defended such abstract rights from civil unrest and civil wars to regional and global wars between countries seeking to dominate and subjugate another society. Same with multiculturalism, can't go multiculturalism and skip all them developmental factors, can't skip over religion and theocracies, you got to live through some kind of stage red/blue values first before going stage orange or even green. Oh also the native decline of birthrates in westernized countries will pressure those countries in the future to increase migration of peoples of 3rd world countries that are producing, sometimes above threshold replacement numbers, from what? Theocratic societies! So if secularists, humanists and atheists want to remedy this problem, they have to integrate more stage blue nationalism and religion into their ideological movements, or keep failing. Now briefly I'll address those 3 points you brought up: Individualism: Nope, there is such a thing as too much individualism. The right to be who you are is highly dependent on many social factors, which individualism raised only after the divorce of state and religion. I'd argue that we're having too much individualism and we need to tone it down a bit. You as an individual depends on which society you are raised in, and the collective programming and the cognitive and moral development. Ideally we should now pursue a more limited form of democracy, you can still be individualism, just that too much hyper individualism can lead to things like human indecency and moral degradation. Freedom of speech: Again moral degradation and human indecency. We need more human decency laws and we need to salvage whatever remains of our humanity and moral system we have, thanks to Tik Tok, social media sites, Neo capitalism and these hyper liberalist ideologies these have rotten the brains of our youths in this age of information. Democracy: As I stated more limited democracy, maybe even a hybrid form of authoritarianism and democracy like in the Roman empire. Reason why we need to simplify down democracy is because we have WAY TOO MANY VOICES! Western countries are becoming more and more schizophrenic and are having to adjust and accommodate to many representations and too many cultures that we end up losing overtime what made that country originally very good to begin with. We end up having too complex metanarratives to tell and indoctrinate future children, if we ever have any to begin with AKA birthrate decline, then stories overtime become too many, and we end up confusing ourselves with too much information.
  13. Great analysis of Dana walking out of a podcast:
  14. This is what I mean when I say signing to a Record Label can be a problem: I hope Ez Mil doesn't get screwed over by Shady Records, just listen to these diss tracks: Eminem being stupid to revive a long dead and irrelevant artist Benzino, which: and especially: Almost destroyed Eminem and Shady Records, like how do you deal with attack angles that are factual? All those artists did leave Shady Records, kind of shady...
  15. I have a love and hate thing with Ez Mil, I see he's a good kid, maybe too girly voiced for my tastes but he's a decent rapper, so I freaking hate it when his role modals or idols contact him and are potentially exploiting his fanboyism for more capitalism and profits: Because now it's very likely Ez Mil will be less remembered in his legacy not as a hard working Rapper with good work ethic, but remembered as a person next to Eminem and Dr. Dre, remembered as another Rapper they assimilate into: I HATE IT!! If that was me I ain't compromising my moral standards and integrity for it to be tarnished by a few more famous or powerful people! Fuck Eminem and fuck Dr. Dre if they EVER contact me! So help me god I'd diss them WORSE than Ice cube dissed Dr. Dre if they ever touch my LP, my life purpose which is NOT FOR SALE! Another great example of a younger artist being taken advantage of by a more established and more powerful and more influential figures. Even if you factor in everything in developmental psychology and other developmental factors, this is slimy capitalism in music industry, Ez Mil is getting screwed here... Your thoughts and opinions? What do you do in this situation, if you're an independent freelance at whatever, worked very hard for that, some bigger company reaches out to offer a contract, say all those flowery phrases and sales pitch BS, what do you do?! Do you be like George Lucas and sell Star Wars, or keep your integrity even if it risks the survival of Star Wars?
  16. This is a great example of people who have EVERYTHING despise about this rap music industry: I'm like grow some freaking balls Ez Mil! Grow a moral backbone! You're letting your idols screw you over in business deals and somewhat in marketing because after the realest: Everyone, including fanbase of Ez Mil and ESPECIALLY Eminem's fanbase thinking you are only hot and trending because you're next to Eminem, and they'll forget everything you did beforehand to train yourself as a rapper. Also very shady that Dr. Dre reached out to Ez Mil, feels like him and Eminem wanted to capitalize on the Pilipino fanbase and siphon as much out of him. If it was me I'd REFUSE because I have moral standards and integrity, I don't like having some more famous or more powerful person tarnish my legacy like this!
  17. @Adrian colby Sure, and I am not informed enough to engage with the neuroscience and brain chemistries, but I heard it's like a gut feeling/intuition or emotional signal one has, from the right brain that detects something is off that the left brain can't detect. At least in terms of body language and tonality we've evolved from Chimpanzees or some type of hominid that's hardwired for socialization and imagination, so that social part made us evolve to have facial expressions and more instinctual verbals BEFORE written language or reading was a thing, so there's definitely an ancestral link and deep historical development of even some of us intuiting body language and tonality that we generally feel you're defensive, or you're open and happy. We still haven't got all the research into this, but I'd say it's more probable to trust your intuition signals 70-80% of the time. For example, Jimmy Savile a famous BBC host back then, most people loved him and really liked his charisma, but some people with very high intuition, like my Dad's grandma, didn't like him one bit. After Jimmy's death those witnesses came out with their stories which confirmed, indirectly, my Dad's grandma's intuition of Jimmy being a very evil person.
  18. @Nivsch It's annoying you keep personifying and anthropomorphizing HAMMAs as a person. It's a group mate, not a person. That's like me personifying the UK as a she-devil, that dominated 1/3 of the world, only country with anti slavery policies, and the one woman with the bald eagle who set up an Israel state to trap the nomads into one place next to several theocratic Muslim states knowing it'll lead to continuous friction between the more liberalist/democratic western Israel versus the several theocratic Islam societies. Don't attack me, ask Osho what his takes are.
  19. Meanwhile Elon Musk is planning to disband NATO:
  20. Apparently Elon Musk is preparing to divide up the NATO:
  21. @Thought Art Ture, I duality noted. We're all stuck in this multiplex multi dimensional chess and Chinese Go hybrid game, each point of view entangled with biases of our metanarratives and each other. Or as Daniel Schmachtenberger put it we're in Molloch situation where we should ideally be in Game B but we're incentivised deeply to play Game A to outcomes orient and out compete the other players over limited resources.
  22. @Phil King I agree, I think it all started when they think Jordan Peterson they think Donald Trump. The 2 are associated in the minds of some of the toxic immature stage greens, and they fail at logic and making distinctions between the 2 so they conflate the 2. That plus Jordan's hate for hippies and new agers. I agree relatively speaking Jordan Peterson offers some psychological value if you want to speak and listen to him and his more stage orane/green and some blue interpretations of the Holy Bible is actually some good insights.
  23. @Nivsch No, you're twisting what I've said. I said in the small picture yes there's differences, but in the big picture it's similar and the same: all have biases and preferences, pro Israel is a bias for Israel, pro Palestinians is a bias for Palestine, both are biased, and all are biased in the big picture. I'm saying you think in tiny small picture, not the big picture.
  24. @Nivsch Maybe in the specifics and details of the small picture are there differences, but not when it's the bigger picture. The bigger picture and long term developmental factors involved, both sides are biased and preferential.