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Everything posted by Danioover9000
Memetics is a beautiful thing: Also do your jobs better police. This is why I'm advocating for no touching between rap battle artists when dissing, this is why:
Danioover9000 replied to Reciprocality's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Reciprocality I think that when I look at 'overly civilized' peoples, which may include Victorian era people, pious religious people for instance Amish, and so forth I feel they are an uncommon sight nowadays. I do feel like there's been moral degradation to today's society especially in westernized countries by Neo-capitalism and liberalism run amok, and decrease in human decency and nudity almost everywhere I go, all thanks to Tik Tok and predatory social media platforms perverting the youth and the baby generation. -
Danioover9000 replied to Carl-Richard's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@DefinitelyNotARobot The majority of humanity had dictators though, and biggest chunk was authoritarian and patriarchy. Without MEN to enforce rights with enforcement arms like military, soldiers, martial laws up to policing, then those rights are void to begin with. In fact Women on average can't defend themselves on scale, and have to rely on males in average, other men, to enforce rights and rules that sometimes favors women more than men, hence the biggest weakness of Feminism, multiculturalism, and egalitarianism, those rights got to be enforce by the patriarchy and organized religions and orthodoxies in the first place! And we're still suffering greatly in the west, some in the East for example South Korea that has adopted western liberalism, individualism, democracy, feminism, even Neo liberalism/late stage capitalism, and apparently as the generations gone, replacement numbers are dwindling versus North Korea which is increasing in replacement numbers. Same with Japan. Why is that? -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Merkabah Star So what's next then? Will IDF keep on dehumanizing the Gazans? Would it take like concentration camps filled to the brim by Palestinians and Gazans or mass r***** like Nanking for the USA and rest of the world to quickly wake up and demand a ceasefire unconditionally? The IDF is gradually pushing their luck and really really really making Israel look bad. Why don't they do just a conditional ceasefire and sort out the civilians who are starving? -
Danioover9000 replied to Carl-Richard's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Carl-Richard It proves my point when Authoritarian regimes are 2 plus more blocks. Also most of human history patriarchies ruled, and the rules and rights, which itself are abstract, and defended and enforced by other MEN. Plus we're still facing birthrate declines in most westernized countries. -
Danioover9000 replied to Carl-Richard's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Great example of western sickness: -
So this video he's doing some imagination perspective of what this dead philosopher would've said to each social, political, and worldly issues: Also interesting to make note of in my observation, his content, the oldest videos around 3-10 years old is mostly musical and a bit of philosophy, but 2 years ago to now he's style has changed a bit, switched to being more political. In terms of SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development by Jane Loevinger, Architypes by Carl Jung, Ken Wilbur's Integral Theory's other lines of development in life and societal domain, ideological beliefs indoctrinated by family upbringing and cultural/societal programming from Ukraine(assuming Ukraine, no way in hell is he getting away posting like that about Putin in Russia), information ecology he consumes and his mental representations of reality, his metanarratives and metaprogramming his mind is on that shapes his biases and preference and worldview. Definitely I'll be eating him for my own understandings. Thoughts and feelings?
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Vrubel Cool, so coming back to this specific issue of you reporting @Raze...which posts did you report that proves he was doing this 'denial' or spreading a conspiracy theory? I mean IMO absence of evidence = evidence of absence, which basically means you reported for nothing...unless you have proof? Not denying what HAMMAs did isn't terrible, I do condemn their actions as much as I condemn the IDF for open firing into starving dying Palestinians. Remember in a conflict it takes 2 to tango, so both sides share some guilt and blame of making this conflict much worse. -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Merkabah Star I don't even know why IDF would shoot into the crowds, they could've just shot in mid air and gave warning shots or made a more secure area to distribute the food, yet they sent the trucks, allowed the starving Palestinians to swarm their trucks...to then shot at them??? I'd definitely be charging the soldiers who were shooting into the crowds. So unnecessary to do. -
Danioover9000 replied to Rafael Thundercat's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Rafael Thundercat Yeah it's definitely a thought terminating cliche this 'terrorist' word is(in psychology thought terminating cliches are dark subject matters personaified as a person, like a rapist, sadist, pedophile, something very negative person, so most viewers can't engage with that and will instead disengage and circumvent the topic and do all kinds of deflecting/dodging/distortions to handle a very negatively loaded word). Ego-terrorist? More like actualized terrorist.😁 -
This is both amazing and quite disturbing:
Danioover9000 replied to Carl-Richard's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
An example of western sickness, maybe: -
@Bazooka Jesus How is it hilarious? I found it clever and cunning that he answered like that. Also insinuating that Russian hackers have given some extra votes to Biden, like I gave you some help actually and changed my mind about Donald Trump, now you bite the hand that fed you??? Something like that.
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Rafael Thundercat I've been warned by a moderator in the past to not post very long posts. Try to just link the source and I'll check it out. -
Danioover9000 replied to Rafael Thundercat's topic in Intellectual Stuff: Philosophy, Science, Technology
@Rafael Thundercat Basically what Andrew Wilson calls 'woman prattle', 'sophistry' and 'spurging' for when Destiny get's super excited and animated. -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Vrubel I do care about truth and sourcing, so what posts did @Raze do that contained atrocity denial? And is it even in the forum guidelines? Right? Like freedom of speech, individualism, democracy? You think those extend to Actualized.org forum policy? And what right do you have to tell me what rights to exercise here in this forum? -
Danioover9000 replied to Carl-Richard's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Carl-Richard And? It's generally proving my point a bit more though, as stated most of human history it's been authoritarian regimes and hybrid regimes, mostly patriarchic rulership with exceptions here and there. When orthodox religion, and organized religion came about is around the flawed democracy part -
Kanye is rapping here in this freesrtyle:
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Very tense exchange between Journalist and USA department guy: -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Vrubel I'm sorry, where in the forum guidelines does it say it's an offence to share sources, facts, evidence, and data to support your posts and assertions made? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi_mKzxj96EAxXoUUEAHUmsCOAQFnoECA0QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.actualized.org%2Fforum%2Fguidelines%2F&usg=AOvVaw1d9hk08qnMoJp_e5gPMcEd&opi=89978449 Can you show me and others what specific grounds you have for reporting @Raze's post here: Main reason why I ask is I have PTSD when it comes to reporting, it's annoying to deal with in this forum, so we have to make sure the reasoning is solid and valid, otherwise other users will abuse the report function and we all hold each other accountable here. -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Thought Art 100% Agree with this. Don't be too biased guys. Also interesting move by China to publicly support Palestine's right to defend itself: -
Great example of an immature mind, both the reactor and Ryan Garcia's social media victim mindset:
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Thought Art I wasn't attacking the Israeli interviewer per say, just commenting on his body language and tonality for the 10-15 seconds available. I was just saying he was processing a lot as he's talking, you can even hear in his voice hesitancy on how to present Israel in a better light given what just happened. It's like if there's footage of IDF mass sexually assaulting a group of Gazans, and you as a Israel spokesperson must present them in a better light, how do you do that? You'll have to fight down the cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias creeping up, fight down your moral compass when your heart is signaling it's immoral and evil what IDF is doing, yet your brain is saying I need this job to SURVIVE and pay the bills too, and you EGO is in deep denial and wants it's story to be the right side and all good. In that hypothetical what would you do? Shift blame onto some of the Gazan women for provoking the IDF soldiers? It's a deep moral dilemma when you're seeing your country and state you hold dearly doing nasty stuff out there, all caught on footage. Also all really good questions, gonna take a break to contemplate them. Thanks for keeping this thread relatively civil, watch out @StarStruck he's stirring up drama again. -
Danioover9000 replied to Leo Gura's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Bandman Another example of too much Tik Tok and social media usage does. There's been enough research showing how too much social media increases narcissism via auto beauty pictures by Algorithms/A.I, psychopathy/sociopathy due to interfacing with 2d screens instead of real 3d face to face interactions and anonymity being more accepting, increases in ADD/ADHD due to Tik Tok's hyper addictive stimulating content of shorts designed to hijack limbic system in brain to engineer deeper need of shorter content and format lacking time markings distorts actual time/energy/attention spent scrolling and clicking and liking content for it's hyper sensational subjects, Which is pressuring YouTube to do shorts which negatively impacts mid-long form education video content, and so much misinformation and propaganda spreads with longer and more difficult ways to counter disinformation, narrative warfare and information warfare is far harder as the democratization of the internet makes spreading and propagating narratives so much easier and much more difficult to fact check and falsify. -
Danioover9000 replied to martins name's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@martins name Thanks for that. IDC if I'm getting shadow banned in this forum, but what I've said so far has truths to it that it's hard to argue against. How can anyone defend immature excess stage green, when they are also deluded and too triggered by capitalism to even do conscious business?