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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Bobby_2021 I see, so if a system is producing terrorists, instead of a deeper root issue fix, you just kill the produced terrorists? What about a system producing spousal abuse and rape victims? Deal only with the rape victims and abused, mercy kill them, but not the system or groups producing such victims in the first place? What if there were a few vigilantes from such a system trying to deal with the system, yet that system calls it illegal activity and tries these abused victims of crimes instead of seeing how these vigilantes are produced?
  2. @zazen Very true, when the minority is over represented as the majority opinion is a pretty dangerous situation.
  3. @Sucuk Ekmek It's a general label. Or would you rather list them all every time you reference them in conversation? Instead of saying Europeans you say France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Greece, and so on?
  4. Great example of systemic racism, and how tricky it really is, also another example of stage orange/mostly green having a blind spot to a stage red individual that appears mostly a calm put together person, until 5 weeks later found with dismembered body parts in his freezer. Integrate your stage blue and orange values, and improve your body language analysis and reading of people.
  5. Another interesting take on this case, more from a right winger. I'll say the facts and the sentencing for this case is appropriate.
  6. Take a look at this: and This is why screening and vetting is very important, and developing your ability to accurately read a person's body language and tonality. You'll save yourself the scandals like these. Now Joe Rogan actually has little excuse as he's a comedian, comedians generally are higher in social intelligence, they know typically how to read mannerisms and body language.
  7. I'm so desensitized to this, but it's still disgusting that a toddler is telling what happened to his pregnant mom: Israel should get it's thread locked and temp banned from conflict. Go touch grass and stop sacrificing humanity each time you let alt right wing IDF soldiers shot a freaking pregnant woman. Grounded, time out, bad Israel!
  8. @Raze No different than the Russian military.
  9. @Hardkill You ideally impose severe sanctions like boycotts, account freeze, stopping supply of weapons to really make Israel agree to ceasefire. No other neans is enough, even protests are not enough. If you don't threaten their economy they will continue.
  10. @Bobby_2021 It's more deep denial, and blind belief in his side.
  11. The last thing you'd expect to see, this individual having stage red values from just his body language and tonality: Who later was found with several body parts in his freezer.
  12. This is a great example of why you should take body language analysis and tonality seriously. I will give a detailed analysis of this man: Seems very calm individual right? Had multiple felony charges, served about 25 years to life, got out. Generally his body language was calm in mannerisms right? Some time later, same guy was caught by police and found some severed body parts and a head in his apartment. Now Joe Rogan's gonna have to handle this scandal of inviting a risky guest, that some time later repeated that same offense. Body language: Tonality:
  13. @Davino I'm even cautious with Salvia, sure it's a deliriant class, compared to Datura it's milder, but still mishandling Salvia can get you a deep bad trip real quick. I'd general advice for novices to stay away from deliriants and just focus on the natural psychedelics first, then synthetic, and maybe deliriants with a lot of research and preparation.
  14. New footages: And Ben Shapiro triggered:
  15. @Raze Good example of developmental psychology. Also trauma is generational too, not just individualistic.
  16. @Heaven I legit think that @Leo Gura or @Thought Art gotta impose a ceasefire right now, lock the thread for a couple of days or so, then reopen it. Seriously this thread's sucking away most of our time away from journaling here or something else outside of this forum. Like I've taken a break and recovered from this thread, so really take a break you all from this drama from just this thread, have a long intermission. @Jehovah increases As stated so long ago, in another thread on another sub forum, spirituality is hard especially when survival is on the line. Unless you're Emiya Shirou and live in the Fate Stay universe, people die when they are killed. No one has Avalon, no one has healing factor and immortality, there's no holy grail to make any kind of wishes, so yes spirituality is particularly hard.
  17. @Merkabah Star And I'm the second most logical as well. I also agree we all need a ceasefire in this thread, it's going nowhere and we're actually talking in circles. I've counted so @Nivsch had like 437 posts here, @Vrubel had 324-sorry it's now 326 posts now, @Heaven like under 10 here in total. Like the majority of posts here are just loose arguing back and forth, and while I like to argue it's getting convoluted and @Leo Gura or @Thought Art maybe should lock the thread for maybe 4 days, just to give all of us a breather. We're all just basically huffing and puffing onto this thread thinking it's getting somewhere.
  18. Good livestream on this whole Eminem versus Benzino beef past 2 months:
  19. @VictorB02 My god that's a big crowd! where there like vending machines or hot dog stands?
  20. For example: Apparently was a human trafficker, and worked as a soldier. However, that's like 10 + years ago, such a long time ago, and sometimes people do change after decades go by based on many developmental factors. What do you guys think and feel? IMO banana guy is a decent Channel and is a good arguer, but is he overreaching here?
  21. This is actually a great example of this issue: I can both understand and empathize a bit with this guy. Basically he face a bit of racism from a few white people, but more often that racism came from the black culture and the ghetto. Worse is the mentalism when he does tell a person he's adopted, like there's so much hidden assumptions of his prior status. Not every adopted on average is traumatized. I'm willing to bet this attitude comes way more from those liberals/progressives that play these identity politics games, way more from the egalitarians and preachy stage greens.
  22. @Emerald First of all, welcome back! Been a while since you were in the forum. Sure, there's a range of racism, covert to overt in the South USA like in Texas and nearby states. Putting aside racism, if there are real concerns and other factors, like a badly maintained southern border between Texas and Mexico, where cartels sometimes sneak in migrant workers that cross illegally, that increasingly take up jobs other natives of Texas and other southern state citizens do, Is that not a valid concern and point that Jared is bringing up here? Among many other developmental factors. Systems negatively impacting non-white only? Is that only one factor why some of these systems mistreat non-whites? Aren't there other factors besides race? Sure some public schools in America funded from property taxes, but is the disparity in wealth and living conditions only because of redlining and segregation? Is it not because of Neoliberalism, late stage capitalisms, even multiculturalism, feminism, and egalitarianism run amok that attacks more traditional values like family nuclear units, marriages, tightly compact communities? Is it not part of the fallout of too much atheism/secularism? Sure there could be some causation of poorer schooling, but another factor is this affirmative programming by Obama, that tries to statewide affirmative action to non-white to do better in schooling, yet it's not as effective and sets up a bad cycle of victimhood, that you as a non-white of this affirmative action, that you're only in this collage or university mainly because of affirmative action and not merit or skill or intelligence...That much was made clear by Thomas Sowell's research that mainly it's the black culture and ghetto culture holding back non-white people from doing better as they demonize students that can read and walking back with textbooks, and this culture even traces back to the Southern culture of white trash, rednecks and hillbilly culture, which portion of blacks are a part of, which traces back to places in Ireland and in Scotland, this warrior and machismo attitude. So in that framing I'd partly agree this is a deeply systemic problem with deeper history that goes beyond the USA 's founding history. I partly agree that racism may be alive, but on KKK levels? Like public lynching and black face? I'd argue it's mostly covert with sometimes overt racism.
  23. @Porphyry Fedotov Because having children and a family unit has been the bedrock of most societies that are mostly at stage blue in SD development. Birthrates is a direct negative consequence of feminism, multiculturalism, hyper individualism, democracy, egalitarianism, late stage capitalism and secularism/atheism run amok. It's so bad these westernized countries have to maintain and increase immigration from 3rd world countries that mostly are more stage blue than stage orange/green in values, mostly in orthodoxy religious theocracies. The big decline in birthrates means less number of humans to supply and demand, so most western countries have to import people from 3rd world countries that can produce above replacement threshold. Look at countries that are westernizing and have adopted western values like South Korea and Japan, their numbers are going down. Mass immigration is one of the solutions??? So you're in favor of maintaining lack of human decency and moral degradation of nation and country? And you don't mind when mass automation, algorithms and A.I generation machines replace your purpose here on earth? Gotcha.
  24. @Vrubel Which post are you asking @zazen to refer to? I got about 324 post from you in this thread alone.