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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. IMO this is a nice freestyle: https://x.com/THEG0DMUTHA/status/1769333515173183542?s=20 Wish more rapper were like this, not the fast rap elementary lyrical miracle cornball Youtuber rappers!😂
  2. Great example of bias, and being too intelligent that you become blind to your own ideology and biases shaping your arguments, also another lesson why learning and being aware of developmental factors and modals like Spiral Dynamics stages of development (Don Beck), cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development(Jane Loevinger), Architypes(Carl Jung), Integral Theory's other lines of societal/personal development and domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated from meta programs, metanarratives, information ecology we consume from big companies manufacturing consent, and how biases and preferences and the ego mind coopts debating and arguing. As much as I do like debating this is the one case where I'm confident Avi's biases and ideology and ego mind is poisoning the well and distorting and shaping that podcast episode: https://x.com/AviBittMD/status/1769135804805263610?s=20
  3. @Consept Forget about Andrew Tate, clearly you're like Leo when it comes to Donald Trump and other lefties, mostly hate and too triggered. Just focus on the other example of Maximilian. Have you watched the video? Do you see why it's concerning how normalized drama and telling false stories are nowadays that could ruin lives? Focus on my main issue with slanderous and defamatory stories that circulate.
  4. @Nivsch Okay, chill with the poisoning the well fallacy, as stated I will find other sources and documentaries covering this event.😊
  5. @Karmadhi Yes I agree Zionism and Nazism are similarly selfish in terms of a ethnic/religious nationalism. Yes I agree the key difference of what made Nazism more worse than Zionism was the genocide and more killing part, and not the ethnic cleansing part. Although if you look at the ICP's and UN's definition of genocide it's a process, can involve not just killings but displacement of native populations in a given area, plus other war crimes. Even the gangs from Zionism are comparable to the secret police of the Nazi Germany Era.
  6. @Nivsch Have you not watched one of the episodes? According to them, the Zionists there sneaked in spies to record EVERYTHING. Every village, every inch of farm land, every demographic, even every number of fruit in every tree! Such levels of information gathering I find very difficult to argue against and hand wave it as accidental or circumstantial, the Zionists were hyper planning everything before and during the Al-Nakba. Is that not premeditated action for a Zionist kingdom? Also, second half, when Great Britain wanted to reduce the number of Zionists from Europe going to the area of Palestine, trying to send them elsewhere, that part of the Zionist movement that received military training started doing gorilla warfare against them. Is that premeditated or just accidental and circumstantial?
  7. @Leo Gura I agree they are a decent source and perspective. I may in the future include other sources covering this event, but I suspect most may be white washed by now but I will try to seek other sources.
  8. What is so fascinating is just how premeditated this all was! It's not that it's mostly circumstantial or accidental that Israel was formed from the Nakba, but there's so much planning and organizing of this. And this is just 80 years ago just to contextualize what's happening today. I honestly felt like if the Zionists were far more aggressive in eliminating every Palestinians then they'd still get a pass! And I can't believe how unaware Zionism is of itself when it's similar to Nazism, it's literaly like a perpetrator-victim cycle, and the victim becomes the perpetrator but on a collective scale: I now know a little bit why the Palestinians feel they want to kick off with the Israelis for what happened. It's just wow.
  9. @Consept I'll restate my main argument again. Main issue specifically is not about the legality, it's part legal mostly moral. I showed an example here of what I mean: Please go watch it, it is relevant to my point being made of when some will just believe a big streamer's story, of them twisting and lying, and ultimately ruining Maximillian's life on the internet. To be clear I'm not defending Andrew Tate or the Maxim guy as they're immoral, I'm specifically against any hyperbole lies about Andrew Tate AFTER that seems fine but it isn't true, I'm against an mob mentality crazy narrative spinning, like he once owned NFTs of 50 naked cartoon women...that he then baits the Incel and red pill teens to buy into. I' using pure logic and hypotheticals because I'm more invested into the defamatory stories that ruins lives, most people just believe them, but later on a few find out it's not true and exaggerated.
  10. @Consept I'll be watching the 52 minutes clips of Andrew Tate's break downs of his crimes, but I want to hear your description of his tax evasion? Okay, so basically Andrew/Triston Tate were planning on fleeing? But they ended up contacting Adin Ross, and Adin let slip his plans? Okay. Me stating Andrew having a sex dungeon, oil nude wrestles and BDSMs with many of the girls is hyperbole and a hypothetical to what the mob of haters/trolls and witch hunts of him saying, them taking a few facts and exaggerating. I'm saying yes Andrew Tate might be guilty of human/sex trafficking, a bit of rape, physical/psychological abuse, lover boy method, tax evasion, scam bitcoins, and sure he'll be found guilty and goes to jail, but my argument is the witch hunt afterwards, the slander and defamation stories of Andrew Tate doing WAY WORSE than what's so far reported. This pattern is not limited to him, just look at YouTube and online drama of slanderous and defamatory stories that sometimes ends people's careers and lives. That's my main argument and issue, when you kick down and beat up an already guilty person way more than the crime, the punishment should ALWAYS fit the crime. It's like if you found a thief guilty, chopping his/her hand off is an exaggeration in this modern world, nowadays it's just for petty theft to get like less than 10-5 years with bail or something lighter that fits the theft crime, you won't find nowadays in USA judges or police chopping hands off thieves yes? Do you see how ridiculous that is? Like a peeping Tom is charged with human indecency, caught masturbating to a naked woman indoors, so judge sentences the guy to have his eyes burned and his dick cut off or something, crazy yes? Another 3rd new context is with some people who were criminals but redeemed themselves and do some podcasts, tell their stories, do some coaching, or fitness channels or something. So because of their checkered past they cannot ever interact or be public figures themselves? What if a few of them redeemed themselves? How many apology videos or apologies do they make that would make them redeemed to the eyes of the mob? We can choose to argue this and transition away from the Tate case.
  11. @jimwell Really? That's interesting, I have mostly the opposite of your views: I do love describing more colorfully nouns, verbs, situations and objects. Got to the point I've recently taken rap music and freestyles as a hobby, and love doing so many rhymes, and implementing literacy and poetic techniques! Ekphrasis is also my favorite exercise to do: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjLtsusivyEAxUl9gIHHYrwAXwQFnoECCsQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FEkphrasis&usg=AOvVaw327HIzNbsA50fc2_XOFPdc&opi=89978449
  12. @Zeroguy I would pick being a jack of all trades mastering one thing: JACKING ALL TRADES! Balancing expertise and finesse with emotional intuition.
  13. @Consept First off, thanks for the detailed post on his first crime of sex/human trafficking and the lover boy method thingy. Can you do the same for his second apparent charge of tax evasion and money laundering? I'll repeat, my main argument is his latest arrest and increase in sentencing over some rumor said by some random streamer named Adin Ross. I then argued after you argued something about injustice without defining what you meant so we're having this sloppy back and forth around injustice, so I argued back by providing a hypothetical, and bringing up another case to parallel such as Maximilian which I hope you've now seen. Yes Maximilian is a bad immoral character, very similar to Andrew Tate/Triston Tate, they are similarly bad people, but my particular problem is when extra condemnation happens afterwards. For example, when Charlie was spreading his defamatory story of Maximilian saying he's a pedo pedo pedo, even though it's within a joking and provocateur character in his gameplays, Charlie makes it seem like Maximilian is a pedo pedo pedo selling CP in his discords, HOWEVER it's a distortion: users were coming to HIS DISCORD AND POSTING those images, which made him repeatedly close and create another discord again and again. At that time, the days and weeks followed was a mob mentality witch hunt onto Maximillian BECAUSE Charlie was a HUGE STREAMER selling trumped up exaggerated story of him being a pervert! So my main point I'm extrapolating from Maximillian's case, and Andrew/Triston Tate's case I'm extrapolating, is that both have a shared problem area of the mob, and even a system of power and mob rule, interpreting incorrectly what that person did, as if Andrew Tate has a sex dungeon actively raping women on a daily basis, oil nude wrestling and BDSM daily, but really he's only guilty of the lover boy and sex/human trafficking and being a pimp evading taxes and money laundering. The characterization of Andrew being some rapey davey on a daily I disagree, but I agree on the current charges but I disagree on extra charges that are baseless and disagree on the witch hunt. Do you understand where I'm coming from?
  14. @Consept My main issue is that both contexts and both cases involved the mob and the popular public figures of power kicking down on a person with invented charges. Yes both Andrew Tate/Triston Tate and Maximilian guy are bad characters, have lower Spiral Dynamics stages of values development, lower in moral development and somewhat cognitive development, immoral and have differences in personality types/traits, ego stages, shadow selves, other lines of development that is a regression in that person's life domain and even societal domain as it pertains to their needs of belonging, and differences in ideological beliefs, metanarratives, and information ecology consumed, and their biases and preferences that shapes their worldviews. Yes both characters are generally bad, but also both them and many others when they're on the down low are kicked and people exaggerate their crimes or their evil ways, that's the main issue I have when most people just bad faith tactics and black/white binary think these people accused of these evils. The thought terminating cliches is also another issue I have, most people just generalize, and distort and exaggerate their immoral actions.
  15. @Consept I'm commenting on your picky use of logic here. If you're willing to c0ondemn Andrew/Triston Tate, then you also have to Condemn Destiny, Charlie/Moistcritikal/Penguinz0 for lying, slander and defamation. It's fine to judge and disagree with a bad faith character, find him/her immoral, but it's another thing to accuse them of something they didn't do, but because of mass popularity and mass negativity they become the 'perfect victims' of smear campaigns.
  16. Remember, 'facts don't care about your feelings.' is false. 'Facts do care about your feelings.' and 'stories, anecdotes, and metaphors are far more persuasive as the brain struggles to process pure data and statistics.' is TRUE for the individual to the collective levels: Based on Spiral Dynamics stages of development by Don Beck, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development by Jane Loevinger, Architypes and shadow work by Carl Jung, Ken Wilbur's Integral Theory, ideological beliefs indoctrinated through our collective sense making apparatuses, our meta programming, metanarratives, information ecology we consume and feed off of from big companies manufacturing consent, and self biases and preferences. IMO emotions, intuition, metaphors, anecdotes, and narratives, infused with good charisma and charm, is FAR MORE PERSUASIVE than mostly an objective and logical approach to debating and persuading viewers. Combined with the negatives and dangers of social media, this rings true and is very concerning on the collective scale of societies, politics, and governments. Whichever group get's to gain control and propagate more convincing narratives in this narrative and information warfare has more leverage and influence on the populace's opinions on it.
  17. @Nate0098 It depends on your position and how you define 'infinity' nd 'eternity'. IMO it's a semantics issue, and somewhat syntax as well, as the words carry similar meanings: infinity, forever, never ending, Omniferous, eternal/eternity, and so on. So what do you mean when you say eternity, and infinity? Also from your post, seems like your describing omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniferous, few ore I can't recall.
  18. @Consept The main issue is that this is exactly like this online case here: Basically yes Maximilian guy was mostly a bad character, bit immoral, trolling, cyber bullying, and a bit edgy, BUT Charlie accuses and spins a narrative against him that's totally UNTRUE! Pedophilia allegations followed, and due to Charlie's bigger audience his story out voiced any counter narratives or fact checking for Maximilian, ultimately in a way ruining his online career. Where it specifically parallels to Andrew and Triston Tate and their view of Romania's injustice is that they are being charged with tax evasion, human and sex trafficking charges. Now they're getting arrested again for conspiracy to flee Romania, due to Adin Ross saying they might flee...really???Also if we took this situation and made an alternative hypothetical, say Andrew/Triston Tate are only guilty of tax evasion, illegal solicitation of OnlyFans, human/sex trafficking, but then Romania throws in rape and sexual assault evidence and starts a slander/defamation on the Tates of charges that aren't there. Is that not injustice for them? Also @Thought Art yes I think there was another Destiny thread I forgotten, but also @Thought Art and @UnbornTao Isn't it a bit unfair that you asked me that question, but locked that thread which made me unable to reply to your question? It's fine if I'm a moderator I can reply on locked threads but I'm a normal user so my privileges here are limited.
  19. @Consept You can choose not to argue the legality of they're guilt, the Romanian courts will eventually, but then make the claim there's 'enough evidence' in this thread for Andrew Tate and maybe Triston Tate self snitching? Where's the post showing this set of evidence, and why would you claim not to make a legal sounding argument but claim arbitrary amount of evidence here is enough for an arrest and charge? Arguing them facing injustices? Injustices by the Romanian government? What's your definition of injustice? So as long as they never went to Romania, and kept a relatively low profile that Andrew Tate and Triston Tate would've been fine? How would they have been fine if they didn't market and do business, and marketed as much in social media? What do you mean they became suddenly famous as possible and talked about their crime? Haven't they talked about way more like misogyny and sexist sounding topics, material gains, some fighting tips, some topics about marketing and business, meanwhile being marketed as a bit hyper masculine more so than talking about their crimes? And Andrew Tate's/Triston Tate's claims of self genius happened when in live and playing that social media character, or was said when they're not in character?
  20. Just look at the mass slander and defamation happening to Normand Finkelstein: https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal Can we verify where that letter and photo of letter came from? Is it a deep fake A.I image? I find it highly suspicious such a letter leaks out AFTER this Lex Fridman podcast!
  21. @Seth What do you think??? If I was sarcastic wouldn't I not be so troubled by this disgrace?
  22. Seriously, I'll ask some users who do A.I generated tech, can you deep fake a photo of a letter like this? How is this authentic?
  23. Great takes by Hassan actually, confirms some of my intuitions with the whole podcast as BS: