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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @r0ckyreed Oh, so it's a race against time then? Who'll right their spiritual book first: Rocky or Leo?
  2. @Ishanga Isn't that both an appeals to averages and subjectivity? For example look at Sadhguru, he's got a mission in life and a purpose, made a community, made his yoga engineering program, reasonably successful spiritual teacher, arguably got his foundations...but had a stroke and brain hemorrhage and was rushed to the hospital with neuroscientists working to save his life, so does that mean spiritual teachers who similarly over work like Mr. Beast arr susceptible too? Also look to Leonardo Da Vinci, and even Marcus Aurelius, both men were successful and masterful in their fields, and haven't suffered that much due to having too much fame, fortune, status, creative expressions, traveling, luxury, material gains, and so on.
  3. Here's Leo's take: https://www.actualized.org/insights/the-sad-truth-about-mr-beast While it's fine to assess him on only Spiral Dynamics stages(Don Beck), I feel like there's several other factors that's making him unhappy, not just late stage capitalism, factors like cognitive and moral development, personality typing/traits(apparently Mr. Beast is in the autism spectrum so that's a factor), 9 stages of ego development(Jane Loevinger), shadow work and Architypes(Carl Jung), Integral Theory's other lines of development in life and societal domains(by Ken Wilbur), ideological beliefs indoctrinated by meta programming, metanarratives, information ecology leveraged by big companies to manufacture consent in the population, biases and preferences and ego mind that shapes one's worldview. I definitely think there's more going on that's contributing to Mr. Beast's unhappiness and workaholics problem.
  4. Short body language analysis and tonality of this clip: https://x.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1771984273442005232?s=20 Yes, it's missing some prior context but within this 1 minute I can already tell, intuitively that she's lying and performing more so than being genuine of her retelling of this story and situation. Basically according to her she was sexually assaulted, which IMO is a dark subject matter for anyone to have survived from. Main problem with her retelling is that there are 3 moments of dubious delight, and 3 moments of small smirking(half her face smiles more than the other, indicative of feeling contempt or feeling morally/intellectually superior). Also a lot of head movement and shaking, and no shakes plus some moments of eyebrow flashes(feeling surprised, emphasis, and social approval seeking) and brow furrows(frustration or concentration). IMO I feel she's mostly being fake and performative, and has that guilty pleasure AKA dubious delight of knowing she's lying and changing versions of her story, as if she knows this will go more viral, and knows this'll stir up drama regardless of the defamatory/slander she's doing against the other guy.
  5. @kray If this is true, then why wouldn't headlines say it's the Chechen terrorists instead of ISIS or Al Qaeda? why is ISIS claiming this instead of the Chechen terrorists? It's too suspicious.
  6. Cringe drama take by Destiny, can someone make him stop tweeting brain rot? https://x.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1771792643736875348?s=20
  7. @MellowEd Even though I don't proclaim to be god, I'll answer your question: Why are there souls suffering in hell? There are several huge assumptions and terms doing the heavy lifting here. Firstly it's assuming souls exists, hell exists, and that souls suffer equally like humans and animals do, that souls have the same biology and central nervous systems in animals to feel pain and suffering. There's also a lack of definition of those 3, lack of establishing what defines a soul, suffering, and hell produces low quality dialogues, and low quality arguments that cannot allow exchange of ideas corroborated. From the videos provided, if you're going to define and source from Christianity, and the other abrahamic religions, then for logical consistency it's necessary to use passages that describes what hell is, souls are, and suffering from a prophet, from anyone of the gospels. If this is your position and argumentation then you must use definition from them because it's of the narrow sense. If you're trying to argue from a broader sense of the souls, suffering and hell then you must also define each word that matfhes up to your premises provided. One important point in your argument is a deep fallacy of divine authority and straw man of the word god, in accordance to how Islam, Christianity and Judaism describes god. Those religious frames of god ascribe humanity and anthropology to some idea and concept of god in both Judaism and Christianity, exception is Islam. If those versions are your go to as a necessary conclusion to souls, hell and suffering existence then it's limited. If we go by the latin wording of god like omniscience(omni=all, scientia=sentience) or omnipotence(omni=all, potence=potency or potential) then that god turns into a totality, and by definition circular.
  8. @Breakingthewall And what group started this hate for Jews in the first place? Both GB and the Zionists before Al Nakba! That's 80 years ago, and most of it premeditated! Palestinian lands were already occupied and settled by the indigenous Palestinians there! Both them groups overtime displaced the indigenous population there, both are deeply racist and xenophobic to the already existing population there! Keep in mind the idea of Israel never officially existed until after the British mandate and after Zionists wormed their way into American politics, and got the president to okay and sign the official state of Israel, redacting the title of Jewish state! For Christ sake, all the Zionists then had spies and espionage, detailed every Palestinian village, farm lands, towns, population, and so on. They even made an exception and celebrated sabbath 1 day earlier before the British mandate was signed, coordinating a unified take over of Palestinian infrastructures! Do you think actual Jews and Rabbis were okay when Zionists celebrated Sabbath earlier?
  9. @kray So if it's Chechen separatists/rebels, then it's them and not ISIS?
  10. @Salvijus From the band wagon fallacy, to appeals to popularity and generalization, to even the false dichotomy, 'Everyone should judge for themselves. Everyone will have their own perception and it's okay.', how is it okay that '100 people will have 100 different perceptions of the same person based on their own level of insight and wisdom.'? Why are you not interested in debating who has the most accurate perception of this situation? Especially when we have some users who make crazy claims about Sadhguru's spirituality and health situation, some users accusing Sadhguru is over working and ignored his health therefore unfit to be some enlightenment Yogi, some claiming this severe health crisis is nothing and that he can heal it via mind eye powers, some psychedelics users even demeaning him here and causing these 2 spiritualist groups to moral and spirit grandstand each other...
  11. @Davino So now you're expanding your argument towards Sadhuru's health condition to include one of the causes as lack of self love, other than over working, taking too many pain killers, among other points?
  12. @Bandman I would claim that Yoga, just like Chinese medicine, alternative medicines, is great for dealing with soft/subtle issues of the mind/body that western scientists and western medicine today struggle with, yet Yoga and alternative medicine is bad when dealing with hardcore/obvious physical damages to the mind/body that western medicine can treat for. Main issue here is people on the other side blindly believing that yoga can help you regrow your lst arms, or bones, or replace your legs magically, yet that's a dangerous assumption and belief to make.
  13. @Ishanga Careful, you also are committing those fallacies yourself with your claim's of @Leo Gura's character, assuming Leo has no idea and knowledge about Sadhguru and his actions. It's true that most users here are belittling Sadhguru and his spiritual methods despite knowing from OP the health issue he's currently facing, but Leo seems less guilty of those fallacies...other than when he brings up psychedelics. and ranks spiritual experiences.
  14. @zazen This is arguably how conspiracy theories start as well. Most cases the theorists provide the dots and connect them with their narrative, but some provide the dots, offer little connections, draw the viewers in to make their story for them. Hypothetically speaking, if we have 2 cases, 1 suspect is told to provide their alibi, the other provides alibi but it's weak and the lawyer/interviewer steps in and interjects, offering their own versions of the story the suspect can then accept that and run with it.
  15. Live reaction from Leo's boy Vlad Vexter: Seems like he's genuine.
  16. @Husseinisdoingfine It's interesting that ISIS is claiming this as their doing. Why, and what evidence do we have so far it's actually ISIS and not some alt right Ukraine soldiers pretending to be ISIS? Or maybe a geopolitical move from Iran, to try and drag Russia into middle eastern conflict, with Israel/Palestine?
  17. Basically mostly this thread: Either Israel has to stop, or HAMMAs has to stop, and we're then stuck with this false dichotomy of Israel/Palestine having to stop. There are other ways and outside factors that could force a stop here, not just only Palestine or Israel having to stop.
  18. @Breakingthewall If it's true that it's obviously not the same, then why say it's the same? If true, wouldn't you now have to either back track and rephrase your position and argument better, or concede your point and then make a new argument in this case? Also are you assuming it's the only logical thing for Israel to expel all the Palestinians, and which Israel? The more traditional Jews, the more left wing Israelis, or Zionists who follow Zionism and right wing ideologies. For example, the strongest argument you could make is to concede your point being made about sameness, clear up your terms, and start talking about specifically a new argument, one about Zionism, the Al Nakba, probably how GB mishandled the region and over favored the European Jews/Zionists and treated the then indigenous population of the Palestinians before 1948. You could then maybe cover how the Igrun, a right wing Zionist group, learned from and taught by GB military tactics and gained equipment, meanwhile Palestinians were getting expelled and subjugated by GB and the Zionists similarly, and even bring up the problem with how some criminals 80-70 years ago were nominated as prime ministers by Zionists, and who knows how many racists Zionists are in the current cabinet of Benjamin Netanyahu has?
  19. @Merkabah Star Is it really true that only the USA can stop Israel?
  20. @Breakingthewall But you made the claim they're exactly the same, so if that's true then Palestinians the same as Japanese? Palestinian culture the same as Japanese culture? Palestinian/Arab state cuisine the same as Japanese cuisine? Palestinian military tactics the same as Japanese military tactics? the demographics of Palestinians the same as the demographics of Japan? The birthrate crisis of Japan the same as the birth rate crisis of the Palestinians? Both Palestinian state and Japanese state share the same economy, history, geography, and many more societal domains? Do you have proof to show both the Palestinians and the Japanese are exactly the same in the narrow sense? Is both the pacific war and the Israel/Palestinian conflict the exact same conflicts of interest? Over land? Is the historical events that led to the Pacific war the same as the events that led up to the Al Nakba, the British mandate, the 3 Intifadas, the Oslo accords, the Yon Kippur war, this current war against HAMMAs?
  21. @Shodburrito More technically speaking, this is what happens when there's too much democracy, liberalism, individualism, egalitarian values, and multiculturalism without some enforcement arms and enforcement mechanisms to check those systems and ideologies in check if and when they hit a ceiling limit, not to mention the decline in birthrates within those westernized secular countries. However you're appealing to Spiral Dynamics modal and ad hominem, and generalization in your argument here by sneaking in your islamophobia of those 'stage purple/red people' you yet defined, into a 'stage orange/green society' you yet defined. Furthermore making a nonsensical hypothetical of taking a 'stage orange/green person' you yet defined, and trying to integrate them into a 'stage yellow/turquoise society' you yet defined, making appeals to false dilemmas that you have yet to show evidence for. So how do you square your fallacies and appeals here in your argumentation?
  22. @Phoenix Garfield Why would karma get them bad? Do you know you're just appealing to a divine justice/punishment, obfuscating individual/collective responsibility of the conflict? It's like the 'it is what it is', 'it is fated to be/predestined to be this way.' type of talking points most religious folks do to remove responsibility and shift blame to some higher authority figure/imagined all powerful figure.
  23. @Breakingthewall It's actually not the same, but it's similar if you take into account the differences in warfare and historical events between the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict versus the pacific war between America and Japan. You'll have to make an argument for why it's the exact same instead of stating it's just the same because you're begging the question in the face of those differences in warfare, culture, and historical events.
  24. @lina What if this comparison is justified because of this tweet? https://x.com/sleepy_devo/status/1769527572860141922?s=20
  25. @Breakingthewall Yes they bombed Tokyo with incendiary bombs knowing most houses were made of wood, and perhaps knowing the ratio of Japanese soldiers to civilians yet they didn't care. After doing some number of tests of the nuclear bomb they had an idea of it's effects yet they still decided to use those nukes over sending 100,000s of American soldiers into Japan. If I'm not mistaken Nagasaki was an accidental drop, they intended to hit another target so civilian deaths is much more higher than soldier deaths. Then they dropped another nuke, I think it's fat boy, onto Hiroshima, and after that the Japanese imperialists had to surrender unconditionally or face extinction by nukes. IMO it'[s a horrendous event in the pacific war, IMO it's easy to argue it's genocidal what the Americans did through and through, from bombing Tokyo to accidental drop of Nagasaki, and the lack of treatment for radiation sickness later on it definitely reasonable to argue it's genocide.