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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Thought Art OK, could you please tell me how?
  2. @Hardkill The main reason why the Israel looby is too powerful are the following: Neoliberalism and ties between American and Israeli elites, predatory capitalism, and corporate lobbying into politics run amok in the USA government. Blind spot, bias and preference for egalitarianism, multiculturalism, democracy, Liberalism, individualism and human rights, feminism, and equality that the USA/ western division cultures projected onto Israel. Basically in terms of developmental factors, like cognition, morality, mass psychology development, personality, ego development, mass hallucinated states of being/becoming within society, Other lines of development, ideological beliefs indoctrinated by cultural/societal programming, metanarratives, information ecology and disinformation/misinformation campaigns, propaganda, and worldviews. The mass cognitive dissonance and blind spots of categorizing Israel ruled by Zionism as a authoritarian regime similar to Nazism and the Nazi Party.
  3. @Thought Art Would you consider Rachel's death by US bulldozer used by IDF as a war crime? Also, there's an interesting parallel between this event with Rachel versus with Tiananmen square tank man https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjJ5Jycm5yFAxWYVEEAHaYuCegQFnoECC0QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FTank_Man&usg=AOvVaw22pEQtjNCTXw4o99tQas5g&opi=89978449 If a totalitarian/authoritarian regime like China and the CCP, even the tank operator, were hesitant enough to not run over this tank man, yet an IDF soldier operating the bulldozer can callously run over a white American citizen, what does this tell us about the lack of humanity with IDF versus the apparent empathy of the CCP and Chinese tank soldier? What can we infer about how depraved this whole Israel/Palestine conflict really is if some American can get bulldozed by an IDF Israeli Zionist soldier, yet a Chinese soldier was just hesitant not to run over tank man? I hope this is a wake up call for the USA and it's allies to reconsider Israel's fronting of western cultural values and possibility of an authoritarian regime structure. It's eerie how historically similar the false branding of claiming your party as western values, democracy, individualism, and how the Nazi party claimed they were a social national party.
  4. @Yousif What do you mean by slaves, and 'we are slaves'? Do you mean we're mostly in wage slavery, labor slavery, slavery by coercion/blackmail/intimidation, physical slavery?
  5. @Thought Art War is good, bad, and somewhere in between.
  6. I'm liking more of this guy's content, very well balanced, put together, healthy skepticism and proper research and framing: Of course this event is also covered by 100s of other YouTube Channels, for example Bob Gymlan who's also an interesting content creator with a good perspective even with some bias.
  7. @NoSelfSelf OK, I'm looking into your eyes...and they're kinda Shady Slim!😎
  8. @StarStruck The most effective insult and put down ever. It's always the subtle disses, but you have to be able to reframe anyway right away. If you're in the right state and feeling the fun, your comeback should've been immediate like "Yes, I am a pretty good boy late at night😏." or "Of course! I'm always at my best behavior in midnight😊.". Of course social setting, body language, tonality, context is important.
  9. @Merkabah Star I'm on mobile, accidentally tagged you, sorry.
  10. @Nivsch I agree, you prefer to keep getting tunnel vision.@Merkabah Star 😭
  11. Great example of a biased person using stage green values and relativism, and polyamorous relationships to organically farm drama and stir drama while also carefully sell narratives, slander and defame and misinform, but not enough that it's a legal issue. This person is actually more stage orange mostly with some blue and green values: Again it's interesting because if you look at the following factors: Cognition development: Mostly linear with some non-linear pathways, more box and categorical thinking on the x-axis more so than on the y-axis. Speed and fast paced speech patterns linguistically shows his bias for words and music than images. Also due to Destiny proclaim neuro divergent brain and in the autism spectrum this effects his cognitive processes. Morality development: self centric, ego centric circle of concern. More headspace activity, logical understanding and bias than heart space empathy, also higher sex gonad/libido drive manifested through heated argumentation and open relationship pursuits. psychology and personality development: moderate in open mindedness and higher in close mindedness depending on situation, orderly and organized when thinking and arguing/debating but higher in chaos/disorganization in relationships, more introversion than extroversion, higher on disagreeableness and lower in agreeableness, higher neuroticism, higher narcissism, higher sociopathic traits, able to self induce apathy/psychopathic states. Ego development: Opportunist ego stage of development. Opportunist egos tend to capitalize on opportunities, and are similar to scammers, con artists, swindlers, grifters, fraudsters, hustlers, forgers, liars, sales people et cetera. Ideological background and biases: Cuban/American bias and American exceptionalism, western values and western culture bias, catholic bias, music bias, money/transaction/finance bias, numbers and logic bias, online gaming bias, win at all costs bias, arguing/debating bias, Republican/conservative bias, liberal/Democracy bias, capitalism bias, categorical thinking bias, linear bias. These and many more form his confirmation biases and potential cognitive dissonances.
  12. This is a good negative example of dark triad personality types, a person with high enough sociopathy and psychopathy, with induced states of apathy can say this and seemingly take delight in suffering: https://x.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1773403179130016202?s=20
  13. @Nivsch Is this also you feeling uncomfortable and running behind the magical word of bias?
  14. @Thought Art I'll repeat, this is a great example of the effects of propaganda, ideology, mass states of apathy, misinformation/disinformation, information warfare, narrative warfare, culture war, controlling the information ecology, ignorance of Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, developmental psychology and personality types/traits, ego development, collective shadow selves(Carl Jung), Integral theory, and indoctrination/proliferation of ideology, information leveraged by those in power to manufacture docility and consent in the population to blindly believe and blind faith in governments mostly authoritarian/totalitarian who falsely brand themselves as more left wing. More and more, as time goes on in this war, the Zionists are looking more like their Nazi counter parts, anti policy, anti progressive/socialist, anti liberal, anti-democracy, and pro military and ultra far right nationalists ATM.
  15. @Thought Art More terrifying than that is living day to day in states of apathy and psychopathy, living like a robot, a part of the cog in the wheel. From that state technically all kinds of evil, suffering and ignorance can so easily start.
  16. @Nivsch Is it true that UNRWA has been proven to have connections wit HAMMAs, and that there was a terror tunnel beneath a UNWRA building? Even if true, then how does that justify IDF banning and restricting UNWRA from giving food aid to Gazans who are starving to death?
  17. @Nivsch If true that sometimes yes that: and and may happen, not certain, or 100% but around 50% likely/unlikely, then why make absolute claims which are general and appeal to popularity and averages when now you're contradicting every post you've made in this thread and other threads about Israel/Palestine, by claiming it's sometimes?
  18. @Nivsch If true that mostly having a psychological assumption about the other side = too indirect and interpreted/misinterpreted. And 'bias = a magical word you can use whenever you feel uncomfortable', a statement you made onto me. Does that mean you were making a psychological assumption about me, which is highly likely to be too indirect and open to misinterpretation?
  19. @Nivsch If true that bias = a magic word you can always run towards when feeling uncomfortable. And that all peoples have bias, And you being an Israeli Zionist with your own biases, Does that mean you too always run towards bias when feeling uncomfortable? Does that explain your ideological signals and appeals and fallacies around the topic of Israel/Palestine, because you are Israeli Zionist with Israeli Zionist bias and any time you feel uncomfortable you always run behind the word bias when questioned by those with Palestinian bias or western bias?
  20. @Thought Art Great example of propaganda, misinformation, and narrative manipulation via parsing news and information to suit your and your group's biases and agendas.
  21. The disinformation, misinformation and propaganda is getting silly: Obviously taking her statement out of context, from that entire debate. Funny how powerful thought terminating cliches can be, and how hypocritical and bigoted these Zionists can be.
  22. @Merkabah Star Another perspective take on this Christ is king: In my view Candace Owens is a good conservative, solid takes, maybe in a few areas she had some weak takes and a bit iffy, but overall at least in arguing and debating, and having conversations she's actually decent.
  23. May do some body language analysis and tonality:
  24. It's so blatantly obvious how much weaseling Destiny is doing after the Lex Fridman podcast here. I am posting these as examples of deflection, dodging, and weaseling. Observe and identify his appeals and fallacies, and notice how much disengagement he does on any of those points because he knows if he does he'd look like a weak arguer here: https://x.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1773070956744847576?s=20 https://x.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1773071656245739838?s=20:
  25. @Thought Art Another stain in the world's history books, another point of vengeance when karma punishes Israel and USA severely for this evil act.