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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. By this thread's logic, if there was one murderer or one terrorist found in the USA, then USA is bad and we all must boycott and economic sanction it to the ground. That's what's happening with the UNRWA food org trying to feed the millions of Gazans currently starving to death, having to eat freaking hay and barley seeds just to survive, oh IDF found a few HAMMAs associates within that org, okay let's defund UNRWA then and severely halt them as much as possible.
  2. @Merkabah Star Oh god the breakfast club, Charlemagne the god-sorry Charlemegne the fake soft god. Soft corny AF IMO as a rapper. I don't disagree with the liberalism but he gotta do a better job arguing and defending some of his takes and keeping some of his other peeps in check.😂
  3. @Someone here While I disagree a bit here, as part of spiritual protection and defense, disbelieving and putting less attention and fear/negative emotions onto a demonic or negative entity can be part of your spiritual protection. Attention and emotions are fuel for anything, especially negative entities that can feed off of such states.
  4. @MellowEd And this is why folks you should always do a banishing ritual before and after, and a cleansing ritual before and after for instance burning sage with windows open, and blessing and using salted water to clean most of the floors/walls/edges/corners and ceiling, using the Ouija board or other spiritual device, be bold, clear about your intentions and respectfully tell any spirits nearby to leave when finished. Always be intentional and deliberate before and after some magical ritual. Since you follow the Christian faith, read the psalms. Psalms 23 everyday morning and before bed, and there are also some other passages specific fo empowering the self, for protection, for healing, or other purposes. Pray, and limit your profanity and vulgarity, and have the intention to get well and get better. Also keep a dream journal and have the intention to have better memory of your dreams, as your subconscious mind is a bit vulnerable at sleep, and that mind communicates with your conscious if and when intrusion from entities occurs. I have never heard of a case where God was using a demon to discipline a person, unless you're Job but God granted the Devil permission to test Job.
  5. @MellowEd Have you ever been to a church before? If you have, and when the preacher is reading from the bible, and when the gospel singing starts do you feel a certain type of way, like heated or repulsed? Are you in a haunted place, and haunted house? Does it smell like Sulphur? Do you have strong negative thoughts and feelings daily? When you're alone at day or night do you feel watched, like you're not alone? When you sleep, do you have bad dreams, nightmares, a presence sitting on your chest?
  6. @Nemra The evidence is in understanding the mind? so where's the evidence then? is you arguing badly in this thread evidence for understanding the religious mind or evidence for religious dogma but from an atheist trying to defend atheist dogma? Again you contradict yourself, claiming you don't care when you really care about having the last post, the last word when you can't argue adequately your positions. Let's agree to disagree then?
  7. @Yimpa Great to know it took you a decade to 'transcend' religion even though it's a work in progress, great to know you're so reassuring that you're witnessing the potential for a more 'loving and open life without religion'. But that doesn't mean you get to advocate others to not be religious, or to advocate for the destruction of religion as most atheists do, plus slander and speak/do derogatory things towards religious folks when it's their way of life. Likewise I won't advocate others to not be atheists or follow whatever livelihood that entails. If anyone, theist or atheist, is going to advocate and pressure others to stop living a way of life, be prepared for backlash and arguing.
  8. @aurum Gen Z and Millennials are not inherently more immoral. Most Gen Z and some Millennials behave in vulgar ways and are more naked online. Therefore Gen Z and Millennials are not inherently immoral? What if it becomes more indecent? What are some of the pros and cons of most Gen Z and Millennials being more or less human decency? So according to that org and you, human decency laws are secular and universal? Are you not acknowledging the historical origins of human decency laws?
  9. @Nemra You would say it's the opposite without showing evidence or demonstrating your justification? How is my logic not enough and how could it be an obstacle to understanding the difference between religions like Islam, Christianity, Judaism versus atheism? This is yet another contradiction to your previous claim of not caring about religious folks, atheists, me and other viewers here. If you truly didn't care then why have you responded back? Claiming a lack of care yet caring enough to respond back?
  10. @NightHawkBuzz It depends on what you mean by 'public servant' and by 'just to have power'. If you want to know why Trump is in politics, why he's running from president if he doesn't care about anyone but himself, why don't you ask him or those close to Donald Trump? If all politics is supposed to be about public service and serving the people, and no gains in power? If you don't disagree with what Leo is saying, then why have you framed this and made a false dichotomy fallacy like this: Is Trump in politics to be a public servant or does he just want power? You make it seem Donald Trump is only into politics for either public service or gains of power, and discount other possibilities he's running for presidency. What if his motivation reasoning is to show to his son that anything is possible in life? Or what if he's running because most Politicians he talks to are corrupt, so him running for office, with his limited political experience, and business savvy, is to shock the political system a bit? What if Donald Trump had a dream about becoming president and God told him to become one?
  11. @aurum If true that human decency laws are derived from what you just listed, then why are we seeing more nakedness and vulgarity in Gen Z and Millennials using social media sites, and behaving in more immoral ways in reality? Also aren't human decency laws more derived from Judeo-Christian values?
  12. @Yimpa How does the right to not vote, or the right to vote an alternative political group other than the nominees or the democrats/Republicans parties, exactly shows why the USA is immature? Isn't those legal rights for voters from the constitution, democracy, and individualism? Isn't that also from the right to freedom of speech?
  13. @Yimpa But this is a false dilemma fallacy is it not? That you're assuming USA and Americans can only vote for Donald Trump or Joe Biden. What if Americans have the option to not vote? What if they choose to vote another political group, like green party, or Libertarianism? Or have an election to veto certain votes?
  14. @Loveeee Could you explain to me what fine tuning is in it's definition? Also what is the argument and resolution that frames this pro versus con fine tuning debate? What is the conflict of interest here?
  15. @Leo Gura Don't be gloomy. I don't see how regardless of if it is/isn't obvious to me, that it justifies that whatever you say is nothing and can't help me. IMO a big assumption you've made about me. Maybe by providing me some concrete and clear examples to show how badly and evil Trump is in comparison to Biden might help clarify things for me and others reading? I'm just trying to see where you're coming from when you claim and justify that when a Journalist likes Donald Trump = lack of seriousness and hack entertainer, but liking Joe Biden isn't? Maybe if possible could you list some character traits from Donald Trump and Joe Biden that could justify this cherry picked standard for Journalists with right wing bias versus left wing bias?
  16. @Nemra I'm not trying to prove you wrong or character assassinate you, I'm showing you your own logical conclusions are faulty, and that in some areas you contradict yourself. You basically have weak arguments and that you spend more time making appeals and fallacies against me, and less time engaging with my argumentation. Just a recent example is you claiming to not care about atheists and religious folks, yet that contradicts your posts against me, my positions, against religious folks, and undermines your own positions. You don't even define some loaded terms you use yourself, and you shoe horn in presuppositions and premises not covered previously. Just within argumentation you sometimes have these performative contradictions that just makes your argumentation weak. Outside of arguing and debate, you can and are allowed these contradictory points because reality is paradoxical, but when you do argue and assert/claim your position, be ready to defend and justify your points and assertion with good reasoning and evidence.
  17. @royce Are you proud of what you started here? Another heated debate thread.😂
  18. @aurum I agree that we need more, education, more personal development, and more consciousness. What about more human decency laws?
  19. @Leo Gura If Journalists are allowed to have their own opinions and biases, and some could like/dislike any Politician, including Biden, then why is Donald Trump an exception given that he also does politics, lies like politicians, tries to charm and charisma and do demagoguery just like other politicians including Biden? So in terms of ad hominem, what makes Trump's bad character on another level compared to Biden's bad character? And why does this necessitate that Journalists who like Trump=compromised truth and integrity? Isn't there a degree of cherry picking and liking/disliking a character that doesn't necessitate or imply a person's immorality? For example a person might like Trump for his business product, but also dislike his political takes. Similarly a Journalist can like Joe Biden's political takes, but may dislike the racism he displayed 20 years ago, or may not agree with another domain. Journalism is not a neutral profession like entertainment? Do you mean entertainment isn't a neutral profession like Journalism?
  20. @Nemra Every/all groups borrow something from another group. Religions borrow and hide the fact they borrow. Therefore, religions are better at borrowing and hiding than atheists? This is a weak conclusion to your logic here, also adding a presupposition not there to religions yet not to Atheists as if religions are only hiding the fact they borrow when Atheists extensively borrow from other groups. If true that you didn't mean they didn't care about what they did, but instead don't care about discovering reality because they believe they already have it, would this logically apply to Atheists as well? After all, Atheists behave and don't care about discovering reality because they think they discovered that God doesn't exist, and believe most religious folks are deluded, and exempt themselves off of sharing that same delusion. How am I falsely equating religions and atheism? How am I making it inferior? Religious folk are the masters of aping. But we all ape and is a necessary part of life. Therefore, Atheism is exempt? I don't understand this weak conclusion and premise you're making here. If we all ape and aping is a necessary part of life, then does that equally exempt both religions and atheism? Also this shares the same illogical premises and conclusion with the following: Black lives matter. But all lives equally matter and whites also have lives. Therefore white lives matter. = Religions lives matter. But all groups matter and Atheism also have lives. Therefore Atheism matters. If true you don't care about atheists and religious people, then why argue/debate me? Why be contrarian and oppose me? It's as if you do care.
  21. @Leo Gura I'm not making a comparison, I'm pointing out that this: Is a bold and biased claims you're making for Journalists who like Trump are 'not serious Journalists and hack entertainers', and also claiming that Journalism has a core value of truth. If it's true, then what about Journalists who like say Joe Biden? Are they also hack entertainers and not serious Journalists? I'm just pointing out your language is very loaded in terms and presuppositions yet defined, when a more neutral and objective language is more accurate and solid, like for example you could've stated instead that 'Of course Journalists hate Trump because all Journalists have their own ideological biases, even though the tenet of Journalism is core to Truth instead of lies each person has their own biases and preferences and worldviews, and those in the news business are biased and partial to left-center-right wing political biases and ideologies, so when you see some Journalists who strongly like whichever politician or scammer pretending to be a politician, do note such Journalists are too biased, too serious and are hack entertainer instead of for the truth,
  22. @Leo Gura Because a core value of journalism is true, and Trump lies 24/7, and each person has their bias, confirmation bias and preference, and ideological agendas, that doesn't make some Journalists biased and fallible? Those in the news who like Trump are not serious Journalists and hack entertainers, instead of being biased in favor of Trump because of their right wing ideologies and worldview? Would you say the same thing if it's a left wing journalist who likes Joe Biden, that they are also not serious Journalists and are hack entertainers like CNN, BBC, Majority Report, TYT for example?
  23. @Yimpa Why would Fox News claim and give examples of why Donald Trump is a good president?