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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Nivsch Of course it's not what Israel as a state does, it's Netanyahu and his Zionist alt right wing, and some of the IDF too trigger happy getting a pass. Text book grounds for fascism and Nazism to develop.
  2. @royce Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9, Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9, Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9, Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9, Royce da 5'9. Yo, once upon a time, at 5am you like "I'm so bored AF, what to do wit this time?". Then you got notified, in your phony phone that- Leo the Gura thread locked Israel/Palestine, then you went pale, MAGA moment of twists and turns whining, twists and turns lying, twist and turns gliding between what's left from rights, twists and turns dying, trying to stay alive and not so bored, water boarded up, zero digital stimulation, then an idea dropped when nobody's home: 'The IDF War Crimes Are A Perfect Reflection Of Israeli Society'. Well, in your prefecture, single home single bed shelter NEET, poisoning the well, I poise to point out this begs the question "IDF war crimes are a perfect reflection of Israeli society? Are you derailing yourself?" IDK, like IDC and IDGAF, I'm that mad hatter that I'd KFC the IDF bundle sticks, cuz IDFC like I Do Fried Chickens, who chicken around a bundle of sticks(fasces). Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9, Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9, Royce da 5'9. In this beats, these IDF warped rimes uncaring, a imperfect parfait fronted image, just to derail from what's a real city to be in. Wait Q&A, waits a village with no town? A town with no city? A city with no state? What does it take to bake in the truth clearly, when one stakes claim then disclaims the other's state? With this much at stake, no more steak to take, chickens still peak away, nothing more to take, no wonder why their state of mind/being's like this, when not a thing left to take. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9, Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9, Royce da 5'9.
  3. I suggest you watch with an open mind, and be aware and observe the arguers, the interviewees and interviewer's biases on display, and how they communicate: Obviously my position is mostly no, on the collective scale if we factor in other developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, we simply cannot skip over stage blue development. Stage blue is super important for the formation of country and nation identities, even theocracy is to some extent important for their development. Alex O'Connor here is simply biased and thinks he can philosophize and shoe horn in atheism as the cure for all, when it's mostly ideological dogma in it's worldviews and assertions of reality thinking it can conveniently skip over religion. Even egalitarianism, democracy, individualism, liberalism, secularism and atheism itself BORROWS FROM RELIGION!
  4. @royce Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9, Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9, Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9, Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9, Royce da 5'9. Yo, once upon a time, at 5am you like "I'm so bored AF, what to do wit this time?". Then you got notified, in your phony phone that- Leo the Gura thread locked Israel/Palestine, then you went pale, MAGA moment of twists and turns whining, twists and turns lying, twist and turns gliding between what's left from rights, twists and turns dying, trying to stay alive and not so bored, water boarded up, zero digital stimulation, then an idea dropped when nobody's home: 'The IDF War Crimes Are A Perfect Reflection Of Israeli Society'. Well, in your prefecture, single home single bed shelter NEET, poisoning the well, I poise to point out this begs the question "IDF war crimes are a perfect reflection of Israeli society? Are you derailing yourself?" IDK, like IDC and IDGAF, I'm that mad hatter that I'd KFC the IDF bundle sticks, cuz IDFC like I Do Fried Chickens, who chicken around a bundle of sticks(fasces). Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9, Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9, Royce da 5'9. In this beats, these IDF warped rimes uncaring, a imperfect parfait fronted image, just to derail from what's a real city to be in. Wait Q&A, waits a village with no town? A town with no city? A city with no state? What does it take to bake in the truth clearly, when one stakes claim then disclaims the other's state? With this much at stake, no more steak to take, chickens still peak away, nothing more to take, no wonder why their state of mind/being's like this, when not a thing left to take. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9, Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9. Royce da 5'9, Royce da 5'9.
  5. @Raze That last image is them tied behind their backs and run over by bulldozers? How is that last image not being covered by media, by CNN?
  6. @Someone here To be clear, I don't want to derail OP's thread here, but if you're asking for proof: Also check out my thread here for more:
  7. @Yousif Yes there is, both free will and determinism, mostly free will.
  8. @Karmadhi From just those 2 clips, especially the last clip of an IDF soldier being proud for shooting an elderly unarmed man, their behavior and speaking aligns with Fascism and Nazism, similar to far right ultra nationalistic thinking.
  9. @Karmadhi To this day it's wild that nobody tried to vet and verify and corroborate the IDF's claims of 48 babies beheaded by HAMMAs, and allowed this narrative to disseminate into western media.🤦‍♀️
  10. @Jayson G But at what cost would this method have to other lines of development? How is this not considered obfuscation of contemplation?
  11. @Leo Gura I'm guessing with @Bobby_2021 claiming that 'it was very beneficial for slaves as well' in reply to your claim of there's 'very good reasons why slavery and wars exists' is because of the differences of how a dominant and advanced culture treats the less dominant culture they have assimilated, historically speaking throughout time. For instance comparing the last 400 years of American slavery industry, to the slave trade during the Roman empire for example, Roman slaves overall had more benefits and difference in treatment by their masters in comparison to how African black slaves were treated by the Yankees and Southern American states. Of course if we go far back, we see there's even the slave trade throughout Africa before Europeans discovered Africa, and slave trade between African rulers and Arab tribes, and if you do a comparison between how Arab masters treated their black slaves versus how American white masters deal with African slaves it's far more negative and stark. Of course if we more the initial point of comparison away from 4000 years of American slave industry to modern day wage slavery, wage slavery is way more humane in comparison to 400 years of USA slavery trade, or to African slave trade or how the Romans/Greeks did their slave trade et cetera.
  12. @Karmadhi To be fair, back in the day before Nagasaki or Hiroshima got Nuked, and maybe during the Tokyo bomb raids, most people there had no clue just how powerful nukes can be, and even the USA military were just testing the nukes didn't have all the knowledge and data around the bombs. However, they felt pressured into using the Nuclear bombs because those generals estimated far more American lives would be lost if they did a traditional land invasion into mainland Japan, as the Japanese far right military have a sort of Jihadist mentality of keeping on fighting until you die warrior culture. A truly difficult moral dilemma for them there. Furthermore, in today's modern world the last 10-5 years in terms of politics has faced so much bipartisanship and polarization of left versus right, us versus them, and stronger binary frames of this versus that that it made it even more difficult to correct for mass apathy and mass psychology towards engineered depression of the population. Nowadays calls to understand and empathize with Gaza and the Palestinians here are sometimes met with a hyper masculine bias, rationalist bias from the right wing as emotionality being equal to feminine and beta male, that say you or my calls to ceasefire is seen as pussy behavior and just being 'woke' or SJW or hippies or communist cultural Marxists or something like. Yet they are not aware of their own confirmation biases, cognitive dissonances, and propaganda they're also consuming too. So this dynamics of stage blue/orange versus stage orange/green valuing groups they can't fully face the transformational dilemma necessary to see past their biases.
  13. @Bobby_2021 Sure, but don't forget it's not just purple oppressions but red oppressions as well, and some blue oppressions. Take for example the history of early America, and the conflicts between the native American tribes and early European settlers, for example the Apache and Comanche conflicts which interconnect to the Spanish early settlers conflict over limited land and food resources.
  14. @Karmadhi Not just due to pressure from international communities, global systems, from UN and ICP, but also due to technology today. Thanks to mobile phones able to record footage, drones recording footages, and how that information is broadcasted from within the nation and to other nations with broadcasting technology they are more hesitant to escalate the siege in Gaza too aggressively otherwise Israel may face more backlash from the world. Yet when there's enough films and documentaries, and historical data for the last 100 years of Israel/Palestine conflict, where's the outrage here? Likewise thanks to technology, we have films and documentaries say about the farming and food industry, and how the food industry does agriculture and manufacturing of raw goods into finished products, and enough films/footages/documentaries about how the industry handles pigs, cows, sheep, chickens, horses, and even dogs and cats. Yet mistreatment caught by footage and disseminated through Netflix or other social media video platforms have spread awareness of animal farm mistreatment or plant farm mistreatment, yet most people don't care enough, too apathy from conspicuous consumption engineered by corporate businesses, by toxic lifestyle, or by controlled dissemination of information via news media, these documentaries are not spread out far enough, and sometimes are shadow banned from other platforms. So where's the outrage for these animals and the chemical toxins sometimes used by these big industries?
  15. @Karmadhi As I said, it's difficult to talk to citizens who deeply believe in biased, ideological propaganda, who are indoctrinated by propaganda, and disinformation/misinformation campaigns in our information ecology via social media sites, footages in shorts, clips, YouTube videos, mainstream/alternative news outlets and biased journalism, news papers, radio shows et cetera. Difficult talking to people who are thought terminated cliched into feeling/thinking patterns that disengage and disassociate from subject matters like terrorists, sexual predators, and other gruesome footages and pictures, and when other media repeatedly keep spreading misinformation and repeat the straw man of groups, difficult to communicate with people who's Spiral Dynamics stage is lower, cognitive and moral development hijacked by other bad faith actors, who's personalities and mass psychology is controlled by corporates and states via marketing and news and other capitalistic ventures, difficult when their ego is threatened and each shadow aspect of their psyche perceives threats to it's survival by inside and outside forces.
  16. @Karmadhi I agree, it's difficult to communicate to those believing in propaganda and misinformation.
  17. @bebotalk Sure, but putting aside the legality of genocide and the UN's definition, can you see how genocide can impact the local region, and can become global? For example the holocaust, which is a combination of concentration camps, death by overworking the captives, mass execution by gas chambers, was a local region effect, but some of the survivors did an exodus and had to leave and some were expelled from Nazi Germany to various European countries. Even the USSR were not willing to take in the Jews that were dispelled from Nazi Germany. This event eventually leads to the formation of Zionism and the desire for all Jews to make a Jewish state back at Jerusalem, which leads into GB which had taken some of these European Jews, to migrating them and Zionists into Palestine before the Al Nakba, which leads into the Al Nakba and many other events within that 80 year timeline.
  18. @Ishanga What's interesting in terms of history, religion, spirituality and the occult is that Moloch is a deity that consumes the live sacrificing of children, typically burned alive as an offering to it. If Tulpamancy, egregors and god forms do exist and are out there in the astral planes and other planes of existence effecting the physical world indirectly, then Moloch is another dangerous entity that feeds off of negativity and death.
  19. @royce @Karmadhi @Nivsch By this thread's logic, if there was one murderer or one terrorist found in the USA, then USA is bad and we all must boycott and economic sanction it to the ground. That's what's happening with the I think the most important question here is who or what group will be held responsible, and who will handle the costs, price and negative externalized outcomes of this Israel/Palestine conflict on the rest of the globe? Is it still realistic to expect a ceasefire now? Especially when Israel is partly backed by the USA with it's democracy bias, individualism bias, liberalism bias, and western values/division/culture bias blind to Israel's far right behavior and military aggression? Which governments, nations/countries will handle for example the mass exodus of Palestinian people, Gazans and some in West Bank due to lack of housing by IDF bombs? Who or what countries will handle the immigration crisis caused by the Israel/Palestine conflict? With GDP increasing from this war, who'll be responsible to keep the military industrial complex in check? Because of this conflict another region around Yemen, the Houthis have stated their goal is to support Palestinians against Israel terror, and their attacks on tankers and cargo ships that come from several other countries/nations have resulted in almost global panic and increases in inflation a bit. Who will be responsible for this? Since the Israel/Palestine conflict has indirectly caused this event will Israel/Palestine be held responsible?
  20. @Leo Gura Would you say it's a twisted example of this other game of 'I Have No Mouth Yet I Must Scream'? Where it's a super A.I turned global, and it's set after humanity screwed itself, and now the A.I uses the survivors like test subjects, yet the A.I struggles to comprehend the human nature?
  21. Great discussion about A.I and other global catastrophic risks:
  22. @Merkabah Star You know that you're dreaming or in some alternate reality when you have Donald Trump even putting some pressure on Israel to hurry up and make peace, telling Israel and through those representatives Netanyahu to stop wasting time with a prolonged war and ceasefire. Now of course Trump didn't explicitly condemn Israel nor call for ceasefire, but the implied command here to Israel is to quickly finish this conflict up as the world is turning against you. Even Sun Tzu's Art of War he was against prolonged warfare, and if war is avoidable choosing those options is more effective than making war despite how genius Sun Tzu is in war. Another example of Trump showing good charisma and rhetoric manipulation.
  23. @Leo Gura Fair enough, we've reached a pass, and since you cannot define nor give examples to justify some of your fallacies and this lope sided view you have here with Journalism, and the emotionality you're displaying with some of your words towards Trump way more than Biden, we reached a dead end. We'll have to agree and disagree here. Good luck with using A.I for political science, maybe through that you'll get better level communication.
  24. @Adrian colby All of that is fine and paradoxical in reality, you can have those contrary beliefs as there's so many moving parts from reality, but when we're arguing you have to adhere to some logical framing and consistency, and you have to be careful of performative contradictions when you try to refute and justify your arguments. That's it. Those contradictions within argumentation makes your arguments weaker, and the arguer who's consistent and least performative contradiction, who knows valid and invalid arguing, who knows weak/strong arguments, and knows when they're appealing or making fallacies and corrects them is the better and stronger arguer. Both technically and existentially speaking, the arguer/arguing is a duality, and most arguments are projected by the arguer and their ideological beliefs and biases and worldviews. Just from what you've wrote I can assume your an airy headed spiritualist that's doing the many jumping of contexts and extrapolating here and there and mixing it up to try and coherently sound sophisticated and spiritual. This can be a wrong assumption of you I'm making, but I'm going by how you've posted so far.
  25. @Jayson G The potential is comparable to when writing was invented and recording ideas for the next generation is better symbolized, and surpassing even oratory heavy philosophizing. Of course there's pros and cons to writing, and a price for using writing more so than speaking and thinking philosophically.