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Everything posted by Danioover9000
Danioover9000 replied to ChadT's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Bobby_2021 What would be a true liberal to you versus a person having some liberalism or being a fake liberal? -
I honestly feel sorry for most normal Israelis and Gazans/Palestinians for getting dragged into this war and conflict. I condemn HAMMAs and the Israel eight wing Zionists for creating this situation to begin with. Honestly it pisses me off how much the top 10% of Israel Zionists are getting away with devilry like this, creating conditions for HAMMAs and other terrorist groups! If I was Rome I'd crucify both of them for causing such misery and suffering for most normal folk!
@Vrubel Of course you'd only want a level headed, apathy like letter of complaint, and a world where all protests are calm, peaceful and depressed-robotic, where all protestors are flowers that are well behaved because you don't want to EVER feel any empathy or compassion for the other side's misery right? Reminds me of this videos;
@Nivsch I partly agree that the pink hair guy was a bit calm, fair and reasonable, until he has moments of emotionality and was trying to attack Hassan's claim on the whole hostage situation from HAMMAs when IDF also were holding West Bank/Gazans as hostages in the past and current situation too, so it's a hypocritical point. What claims was that blonde Jewish-sorry Israeli Zionist-woman right on in the panel? Why are you cherry picking Hassan as just repeating buzz words when he was also trying to explain those buzz words, and was being interrupted by said blonde woman and even Piers? How was Piers fair when he invited the Crackhead woman in the intro to poison the well for the pro Palestinians and present them as crazy deranged lunatics when there are some valid points being made against the IDF's actions in this current event in Gaza? From destroying 80% of Gaza, to using more dumb bombs than smart bombs on hospitals, and finally to Israeli defense minister and even Netanyahu using genocidal language to smear all of Palestinians?
Danioover9000 replied to ChadT's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@zurew The sheer amount of weaseling, dodging and deflecting questions and argument points, resorting to many kinds of fallacies and appeals to both popularity, authority and logos to discredit reasonable challengers. That and normalizing slander and defamation online, for instance defaming Normand Finkelstein in Twitter with some of his posts containing insults and targeted harassment, yet very few acknowledge he's slandering him ever since that Lex Fridman 5 hour long podcast. Also Lex Fridman's podcast of him was suspiciously framed to bias for Destiny against Normand's side when the historical evidence is all there to corroborate and support Normand's side of the argument. -
Danioover9000 replied to ChadT's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Raze I mostly agree in terms of arguing and debating, albeit the nature of arguing/debating is the arguer trying to establish frame control, optics, and be more persuasive and convincing, It was never about TRUTH, but the SURVIVAL OF YOUR IDEOLOGY VIA ARGUING. So yes I mostly agree the weaseling, dodging and deflecting and other fallacies Destiny strings doesn't paint him in a good light. Some people with a praising or level take on Destiny are those who are introduced and view his last 1-3 years and think he's so reasonable on just those years when the majority of his past is sketchy and very weaselly at best. Main problem is Destiny positions himself as a public figure with strong intellectual liberty and freedom when it's his entire career of public outrage and winning debates in the most bad faith way. -
Danioover9000 replied to ChadT's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Bobby_2021 That's partly true to a degree, they're a type of liberal that's hard to neatly categorize. Important to not that not all blue hairs are made equal, exception being Destiny. Some blue hairs do support Palestine as well.😂 -
Danioover9000 replied to ChadT's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Leo Gura I'm Sorry if I and other users seem it looked like I'm 'dragging you' into a Destiny drama, but you first interjected here: To my post below: ' Not necessarily. Someone can also be both intelligent and wisdom with some demagoguery, for example the Buddha was apparently really good at debating and convincing even spiritual masters in different circles and is also spiritually talented. IMO he's both wisdom and charisma mixed together. But I agree Tucker's obviously a demagogue with little intelligence and self awareness. Just like Destiny Divorcelli.' It felt like you were attacking me first and I had to defend myself there. Also, if you don't want to get dragged into drama, then you have to do some research yourself into the character that is Destiny then. I assume when you say 'From everything I have heard Destiny say, he has reasonable, grounded, and nuanced positions, moreso than most leftists.' what is this based on? the last 2-3 years of Destiny? Because I'm an ex fan of his for roughly a decade and I can tell you straight up he is being deceptive here intentionally, intentionally disingenuous here! 'You don't have to agree with him on everything to acknowledge that. Destiny does a good job of understanding conservative positions, unlike much of the left who act like the left is always correct no matter what.'. Again, on what basis do you have to say this? Because it's one thing to be genuine but it's another thing when a person is being deceptive and intentionally charismatic and rhetoric and optics secure to say all that just for the clicks and views and public support. Destiny is actually not for the TRUTH, but Destiny's whole game is to ALWAYS win arguments and ensure the survival of his IDEOLOGY. -
@Vrubel Sorry, but if you represent Israel it's a disgusting place then if they have to lie to themselves this deeply.
@Vrubel Which woman are you referring to that stands against lies and hypocrisy here/ If you say the blonde woman then you've lost instantly.
@Bobby_2021 I agree, and am honestly disappointed Piers the morgue man resorted to poisoning the well of the pro Palestinian side, like he had amnesia and forgot Normand Finkelstein, Osho, Gabor, and others with very grounded reasoning takes about both sides as well as Israel's dark history of oppression and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. So obvious this crackhead woman was a plant to further discredit the pro Palestinians, like why Piers? Also IMO this is a great example of ideology, bias and preferences corrupting good faith dialogues, and the need for ego to always win with rhetoric and bad faith tactic other points to death: While I have mixed views about Hasan Piker, the harsh fact that many on that panel make him a sane reasonable individual is INSANE to me!🤣 This further confirms and maintains my disdain for Piers the zombie morgue assistant. Another reason why studying Spiral Dynamics stages of development(Clare Graves and Don Beck), cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits modals, developmental psychology, 9 stages of ego development(Jane Loevinger), Architypes and shadow selves(Carl Jung), Integral Theory(Ken Wilbur), and study/contemplation of ideology, ideological beliefs indoctrinated by cultural/societal programing, metaprogram, metanarratives, being careful of information ecology one consumes and is leveraged and influenced by big tech and big companies to manufacture consent in population, and increasing one's self awareness of bias and preferences that shapes one's worldviews.
@Merkabah Star That woman definitely is high on neurosis and narcissism!😂
A decent body language analysis take, yes avoidance of eye contact and choosing to initiate the end of a conversation is more dominating tactics in socialization:
Danioover9000 replied to Extreme Z7's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Nemra What do you mean opposite ideologies? Why are you asking the OP in a false dichotomy framing here saying: 'If so, do you think other ideologies are relatively better? Or does Norway don't have them?' and framing it as either 'other ideologies are relatively better' versus 'does Norway don't have them?' when in reality there is way more than just framing it as only these 2 options for @Alexop to answer. -
Danioover9000 replied to Extreme Z7's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Bobby_2021 This reminds me of the Indians who immigrated to Africa, developed the businesses there, and later displaced out due to collective jealousy and right wing sentiments: -
Danioover9000 replied to Dauntment's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Dauntment Sure, but if this emphasis is not guaranteed to make me appreciate Leo's 'path', then was that an assumption on your part? What does your ability to blatantly and easily see the mechanisms, self-delusions, blind spots, pitfalls and mental traps have to do with the discussion between Andrew Tate and the therapist? What if this is paid by Andrew Tate and scripted, both are pretending to have a genuine conversation? After all this is the 2nd time they're talking, yet your lying detection abilities haven't picked up this possibility? What did Andrew Tate exactly say to the therapist's question of 'what are your weaknesses?'? Did Andrew Tate just give a character building statements first, like he does list some of his weaknesses and follows that up with what successes and achievements he had since? For example Andrew Tate talked about being poor one point and explained how being poor made him appreciate Is it really true that super successful people do miss the point? For example even spiritual masters like the Buddha and Osho were actually successful people that didn't miss the point. Sadhguru can also be categorized as super successful himself, so does this mean that all the spiritual masters I listed have missed the point if they're successful or have increasing success? -
Danioover9000 replied to Extreme Z7's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Alexop Good question. If I'm pressured to answer and give a reasonable percentage, when the failure rate is between and above 40%-60%, and the economic failings have several cases where you can trace the failures back to state sponsored LGBTQ indoctrination in schools. When there's several cases with strong correlation and causation linking economic failings or other social areas to the state's gender point system is when I'd say it got too far. That's not to say they never should teach this say in high school-university, but again like Yin-Yang there's a balance there, too little and too much isn't good. -
Danioover9000 replied to ChadT's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Leo Gura And this is not mentioning all the drama BS Destiny engages in. He makes Joe Rogan and Tucker look sane. -
Danioover9000 replied to Extreme Z7's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Alexop If that's true, then that's ridiculous coming from a nordic country. -
Danioover9000 replied to actuallyenlightened's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@actuallyenlightened How is raising the minimum wage not a type of taxation? If unskilled immigration is a horrible idea, why are western countries in general, with liberty/democracy/individualism bias and multiculturalism continuing to support immigration, even if some immigrants are unskilled? Also if it's a bad idea then why don't you set up a training program for some of these unskilled immigrants? How is that ALWAYS been the case throughout history and the future? What if this history you sourced is white washed? What if in the future we face a nuclear war, would this be always the case during and after nuclear fallout? How does urbanization and religion contribute? Which economy are we talking about here? What does birthrate have to do with predatory capitalism? Do you mean 500 mil to 500 bil, in currency? How would such money ranges like that mean your lifestyle would be the same? If you won the lottery and won 10 million, would you still say your lifestyle would relatively be mostly the same, or would you invest in more commodities and goods, or invest in a better living location, and so on? Investing in industry /=/ better societies and is dependent on many factors. If I took your logic, then the slave industry is worth investing into because slavery is a better society. Same with child labor, same with predatory capitalisms toppling governments to install puppet rulers, same with exploitation of natural resources whilst toxicity in environment increases as a ramification, same with human sex trafficking in the black markets. Again it depends on what type of taxation here. Are we talking about corporate tax? Tariffs? -
Interesting news! Comedian Baker gets backlash from telling a breastfeeding mother to leave: And IMMEDIATELY after watching this the first time I intuitively didn't trust what the comedian was saying, from how Barker introduces himself to the reporter felt manipulative and scripted between 1:09 to1:25, bunch of building rapport, band wagon and using words to try and get immediate friendliness from the news person like 'Carl my friend!' then arms spread wide and claps together like that is a bit manipulative. Body language: Generally a lot of hand illustrators and active hands from Barker, but micro expressions of distress/defensiveness in his face and head movement. From small smirks mid sentences like in 1:25(when one cheek small smiles or micro raises, that's typically feeling contempt or feeling both moral/intellectual superiority, which IMO in that moment due to the topic is a small red flag). Then after that baby joke sequence 1:27 tp 1:40 he's blink rate increased followed by left hand rubbing his nose(blink rate indicates increased thought processing here, and scratching/rubbing nose usually means feeling uncomfortable, nervousness and anxiety of what's said/did, which IMO here is Barker). Also moments of him mentioning the mother breastfeeding and the stories circulating is where you see his micro expression of small smirking, again feeling contempt and some moral/intellectual superiority here. Verbal and tonality: Very strange, mostly calm but artificially projected. I don't know but it's a mix of Australian and New York to me. My conclusion, and intuition, is that Barker here is mostly in PR damage control, trying to obfuscate from one issue of his audience and viewers online potentially accusing him of kicking the mother out because it's specifically the breastfeeding and not for the crying that could be disruptive, here the crying I could partly agree on. The fact that even he himself let slip out is a few male voices in the crowd yelling 'Rake off!' like...and this is my rapper dark side coming out...WTF are you on???Alcohol and high? OBVIOUSLY THAT COMMENT IS TARGETING THE MOTHER! And you as the comedian failed to crowd control the male voices on stage attacking her, it's so easy to crowd control for a comedian IMO that Barker SHOULD HAVE PUT DOWN THE VOICES WITH HUMOUR! You see enough good comedians that can handle heckles and put them down, so treat the male voices like hecklers and put them down and defend the mother.
Danioover9000 replied to mrPixel's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Husseinisdoingfine Ukraine is fake rainbow colours from America democracy/individualism/liberty, while Russia is solid red/blue hues motherland. -
Danioover9000 replied to ChadT's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Leo Gura Destiny is not a demagogue, and has consistent and well reasoned positions like his pro Israeli position he sunk cost fallacy himself into? Lately he's engaging in very deep ad hoc post hoc way, especially deflecting when it comes to not defining what genocide or ethnic cleansing is and if it's occurring in Gaza. Destiny actually was not like this at least 5 years ago, in fact he argued against a Neo Nazi with a very similar Zionistic way of thinking by explaining to him what motivated reasoning is. The irony here is now Destiny has hemmed himself into this position and gone straight pro Israeli without considering the other side. Lately he has virtue signaled a more moderate take with the pro Palestinians but IMO damage is done and now he's entangled into the sunk cost fallacy he put himself in. -
Danioover9000 replied to ChadT's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@zurew So Joe at least did push back Tucker, if he didn't push back enough? And what degree would you consider a good or bad push back? -
Danioover9000 replied to ChadT's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Leo Gura Not necessarily. Someone can also be both intelligent and wisdom with some demagoguery, for example the Buddha was apparently really good at debating and convincing even spiritual masters in different circles and is also spiritually talented. IMO he's both wisdom and charisma mixed together. But I agree Tucker's obviously a demagogue with little intelligence and self awareness. Just like Destiny Divorcelli.