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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Hi, I'm danio, and I'm in my 20's. I've got issues in my previous education chapter around boys and a few girls in regards to bullying between middle to high school. Whenever I'm in a social setting and I see women I could approach the fear and insecurity peaks the most. Even the idea of dating triggers this fear. It's sometimes creeps up in social situations unrelated to dating. Any advice on this is appreciated.
  2. Good god! You still believe in genetics and hypergamy? I thought somebody posted to you in the dating sub forum videos that completely contradicted your belief. I thought you'd make it out of victim mindset. I believed in you...?
  3. Also, does sexuality have anything to do with pornography? I've found that pornography is quite diverse with different flavors of sexuality.
  4. For example, I struggle with both starting a conversation and deepening the conversation with a friend. Is there any advice on this issue?
  5. If there's any books about dating, could you recommend some please?
  6. If anyone knows how to do text game then I'm interested in hearing some advice on it. Thanks!
  7. I've got a date next week! I already got some places in mind. Do I scout other locations just in case?
  8. I'm curious, but what do you value in dating?
  9. If anyone reading this has experience with dating, mind telling me what that's like? Thanks alot!
  10. I just saw a thread about the NoFap movement. Does that help with dating? Any advice and clarification is welcome.
  11. I like to keep my options open. Any advice on using my phone or the internet for dating is much appreciated. Thanks alot!
  12. A heart-warming compliment? That's what I did try in high school, and the female bully turned that into a humiliating experience. Is there a more safer way to compliment? I really don't want my first date to turn into a heart attack session. Thanks for the input! For me, day game is a bit challenging, but also night game is a bit more inconvenient in my local area. To me, night game sounds like a better option because of the social situation, but I don't mind trying day game. Honestly, the alcohol does help me calm down lol?.
  13. I've just noticed I feel needy around some women despite how fearful I get. Any tips on overcoming neediness I appreciated.
  14. Thanks man! Any advice on how to compliment a woman? Also, do I focus on day game more or night game more? Thanks!
  15. Also, any tips on socializing is helpful. I plan onaybe dating through social circles.
  16. Oh, by approach you mean cold approach? And how do I get better at cold approach? Do you have any tips on this? Thanks again!
  17. Also, any advice on creating a dating profile is welcome. I'm planning to start one soon.
  18. Do you mean I should date Often? It's a bit inconvenient at the moment for me to do multiple dates.
  19. Okey! Thanks for your advice!
  20. Also, if I happen to come across a woman who has a similar personality to a past female bully I get triggered. Any advice on this too is welcome.
  21. In terms of stages I would say orange is most dominant, some green and a tiny bit of blue. In terms in terms of cognitive development, I would say he's mostly rational with some pre-rational elements and is developing very slowly to post-rationality. I think that this progression and juxtaposition from rational to post-rationality is one factor in explaining the cognitive dissonance he's displaying lately in his videos. In terms of personality type I'm not sure because I only watched his videos in the past. He did mention he has a bit of a narcissistic self so I assume his narcissism and neurosis is higher than average. His bias and strong identification with his body suggests that he's mainly an extrovert than introvert. He has displayed open-mindedness towards ideas in his field of interest and is open to combine new exercise ideas as well as he's able to talk about both masculine and feminine ideas despite being close minded with feminine values and biased towards masculinity. I wouldn't say he's radically open-minded. Due to his narcissism I think his conscientiousness is higher than his lack of being disorganized. I think he's more agreeable than disagreeable. I would say his personality is mainly masculine. In terms of moral development he has strong values in family, hard work and traditional views of men. I don't think he's moral development has progressed much towards community because of his shadows. So far from what I know he's willing to be in in the role of father figure, leader and mentor of other men in a community of males than females because this narrative is supportive of his central identity as a narcissistic male. I would rate his wheel of life in the following, 1 being lowest 10 highest: Career development: 7. Finance development: 4. Familial relationship:5, intimate relationships:3( because, if I'm not mistaken, his wife was his first girlfriend, so because of his major lack of dating other women I ran him low.). Fun and leisure: 6(because I factor his career into being fun for him and I assume has family activities.) Home environment:7. Health:7 fitness:9. The possible shadows parts, from most to least dominance, are: femininity, vulnerability (because I factor in his multiple injuries to his body and his egoic backlash against them), following a leader, being submissive, hyper intellectual (because of body bias) and , of course, himself as an entity. Please be aware that these are just my rough educated guess about Elliott Hulse's overall development so take this with a groan of salt.
  22. What do you mean about you reaching total confusion? Your still able to type, so that shows me your confusion is temporary and not that insane. You mentioned you're completely lost in life. What do you mean? You don't know what your past is like? You don't know where you are currently? You don't know where you want to be in the future? You don't know what you even like and dislike? Realize your situation is temporary and this is only a limiting belief you're telling yourself. What spirituality are you learning? Leo's? Mooji's? Gurus in YouTube? Where are you learning spirituality from? How often? Holy shit! You don't even have a social occupation? Maybe take more action and research where you want to go in the future. It seems like you're in your teens/20s. You have more time and energy you need to go forward. Okey! You like music and have some skills. What else do you like and maybe have skills in? Be as clear and list alot, because this information is useful for you deciding to go forward. Don't think so simplistically! You think being completely isolated from your parents is enough to deliver your new shiny life on your lap? No! Go contemplate your life purpose, research and take action. Your shooting yourself in the foot with this kind of thinking! My final advice is this: take a break from spirituality and go out in the real world! This bullshit you're telling yourself is going to bit you in the ass later in life that no amount of "emptiness" is gonna make it any less painful. Now stop getting lost in life and start re-integrating to life!
  23. I've recently experienced spells of depression out of the blue. Anyone here with good advice on managing one's depression?
  24. I've seen some posts about nofap having tons of benefits and a few that refute these to just placebo. What are your thoughts on what's really going on with nofap? Because some really have experienced tremendous results with nofap and others haven't.
  25. Anybody who has good advice on how to get started?