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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Preety_India Thank you for providing such an insightful quote! By the way, how's your dating and relationships going?
  2. There are two ways to measure self-love scientifically; by contemplating what is true science, self, and love, by researching and doing spiritual methods that lead to mystical experiences, and by embodying the realization(s), like this man Of course, don't believe anything I say. Just do the practices and see for yourself.
  3. Do you guys have a set of warning flags you keep to indicate if a date might become toxic?
  4. And thanks again @Mikael89, @Nickyy, and @Preety_India for giving interesting points of view on dating and relationships. I'm learning quite a lot from you guys + gal.
  5. Congratulations! You're now a member of the warned society! Welcome to the warning ban wagon, where you learn so much so quickly!
  6. @Mikael89 We met in a hotel resort and as soon as we locked eyes it felt like I was lost in her eyes. After that, we just talked and it felt very random and spontaneous. I struggled with speaking to other people but with her, it was suddenly smooth. For months I've done my own research on dating and relationships, but in the week I happened to meet her I gave up on finding a girlfriend. And then I met her. How counter-intuitive.
  7. @28 cm unbuffed I used to try to be humorous with a few users in this forum in order to make them aware of their own projections. While the motivation behind this was positive and, to me, funny, it was interpreted as negative. I received 4 warning points - two for trolling that expires and two for name-calling that's permanent. I guess I was used to a certain type of humor that's too strong for some people and it needed working on. I would take care not to offend people here, even if it's just, especially in a triggered state if I were you.
  8. Thank you @Preety_India, @Mikael89, @Nickyy, @Anna1, and @Key Elements for providing interesting posts and advice, especially @Nickyy and @Mikael89 for their discussion between each other. I'm learning a lot.
  9. Thanks for the reply. I had a negative attitude that started when a woman sexually victimized me in my childhood. I've sought help for that and have made some progress. Now it isn't as bad as it used to be. I don't know what I did to deserve such hatred, but it's something I've working on getting past. Despite my past, I'm glad I'm leading a good life and am working on myself. Thanks for providing advice.
  10. Thanks for the reply. I had a negative attitude that started when a woman sexually victimized me in my childhood. I've sought help for that and have made some progress. Now it isn't as bad as it used to be. I don't know what I did to deserve such hatred, but it's something I'm working on recovering. I'm aware of some prejudice and projection around women I make, especially the one that traumatized me in the past. It's thanks to traveling and meditation I now have a newer view of women. Thanks for letting me know about judging. I'll keep an eye out for that. Again, thanks for the pieces of advice you're providing.
  11. Thanks, man. How about you, with your dating?
  12. Your welcome. Thanks for the advice. I used to think women are in it for the money and luxuries men provide, the protection they offer and how naturally women drain men's lives. After I traveled the world, women to me are far more complicated and diverse than I thought to be.
  13. I've tried journaling a lot. Sometimes it helps but I noticed the feeling comes whether I think positive/negative. I'll try journaling differently and see. Thanks for the reply.
  14. Hard to put into words. It's like I used to feel positive emotions but this negative emotion numbs away the positive ones. I also put my attention to it and it feels slow like oil. And now it's more persistent than usual. I don't think my thoughts are causing the feeling. Sometimes the feeling comes up even if I'm negatively thinking
  15. If I was kidnapped and there's no escape and the people are cutting my body, then I will feel the pain from cutting.
  16. I think what you posted could be misleading. for example, are you suggesting I should be thankful to God for my psychotic insanity, or to the people who committed suicide due to psychosis, or thankful to God that a psychotic person nearly raped a woman?
  17. Solid post. I think it comes down to relativity. For me, this post is good because I don't have strong logical skills in debating or discussing with other people. I would get nervous if I ever have to defend myself or my ideas verbally. So this post is valuable relative to me and my improvement. However, to Leo, this post is sub-par. Leo has done a course in a university about western philosophy, dealing with ways of argumentation and all sorts of proofing and logical reasoning that would make my head hurt. So it follows that this post isn't valuable to Leo relative to his mastery of logic and relative to his highest vision for mankind. I'm assuming in advance Leo has masterful levels of logic and reasoning so I could be wrong. That's also relative to my impression of him through videos and posts and his presentation. Like algebra in mathematics, you must symbolize and keep shuffling symbols around an experience. Even a few seconds or less of experience is heavily put through a reasoning process for the mind to understand.
  18. I recently broke up with a girlfriend, not because it wasn't going good, it's good, but because I discovered I heavily manipulated the entire thing. I even fooled myself, not realizing that the entire relationship really came from when I was bullied in middle school by some boys and raped by a girl. I had deep lingering hate and feelings of revenge that I was shocked at how easily I forgot myself. I axed the relationship before it got worse. Enough about me. I've got two questions for you: Did Nikola Tesla or Vivekananda need women to impact the world in their time? How does a woman, victimized by red pill and MYGTOW men, re-ingage with young men again?
  19. I'm sorry! I accidentally tapped your user name and couldn't get rid of it. How do I delete a username? Mods?
  20. I'm assuming here you want advice on dating and having sex, and in this thread, you want advice on sex. Check out Mantak Chia's work on male sexuality. Those techniques are more powerful than mere penis stretching. In fact, you might be hurting yourself just only stretching. Overall, check your mindset and don't lock yourself down on one technique. Don't get too obsessive about your size. There's more to dating and sex, like your tongue, hands and other positions.