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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. And for the husband, if you're gonna practice either karezza or Tantric sex, it's possible to experience orgasms that's non ejaculatory. I've had them, and they're great! Though typically it's likely you might get blue balls early on. So, it's ok to release most times and be mindful of any negative emotions that come up later.?
  2. The law of averages and probability. Literally, if you approach in an area with enough bodies, go through an elimination process, you're bound to get the one girl that resonates with you. But, you're gonna have to go through lots of bodies til you lose count. Probably refering to physical/mental disorders, the kind that makes you liable to see a therapist/clinician or hospital. You know you, so if this applies to you, seek help. If not, ignore and develop yourself. Just be careful not to pigeon hold yourself so soon. And that way of thinking is what's gonna slow down your journey painfully. You gotta ask yourself what do you want out of this? What? More sex and honeymoon? Long term relationships? Approach every woman with that goal in mind, like a transaction. Your gonna be putting hours into this, arranging the location, and engaging each date socially. That all takes time and energy. Your paying that cost for what? Get that clear for yoursel and yourself only. Think about Hercules, and the 12 labour's he had to go through, to take up that princess's hand in marriage. I've got good news: you're bound to meet your goddess, who is highly sexed and loving, and told me she agrees to submit herself to you as your future soulmate and wife. Here's the catch: only if you agree to submit to her 1,200 labours, each one her follower, each one capable of bringing out your fears, your hang ups, your weaknesses! And if you fuck up even once, she'll add another 1,200 labours, cuz right now, she knows you're too full of impurities right now to even be worth her time, and she's a bit evil. So! decision time, gonna answer the call to action? At least you ain't slaying Monsters.?
  3. Well, not only does it depend on the stage, but also the moral development, cognitive development and lines of development that you're at. Keep in mind that to transition from a stage to a stage, you'd experience what's called a transformational dilemma, which can feel uncomfortable to go through, because each stage has this homeostasis, where if you're born and raised in this worldview, your psyche also sums itself up with ideas, life experiences and the culture of that stage. It's like you're made up of colored jelly, and your moving through to a different colored region, but there's a barrier that will shred most of you, the jelly, in order for the psyche to make space to assimilate the next region. Except, it's still stubborn, and there's no pain killers to numb the pain. You'll have to feel it throughout, and integrate it. In this case, you'll be traveling to stage green, so my short advice is to take it slow and steady. I recommend Ken Wilber, who added these developments onto spiral dynamics, and Carl Jung, for the shadow work. Definitely, this process can sometimes be slow and painful, but hang in there. Might be also useful to develop visualizations for a lifestyle that looks like the next stage, and keep integrating, along with spiritual methods like mindfulness and so on. I'm keeping this short, not to derail the OP's thread, even though it's relevant. I can easily do hundreds of pages of deep analysis, on and on. But really, that's just me doing your workout routine. I've shredded myself more than enough, and am not gonna steal your shredding process onto me. I don't even know what you actually are (pun). Go and do practice, and practice will do you!? Have a good journey, you and OPs.
  4. @Rebecca Kalamata @Lento @Shin Again, nudity, porn, and masturbation is relative to where you're viewing these on the spiral. If you were raised in a stage blue society ( religious, traditional culture, conservative, national...) You would have different views on these things compared to a stage Orange rational scientist or business owner, realist or pragmatist, compared to a humanist, hippy, millenials, SJWs, feminists on stage green, compared to visionaries, Revolutionary thinkers on stage yellow, compared to zen masters, taoists, and yogis on stage turquoise, compared to stage red gangsters, rapists, con artists, psychopaths, sociopaths, compared to tribes in Indonesia, Africa, on stage purple, compared to other creatures on stage baige. Of course, there's plenty of psychological needs and baggage around nudity, porn, masturbation, mostly unconscious. While shadow work lacks the complexity of spiral dynamics, it makes it up with detph and intensity, especially around traumas. As I'm working on myself, I'm beginning to appreciate how tricky it is to do deep work on myself. I'll leave you with two cases that happened in Africa, you can verify for yourselves if you want. These are just food for thought, take it or leave it. The first is a case about a woman. She ended up getting raped, and the rapist was shot dead by the armed police. The rapist here is unique, because he's not the same age, the same race or even the same species. It turns out the attacker is a gorilla. Yes, a gorilla was forcing itself onto the woman. The next case involved multiple deaths among African tribes men, and a pair of British hunters were hired to hunt down two killers. Turns out, the two killers were young male lions, that developed a taste for human flesh, and together they stalk and hunt down tribes men, like a sport. So, it appears that humans are not the only evil perverts on the planet. If this is possible, what else is?
  5. More importantly, are you actually doing the approaches? Best time to contemplate is while you're interacting with the subject you're interested in. After a while, you compiled a long list of mental images, sounds and feelings with each approach, and here you then contemplate from memory. Good luck!
  6. Not sure about the hoaxes, but I like to think that trump won with pure skill of manipulation. He's just too good to overcome. As for Brexit and the resurgence of conservatives, it's a majority decision to vote out from us only. The EU and UK just have this historical conflict with each other that any changes in policy is bound to be slow. I mean with both cultures And the UK is an island, with limited geographic resources, your bound to feel and be conservative wherever you are.
  7. Well, Brexit is finally here. This day will be in the history books as one of the most triumphant moments for the British people, and for some one of the most impactful, positively if you're British conservative, or negative if you're neither, or negligible if you're something else! I'm both excited from the energies I'm feeling from the people, and nervous for the future of this country. But I smell blood! New opportunities are starting to pop up, and niches not possible are becoming possible. As well as suffering buried deep within, interpersonal/intrapersonal, to a culture and the world, would resurface, to once again liven up those to life again, to be overcome again. So, as both a welcome and warning sign to Britain and the world, let this day bring whatever it brings, Because one way or the other, we know that he would return, and they would follow him, whose name brings fear and Jubilee to all who witness his presence, and chant his name... Lord Darth Vader! Today, the Empire strikes back!?
  8. @Shin @weareacouple Before I forget, I actually didn't address your actual question, sorry. Nudity, porn and masturbation are only considered bad relative to the individual/collective's view from their stage of the spiral. When a tribe king (stage purple) wants to visit the royal family and Queen Elizabeth (stage blue) the queen/royal family refuses the visitation, because of the traditional/monarchical and conservative view about nudity that disallows a savage looking king, despite how the king thinks that they're both equal because of title and rulership, and how he normalized to his and his tribes appearance. The difference in world views is too great for both to recognize. Same with Pornography (Sigh), and masturbation. How bad it is is relative to the individual/collective's stage and worldview. Sure, viewing porn videos and paying for their services is supporting that industry, but is masturbation still bad? How about when I go old school, memory is so detailed and vivid that I masturbate to that memory of porn instead? Still evil? Is pornography bad that we should prohibit it? Remember the alcohol prohibition era, where criminal gangs thrived off of the ban? What would that look like with porn instead? See how counter intuitive calling something bad, then moralizing an action against and using a means to spread this ideology? have that running beneath a following's group consciousness leads to more evil, by virtue of their collective ignorance. It all depends on how it's used, and if you're doing it consciously. Conscious nudity, conscious porn, conscious masturbation, and any issues that creep up in your awareness will auto correct. This is key, because evolution is still ongoing, and Maya is continuing to refresh it's illusions. Porn industry today, mostly stage orange with a few red elements, will die off in several decades, a century or so, and become stage green porn, tailored to stage green people. Is it still bad, then? No. With enough consciousness, you won't be too bothered by it any more, because of other factors like old school masturbation, having a relationship, development of sexuality, integrating the shadow, on and on. Of course! Relative to what we got now, To a healthy psychological person, on the path of growing more consciousness, that future is good to work to. To sex workers, pimps, sex traffickers, porn stars, prn industry CEOs, porn consumers, all mostly at stage Orange, that future is so threatening they instantly call it evil, and will find ways of demonizing that version. Have a good day, and if this isn't really an issue for you, then continue doing what you both do, until you both are satisfied and move on to newer experiences, creating more joyful and fonder memories together. ?
  9. @weareacouple To be honest, this is the first I've come across users this open about their sexuality. So, congrats on an amazing, higher than average sex life! I'm now motivated towards improving my own as well! I would consider it an addiction if it becomes compulsory behavior. Like if while I'm working, I have the urge to fuck, and I'm resisting more than usual to relieve myself, and if this occurs daily, I would consider that compulsory. Or when I'm doing my hobbies, like drawing, and a mental sexual image comes up and I feel pretty horny and now I'm resisting it trying to change the nature of my subject, and it's gradually increasing, that's compulsory behavior. Or when with family and friends, if I'm really addicted, and resisting the urge while being with them, that's compulsory. Or secretly wanting to fuck some of your friends, whilst resisting it on a daily, that's compulsory behavior. Or any bad habits that are personal, like nail biting, fiddling with fingers, slight rocking back and forth, these are subtle compulsory behaviors. Yes there are obvious intense compulsory behaviors, and subtle compulsory behaviors. Or if you're doing something online, like banking, or Facebook(any social media), or watching videos and there's another window about porn, I would consider that compulsory if that's repeatedly done. This would ultimately come down to one or both of you deciding to either maintain or change this lifestyle. If you're familiar with spiral dynamics, and interested in moving up the spiral, then your values on sexuality and sex can change as you go up. The sex, overtime, say used to consist of mostly normal sex positions like doggy and missionary or other variations that is mixed with intimacy/dominance with the thinking about how useful/transactionary this sex is, expecting to receive as much as you give (stage Orange thinking), might at some point look like stage green, were you involve more intimacy in positions, hands, feet and kissing, regarding more about how the other is feeling than you are,even involving other people (stage green thinking), and if you keep at it, it might become something like Taoist style sex, karezza and Tantric sex, with the aim of having mystical experiences/awakening/paranormal experiences/ enlightenment through the sex, and it could keep getting more radical and spiritual, that even comparing Tantric sex or Taoist style sex to these newer forms of sex is too bizarre, yet it's evolution happening. So, I hope both of you are not addicted to sex, and if you are, then I hope you both recovery over time. Good night!
  10. Alright! Finally! My issue is being resolved. An external source has verified to me so far that this is a curse sent from America. The source says that so far it started a decade ago when I've accidentally bumped into someone, and that person took it too personally and was charging this thing with energy with a moodiness. I'm like WTF?! I'm suffering for something so small?! The source is continuing the investigation. I'm feeling much better, headache is going away, and my energy is back! And the lights significantly faded and am feeling much better! It was an expensive service, my piggy bank took a hit, but it was worth it! The source is currently reversing this curse and is tracking it through the astral and locking down this person's negative energy towards me. I have zero clue how any of this is working behind the scenes, but the source is pretty experienced.
  11. Lol, I can relate to the feeling. My first date started at a café. Was a Bulgarian style cafe. As I came in I see lots of color, decor, two double Windows on main red door, six potted plants on top, and a leafy long grass plant on right side. There's a guy with a light bluish Long sleeves on right, sitting on a dark brown chair at red table on his MacBook. On my left a disheveled light bearded man, a geek, at a light brown table, his black jacket hangs on his chair with his black backpack on his right side and he's using a small desktop computer. I saw five more tables that're yellow, cream, dark reds and light browns with chairs that're varied in size and color, like the café is diversified! In front of me, after the yellow table I saw a brunette at a light brown table in a pink long sleeve, dark blue jeans, pinkish skin, chubbish, doodling on her iPad with her unpainted nails. There was also a staircase, which was after the yellow wall that had about six b/w paintings of musicians, which was after the long grass plant. I've been up there before so I know how much lighting the area has and how much more uniform the chairs and table were. It had fancy lamps that give off a dim Orange light, which would be perfect for night outs. I decided to sit at the yellow table, on a black chair, Because the lighting was brighter, the rays next to the table give me a clear view of date. It was a sunny clear day. Two tables behind me I saw a dodgy looking man , with a black cape with a dark grey jacket, facing towards the red wall which has four small paintings of landscapes that's grass and forest, away from me. So I'm sitting there, having a large mocha, tapping my feet lightly on the dark wooden flooring, when I hear the little bells on the red doors ring. I see my date arrive. She's blonde, has tan skin, and wears light make up and is dressed lightly, with a floral dress past her knees, and a bluish light jacket. So I greet her while she walks, her high heels clicking on the wood, and she helps herself to the brown chair, scraping the legs as she sits. I had to re position myself and leaned back onto my chair, while I see She's up right and slightly forward. I felt insecure and a bit tense around my body, I was getting a bit of a boner and my abdomen is a bit tense, reminding me of some experiences with some boys and a few girls that bullied me in the past, and on fewer occasions became violent. Her voice was smoother and her flow of the conversation nicer than mine, I was juggling between keeping myself calm and maintaining my tonality and part of the conversation easy going, and my voice ended up being more monotone and flattish at times. While we were talking, we shifted our positions a bit, from leaning to forward, listening intently on interesting parts of our stories, and she'd be sipping her cappuccino. At the end, she left first and I remained sitting there, re ordered a mocha, and stayed for 2 more hours there, thinking about what a colossal failure of a date this is. To this day, my first date and I still remained friends. I then still continue dating, changed locations from time to time, and did about 50 dates in total. I did other methods like PUA stuff, and other dating stuff, until I stopped avoiding to do the one other method I wasn't keen on doing: magic spells, cuz, well, hippy new age woo woo wishful mistletoe thinking crap. Before I invested heavily on it, I decided to do some browsing around an oil spell shop, and there I met my now witch girlfriend. The end of my dating! Don't forget what Leo said " People's opinions of you are irrelevant", which does mean that other people's opinions on anything is irrelevant. Learning and practice while in your direct experience and visualizations is what got me to burn through 98% of people's bullshit, including my own, while verified the other 2%. that 98% consists of opinions about fucking the girl's brains out, one night stands, moving on to the next number, over enforcing your boundaries, being super polite, under enforcing your boundaries, letting the girl dictate your schedule and time, all irrelevant! So, good luck with your dating journey! Remember, this is all an echo chamber of opinions hanging about in space, like in the night sky, when you see the stars, some of those lights are stilll traveling, but those stars are dead long ago.
  12. I think to develop personal development ethics you need to research and experience. That's it.
  13. @Conscious life ?
  14. @OctagonOctopus @mandyjw Thanks for posting! I'm actually a pretty healthy guy. I've been not sick or ill with the common cold, flu, sore throat or hay fever for the past 2 years. Today I felt like a zombie, I couldn't get any sleep last night! At the moment the coffee is keeping me awake during the day. I really felt medicated throughout the day, like I'm zoned out. My diet isn't quite the issue as I'm very picky on what I eat. The headaches I'm noticing are now coming and going not as frequently, and the strange light is getting a bit slower and a bit faded, now it's over my curtains. And I'm searching the web, looking for what the hell this thing could be. I also noticed moments of cramping on my right shoulder. I'm going to bed soon, and I'm worried it's gonna be another sleepless night! Come on, any ideas on what this is? I've never had this before. I did a post about the haunting I had, but this is quite different from that. Is it likely something paranormal? Then again, I get the feeling it's coming from someplace very distant. Is it related to me overworking myself?
  15. Am I getting colder? As I'm typing I feel a bit chilly and the faint light is still over my towal. It's getting slower in movement. This fogginess I'm feeling is still the same, along with the headaches (sigh). I actually wish I feel more tired now, Because whatever this is is keeping me up. Along with the annoying feeling is now some anxiety and some fear. Slight shaking is occurring. Have I done something wrong? Before bed I did some visualizations and concentration on my breathe. I probably was over concentrating on my breathe and images. I'm now counting sheep and doing my very best not to freak out, and am trying to be mindful and let go of whatever is happening. I don't want to trigger this light into some frenzy from any sudden movements from me! I got a bad feeling. Guys, I could really use some help! This is a first for me. I almost don't have things like this happening to me daily. Jesus, the room looks like it's getting a bit thicker, and I'm having some weird thoughts coming up. Ok, breath in and out, in and out...
  16. It's now past midnight and oh boy, I'm seeing the lights again. I'm feeling a bit awful and tense. A bit more headaches and fogginess. Jeez, at this rate I'm gonna be up all night! I'm trying to not directly look at it, turn around and just sleep. But I just feel on high alert, that whatever is on my towal is danger. I'm starting to feel annowed on top of feeling fear and foggy. What's going on?
  17. @Buba It is possible to resolve your own issue. I agree it's difficult and sometimes painful to change, but it's possible, not impossible. I've resolved my gayness this way. You wanted positive affirmations and visualizations that follow your intent? There's plenty in the internet, but nothing compares to this: your own intention, your own visualizations/affirmations, and the will to keep going. You designing your own way to resolve your issue yourself! However, there's a price: lots and lots and lots of hard work. Work on your will, work on your affirmations, work on your visioning, work on your prayers, work on your actions, work on letting go, work on your creative force! How do you think Allah came to be powerful? Just sitting and doing nothing? Or extreme hard work, to the point it does not need it's own image?
  18. Ok then. I wanted to point it out for anybody reading. Wasn't my desire to start a debate, sorry if I triggered you. I find it's too obvious for me that it's silly peddling black/blue/red pill ideologies. Somehow, people still get charged up and dogmatic over it. While I don't know much about anyone's upbringing, personalities and preferences for these ideologies, I'm still learning and open minded to them. Exploring and experimenting. If you don't mind, could you share what brought you to your understanding of red pill? Thanks for reading.
  19. I wouldn't know where to begin either? Black pills taste too salty for me, blue pills are too bitter, and red pills have this minty sweetness, especially after a blue pill. Probably placebo. To me, black pills are negligible, while blue pill is actually more worthwhile than red. Why? Without the blue, there'd be nothing for red's standing, it has to prop itself onto blue's victimhood and women's manipulations. That, to me, makes it worse than toxic garbage. Like some disabled ideology that needs other ideologies and victims to parasite off of. I don't know if reliance on pills is sustainable for the long run. Even worse, as we're being, we're swimming in a sea of shit yet realized and perpetuated by most people unconsciously. Maybe this is it. The real deal.
  20. @Dumuzzi @Kalki Avatar are you both satisfied with where this thread is at? Went from one user asking a simple men's dating advice to intensely charged discussion on patriarchy/matriarchy, men's rights/women's rights, PUA dating/classical dating, swathes of narratives for women's victim mindset/ men's victim mindset, maybe hints of black/blue/red pill (maybe another pill), MGTOW/metoo. I'm not bashing, I just noticed a pattern forming. Also, keep in mind that we're still inside a egoic collective that consists of male egoic collective and female egoic collective, sub divided into different cultures, sub divided into age, into biologically body parts, into gender roles and sub roles, into sexual directions. With a mix of narratives and a dash of distortion and denial with a pinch of suffering, and we got a mean Monterey of a problem. a collective problem firstly, not an individual problem. Took me a while to notice it, but wow, it really isn't an easy problem. I don't mind mentally entertaining a Leo guru PUA, but it's not an ideal use of time. I'm tempted to find something more valuable than a man or a woman to pursue. We've got more than enough bodies here. I don't know anyone's or OP's intentions to pursue dating, but further theorizing is'nt the solution. Maybe the OP's topic is already answered, regardless of OP, and this thread has/is mutating issues from different topics, cramming into one, compounding the issues. I don't know if continuing would shed more light into this morphing problem or add more confusion from related to unrelated issues, but it's worth a shout out to anyone's awareness in case this slips under the radar.
  21. If she was here to learn, then there would be more asking questions from her to other users about whatever topic is discussed on thread and giving advice when needed. I agree that it may look harsh for banning her, but she executed poorly, being religiously dogmatic, again and again and again. Also, her 3 latest posts, on top of being dogmatic, rubs against meditation, spiritual work, psychedelics and awakening, which is Leo's leading purpose here, which some mods and him are doing the work. What do you expect? A slap on the wrist? Especially on awakening and enlightenment? It's brutal work not for the faint of heart. Ideally, keep it very short. If you gonna give advice referencing religious material, keep it short, and paragraphs that follows are to elaborate and relate that info to whoever you're addressing, without the dogma. If you can't execute that without getting triggered and dogmatic when some user questions back, don't reference religious material, and either find some other way of explaining or close it off. People's times are limited. Hypocritical, coming from me when most of my past posts are not useful, and I've trolled on other websites, but I had my moments when I've helped some users and given lots of questions for them to ponder. And for Leo, congrats on your awakening experience!? You looked like a toddler re experiencing life. The post man's timing couldn't get more perfect than it is! ?
  22. @Stakres you are right in that there are multiple models of truth that people should consider to stay open minded. The issue that follows is two fold: these are 'modals' about truth, and confusing ego for 'true self/I AM'. Every modal about truth and frankly anything in reality is partial. It's partial as long as it's an idea. And you can create modals that don't even need to directly interact with reality( modal about gravity vs modal about fleminitynityle): your mind is powerful enough to conceptualize anything and twist it to suit it's survival. Furthermore, through repetition, the modal is made into a belief with a list of justifications for the belief, further complicating things, and all this eventually becomes unconscious. And there are many ways to realize this. If you've had mystical experiences, getting glimpses, depending on the method, it sounds like you had the one were the self dissolves in a moment, revealing the SELF, then self rapidly reforms whilst you're basking in it. Somewhere along the way, you're so amazed at it, it becomes concept, and repeatedly justified as 'true self', becoming a belief you cling to. common mistake. Solutions simple: question your modals, keeping in mind that it's relative, keep open minded, and now work on realizing the 'no-self', however you get there.
  23. Your welcome!
  24. Edit and link doesn't work.
  25. I've accepted the Nofap for 90 days challenge because I used to watch porn/ had sexual fantasies and fapped 1-3 times a day. I wanted to know if all these benefits are either true or false. I'm posting what I've discovered for 42 days of hard-mode Nofap and I'll be posting weekly what I discover. Before the journey: I'm 25 years old, currently living in the UK. I sometimes feel ill once or twice a year. I exercise once a week. I suffer from laziness, fatigue, feelings of defeat and depression. I have little to no contact with people outside of my family, I'm introverted, I'm unable to focus or listen to people. So far into the journey: I haven't felt ill at all, especially the cold I usually get in November-December time. I don't feel as lazy as I used to feel, I'm more productive. Feelings of defeat and depression are significantly reduced. While I somewhat still feel introverted, most people I come across I don't feel as bothered by. My ability to focus, listen and articulate my thoughts has significantly increased. These are some of the benefits I thought were not possible to experience: week 1: I felt more energy, confidence in myself and more sex drive. 2-3 days felt stressful, but I meditate my way through it. week 2: I felt more energy, confidence, more mental clarity, more present, more appreciation of some things, felt more self-control. week 3: I felt the horniest I've ever felt! I felt more energy, more confidence, more present, more mental activity, more grateful, more self-control, more willpower, I felt my dick and balls are larger, I felt more strength and endurance to the point I nearly injured myself doing too many exercises, more emotional, and less tired at night. week 4: Overall the same benefits, except I feel stronger, endure more and feel pressure on my forehead. I felt more alert, present, and could visualize things more clearly, more grounded, more emotional, more happy, more mindful. week 5: I felt more energy, more confident around people, less sexually aroused yet more random sexual feelings arise, more mental articulation, more joy in hobbies and life, more self-control, more discipline, and motivation. physical effects: I sometimes have harder, random erections are more sensitive and harder from random arousing thoughts. My hair feels smoother, my skin is slightly smoother. Side effects: I felt I was going through a strange flatline, had weird dreams, I struggled to relax while sleeping, sleeping less, and I overdid most of my arms and some of my legs and core and had DOMS almost all over. And headaches, headaches everywhere! Been slightly lazier, depressed and had weird dreams. Week 6: all the above, more amplified that it scared and amazed me a little. I really felt so much happiness, creativity, and proper philosophical to the point I could focus, contemplate, self-inquire and meditate so much more powerfully! I've lately picked up new habits like drawing, doing tai chi, and listening to new music. I usually don't like remixes, but lately I'm liking them, especially the Luna Remixes and that artist's music. I could easily create loads of stories and drawings and even start having ideas of making animations and not being bothered at all!