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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Really? No focus needed for present moment?
  2. It is like a balancing act. If you theorize too much, you are stuck with thoughts and ideas without applying techniques, but if you apply techniques too much without theory, you're stuck in only making results and the same technique without knowing better techniques. However, if you try to balance both perfectly, you become a perfectionist and want to control everything, and will be stuck in a plateau. So, best balance here would be to be flexible and swing back and forth, however far or small the swing from thinking to action taking is. Good luck!
  3. It's kinda like taking two balls on each hand, and squeezing them together. One is called 'past' the other is called 'future', and the tension between them and on the boundary is called 'present'. The past feels very real while the possibilities of the future, will it's not factual, is still very real. Even if you let go of the balls, the force you've generated at them was so great that that part of the balls fuesed together, and now past and future are tied together at the present moment, containing all parts of time. Like if you imagined going for a walk, then you are walking, and before bed you reflect on your outdoor walk in the park, despite millions of moments have passed, those moments where you're imagining the walk while walking, and reflecting on a prior walk while walking, where past/present and future/present interact, that all can be illusory, yet is very real and beneficial. Without the present moment between the past/future, it's very easy to get lost.
  4. Yesterday was unusual. I woken up a bit late than normal, and drank my cup of coffee. After doing my routine (meditation, concentration, some contemplate, and lots of visualizations/affirmations) I felt a headache coming on, and more tired than normal. Before bed, I usually meditate, but I decided to visualize and concentration on stuff. After, while laying in bed, I saw hints of flickering light around where I hang my towal. While watching, I felt a bit foggy and I couldn't quite sleep. It's next to a window and lamp. This morning, more tired than normal that I drank two Cups of coffee to compensate, and am feeling a wee bit insecure around that spot. Could anyone give me some insight on my tiredness, doggy head, and those little lights? I'm starting to feel slightly more tired and confused.
  5. @Anton Rogachevski Yes, there's a lot to truth than the present moment. Despite how simple it is, you have to take into account language and the self/other duality. Non-duality and spiritual are a bit tricky for newbies than what Neo adviatens like to think. Furthermore, there's the paranormal to take into account. While expanding consciousness, you're bound to experience paranormal abilities and beings that have been told in myths and stories cultivated throughout history. There was an event with one of the Hollywood films, I don't remember the name, that during the making of the film they used some bones from the Egyptian crates as props for one of the scenes when the basement was flooded and the soil unearthed bone remains. Well, the crew Experienced a series of bad luck, accidents and some illnesses during film making because of that.
  6. I was going to ask her for help, but I just couldn't do it. I know she's really good with paranormal stuff, but it would've made me looked weird, like I'm the bf that chickens out on floating lights. Instead, I hired an external source to do it instead, despite the website and person being a bit shady. My piggy bank took a huge hit, but the sacrifice was worth it!
  7. I could be wrong, but if you do this, you're risking a ban. I think it's called splintering the community, and recruiting members to outside websites. It's not a good way to go. If you were serious in resolving these issues you and you husband perceive, you wouldn't be mostly here, you're be resolving it where you're at with him face to face. If you're not serious in helping yourselves out, don't distract other people here. We're serious about self-actualizing, and time is precious.
  8. I recommend you check out Bob Proctor. When it comes to marketing, you go more specific. What is your ideal audience to benefit from your service/product?
  9. Strangely reminds me of Osho. He must've been working on embodying this mystical experience for many years to sound so calm about it.
  10. The name is "Spiritual Unfoldment with John Butler", a youtube channel that features a man named John Butler, who seems to be a Christian enlightened master. In one of the videos titled "If more to life than meets the eye, what earthly use am I?", the first 10 minutes of listening to him, I felt a similar feeling when I hear a person who's had many awakenings. At around the 6-7 minute mark, he explains that after his 3-hour meditation, he wrote in his notebook "infinite completion.". I got GOOSEBUMPS. Yes, I've come across a high conscious resource!
  11. Very interesting. I've done chi gong in the past and I can say it's great for feeling good and feeling energy.
  12. That's fine! I'm walking and experiencing different relative truths and so are you. One dream I've recorded in the past was just me flying over different locations, like I'm not changing, but the world is changing places and creatures I see do their own things. Yes, the distinction I've made between thought and being is a thoughtfulness distinction, at the moment. I've meditated and had some glimpses that're very difficult to put into words. It's difficult for me to explain a subjective experience about thought and Being other than use mataphors and symbols to convey as best as I can to you. Otherwise, I'm speechless, like can't speak about it, it's too much to put into words. Again, the painting example was just example and metaphor. It's fine if it doesn't resonate! Metaphors are relative to your preference. If I've known you resonate with love, I'd use a love metaphor to point to infinity/finitude, like this: you can appreciate love because of the following: your heart beats (contraction/expansion), regular/irregular heartbeats, bio electric field of the heart, the different parts of the heart, all this is the whole heart. Yet, the heart is a part of the body, which as a whole has various organs and systems designed to keep itself alive. Yet, the body is a part of mind, that as a whole consists of life experiences, ideas from people, environment and culture, and the seat of discerning intelligence and magical abilities, all this is 'internal world'. Yet, your 'internal world', or 'microcosmic world' is juxtaposed to another's 'microcosmic world', and the macrocosmic world 'external world', as a whole, contains many people's dreams, including yours. Yet, without seperation, you really can't appreciate love, including infinity itself, hence finitude. Better explanation?
  13. This is a good example of the limits of rationality and just thinking about traumatic events in life, without going deep enough with the contemplation and taking action towards resolving whatever that traumatic event is. For this 97 year old philosopher, it's the death of his wife he deeply loved for so many years. It's true that you will die, one way or another. The end is still death, so really you're damned if you do or don't. All the more reason to keep self-actualizing, however it might look like for you. Also, a good time to see how empathetic you are to this situation. It's easy to judge and pass this off as failure to let go and be mindful on his part, until decades later, your loved one passes away before you, and you wallow in grief. It's quite circular, not matter where you're at. @Raw Nature @Scholar @jimwell
  14. I haven't quite experienced that kind of infinity, but a couple of nights ago I overslept and had many dreams, some became lucid, some I was jumping from one perspective to another. So it might be possible. Being = being, thoughts = thoughts, but thoughts =|= being. You can't quite think into being, more like be into being. Makes sense? Also, wether you admit truthfully or not that it's possible to know, what will you do afterwards? Research, study and take action, or do nothing and be mediocre? Your finite to be able to appreciate infinity, and survive against it. Like could you appreciate a painting without the canvas, frame, paint brush and paint? Personally I could visualize the entire painting without painting it here, but in that sense I still need the background, size, color, texture, temperature, weight, smell, taste and other objects to make sense of this painting. In infinity, everything is a painting. If I go " Jeez, which one do I want? I'd like a Lovely landscape painting.", That immediately needs finitude for me to make sense of one painting over other paintings. And it needs a boundary against all other things to define it as a painting. Make sense?
  15. I've been there, done that. I'm done with discussing NoFap. If you have anything helpful to OP, say so. If not, respectfully leave. Don't spread your ideology, and treat people like children, me, OP, other users included, commanding me/them to do what you tell them. Have a nice day.
  16. I also forgot that roughly a small percentage of males/females are born with a predominant sociopathic/ psychopathic nature, and some with physical/mental disorders especially severe forms of autism that are horrific. To these people, dealing with their horniness through dating and forming relationships is extra harder compared to average males/females with relatively healthy psyche and body. If anyone's still complaining about lack of sex, well, look at these people: you're not these unfortunate people. Remember that. On the other hand, don't forget about that armless and legless person that has a hot gf, I don't know where the video is, so really what are you complaining about if you're not that limited to begin with? Inner world work, inner world work, inner world work! Don't forget you're an inner engineer, actively designing your own life and world. Don't forget that. Peace!
  17. Yes I am. Before I forget, if I'm not mistaken NoFap is a recently formed ideology (5-10 years ago) similar to the black/blue/red pill ideology, so this is actually a good time to observe how you attach yourself to this 'addiction recovery program' at an early stage, and how this attachment grows over time, and if you can compare other ideas and beliefs you're attached to for decades. Also pay attention to the suffering that comes up when someone points out any limitations of NoFap. Even though the founder did say that this recovery program is not a movement, he did not take into account that movements come form the majority of followers that Subscribe to the idea and blindly believe what is proposed, thanks to how fast information spreads in the internet. The only difference this new recently formed ideology has compared to older established ideologies ,like religions, is that 'benefits' occur faster and is backed up by more persuasive evidence like neuroscience and hormonal effects. I'm happy for the one year journey I had with NoFap, the positives and negatives, and now I can say NoFap is good to a point. NoFap, like every impermanent object, will one day have to be let go and detached, because this too shall and must pass. Good luck with your personal journey!?
  18. As long as you don't get blue balls frequently, hyper aggression towards men and women, and staring at the ceiling all night, then NoFap is for you!
  19. I'll give my take on this. It seems like the man on the video is immersed in stage Orange thinking: he rationalizes this issue of men having less sex by first presenting himself as scientific and rational, and shifts the issues of decrease in sex drive to external factors like pornography and female hypergamy, and subtlety blames stage green groups (#metoo) for young men's decrease in sex. Interestingly, female hypergamy is actually mostly a stage Orange female based view on men(with few elements of stage red thinking/manipulation) based on physical attraction, material luxury increase(more make-up, dress, jewelry...), Out doing her female friends, ect... He hasn't realized yet that his view is very relative and changes meanings based on where you're at in the spiral. At stage baige, these things are insignificant, because the organisms here are immersed in survival. At stage purple, these issues are almost insignificant, except when there's tribal warfare at play. and seed honouring takes place. If you happen to be within a tribe, and you do have sex problem, their solutions include prayer to the sex god/goddess, and magical ritual and offering a wild boar's penis and testicles to suit your peculiar issue. At stage red, because of the increase in egoic impulse and selfishness, this issue is insignificant, unless he/she has this issue. Their solutions to this sex problem is, more sex! Get more women! And blame it on that suspicious looking man there, or that other woman, or anything else but you. Most solutions will be impulsive and selfish and heavily manipulated. They wouldn't care if this issue affects other but themselves. Mostly criminal and evil ways. At stage blue, if this issue effects most of the group, solutions will mostly be based on traditional ways, religious ways like abstinence until marriage, mostly Orthodox ways of dealing with the issue. At stage Orange, this issue would be treated using rational thinking, material ways like western medicine, and empowering the individual's self confidence through putting that man/woman into competitive situations with the hope the person pulls himself/herself together. If failure, then it's just them being lazy, or there's something wrong in their heads, or something wrong with their sex organ, or maybe this person's a snow flake or a LGBT thing. Maybe this person's a victim of those darn smelly hippies, they softened him/her up with their wishful woowoo nonsense! They're turning young people into veggies! And so on... At stage green, a solution to this decrease in sex is filtered through their values of emotional connection, love, community that has a wider circle of concern, humanism, higher moral development. They may include alternative medicine and methods that are unconventional and outside the mainstream conventional ways, maybe channelling sex/love related spirits and use of psychedelic ect... At stage yellow, this issue is dealt with systematically, taking a more holistic view of the person's sexual health/ young people's health, their biological health like the hormonal systems, their nutrition, their innate genetics, psychological needs and traits, upbringing, social conditions. They would solve the roots cause of their individual/collective problem, and work with experienced experts at specific fields in relation to the individual's issue about sex and various other factors, ect... At stage turquoise, the issue would be dealt with through use and synthesis of spiritual methods tied to paranormal and energetic methods. The solutions would be a fusion of high science with high magical means, and mystical experiences, through encouraging the individual/ collective here with this issue to integrate themselves, ect... Finally, even the words I write is relative to my and your level of cognitive development, moral development, lines of development, words with meanings tied to different shadow selves, and language barrier, as well as subject to the mind's ability to generalize, distort, distract, deny, substitute, blame, judge, demonize, idolize and conveniently forget information and habits that has very high chances of killing it. I tried saving a stray cat that lost a mating battle, and consoled it with my high levels of understanding, empathy and compassion, because cat lovers told me their kind and gentle cuties, and I agree too!? The cat, however, was having none of my understanding and compassion. It swipes it's paw left and dented in my right cheek.? despite the hurt, I now have a pet cat, and I still show my love and understanding to the stray cats that visit, including the swipes left cat, but at a distance.? Thanks for reading, and have a great journey!
  20. @Lento NoFap is an ideology that is designed implicitly as an addiction recovery program that specifically targets strong addictions to pornography. I've done some self experimental work on NoFap on myself, because I have had a light addiction to watching porn and masturbating to that, 1-2 times a day. I joined because I had personally suffered from some degree of lethargy, laziness and Brian fog. This is what I found after a year of nofap: some peaks of energy, some increase of productivity and not so much brain fog. Also increase in confidence, less social anxiety, more will power, clarity in thinking and more presence/appreciation. I also discovered somethings I didn't expect: Insomnia, increased aggression towards men and women, paranoia around failing to 'beat my nofap streak', paranoia about my sexuality, and others sexuality. Obsessive resistance to horniness, disappointment to random erections I had. Strong negative attitude towards 'sex addicts', and Pornography, putting celibate monks and spiritual master's on a pedestal, and too much thinking and supporting NoFap that I sometimes find myself dogmatic. Increase in mood swings(perhaps the same conditions Victorian women suffered from). I identified as a 'fapstronaut', 'nofaper', and clung to those labels. If you do have strong compulsory behaviors on Pornography, then NoFap is for you, from my experience. However, if you don't have severe pornography addiction, and you have benefited from NoFap, I think it's time to forget it and move on. I'm in the process of getting rid of this ideology out of my system, because I'm already benefited from it. To me, it's good to a point. Of course, every ideology and it's following hates whistle blowers, but I think NoFap is weak: it relies on demonizing pornography, reliance on spiritual literature/techniques and praises celibacy despite having nothing to do with the original aim of NoFap, and demonizes masturbation regardless of the individual and his/her circumstances. To me, it's starting to be similar to black/blue/red pill ideology, and it's limiting me. I hope I'm not offended you or anyone reading this. @Lento Your welcome! ?
  21. @fridjonk @Johnny5 Transcending hate is not an entry requirement to transitioning to higher levels. You can have hateful immigrants coming from stage red/blue villages, to arrive at a stage blue/Orange/green society, that still have the majority of their psyche as stage red/blue values, who is will hate different cultures and places and circumstances at the beginning, and very quickly will appear stage blue/Orange/green in that society, will still having that hate in their psyche. In the short term, that hate is actually useful for you to use against people who're as toxic or more toxic than you. And compounding that hate is just differences in worldviews and personality between people and the lack of awareness. Part of hatred is a natural occurrence when trying to transition to a higher stage voluntarily, but not involuntarily. Involuntary transition is a forced circumstance on the individual/group (running away from a war, to a different land, forced to adapt to the land and people there). Voluntary work to transition to a stage is where you are more receptive to this hate, while involuntary transition is treated as a given. You're right to transcend hatred, actually! In the long term. As we're growing up, we soak in people's views and the environment. When we experience negative feedback from people or the world, we tend to disown that part of us that triggered that negativity. Furthermore, when we encounter people resembling that disowned part, we project outward onto that person that negativity, denying we have that negativity in us, further disintegrating ourselves. This is how shadow selves are formed, with the common negative emotion like hate. That's why doing shadow work and understanding different points of view, voluntarily working on yourself, is very important. I'm not dismissing you guys views, I'm elaborating on this.
  22. I agree about the distinction between psychosis and enlightenment. the psychosis is more commonly dormant in the person's innate limitations of brain and body, whereas in enlightenment, during awakening, it can bring up powerful energies that can either temporarily cause psychosis, or permanently cause psychosis. It sucks for people who have psychosis, Because it really can create dysfunction and more misery. I worked with these people, and someone I know suffers from schizophrenia that he couldn't function normally in his life, having to depend on medication and additional support. It's a horrible way to live. I don't care what or how you got to enlightenment, you're gonna have to come back to the market place, and be of service. Conflating psychosis with enlightenment and acting as if it's no big deal reeks of ignorance and unsympathy to the people suffering psychosis. For those who still conflate psychosis with enlightenment, go and help out in the asylums, or care home, or are you scared of losing your enlightenment in a moment of annoyance, thinking that it's still all illusion, all nothing?