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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Any other information on his death? What did he die from? RIP though, his value will be missed.
  2. If thinking the past is imaginary is helping your ego, then ok. Mind you, that's a big if. Most of who you are on the surface is connected to previous events in your life, which shapes your core identity. Reckless deconstruction of this can lead to psychosis that can range from mild forms like annoyance, anger, confusion, depression, all the way to suicidal thinking and full mental breakdown.
  3. What? 100% responsibility and control sounds like the same to me. I don't see any contradiction here. I think the issue is not taking full responsibility and not exercising self control, so go and do that.
  4. Finally! Even if it's too early, at least this is a sign of hope.
  5. @IJB063 What kind of libertarian are you?
  6. @Mango Yeah, it's pretty awesome.
  7. @Forrest Adkins Me too. Not just from online dating, but while doing cold approaches. Getting rejected face-to-face is a real Ouchy, so go with the cold approaches more if you can. Not only is my ugliness a handicap, but my past female trauma made it very challenging to sustain a date. It's one thing to have approach anxiety, but another to restrain my hate, like a balancing rope. As a man, you must face that hopelessness head on, with each woman you meet. I don't even go for one night stands, I torture myself by just talking to them, and friend zoning them.
  8. @RoerAmit For me, I've remembered that at some moments when I felt hatred, and fewer moments of strong hatred, my body tenses up. I've found that chi gong and body awareness exercises helps develop your body awareness, which can help some more with self love.
  9. It could have spiritual benefits, but in terms of exploring your demonic vibrations from within. Consuming alcohol literal is turning you into a demon, so if you want work in that direction, alcohol and similar drugs could help with that. I rarely consume alcohol, because I'm done working that way, it became too painful.
  10. @Kross I've been there, and failed a lot of the final exams. Starting from middle school, high school, and college. For me, I had to process the stress and the angst each failure I got. I'd suggest to allow yourself to dream, to train yourself in a hobby you like, and travel if you can. This advice works well for me, and it might work for you. More life experience, more power. Please tells us more about your situation though, so we can help you much more.
  11. Addressing the consistency, first, make the intention to do the visualization work daily, and pick a time, either morning or before bed. Intentionally set that schedule for yourself. If you can, in a quiet place by yourself. Your next problem is not enough information from your experiences with visualization to review. When were the times you experienced more powerful visualizations and where were you? When were the worst times you've had visualizing, and where? Each visualization can last for 5-10+ minutes, Leo has covered how to visualize, and I have a journal on this website that is about visualization work. About stabilizing your mind, do concentration exercises and meditation after. Leo has covered how to concentrate and meditate, so check them out. And sorry to say, your mind is a monkey, it can and will play along or throw tantrums, and you must discipline it with focus. I'll emphasize training your concentration and gradually increase by 1 min only if I can sustain focus more than a minute. If it starts acting up, disciplines it, and re-focus. Every time. In fact, do 1 minute of concentration before you do visualization work. The above advice is general. If you want more specific advice, please reply clearly explain your problem, as specific as you can. We can only help as much as you are willing to help. Show us your Yu-Gi-Oh deck fully, and we'll help you design the best killer deck ever.
  12. I've seen some posts about Nofap and sexual transmutation in the sub-forum. Maybe a video about the spiritual implications of sexuality would be great.
  13. @Matt8800 What are your thoughts on channeling, especially through automatic writing/drawing? Do you have to allow some permission of the entity partially possessing your hand, like a glove? Any newbie advice on channeling?
  14. You do know what I mean? I know that some things are very difficult to explain in wording them. For example, I can describe to you a butterfly, another is that I could show you the butterfly. This thing I experienced, I can't tell or show to you at all that is remotely in any normal experience on earth, and I'm struggling to make sense of it myself. I recognized a pattern in that experience that resembles a Samadhi and what I've heard about it so far related to a little bit of that experience, but a lot of it was alien plus a 'merging' happening. Maybe I started off too difficult. Have you ever down any concentration exercises on mental objects? This was prior to this internal Samadhi.
  15. I've recently experienced merging into a being. It happened during a mediation session. I've noticed my mind sometimes wanders and likes to visit a place where spiritual objects reside in. In one of the rooms, I sometimes do concentrate on some of those objects. Anyone here ever experienced this? I mostly hear that Samadhi happens from the outside.
  16. @Espaim Exactly. In the meantime, I've found meditation, intermittent fasting, and semen retention can reduce and severely diminish brain fog, at least long enough that exploring the exact causes are possible without mental fatigue.
  17. @VeganAwake Did this happen to you?
  18. @Hank Galaxy Brain Which is why some people think it came from the bio labs.
  19. Cool looking room. I'll watch the rest in shorter segments later. Maybe add an orchid somewhere in the room? Seems there are more green leaves than flowers. Maybe cacti with a flower head. I've seen ones with flowers on them if cacti aren't too eye uncomfortable for you.
  20. @wavydude I understand where you're coming from, but in this case, raising awareness of this issue is probably a good thing. I wasn't aware of how bad it can really be for being in a Twitch community, as a game live streamer, playing games live for roughly 8 hours a day. This is true despite being a gamer in the past and having very little to no involvement in social media, including Twitch. Also, I wasn't aware of it, but there seems to exist some forms of psychology in that community. With the paying, it's donations from members of the streamer, if the streamers entertained enough to merit a donation, then it's reinforced with a positive reward, maybe a jingle sound or the streamer's approving reactions. Members are kicked out for expressing too many differences, of course including toxicity. Also, it seems that streamers, feel free to share if you were one, are mostly pandering to whatever trend and placing too high of importance of what opinions their audiences have.
  21. It would depend on what stage of the spiral you're at, what moral, cognitive, and lines of development you are at. Also, knowing what you are as a personality type. The more you know and refine, the better. I suggest pretending there's a scale with a pendulum. Which way is it swinging now? Life purpose or dating? Adjust yourself. Also, try to infuse this sexual craving into your life purpose.
  22. Whether the virus is a boi-weapon, or from nature, the question remains: Why is the vaccine taking so long?
  23. @Farnaby This is what I was trying to say. People must be careful, especially when this situation is framed as emotional and addressing the death of someone, which makes the message more powerful, the mind's distortions more real and projections assumed more real than fiction. There are many examples from politics and history that every leader(s) that gave passionate speeches in front of the crowds.
  24. Hello all! Been busy for the past month, am working on some unique practices with my tulpa, and other projects for some other parts of life. I hoped you've done some of the exercises in section two: developing your mind's ear. I've done most of the exercises in formal meditation, but also while going through my day. I could cycle through songs and include natural sounds, and conjure up sounds of thunder and rain. Let's move on to section three: developing your mind's skin. We've all had some experiences with meditation, spiritual practices, visualization practices before, we've encountered at some point, especially when we imagine ourselves in a location, encounter some problem when we're trying to use our mind's eye to locate our 'body' in our 'mindscape'. Funny thing is when we try to interact with objects and travel/motion towards mental locations, because our mind is very picky with the body we have currently and the remembered somatic/auditory/visual experiences of our real body growing up, we end up struggling to fully immerse ourselves into a visualized location/mindscape. Much of the somatic memories our minds have is filtered through our real body's skin, which the brain collects as information towards our mind's ability to separate my body/others' bodies/objects/surroundings. Spiritual traditions like Daoism, with their methods like chi gong, tai chi, microcosmic orbit system, standing postures, and more, make use of external/internal somatic experiences of the mind's skin to do their energy/spirit work. Also, Hatha, Kriya, karma, and kundalini yoga, done properly, make use of mainly the mind's skin for energy/spirit work. Paranormal phenomena can involve the mind's skin, like the ability to 'sense presences', 'feel an emotion', 'feel a raise/drop-in temperature' of spirits, and ghosts in the room, aka goosebumps/chills down your spine. Demons/archdemons and deities channeled into the room have this 'heat', and 'heaviness' feeling in your mind's skin, while angels feel the opposite. Contacting entities from other realms or galaxies have this 'alien' feel, and various healing energies, and other energies could be felt. If you're interested in developing your tulpa, then having a well-developed mind's skin is great for when you want to interact somatically with your tulpa in a mindscape, or when you super-impose that tulpa to your physical location, you can then feel their touch onto your skin, or guide your hand while auto writing, whether it's real-time or while visualizing. In my opinion, this is perhaps the most rewarding experience in this field, because if seeing and hearing a mental entity isn't enough to geek you out, then wait for when the interaction includes feeling. If you're not interested, then the effort is not wasteful. You can experience more detailed, somatic experiences in your visualization, say, the texture and pressure of your pencil, as you draw a sketch for your dream house in your mind, or doing mental rehearsals on martial arts, sparring an opponent, and simply walking on a sunny beach, feeling the warmth and coolness of the breeze. If you're struggling to develop your mind's skin, then start doing isolation training on what aspect of that somatic experience that you're having difficulty in. I recommend some somatic exercises like yoga, chi gong, fitness, martial arts, dancing, and other practices like these to pick up as a hobby, and then remembering what those felt like, what pressures and textures you felt. Be specific. I've written instructions on the original post, so here are some changes: if you can do 5-10 minutes, increase by 5 minutes for each exercise (or 1 if you're really struggling), and please feel free to add another exercise appropriate to what you're working on, in this case, it's relevant to the skin. However, if you wish, go multi-sensory on some exercises, but beware that you won't progress slightly faster than another that uses deliberate practice on each element of visualization. Exercise 1: Standing feet. Begin after a meditation session. Shift your attention, eyes closed, to a place you're familiar with. In this memory, bring to mind what it feels like beneath your feet, the texture of the ground, and the weight of your body. Try as best as you can to remember every detail of those feelings. Exercise 2: Walking on the beach. Begin after a meditation session. With eyes closed, bring to mind a beach you visited and walked through. Remember every sensation beneath your feet, and how much pressure is shifted from foot to foot. Exercise 3: Body flows. Begin after a meditation session. If you've done some chi-gong, or not, bring to mind your body's position. Commence with your practices, and pay attention to how the air feels against your flowing body, how you shift your balance, from movement to movement, from head to arms and legs. Exercise 4: contact points. Begin after a meditation session. Pay attention to areas of your body that contact parts of your skin, when skin overlaps with skin if that makes sense. Now bring to mind how your clothes feel on your body. Later on the day or next day, in your mindscape, bring to mind yesterdays' clothes and contact points that you've felt. Exercise 5: touching hands: Begin after a meditation session. In a mental room, imagine sitting there, and you see some floating hands, like yours. Pay attention to how it feels when a hand rubs, back and forth, along your arm, Repeat this cycle 5 times on the arms, then the legs, then the entire torso and head. Notice the coldness/warmth and texture of those hands on your body. Exercise 6: blindfolded fight. Begin after a meditation session. If you've done dances, fitness exercises, or martial arts training or any combative movements, first bring to mind what textures, pressures, and force felt, tension or looseness, you can remember. Now bring to mind a mindscape of some training ground and you see your partner. Your partner could be a human, a beast, an alien, a demon, an angel, or whatever you want to spar with. The sparring session could be about dancing, wrestling, or judo, or aikido, or Jiujitsu, or wing Chun sticking hands, or Tai chi's push hands. Place your hands on theirs, or an arm, shoulder, or lower torso. Notice changes in textures, pressures, and tensions as you are mindful of those feelings. Exercise 7: Take a shower/bath. Begin after a meditation session. Imagine taking a shower/bath, with whatever types of oils, soaps, and scented candles you use for yourself. That's it for this week. In conclusion, not only is training your mind's skin important for feeling to your Tulpa's touch, but it also trains your ability to recall memories of different somatic experiences you've had. Also, this training may develop your mental body, to the point you could become more creative with movements. Developing your visualization skills will allow you to keep making further distinctions with each element of that visualization you're developing. Keep going, until eventually that vast difference between external and internal sensations become more and more similar until you reach realistic levels of depiction. Have a good month, hoped these exercises are simple and enjoyable, and never forget; Destiny is ALL!
  25. @Onemanwolfpac Are you the Netflix and chill guy that talked about that Canadian president black facing in the dating sub-forum? @Hank Galaxy Brain Could you, or anyone reading, please describe to me what is an actual incel?? There're many descriptions of those types online...