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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Donald Trump can take care of himself. Take care of, and vote, for yourself.
  2. An hour a day keeps the devil at bay. Duration? As long as your body is still functioning, for the rest of your life.
  3. You don't need spiral dynamics at all for unconditional love. Go send love, and if it's hard, work on that love. Love is not dependent on any human mind invention. That simple.
  4. Semen retention is valuable, not just for spiritual growth, but for your energy, health, general mood, mental performance. I've experienced enough of Nofap, pornography, sex, and celibacy that this practice I can say is great for people with strong porn/sex addictions. I've experienced enough energy that I've more while being on Nofap than without. I had so much energy that I performed physical feats of strength and speed that I soon out fought many martial artists and fighters. I've experienced moderate levels of porn, porn/sex binges that I can say my body was hurting. My head and throat was hurting and felt strange, my heart, lower back and naval was hurting, and I lost most of my sensitivity in my penis while I was promiscuous. When I decided to try out Nofap, and forced myself to try out semen retention, most of my body began healing itself. While I was sexually over active, I felt more negative than positive emotions, while being on semen retention and Nofap, the ratio evened out and was more positive. I've felt actually more hate for women while sexually active than when I was forcing myself to take a break from dating, porn, and funnel that attention elsewhere. While I was not retaining my semen and over using myself, my mind wasn't as focused and disciplined. My mind did a 180 while on semen retention, and my mental performance and spiritual practices are far deeper than normal, my mind was able to stabilize faster than normal. What's dangerous about sexuality is when you're in the middle of the storm, it feels normal and like nothing isn't out of the ordinary. However, after I was able to force myself out of the eye, through the violent winds, and then exit it, I see the storm for what it is, and I was shocked. How is Nofap and semen retention not covered by more successful people fully and spiritual masters enough is disappointing, because the suffering I was going through would have been averted or minimized if I had someone clearly tell me about semen retention. Even if there was a possibility of me rejecting that advice, I'm actually weird enough to try out weird stuff just to experience it. It's a shame there isn't a detailed discussion about Nofap, semen retention, pornography and the healing effects of this practice.
  5. The funny thing is, at the end of it all, what is a left ideology now, will centuries later be old and established, or not, ideology, just like the right.
  6. @Consilience There are good benefits to doing Nofap, but if you outgrew them, that's fine. Here, with successful people, depends on which ones, because there are some that abstain far from normal than average males and females. As long as you be mindful of the process, you'll catch yourself demonizing aspects of sexuality and people, and that too is valuable. There are energetic, emotional, hormonal, mental, and spiritual benefits to this practice when tried long enough. Just be careful throwing the water with the baby in it, unless it's intentional. While I agree there are unhealthy aspects of porn, there are healthy aspects of porn too. Depending on life situations, there might be no available real sex partner to gratify yourself, and you might be at an unfamiliar part of the world, and your visualizations still are weak. Even you'll find ways to spice up sex with GF or wife, getting inspirations from armature porn, to sexual exploration, and so on.
  7. @integral While we're at it, better to do some check ups of neurology, immune systems, and endocrine systems. Not all, but a majority of human diseases come from imbalances between these three systems of the human body. When I tried Nofap. I became more resilient to colds, cold spots and phantom shivers. Not just for Leo, but for anyone reading.
  8. @wwhy It's actually possible to be an entirely new person. The catch, though, is death of the older you, for the newer you. Enlightenment aside, another plus is the vision of your life, and that ultimate version of yourself that handles each part of that life better. That does inspire, and re-inspires you to bounce back into the practices.
  9. @Meta-Man Well, deliberately try now. This isn't the time and place for no-free will, because stuff still happens without a free-will. Similar with concentration, it seems you're willing yourself to put attention to an object and struggle with keeping focus, but later on you'll find out non of it is you willing into putting attention to an object and you struggling to keep putting attention, it's instead just happens to be a you, a willpower, an attention on an object, a sensation of struggle and an occurring, continues stream of focus. However, being deliberate works on discipline more. No matter how many days you're in Nofap, relapses can happen, so instead of whipping yourself for the failure, enjoy it and let whatever positive and negative emotions/thoughts occur. This could last for days or weeks, but eventually you'll come back and re-try Nofap. This cycle of relapsing, inner conflict, re-integration and re-committing makes you more stronger and last much longer with streaks. It sounds like your releases happen around night more than mornings, so the trick here is to just let yourself observe those sexual thoughts, while not touching or rubbing your wood. You let your wood be, while you let the mind mingle with that thought while it lasts, which most often can't sustain itself long enough, unless that thought morphs into a similar/different sex thought, so either distract or continue observing.
  10. @Rasheed Monk mode Nofap, which basically means you put far more restriction on yourself, like not fapping to any type of pornography, not thinking about porn/sex. Also, dating and real sex is avoided. The benefit of this harsher mode is massive energy, motivation, thinking power and vitality that makes you feel really powerful and healthier. Hard mode Nofap still has same restrictions on porn/sex, except you can choose to date and/or think short intervals of sexual thoughts. Not as harsh as monk mode, but the greater danger is blue balls from edging too long, teasing a woman, or peeking, either mentally or physically.
  11. @Evil Raccoon Sorry, correction: I'm in the middle of the hardest version of Nofap. It's quite nice really, there's this constant buzz. The only real danger I've experienced are hyper aggression, manic levels of energy and blue balls from cheating. I suffered them before, and found ways around it. The peace is great.
  12. @Lyubov I remember maybe a year ago there was a user named shin, he's the official originator of the thread about Nofap on this site, one of the first users to start that topic here. I'm actuallly one of the users that recommended Nofap on Leo's videos, and ended up here. Theses accounts vary depending on who you talk to, because back then we were rivals: we couldn't settle on various issues about pornography, I was more lenient on porn while he went all out against it, and I insist I was the first one to bring up this issue here while he begs to differ. We had debates on pm more so than out here. I think he's one of the few that left the forums to pursue hard core spirituality. My position on the porn issues changed slightly, but I'll still say if you haven't burnt through your sex karma, burn it all first beforehand.
  13. @Evil Raccoon Exactly, with the exception of being on the actual porn video. Pun aside, don't underestimate how perverted humanity was, and somewhat is still today. It seems to me that celibacy, to some degree, is the greater good for now. Don't mind me, I'm going for the hardest version of Nofap possible
  14. @Evil Raccoon A bit about my journey with this practice: I don't necessarily put myself as a sex addict, but I've watch porn, read porn comics, read erotica, had real sex and fapped to my imaginations. The frequency was anywhere from once a day, sometimes 2-3 times a day or a few times a week. As time progressed, I became more picky with what I fap to, and most times I fap around night time. I'm healthy enough to fap at least once a week. My reasons for doing this practice is, if I'm honest, the sex god statue lol! However, it mainly is for health and energy issues I kept having at slight degrees of intensity. I almost had a heart attack with one of my fap sessions, and that really put more motivation into doing this practice. Also, I workout sometimes, and the sometimes mainly comes from limited energy reserves I had for exercises. Not a problem after walking this path, in fact I did so much it hurts and I can still keep going. About social awkwardness, I don't care as much for, especially around women because it's not a priority. I've had minor problems around women during my fap days, but during Nofap the only key issue is my mind wondering around fuck land long enough for blue balls to set in, which a few times happened to me during this journey. However, I have meditation, yoga and chi gong to funnel the soreness down a bit, also exercises. Even after a full year of Nofap, with 3 90 day challenges and some 30 day challenges I think it's worth the cost for the benefits you might get. And great on you for doing this practice for 3 years! Mind telling me if it's a cluster of 30-90 day challenges, or was it 3 years straight of not fapping?
  15. The only way Nofap and semen retention works is if you actually put that extra energy to use! The most common mistake with this practice is making the practice number one, and not treating it as the fuel for your other priorities, for example like working out, hobbies, creative actions, meditations and so on. About pornography, it depends on your health, physic, psychology, energy system, and many other factors that determines whether you want to continue or stop doing pornography. Ideally, stop using porn and use your imagination/real women instead, but if you have other higher priorities in life, funnel that extra energy into it and it will make this practice very useful. Also, geniuses and legends practiced some form of sexual abstinence and achieved staggering feats of human intellect and strength unrivaled by average humans. Worth it to continue this practice!
  16. @Kalki Avatar That's good. I've found that too much mind wondering over sexual ideas, if they are that vivid, can easily lead into having blue balls, which could also trigger flatlines or could occur during flatlines. The experience can be painful, and could lead to strangely enough feelings of defeat, loneliness and depression, especially when faced with the possibility of intentionally jerking off to release some of that tension. If you don't have enough letting go or meditation experience, you won't likely survive through the experience.
  17. @FlowerNote I hope you can recover from this. Pornography can be abused easily.
  18. @Girzo That's great! I assume you're on Nofap monk mode?
  19. @Harikrishnan It isn't wrong, it's energetic really. If you haven't researched and done enough chi-gong, or microcosmic chi orbit meditation, or studied the chi meridian system, then it won't make sense. Leo is interpreting semen retention as biological, not energetic/spiritual. Best thing to do is to do your own research and practice.
  20. @Consilience Good on you for quitting porn! The sleep issue could be resolved by doing work outs more closer to the late afternoon. That way the exhaustion can be beneficial for sleep. Doing yoga, chi-gong, meditation and sleep meditation helps too.
  21. @diamondpenguin This is why you must do some form of yoga and/or chi gong, or meditation, to calm yourself down! Meditation, yoga and chi gong are like yin aspects of the Tao. Follow these yin-activities with exercises like calisthenics, weight lifting, cardio, isometrics, martial arts or anything that funnels some built-up tension in your mind into yang aspects. About wet dreams, sometimes they occur if you allow the mind to wonder around sexual ideas. They really don't occur frequently, normally wet dreams happen once a month or twice a month. Any higher frequency is because the mind wonderings.
  22. @Stenne Semen retention works only if you have a goal or desire in mind to funnel that extra energy, extra motivation and mental clarity! I've done very long streaks and can tell you it works when you put that energy to use. There are geniuses in the past that have done some form of sexual abstinence to give themselves a boost in energy. Leo isn't a leading authority on sexual abstinence or Nofap because honestly he hasn't even done the practice nor told anybody he done Nofap in the first place. He made a video about his healing journey after using 5 meo-dmt for a month, and he admitted to having a porn collection and viewing it often. His position can only have value if your are as horny as him, so any higher degree of difference in horniness isn't going to compute at all! So, I'm saying it works, the question then becomes this: Would you like to verify for yourself? Spend time thinking it carefully if this is the right choice based on your current situations in life. That's all! Also, I hope you experience what I've experienced with this practice because it's amazing!
  23. @Lyubov That's how to do Nofap properly, you use the energy it gives you into some passion or hobbies you have.