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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Lyubov Aha! That's a more subtler level of conspiracy theory. See how that criticism might seem like it's not an obvious conspiracy theory, but the underlying defensiveness to the dangers to that psychedelic usage, but these people, while they do have a higher consciousness, still can't catch themselves in the act of being defensive to a specific danger. They get this tunnel vision, and at that point they are now lost in their position.
  2. Short analysis of conspiracy theorist's minds.
  3. A person that judges other fake conspiracy theories, while blind to his own conspiracy theories: Just notice the certainty of it. That's the key behind conspiracy theorists, it's the certainty of them being true. Even if this one does realize other conspiracies aren't true, he still is certain of his own ideas.
  4. What conspiracy theorists look like without them knowing it:
  5. A really certain conspiracy theorist with a list of conspiracies that turned out to be true:
  6. @neutralempty Great for him, but notice how he misinterprets a person's awakening. Also, a historic conspiracy theory:
  7. @neutralempty No, more important is to notice how he interprets Leo's awakening, see how defensive he gets.
  8. This video shows justifications to link two conspiracy theories together:
  9. Notice how defensive this guy gets, and keep in mind he's done psychedelics before, but has regressed himself into religious position. See how he interprets this video, yet still misunderstands:
  10. Another spiritual conspiracy theory, but an occult variant that distorts a religion:
  11. Another conspiracy theorist, but this time misunderstanding spirituality: This ones interesting, it's mainly about how these two have contracted the dangers of reality into a specific spiritual procedure about psychedelic use, without realizing that all of life has degree of inherent risk, but they focus down on just a particular risk and exaggerate it much more:
  12. Not the craziest, but a healthy and rational sounding conspiracy theory: Also a more spiritual conspiracy theory, a bit more aggressive:
  13. @AtheisticNonduality Have you tried not jerking off for long periods of time?
  14. I still remembered how dismissive and insulting it felt when I stumbled on his anger video. Because at that time I had high stress and anger issues I was willing to watch the whole video despite being weirded out with his appearance. After I finished, I felt insulted about how he belittled my anger problems, like I don't want to go and question those sets of limiting beliefs around my anger. However, I decided to check his other stuff out, and here I am, a significantly calmer meditator. I think it's worthwhile revisiting those times despite getting a bad impression, you still continue. Maybe that's how these people, aka normies, have felt with Leo's video.
  15. @lmfao Yes, edging too much does get you into that 'zombie' state, but for advanced spiritual practitioners, this state acts like a transitionary phase to go into that sexual and love orgasm, if done correctly. Of course, practice needed. Less fap is more accurate for the beginners. It's usually the guilt trip after a relapse that guarantees more relapses, so a more light hearted way of semen retention is needed more. That's why meditation with this practice is good. Well, about 4 years back there were a few long threads about Nofap, one of those main users being Shine, so Leo had ample time to dedicate just a few vids on how sexuality and spirituality are connected, but for whatever reasons, he didn't go forward with that. For me, the regular occurrences of illness close to my sex binges, my laziness, brain fog and feverishness, painful testicles, I finally decided to give it a go, If anyone also is suffering from P.O.I.S. then that's another valid cause for the Nofap trail runs.
  16. @Chives99 It does need stating, more for me because I tend to forget that every time I jump off a burning sinking ship to a ship, I forget that ship is sinking too, and every ship is not a safe haven so to speak. With the paid porn versus free porn, I think it comes down to accountability, because you are putting some effort into paying the porn, versus easily clicking on every porn vid. Also, you get to shop more consciously versus seeing the free porn thumbnails mindlessly. It's interesting that some people do need to nut before serious work or other activities. That usually drains my motivation and energy more to do those serious works, and my focus even gets a negative hit.
  17. @Rasheed I think high quality porn here is meant by not just the porn being only exciting, but you also feel love and intimacy as well, like it gets your heart pounding as well. The highest quality sexual release is with a non-physical entity, hours of sexual transmutation, leading to multiple orgasms of the balls, the heart, the mind and so on, until it leads to Samadhi. the second highest would be with actual real partner, full body mind orgasm. Lower than that, different types of masturbation and porn that is exploratory, both kinky and intimate types. There are lower levels still, but I think the lowest is digital only, typical porn. Ideally, no porn and do Nofap and semen retention, but I do expect a lot of young men will more than likely seek out porn anyways, so maybe through experience that some people will be able to transcend this addiction for good. Maybe the ones that don't get you arrested, or infect your computer with viruses. That's a start too.
  18. @Martin123 I don't think people will want to call him out on it, but there are a few here that do so. I'm surprised that he has claimed to have researched many spiritual fields, yet won't mention those spiritual fields that utilize sexual energy was a way towards enlightenment, like Tantric Yoga and Daoism energetic branches. It's probably still a lot of sexual karma for him to burn through still. He said in one of his psychedelic videos or his god/infinity/consciousness videos that it'll take a while for most of us to get to his level of understanding and consciousness. Well, it's the same here: It'll take him longer to reach that level of spiritual sexual mastery of the Taoists and Tantric Yogis of Tibet, to utilize sexual energy towards enlightenment.
  19. I'm just glad I'm not in the USA and seeing all this in person. I'm starting to reminisce the 2-3 years of my stay there about 13 years ago.
  20. @Etherial Cat It could be possibly be someone else tweeting.
  21. @Karmadhi That's his problem, not to mention whatever subconscious baggage he has that's reinforcing this frequency. I don't know if his frequency lower significantly or is still relatively high like 7-15 times a day ( further complicating this is he has a gf.). However, to then go and tell other people to freely buy pornographic material is a bit reckless. If you're gonna go into spirituality this hard, why don't he also cover spiritual sexual practices? I really hate when people project their own bullshit onto other people without doing any exploration or work on it themselves. I have a relatively high sex drive, but that doesn't stop me from exploring semen retention and Nofap, due to my adolesence and childhood experiencing strange shit that helped open my mind a bit. To me, being too horny is not a valid excuse to not explore Nofap ,and if you are up to the challenge, semen retention. Eventually, in the future, this practice will be acknowledged as a valid approach, to self actualization and to spirituality, that to deny it would be as ridiculous as to deny that the earth is round, and making such reckless sexual suggestions a ridiculous inhumane act, and transcending that sex karma as an actual worthwhile journey, not as some fringe freak conspiracy theory.
  22. @Karmadhi Actually, not really independent variables. If you happen to have similar or stronger addiction to porn and masturbate several times a day, it's a more difficult circumstance to developing higher consciousness. While you can masturbate to other sexual objects or to other intimate partners, porn is still one materiel that makes masturbating easier to do, more stimulating. Leo hasn't talked zero about semen retention or any spiritual practices regarding sexuality, yet freely gives advice to people combating their strong urges. Not really open minded at all.
  23. @Adam M Which parts do you disagree with Leo's video?
  24. It's now undeniable that semen retention and Nofap can help you with this addiction. However, some here are not open minded and actually try out these practices, and instead make suggestions to go purchase porn without knowing full well of negative consequences, and instead spread this mind virus of porn being super healthy. In other circumstances, these types of people would be punished severely for their spreading of ignorance.
  25. See? Making a suggestion callously with little to no regard for what your actual problems with sexuality, what your sexual needs actual are at, what degree of porn addiction you are at. Maybe until you've actually done the practices, done semen retention and made a video about it we would take your suggestion more seriously. Some hardcore spiritual masters have channeled their sexual energy into enlightenment.