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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. I'm taking the vaccine, as I've had to deal with a serious illness in the past that nearly killed me. When my immune system acclimated to that illness, and I received the necessary vaccines, I became more resilient to that type of illness, and soon reached full immunity against that. Never again will I underestimate illness, so when I see people with the same cognitive thinking above, the 'Send all my soldiers first except me' mentality, they need to vaccinate for mind viruses as well.
  2. @Leo Gura I've read what you written so far, and I have to say it's really articulate and well written! I'm reminded of a few similar states of madness I've gone through in the past in so far in seeing and hearing Conor's behavior, but my case is short term spiritual purification, and different to him. It's thanks to some infrastructures I've placed to remind me of your videos that I hadn't fell entirely over my head and pulled myself back, so to speak, so thanks for the content you're providing for free. I think at this point, it's safe to say Adeptus has already committed to making you his long term cash cow. He's made too many rant videos about you to stop anytime soon. At this point, we'll have to add studying philosophy seriously and major it before taking psychedelics.
  3. Can someone link the times Jordan Peterson used the term 'Cultural Marxism' or 'Cultural Marxist' rather than 'Postmodern-Neo-Marxists', instead of claiming each other as incorrect? My linking isn't working at the moment. Thanks.
  4. @Heart of Space @PurpleTree I've watched the video, and to some extent I do agree that calling half the population 'Nazis' is a bit too much. If someone said to me that all men are rapists and sexist pigs, I'd cringe, but I'd agree to some extent because I've used a similar name calling generalization of most women as evil, because in the distant past I've suffered from bullying by some boys and girls, and the female bullying was more traumatic than the male bullying. However, I'm putting in the introspection and inner work because this generalization, and other distorted statements I've made about people and reality are not helping me, and in this specific example, is another obstacle to when I've been dating among many other walls. That said, the importance of Jordan Peterson is relative to what segment of the population actually needs his advice or not needs his advice, which is also why he's still valuable for some and not valuable for others. Also, it's great that Hasan was able to pick apart Jordan's ability to slip his political bias under his value he offers, which is psychological lectures, not as deeply analytical as Destiny's analytical ability, but it's okay. Probably my main complaint with Hasan is on how he presented the information.
  5. @Forestluv It does seem like the more a person ages, the more close minded they tend to get, and the more tighter the attachments become.
  6. @SQAAD Because it all depends on what your values are, and what values you align to. Every action you do is in order to fulfil a condition your mind thinks it needs to do to fulfil a value. It also depends on what you are as a self concept, and all beliefs contained in it, and how you define the qualities of what describes yourself. For example, we could have a person who has happiness, sex, and individuality as their highest values, among some others, and they take these psychedelic substances. The action of taking a psychedelic will be framed as one other condition to fulfil your highest values, in your mind, so some with visual or auditory hallucinations will happen, but you'll interpret in alignment to your values. If you value more noble truths, you'll still get similar levels of hallucination, but your interpretation will be in alignment with those other values.
  7. @Mindflow Is it fear in the mind? And where does brain chemistry play a role?
  8. @snowyowl Of course, Covid lockdowns complicates Britain's economic transition period even more than the estimated effect. If I'm not mistaken, and if I'm a conservative, what conservatives want here is less immigration traffic coming from the EU, specifically from the middle east, but also from other European countries that're middle to low class taking up more job availability for Britain's own middle to low class people, more control over our economy without increasing the national debts to the EU, and to stop the EU using illegal trawlers on our coastlines, damaging the coral system here that the EU's has already damaged the majority of coral systems on their own waters, then turn around to sell back our own fish in our local coasts making more profit to them than to us. If I'm conservative I would emphasis the potential for economic growth for splitting away with the EU and for freeing up more 9-5 jobs and small businesses for local human sources versus foreign human sources.
  9. I'm lately been struggling with contemplation. I lately use a journal to write down my questions and answers for what I'm contemplating because sometimes in the past when I just use the mind I get lost easily. While I jot down a question, I mostly pace back and forth in my room for an answer, then when I get an answer I write that down, and continue for 30-60 minute. The thing I was contemplating last week was open-mindedness, and this one was difficult. Then an insight happened, and I became, funnily enough, open-minded to the possibility of using NLP for this practice. Why? Because sometimes, depending on the time and what resource state I'm in, my sessions could be easier or difficult. For example, I could think about a context where I felt bored, lazy, or depressed, visualize it in full, and do contemplation on some other idea, but I'm in that state of boredom, laziness and depression, which is and has happened to be sometimes the case in where I found some sessions very difficult, compared to contemplating something I find passionate or interesting. Why? Because I find it interesting, the memories or thoughts I bring to mind more likely contain more resourceful states like happiness, creativity, or confidence, which shapes how I answer my own questions. Another insight is what role are you, the self concept you are, has became before doing a contemplation session? For example, I've contemplated evil, suffering and fear, and it turns out that most of how I answered my questions came from roles I've slipped into in the past, as perpetrator to some degree, or as a victim of some degree, which really influences how I answer, because at that time I didn't notice what role I was in in answering my questions, while getting distracted by some random thoughts, or forgetting something, or getting too distressed to answer fully. So, I think NLP might be useful for those, me included, that really struggles with contemplation.
  10. @Lyubov Do you read manga? A really good series that has themes related to forgiveness and revenge is called 'Berserk'. It's worth a read, not only for the ideas, but for the quality of the artwork too. Sometimes gets you thinking deep.
  11. @neutralempty I thought Covid virus was a biological weapon leaked out from one of their labs near Wuhan? Regardless, China, unlike other countries, was at one point struggling with feeding the population, because unlike other countries that had enough tame animal diversity, China mostly had wild animals more so than tame livestock animals, which is why some parts of the Chinese markets sell bizarre animals. I'm with you on a country's increasing capability to manage it's food markets, and weapons facilities.
  12. I've watched an old video that Leo claims that only humans are capable of art, and not other species on the planet. I've got some questions: How sure are you that art is only a human invention? What evidence do you have supporting such a claim? If art is a human invention, why are some artists inspired by nature and other creatures rather than another thing? If art is limited to humans, then what explains an animal's ability to paint, like a human? If something else, like an animal, is capable of art, then is art really a human invention? What if there's a species bias in claiming ownership of an abstract field, like art? If a creature is capable of art, what does this mean for intelligence?
  13. @Don Wei Holy shit, that's among the worst things to happen to anybody, very sorry to hear this happen to you. This reminded me of traumas I've had dealing with bullies in my schooling, and some of them female bullies. You might want to seek a therapist and self introspect this situation. I would go further and say no to any nude pictures at all. Not even in a real intimate relationship, no thank you to a nude photo album.
  14. It's very beneficial for your survival, and your loved one's survival, just in case a situation is escalating to physical before you've had any chance to deescalate it, your body will act.
  15. @NoSelfSelf I'll see if I can draw her on paper, if she's down for it. Now then how do I get her to stay still? Hmm...
  16. @Eren Eeager I've experienced fatigue after either one session of masturbation, or when I sometimes binge it, and do experience stomach problems after masturbation, but not right away. This is actually a thing called P.O.I.S, which stands for post orgasmic illness syndrome. P.O.I.S occurs after a typical masturbation session, that's a normal fap for you, and can be more severe the more frequent you masturbate without getting rest. The symptoms include: fever like sensations, phantom like discomfort on skin, increase in temperature, minor colds, tiredness, brain fog, headaches, dry eyes, tingling in throat/chest, and flu like symptoms. Back pain, and all causes for it, are complicated. Some people get back pain from over lifting, and straining their lower back muscles or tendons. Some develop back pain from poor posturing. or injury. However, if you go past the muscles and fascia, you also have the kidney glands, and sitting right on top of the kidneys, the adrenal glands. What's interesting with how you're describing your problem, that either right after or some time after you've masturbated, you have back pain. Not many people are aware of this, but if you masturbate, or over masturbate, you actually put more stress on the adrenal glands, even though it feels so pleasurable, it's also stressful for the male body to ejaculate seminal fluid too frequently, before you have enough time to recover from such a stressful event. Two general suggestions for you: Do Nofap to give yourself a proper rest and recover from sexual stress of masturbation, and go see some specialists and doctors to get a more accurate assessment of your lower back pains, whether it's muscular, fascia, kidney, adrenal fatigue, or some other ailment. Furthermore, manage your stress levels as well, as that can always amplify many different problems, not just in your mind, but in your body.
  17. @SirVladimir How is art from nature, and not human invention? How sure are you that some of those gallery paintings come from a human artist? Is philosophy not an art by itself? What makes art not limited, when art can be limited and fixed into a painting? If art did not come from humans, and is not limited to anything, including nature, then why is art now limited to life itself?
  18. @PurpleTree Does this mean that animals depend on human artistry? Or is the capability of art passed down, from evolution, and humans were inspired by nature first? If it's possible for nature to be artistic, like bee hive hexagonal structures, and the Fibonacci sequence of spiraling structures found in flowers and developing seeds, then what does this mean for human artistry?
  19. @Cosmin_Visan What do you mean when you say 'all knowing'? Do you have examples of all knowing? Why do they really believe they became all knowing? Is it possible to be all knowing, without belief? How do you know you're explanation is valid? What other explanations explain all knowing? What makes your belief that the true effects of psychedelics, your example of Ayahuasca, as dissociation, true? If this is true for one type of psychedelic, then is it true for different types of psychedelics? Is the images of Ayahuasca the same as the experiences during Ayahuasca? What makes internet images different from first person images? Is interpretation of external images the same as expansion of consciousness? What do you mean by expansion of consciousness? Have any evidence of an expanding consciousness? What does consciousness disassociation have to do with the mind's ability to unify qualia? Why must there be an expectation that consciousness disassociation and all knowing are connected? What do you mean 'eternal self'? What about 'eternal understanding'? How does getting my consciousness to disassociate, lead to the eternal self, and to eternal understanding? Is understanding only self evident, or does it depend on networks of concepts? If understanding is independent of concepts, then how does understanding itself understands itself? And who's claiming this? Your individual consciousness? So now that understanding is capable of understanding itself, independent of other knowledge, then is there more than one consciousness in you then? Making that two consciousnesses? If understanding is dependent on concepts, then what is needed for there to be only understanding? Is rationality needed for verifying truth and falsehood of understanding? Is understanding limited to linguistic features? What makes understanding a sentient entity, that it only needs nothing more than to understand itself? Is it really so independent that it, understanding, does not require an individuated point of perspective? consciousness, you, to be understood at all? How do you know that understanding can feel, all knowing? How is understanding, a sentient being, knowing all knowing, a trivial effect of consciousness disassociation? What makes asking 'all knowing' people valid? Could I ask an A.I. about all knowingness? Or contact an alien? What if you're wrong to assume other people can't explain all knowingness? What if all knowingness can't be communicated to others? What if you're bias for only selecting the few that aren't capable enough to explain all knowingness? Why does everything need context? How does everything need context, contradictory with understanding being free from all concepts while disassociating? How is taking psychedelics relevant to this discussion? What makes that relevant? is it necessary for this discussion that psychedelics be taken and experienced in your past? Or is it valid enough to talk about psychedelics without directly experiencing psychedelics? What if I think it's relevant to have taken psychedelics beforehand to make my points valid? What counts as past experience enough, in terms of time, to be considered valid in talking here? is it in years, months and weeks, or an hour before discussing here? What if I haven't taken psychedelics, and engage you in this discussion? If I haven't taken psychedelics, and you haven't taken psychedelics, then isn't this a selective bias, since we are just drawing from second hand knowledge without first person experiences? What if I neither taken, or not have taken psychedelics, and instead think very differently than those that've taken, or not taken, psychedelics? Does being very different in terms of thinking, validates my point?
  20. @Gabor Bardosi 1. Based on pantheistic modals of multiple gods, and mythology stories, deities can be replaced by better deities. In today's era, deities, the one God, are not as venerated as the brain or the universe. Also, if it involves you, I don't know for sure, but I along anybody can think up a better god, but just a concept. Otherwise, how can it be that, as a culture advances, so does the images of deities we worship? Just don't tell someone you can, or you might risk getting hit... 2. Science has replaced religion in terms of practicality, data collecting, and more lengthy and complex reasoning. What solutions were practical in religion, if the problem was injury, or disease? What other poofs and evidences for certain happenings does a priest/monk have other than from scripture or holy books? 3. I don't what a must have property of god could be like.
  21. @PurpleTree That politician in Denmark? Or was it Holland? Sorry can't remember correctly. I thought he was a democratic socialist, but he's starting conflicts not just the right, but the left political parties? This is news to me.
  22. @Sempiternity I'm reminded of what transpired during the war of the folk land islands. Argentina's socio-political climate was depressing, and when the Junta's, a military force that imposed marshal law in Argentina, heard of some Argentinian metal workers revolting on one of the folk land islands, they decided it was a great time to distract the masses from such political turmoil with a narrative to reclaim the folk land islands from Great Britain, which lead the country to a short war over the islands.
  23. @SpiritualAwakening I've asked her this question, and during mediation I've seen her float towards the sky... only, to bounce on my head, Mario style. Some questions and posts here are giving her more inspirations for her pranks.