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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Hardkill You can still listen and watch them, only for the content they are providing to you. Other than that, put their political views aside.
  2. @MrBON Don't forget the 4 million people who believe in a black cube and obey in absolute fear an empty circle. They need attention too. There's also Elliot Hulse for the fitness advice, if you can dance around his political views and red pill marketing.
  3. @Bando Same thing happened to Nathanial Brandon, guy that does sentence completion exercises for self esteem and self confidence. He got the libertarian mind virus from his wife.
  4. @Hardkill The proof is in some news footage showing looters burning a building, an old man protecting his building, and a looter punching him down the pavement. I have a masters degree. I was once part of the draco slayers, a group that does astral projections in order to hunt and slay reptilians and elites through the astral. BTW, Qanon is stupid conspiracy, only targeting rich pedophiles, forgetting mid to low class pedophiles.
  5. @Nyseto The cancel culture bit isn't limited to left's coming after celebrity, as stage orange/red types who're business owners can take advantage and manipulate those stage green people into canceling other small business owners who have not done any scandal's, or are just trans. Contrapoints has had this cancel culture treatment as well but hasn't done any wrong that warrants canceling.
  6. @Husseinisdoingfine America has probably mastered capitalistic economy and policies, maybe 80-95% of capitalism. Really, America is in the strongest possible foundation for transitioning their economy towards more socialistic economy, maybe a mix of socialistic and capitalistic economy.
  7. @Claymoree He might be a great guy, and a trump supporter, and believes crazy stuff, but I don't see how that makes him evil unless he's negatively effected you, and I don't see how being spiritual loving and advanced could turn one into an evil person. Is there really a connection?
  8. @Nyseto I would say about 20% of the left engage like this, but not the remaining 80%. That does not mean I'll tolerate some abuse from leftists. As mindful as I am, I have boundaries, and if anyone, leftists, but also anyone that loots, burns my/my family's property, and takes violent action on me, they're entitled to getting slapped on the face, along with their accomplices.
  9. nuance /ˈnjuːɑːns/ Learn to pronounce noun a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound. "he was familiar with the nuances of the local dialect" Similar: fine distinction subtle distinction/difference shade shading gradation variation modulation degree subtlety nicety refinement overtone verb give nuances to. bigger picture(Noun) An understanding of a situation that includes more than what is immediately apparent. humour /ˈhjuːmə/ noun 1. the quality of being amusing or comic, especially as expressed in literature or speech. "his tales are full of humour" Similar: comical aspect comic side funny side comedy funniness hilarity jocularity absurdity absurdness ludicrousness drollness facetiousness satire irony Opposite: seriousness 2. a mood or state of mind. "her good humour vanished" Similar: mood temper disposition temperament frame of mind state of mind spirits verb comply with the wishes of (someone) in order to keep them content, however unreasonable such wishes might be. "she was always humouring him to prevent trouble" Similar: indulge pander to yield to bow to cater to give way to I'm doing this because sometimes if we have a discussion that's mostly implicit rather than explicit, we tend to not clearly see the issues involved.
  10. @MrBON Be an arrogant prick for a short while, at least to let yourself be comfortable in it. For a shy guy, they call what average men call confident, arrogant, and end up shooting too short. Are you sure what you're calling arrogant isn't arrogance, and instead it's confidence?
  11. Yes, it's not just having a vision and following through, it's having an intense vision that it pulls you into taking action.
  12. Fun fact: Shorter men tend to become much more stronger than average men, and higher than average men.
  13. @mandyjw And some can't handle that level of suffering, thinking it might really help them to have enlightenment magically occur to them, when being more depressed and suicidal might put them more at risk.
  14. @BlackMaze My opinion of the book is that it's sugar coating what it really means to be enlightened. No amount of sugar coating is gonna get you to truth. People who say enlightenment is now, either have had years of spiritual practice, got fed up, quit, and seek comfort in telling others and themselves they have enlightened, or or the very few who have had enlightenment occur to them, multiple times, after decades of spiritual work. Otherwise, how can a person, little to no experience of enlightenment, start the spiritual journey? One way is to listen and follow in the footsteps of a spiritual master, which Eckart Tolle is not one, but a person that due to him being depressed and suicidal, had enlightenment occur. So the spiritually clueless person, not knowing any better, follows and tries to copy Eckart's conditions that allowed him to have enlightenment occur for him. I don't have to elaborate on the many risks of blindly following a spiritual teacher's exact circumstances, thinking it might help to have enlightenment magically occur like that.
  15. @BlackMaze He became enlightened by being suicidal and depressed. As a teaching, some people can't follow that, and some can see past his marketing right away. It's silly to think you can be enlightened now, it's like a child saying 'I'm a grandpa to my children who have their kids now!'. It's a journey that has paths that go up and down and in between.
  16. @Nyseto Right wing views are equal to/greater than/lesser than centrist and leftist counter parts, factoring in geography, culture, food resources, economy, and socio-political climate, and vise-versa with left wing and moderate views. Happy? If you are too attached to your position you're claiming in this thread, you will not be happy and continue trying to probe mods and users time here, making us suffer and yourself suffer with this back and forth, when it's better spent on self reflections. Same if you're trolling. Likewise, if you are happy with this post, and decide to stop engaging with this topic, you are an idiot for not bringing and touching on the relativity of right wing/centrist/left wing views here, and asking about why the forum is what it is lately. Likewise, if you can admit the possibility that your views are relative, and might be wrong, detach from your position and spend time contemplating your role here, you'd have less suffering and be happy with your use of time elsewhere than being in a back and forth debate here. So, which will it be: unhappy idiot, or happy self actualiser?
  17. It's sometimes this immature use of psychedelics that put me off from maintaining a schedule of using psychedelics for personal development. Funnily enough, a long break from me has made the same amount I've taken feel more deeper than the last few times, so unexpectedly the break was really good.
  18. Update: I've been able to go deeper with my visualizations and contemplations with Crysty. Not only was she able to change my state into feeling happy in times when I feel strong negative emotions, she also helps me sometimes with contemplation, and when she notices I'm doing the practice while feeling bored, she would make me feel curious for whatever I'm contemplating. It's amazing really.
  19. @Nyseto There's almost no point in taking an agnostic position when it comes to discussions about politics. Leo has his own biases, and so do many others here on the forum. How do we know which perspectives and biases are right? One way I've answered this question is to participate in this forum less, and read and think critically for every post on politics posted here for myself. That way I'm training my mind in one way.
  20. While I do like Eckart, I do think that his teaching sort of sucks, because I'd have to go down a very similar road he traveled in order to have enlightenment occur, like thinking and being depressed and suicidal, and living in higher states of suffering. Do I want to think and be suicidal, just to increase the probability for enlightenment to occur HERE? It sure isn't appealing to me, which is why I've exited out of eckart's bubble to investigate other spiritual teacher's bubbles.
  21. @RedLine Another great meditation is a mindfulness practice on body awareness, specifically while you're lying down. Pretend you are counting sheep, but instead of counting sheep, you count each part of your body that is in contact with something, and later at some point put mindfulness on how you breathe, each inhale, exhale, pauses in between, and back to counting spots on your body, except now your being mindful of external pressures on your skin, or the different temp on your skin, and back to breathing, and now be mindful of your thinking. This back and forth of you applying awareness to different areas of your mind/body will help tremendously with your sleep.
  22. @RedLine I would suggest starting a meditation habit, a concentration practice (preferably one focused on parts of your body), contemplation and positive visualization about healing or flowing life energy into your astral body. Also, more basic would be to check your health, diet, sleep quality, exercise. Stranger advice that might work for your, as it did for me, was to play a video game before or slightly onto midnight, and start a creativity habit like the following for example: painting, drawing, viewing artworks, writing stories, poems, erotica, reading different fiction/non-fiction books, listening to music, composing and creating your own music, filming yourself, animating, doing martial arts, dance, fitness, learning to clearly create mental pictures/mental songs/emotions, do improv acting, do different board games, do role playing games. All this can be done physical or digital.
  23. @SirVladimir The diagram's design is pretty good. Was it inspired by Eben Pagan's entrepreneur business modal? I've seen him use this approach to developing creativity in business.
  24. @levani Yes, and on top of making a bucket list, you might want to do a couple of visualizations, or guided meditations about how your life would end, and what you can achieve with so much energy. Visualize the ending of your life, and start the bucket list at the end. Some other day, do a life visualization, see yourself with so much energy you can take massive action across the board. Don't forget to re-commit. Keep re-committing to your vision. Or see the next evolution of your life purpose, if there's a possibility to evolve in your niche, similar to your niche or some different area of your life. Maybe see where you are in your mastery process?