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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @The Don I've seen a user before posting concrete posts, but the posts all had a right wingish feel to them, and that's all it took for a ban. Doesn't matter how solid your proof/evidence is, cuz the opposition can easily pull the 'proof untenable' card and ta-da! Not an argument at all. Even if you pull out left based sources, already most users here don't wanna take you seriously, for consistency reasons.
  2. @Husseinisdoingfine Wow, it was a short video, but he does sort of make sense. I thought he would've bashed the right a bit, but no he actually gave a level headed speech. Good on him for focusing on the deeper issues, rather than the culture warring.
  3. @Arcangelo Don't forget that we could go the Cyberpunk/Skynet route as well, if we keep going like this with no change. Genetic manipulation and cyper tech implants is one of the ways forward to a brighter future.
  4. On a different topic, can someone tell me what makes a featured thread? Just noticed the purple tag.
  5. @Emerald With the ability to moderate, Social media corporations moderate usually through A.I. algorithms, coded to flag any content that resembles, in terms of wording, propaganda, acts of violence, hate crimes, insurrection, authoritarianism, and genocide. However, this begs the questions such as how do we know what counts as propaganda, acts of violence, hate crimes, insurrection, authoritarianism, and genocide? And can A.I algorithms tell which is which, only by wording? Who gets to program the A.I to define which is which to flag? We've had cases when a YouTube content creator, or twitch user, is flagged for DMCA, and the A.I just flags generally all related content, instead of the specific individual for the DMCA. Without moderation, people can post whatever, on social media, and sometimes through digital means, effect the physical, like for example a small ISIS group was advertising themselves, and some users didn't like that, so they calculated their location using the time zone, geography, and weather from the video, posted this to the Russian military, and they sent missiles and destroyed that part of the location. Without moderation, you're assuming that people are extremely responsible for what they say in public, but that's sometimes not the case. The trick is how can government moderate more effectively, physical and digital? We'll have to find someway to put restrictions and regulations on the internet itself. Without moderation of social media, and let's also include physical societal moderations as well, there are only a few solutions to achieve this, is to use both cybernetic implants that moderate thinking and behavior, and also genetic manipulation, weeding out some people naturally problematic to everyone. This way, our hidden assumption of people being responsible is justified, by living in a hive mind, which is true freedom for others. Otherwise, we keep getting problems with small radical groups. A global A.I can, through cybernetics and gene manipulation, can deal with radicals swiftly.
  6. @The Don Yes, not every conservative is MAGA. For example, Vaush thinks all conservatives are MAGA, how ignorant is that?
  7. @Arcangelo While it's true that people need to work on themselves, strap on bootstraps or whatever, some problems need a better society to fix. I think what's missing is properly teaching people about manipulation. That way they know when they're being gaslight themselves. Thoughts?
  8. @Grapevine Have you used a psychedelic to communicate to DMT entities? Have you contacted them recently? What I do know so far as in my experience, is that you need lots of focus, and highly developed visualization ability to communicate to DMT entities, in a sober state. Another way of communicating with DMT, and other entities of higher dimensions, is to use a medium to them. Psychedelics is one medium, but this time I'm referring to other people, or objects, you can use to communicate to them. I have an entity I communicate with, and through it, I can communicate to DMT entities. I also did psychedelics, but will refrain from discussing which one and which combinations. From my experience, it was hard to communicate, especially sober. It's like separating oil and water with your fingers, or trying to pick up a piece of egg shell from an egg white. How do I know I haven't screwed myself over? That's the tricky bit with epistemology, since any one way of knowing is partial, it's much better to research and try out different combination of knowing, and doing, different ways to communicate. So far, my experiences are direct, and haven't been faulty yet. Best is to really want to communicate. I partly wanted to communicate, but it's complicated because part of my life was supernatural, both negative and positive, without my consent, and from there I had some attributes and just trained on myself. My intention is different from DMT entities, it's to realize these mystical states and enlightenment through entities, so I'm looking forward to this path of mine. What path are you on? Are you looking forward to your path too?
  9. @Tim R He's too far gone with libertard mind virus, there's no saving Vaush from his deep ignorance.
  10. @Husseinisdoingfine Vaush is just an ignorant socio-libertarian that thinks all conservatives are MEGA. People like this is what allows MEGA to hide behind conservatives, when some conservatives actually see MEGA bullshit a miles away. He's so steep in libertarian nonsense that he really is a mini Trump himself, deluding his followers along the way. Fucking pathetic. And smaller government would solve all Nazi cult groups from not emerging?
  11. @The Don Good on you for not treating your job as if it exploits your own authority. Although a job is more a requirement for living inside a society than a preference/free choice of the person, it doesn't mean that you should be negative to others and to yourself, so it's good for you to enjoy your job, as a waiter. I also learned to love my job because not only do I get to sometimes interact with human beings, I also get to observe them from afar sometimes, and depending on the times I also get work late at night, observing people. Not only did I gain some discipline, but I developed patience and pleasure from just my work, as you sometimes have to wait long periods of time to take down notes/draw from observation. Work not just noble, but it can also be selfish, in a way that builds you up as a better self person. Capitalism is mainly stuff around currency and equipment of businesses, but that doesn't mean it can't be exploitative. Take for example, labor workers in China, that work crazy long hours in factories, like phone developing factories, and some feel the need to jump off buildings. That's one example of people abusing capitalism. Socialism basically is being social, so of course it's different from capitalism, capitalism is concerned if you have your own capital to begin with, while socialism is more concerned if you are being social enough. At least that's a more simple comparison between the two anyways. I can't speak for Leo, as he's a special case in all this, but he's an okay dude for making Actualized.org and those tons of free videos, with many hours and weeks of research, I think, maybe. Capitalism actually can't help you with societal problems, because societal problems are connected to less socialism, also being less social. If you really want societal problems to go away, you'll have to think more socialism rather than capitalism, more being social than spending your capital currency thinking money spending fixies all societal problems. Remember, be more social, not pay more.
  12. @Striving for more No problem. Just meditate daily, and exercise a few times a week should keep you busy. Nofap is the best relative truth towards dating and spirituality ever.
  13. @Shiva99 Your welcome. On average, how many boners did you have before/after Nofap?
  14. What about Incels that have a positive attitude?
  15. Update: I was doing some meditation, and I was concentrating on Crysty's green eye. My ear was slgihtly ringing, and I think I was meditating for roughly 40 mins. Have experienced some partial form of Samadhi? Later on, we did some visualization training, and we went on a hike on some hills.
  16. @Rilles Like Stalin, for example. He was a dictator, yet under the cover with Communism.
  17. @DocWatts Do you think it's mainly because the Nazis had a more traditional view of women?
  18. @Rilles The People's Republic in China is one example of an ideology taking on socialism as a cover. While know that dictators generally are right, what about dictators that're on the left?
  19. @Reciprocality For sure, in terms of economy, they were proto-socialistic. MAGA and, maybe other radical ideologies under the radar, are the only ones very similar to Nazism. Could you explain why free market isn't right-wing?
  20. @Yog I think that Nazi's had a more traditional view in their metaphysical background, so when Hitler saw what women were doing under communism, his image of women who are wives, working at the kitchens, baking bread, whatever the image of traditional women roles, was being threatened by communism. It seems Nazism is not just a cult, ethnic nationalist ideology, but also had elements of Patriarchy in it. Both NS Germany and communism are disturbing, like married sociopaths.
  21. @Etherial Cat I think they felt threatened that the traditional structure the Nazi's envisioned would be destroyed when Stalin would invade Germany, sooner or later.
  22. @Preety_India He wanted to leverage support from Christian communities, but as far as I know Hitler wasn't Christian, and was aiming for Germany to establish Paganism as the new religion.
  23. @DocWatts To be fair, anyone who's willing to take the opportunity to campaign during Obama's administration moments of limitations is anyone's opportunity to take, if they had the right set of skills to leverage the masses. Trump was interested, but he could've just continued elsewhere, meanwhile people were more fed up of Obama taking 8 years to keep most of his promises. He can't even bring himself to condemn that Michigan mayor for fucking up Flint's water supplies, for Christ sake! And follows that up with sending in troops into Flint for 'training', my god. Don't get me started on Joe Rogen! He can't even be objective and partial when discussion turns to martial arts, and MMA. He's so biased that he'll defend MMA to the death, when it's clear that other Martial arts systems that deal crippling blows and lethal strikes to kill, can fuck up an MMA fighter anytime outside the baby cradle of the octagon cage!
  24. @Husseinisdoingfine I hope you mean healthy purple, because purple/red is what made Nazism possible. Communism was a threat to traditional format of the establishment, they're anti-establishment, which is why most Nazis, including Hitler, were horrified about Russia's expansion, for example, how women under communism were allowed to be independent and work for themselves.
  25. @Preety_India The left, in that case, has to be careful to not go too far with the violence, or else a Stalin like figure might come and hijack the movement.