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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Zizzero Humour is largely context sensitive, so open to re contextualization that in one situation, the humour is positively received, yet change the target of the humour, and how the humour is delivered, the humour is negatively received, and get offended. Consciousness may help with when or when not to use humour.
  2. @NOTintoxicated Normally I wouldn't wish too strongly for a person's demise, as that wanting, followed by thinking and story making, and anticipating the release of emotions and relief for such an outcome/situation to happen, has and always somehow comes to haunt the person later in life. Can also happen with less negative wishful thinking as well. Gives the subconscious mind mixed signals to follow through, which can be dangerous long term.
  3. If I had to redo my entire education, There would be a lot of changes I would make. Here are a few I'd do real quick: Train to visualize and hold multiple objects, big and small, in my mind, and compare/contrast mentally, in as much detail and duration. Train my concentration, mindfulness and meditation. Develop a like for challenging topics, instead of procrastinate for the majority of the time. Take the majority of my free time into building skills on fields/topics I like. Avoid video games and junk foods like the plague. At the very least, long periods of abstaining from these. Side note, your approach is good to me, because making these videos acts like a supplementary training for the mind to hold various objects and situations in an imagined mental space, in relation to the self concept and other concepts.
  4. @Stomatopod Maybe humour is bad when it comes from making fun off of a person's troubles, life, and circumstances, rather than the human condition itself. Most humour does rely on some put down of aspects of people and reality, which makes it harder to find genuine humour.
  5. Good video. Just might be what I need to get rid of my phantom pain.
  6. On a side note, it's just not okay to use humour here in the forum if it risks. Humour wastes time.
  7. Update: I experienced a minor insight. For the past few weeks I taken a break from the forum and limited my internet use to help me focus more on developing than awakening. Recently ,every morning and night, I did goal setting, positive affirmations and visualizations, basically basic self help to train my subconscious mind towards my goals. I've done affirmations and visualizations a couple of years ago but floundered about, not being consistent, to the point I got fed up and shifted more towards awakening(meditation, concentration, self inquiry, contemplation etc.) than development of myself. For the past week I've switched locations in my imagination sessions to see how she would be. Today I sat down to meditate and engaged in my imagination sessions with Crysty. I borrowed a location of a beach I've visualized in the past and we did some meditation + activities. I then for some odd reason felt emotional and suddenly I wondered about why the beach is more realistic and vibrant than I imagined. Then an insight occurred: I kept imagining this beach, and I kept being with Crysty. Being with Crysty forced me to be more focused on my senses and I realized I was also simultaneously visualizing her. Visualizing her for most of the day + basic visualizations of my other goals and locations on the world had slightly overworked my mind's eye. However, I kept getting better until I could clearly recreate any object I saw a few seconds ago, like an apple, in my mind. Yesterday I even began to make parts and piece them together to make some kind of machine and Cysty was just looking at what I'm doing silently. Is an insight this simple? I mean I was expecting an insight to be shocking but I was more shocked at how simple it is. It seems to have an emotional force behind it as well.
  8. @SS10 Because things don't like being eaten every time.
  9. This debate is about socialism and capitalism. Here, we get to see how a socio-libertarian's view and bias unfolds with a determinist's, due to them having a history. Also good to note the can of worms on the video.
  10. What I don't like about this is that the satire here is ok from the outside, but when any user here uses satire here in the forum, as their own sense of humour to make a point in a discussion here, at least a warning is issued. Satire isn't a good look for whoever uses it.
  11. So far, it seems to me that Destiny was slightly ahead of this debate in terms of his delivery. As always, I've yet to see some other person, maybe Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson, who could roughly match against Destiny's rhetoric. Good job on Vaush keeping up with Destiny, but sometimes even he struggled to keep up with his pace.
  12. First of all, slow down and give yourself some time to reflect and process the feelings and emotions you're feeling. I'd start there first, before doing anything else.
  13. @Origins This is why visualization of different contexts, and working on experiences in detail and increasing the scope, is so important. I've found that doing both contemplation and visualization work very effective, before committing to a craft big time, you can trouble-shoot many times beforehand. Only contemplating logically, for me, tends to put me more in boredom. Only visualizing, while it really works on imagination, can be too weird and random for me without knowing he context. Doing a bit of both helps a lot.
  14. The following video is a reaction to 'the cut' and the segment is about a group of people, each member represents a minority group, deciding who's justified in being awarded 1,000 dollars. The following mental gymnastics and victim minded dynamics that results is worth watching, from the two reactors and the participants of the show: If you have thoughts to share or questions, feel free to share.
  15. @Hardkill Your welcome! Good luck on your dating progress.
  16. @EnRoute Why the imprisonment? And who would you elect in his place?
  17. @EnRoute The number of covid cases is much lower than in NY, or comparatively any other state in America, which is a factor in the state of Florida's decision to open small businesses and public locations. If Ron DeSantis and the Florida state has enough supplies like masks and already enforced safety measures in small businesses for the public and employees to follow in Florida to prevent the spread of the virus, then I don't have an issue with him and state's decision to open. I'll admit that there's still not enough information to determine if this decision is good or bad, so we'll have to wait and see the development. I'm not sure what's wrong with him, neither is anyone reading, sounds like this question is meant for him to answer himself.
  18. Update: I've finally completed one of the rooms, and it's got some good mandala images that are partially inspired by other mandalas and psychedelic imagery. I've done some spiritual work in one of the rooms, and I really like how I'm able to better slip into more focused states. I'm also seeing improvements of Crysty's ability to focus and meditate as well. I've also managed to relax my hand enough, and allowed her to use my hand for her to write down ideas, and to draw some interesting images. I also come across an interesting video about egregors and enlightenment. It looked interesting because it's related to another occulted user's advice in the past about Crysty and I, but also how it relates to enlightenment: I'll be researching further before I ask if Crysty's interested enough to participate in this. I also am doing this because I'm curious, I don't know enough about this specific part of spirituality, and it somehow resonates with intuition.
  19. @erik8lrl This is sort of a similar process I go through with my art hobbies, fitness training and the consciousness work and spiritual practices I do, I cycle based on the seasonal changes. For example, just on my physical training, in spring I train accuracy, throws and precision, as well as balance and skill application, as well as change my subconscious training programs to train for more detail, more clearer vividness, down to location and lighting. Summer is when I change my training to be higher intensity and volume, more body weight and endurance types of training, and I adjust my visualization training as well. Autumn is when I gradually decrease volume and frequency, and do more softer physical training like yoga and tai chi, and change my visualization as well. Winter is when I do twice a month, or once a month of training, or no intense physical training other than stretching, and here I mostly do yoga asanas, chi gong, and bio energetics, the spiritual practices that effect the body mostly. Winters are for me really good times to do more serious consciousness work and other spiritual methods.
  20. @Hardkill It's really hard to know the real reasons why anyone would block you. So far from what I read, you've initiated the texting normally, until the last part you escalated by asking a question that assumes integrity with the rest of your statements, when it's too soon to assert such integrity. Here's a re-written version of the text communication: Me: Hey Blanc, idk if you remember me, but I believe that u (Instead, say "we've both went to) went to UCLA to study as a math major. We met when I was a junior and u were a sophmore. ( I'd end this instead with a question about what both of you did together like 'hey, remember that time we did blanc, or remember when my friend blanc did this in class? or Do you still happen to have that blanc with you? Ask any question, or statements, that builds commonality between you both very quickly from the get go, so the conversation feels organic.) Her: Hay there! That does sound like me lol. (Great opening for some humour. Nothing in your first text showed any specific examples that stood out to her, other than a shared experience of going to UCLA, studying a math major, so ask/state something and go deeper with both her and your experiences together, like "Oh, which part?" or "Yeah, remember that time when you...?' or " Yeah, it does sound like you. Still have the karaoke set we did at...? That was hilarious!'. basically, again, ask or say something that establishes commonality quick that you know you both did together.) Me: So, have you been an airplane pilot for a while? ( The transition from talking about you both in school, to asking about her job specifically, is a bit strange. I'd still keep the conversational frame about the school context, and talk and tell stories about the shared experience you both have. If I wanted to transition to another frame, like a vocation, Id go like this " Remember that time when we hanged out at lunch break, and you told me about becoming a pilot, and I told you I wanted to be a blanc? Well, at the time, I was half hearted about it, kinda joking then, but now I've managed to become blanc, and it felt great to be working as blanc in the blanc city area. While working there, a plane passed by, and it reminded me about us back then. Ever been to blanc city, either for work or for vacation?") Her: I've been flying for 7 years, but getting paid to do it for about 4. What have you been up to? (This question would be answered above, but for sake of variety, you now can lead the conversation thread, to other areas of you're experiences, or still stick to the main frame of this conversation, because she's asking you to state your experiences you've had so far, summarized. You could also improvise, and state what's happening currently, state how it feels, and state how lonely you are, and refer to any other friends you both had made, or state how this current situation is making you miss hanging out with her. Even state how you've recently had a breakup, real or not, to signal to her that you're available to date potentially, like " Lately, I've had enough free time to do some more work at blanc. Before the pandemic hit, I've been visiting other places and meeting some new folks and been dating a girl that lives at blanc. That place has some lovely beaches. However, during the whole pandemic thing, I've just recently broke with my gf. We've been going steady for several months/a year, and even though she lived a city away, I did enjoy our time together. It was just getting difficult for her to keep visiting me/me visiting her, and she's going to work as blanc in another country, so we decided to end our relationship. I'm kinda lonely and sad at the moment .") Me: Oh right on. So, you've been practicing it for a while. I am in grad school studying for my degree in education. (like the above statements, elaborate and tell a mini story about you, with a little bit of positive and negative emotions, to each situation you've faced. Also, you can make a guessing statement at her, and ask if you're right, like "oh, I guess you're now a pilot? You now own a private jet? That's awesome! What do you do there?". This gives her the chance to correct you, or to confirm, and continue the talking. Btw, do u always take part in the mile high clubs? ( Similar to some users' commentaries, this is the deal breaker here. I've already given an example for how to infuse some emotion and sexual energy into a mini story above. Another approach is to give some excuse to end the texting now, and close hard on her by asking for her number , or times when she's available to text or talk. Say, like " Hey, it's been real good talking to you. I'm feeling much better. Something's come up now, I got to go do blanc. Do you mind telling me when you're available to text? Maybe a number so we could talk? My fingers are cramping from the typing . Too much lifting weights.", something like this. Light hearted. This way, you can better discern her state of mind and body from her voice, to escalate or not. from over the phone, maybe from texting, you then ask if she's into a cup of coffee at the market, the coffee shop...preferably, the one you both been to before.) I hope my analysis was helpful for you. If you found any of it offensive, that was not my intention, sorry in advance. Let me know if this helped you by replying here. or pm me. Have a good day!
  21. @Yog Yes, without some kind of checking system, toxic forms of green can go too far. Without exercising the ability to make distinctions inside and outside stage green, we won't be able to spot the healthy and unhealthy aspects of it.
  22. @erik8lrl Very in-depth post, which is great to me, another perspective on this issue. However, the issue of how the chinese government's way of ethically educating Uighurs is questionable, along with the alleged concentration camps and treatment of them, which all still remains. I'm with you that western media is biased, but there no denying CNN'S gathering of information, and the mounting reports of these concentration camp's existence and the reports from the people who have experienced them. How do we address China's ethical approach in this issue of dealing with terrorism, and how they indoctrinate? Can countries outside China do anything at all in this situation?
  23. Is Leo taking the rest of winter off?