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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Rilles We have already, with a democratic parliament. China has also replaced theirs, but kept the architecture around for, you know, tourism and sight seeing. The UK just has a living, animated version of monarchy.
  2. She's definitely spot on with men being valued for what they can offer, and on that basis only, such that some men who won't/can't provide value to society, will be valued less. Not sure about her views on women, but on men it's correct.
  3. Usually it's better to face whatever fear you have, to it's exact situation, or any situation with close proximity to that type of fear. In this case, you have social anxiety, so plan and go be in social situations. You can also chunk it to smaller steps as well, like strolling or biking through public places, or go to small stores and start small talk. Then you can decompress in isolation again, practicing mindfulness or contemplation about metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy. or your own psyche/psychology. Rinse and repeat. On a side note, social anxiety doesn't disappear entirely, but it gets easier to deal with long-term.
  4. @StarStruck Shows that preparation and slow, careful transition from diet to diet is important.
  5. @Willie What do you mean when you say 'containment', in Game A? Is there also containment in Game B?
  6. @John Iverson Could you first define what is Game A and Game B , some examples as well? It's unclear for me to vote on.
  7. Can't wait for Leo to cover shadow work, and the archetypes.
  8. @Sempiternity I've also experienced this area, and if you're new to this, start with writing short stories first, because those tangible results will be much easier to plan, organize and execute. Don't overshoot if you're not too comfortable writing, and remember, far more important is your psychology towards writing. I think Leo has a past video on overcoming creative blocks, so good video to brush up on.
  9. If you want to post from YouTube to this forum, right click on paused video, click 'copy video ULR', come back here on your post, press enter to make a line space, and either hit Ctrl+v, or right click and click paste. Should be okay for other video platforms. Like this for example: If you have more than one video, it's always good to press enter, because they tend to have no spaces between them and so far with me, it's difficult to undo out right and I had to delete and start again.
  10. @illbeyourmirror I think Leo has talked in-depth about free will and determinism in his past videos, along with his spiritual videos. It's an interesting topic, also when it comes to Wu Bongs', Sadh gurus' and Leos' perspectives on this. I'm leaning more towards fate than free-will, yet sometimes there are situations that tend to make you veer more free-will than fate, so I guess the best thing is to share to some degree. The clip below is a good, short summery to the free-will vs fate, with a darker twist. Also the entire show does tackle some philosophies like existentialism, nihilism, free-will, purpose, in a medieval setting, while being both light and dark and entertaining, and serious. Viewer discretion is advised, if you're too young or can't handle dark themes, so beware!. The manga source material is much better quality for me.
  11. @SS10 What does Harry and Megan really want out of this situation? How do we know they are telling the truth, and not just leeching off of the situation? The royal family, at first, is obviously evil in some ways, especially in the past, yet we can't discount that Megan and Harry have their own agendas in this situation, going public and utilizing the current political climate, because Megan and Harry can't climb the ladder any higher. One obvious negative in all this, is that while they are stirring up drama, there would be less attention to actually investigating one of the members of the royal family, that was involved in America for allegedly dating an under aged girl, and any other alleged crimes. However, because of this drama, focus is shifted elsewhere. The only positive they get out of this is a growing fanbase, that they could leech off support financially if they want to start their business. If there's any positives out of this, do list them. On a side note, this is drama, so I'm not sure if this is appropriate for this forum, almost reported for low quality content, but let's see if there's any worth here. Also, reported for wrong sub-forum, because it's silly to post OP this is wrong sub-forum, that's why we have the report button above, to let mods know quicker. I know this is general sub-forum, but this is a political topic, so just remember OP in future that if your topic is already a specific type, post on the right sub-forum. Thanks.
  12. @Lyubov I've recently found a channel that interviews homeless people. Looks good so far:
  13. @soos_mite_ah It depends on their development, but likely possible to absorb traumas from other people. Also, more likely if the person is empathetic. This is one explanation as to why the hermit path is appealing, because that solitude acts as both a purification and barrier to absorbing other people's bullshit.
  14. @DocWatts I'll answer with multiple examples. If we had unlimited free speech, and it's unconditional, meaning all words and phrasing are not censored, no matter the content of spoken opinion, then I do think it's not feasible. However, it's heavily context based, such that a person who does not understand English, hears an opinion, regardless if said opinion counts as socially acceptable/unacceptable, would find little value in opinion, because of the level of comprehension. Also, how do I know what counts as free speech, or not free speech, or some form of speech? And what reasoning should I use to justify my choice of supporting which type, or part, of free speech? This includes what counts as causes to harm, because sometimes the chain of causation is so long and so indirect it's very hard to find a correlation that some random swarm of giant hornets in Japan, while murdering a bee hive, has also caused drone strikes in Iraq. Or a birth in Scandinavia, caused an earth quake in Asia. However, coming back to realism, yes we should find ways to regulate free speech better. However, I'm still not free from this problem, because which justification should I use to support my new decision now? Almost no matter which decision I make, I have to find further justifications for each position I take. My answer is of course a no, but let's assume I said yes, the question for me would be which justification is valid for me to use to justify the cigarette company's decision to advertise to young children? because I've said yes in this scenario. Assuming this escalates, I then must find further reasoning to justify that decision. Last question is interesting. If I said to keep slander laws, how do I know my decision is good? Let's say I was slandered in the past, so a law that protects me is good, and if such a law existed earlier, I wouldn't be victimized that severely, which is why I know this is a good choice. Yet, how do I know this will still be good? Maybe my decision to keep this law, is making it harder for a good, just activist group in the future to attack some billionaire corrupt guy, or elite group, in a peaceful social manner, which increases the probability that they resort to more aggressive tactics. Assuming comprehension of language is good enough to be average, I agree that if the view is unambiguously harmful, in an explicit way, that such a view should be regulated. However, How do I know if an opinion is harmful, if the view is ambiguously expressed? And how do I determine it's harm, when it's ambiguous in delivery, and the causes are abstractions loosely from different statements? A good example of this is when some small business online person gets cancelled, but later on the person cancelled is innocent of whatever accusation is addressed in the public/digital domain, and how this started was so ambiguous, between the victim and the offender in question, that a mob mentality forms, not because of explicit, factual harm, but from implicit, perceived threat to their favorite youtuber.
  15. @SS10 To be intellectually honest, I would accept if I have already got my basic needs in life handled already, so at the moment it's a no. Am I tempted to accept? Yes, but accounting the nature of the work in government, I probably would be not a good fit in such a vocation.
  16. @Bazooka Jesus See what? That I'm in this room, and things revolve around me?
  17. @DocWatts Yes, that still counts as free speech. Expressing and enforcing laws to support it are different.
  18. @rnd Do you mean when government raises the tax rate across the population, regardless of income and wealth? I could see the problem if that's what you meant.
  19. How is Joe Rogan being Irresponsible? Could anyone give me a list of examples where he is being irresponsible? Also, to compare and contrast, How is his irresponsibility similar to and different from Leo's irresponsibility, for example? Or anyone besides Leo as a comparison?
  20. @Lyubov Really good post. Keep up with posting the limits of stage green, as a pre mortem before getting to stage green is very useful. I'll post some examples too. and Stage green limits on plagiarism and some on cancel culture. Stage green's weakness to individuals stage red/blue, able to manipulate and lead a group of stage green people. Unless stage green has integrated stage orange's ability to check and enforce boundaries, stage green is vulnerable to hijack from stage red.
  21. @Gabith I've done different types of visualizations, and what I can say so far is that when it comes to doing negative visualizations, it's important to do two things: focus more on the positive feelings than the negative content of the negative visualizations, and do positive or motivational visualizations separately, either on the same day or the following day. I wouldn't suggest only doing negative visualizations without balancing it out.
  22. @Hardkill Clearly, this entire situation is complicated. Let's assume that America does back out of the middle east region, does this also mean that other countries like China and Russia would do the same? We can have a long discussion about this scenario, but let's skip and go further by assuming that China, Russia and other foreign powers back off and decide to leave the middle eastern countries to sort themselves out, what then?
  23. @Flowerfaeiry Your body is craving the caffeine for energy boost, especially if you mentioned your job is actually demanding physically, it needs slightly more energy during the work. Also check your sleep quality and nutrition, as these largely effect energy levels in mind and body. Also, if you do exercise, check if the exercised muscle groups are also primarily used in your work as well, and consider allocating to exercise different muscle groups instead, giving a little bit more time for those primary groups to rest, or even reduce the frequency of your exercises, or taking a longer break. What wrongs you have done so far, we can't say for sure, but for this potentially not listening to what your body signals as a need, your mind suppressing the feelings, not noticing your mind's associations with coffee, these are potential red flags, along with not being sensitive enough to change the balance a bit. Assuming you drank coffee heavily in the past, now you've taken months off of coffee. Consider rewarding yourself for those months by drinking some tea, or decaff, or your usual coffee but slightly reduced amounts.
  24. Guys! Don't forget that the quality of your pillows will impact whether you will have a long lasting single relationship with your woman. Also, I wouldn't suggest having multiple sex partners, that's similar to having many affairs. Just one affair is really hard to manage.
  25. If you read manga, the entire seinen manga category, with titles like Berserk, Vegabond, Vinland saga, The kingdom. Really good comic books.