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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Leo Gura I meant the good contradiction as a positive, not in a negative meaning, because it's ironic that lately there's a strong aversion to day trading and other financial investments here like crypto-currency, and then you invest some yourself, probably some other investment. As long as anyone provides greater value than investing in stocks, real estate and small business, combined with knowing ways to save money, then it's okay. However, when anytime somebody starts revolving their life purpose around money or finance purely, that's when things go negative, sooner or later. Investing in ownership assets, like stocks, real estate and small business, combined with saving, is enough. Fields like day trading and bit coin related finance fields become way too much like gambling, and I've got way more to do than star at graphs anyways.
  2. What's missing from this free will vs determinism, is a serious desire to know the answer. That intention is so important to have and get clear on that without it nobody really gets far, along with a way to re-commit to finding that answer. Leo's way, by far, is the quickest way to receiving the answer, which most here knows of and hopefully tried. Not polished for thousands of years, but gets it done, like grilling steak. For whatever reason, hard accessibility, multiple barriers, too early in development, that you can't do Leo's way in near future, there are other ways as well, mainly two: the shock the system way like extremely radical spirituality unlike the norm, and the tried and true way, which is the classical spiritual tradition path, similar to Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta. These both have their pitfalls and traps, and are less guaranteed to give you the answer quicker, but that also lets you age well as you receive parts of the answer, as embodiment also. Like slow cooking lamb shank, takes time, but not so jarring that it scars you off too early.
  3. @AdamR95 Because we have a rich human history of 'debating' and 'criticizing' for 20,000, and still, to this Era, people haven't made much progress in any field through arguing! Look at the modern day examples of science vs religion, political debates, religious debates, philosophical debates on the nature of reality, have we any progress through debating? Yes we have, if you consider keeping mind viruses alive to spread to other minds masquerading as truth, fooling yourself into thinking that is real truth, then you are right to say we have made progress, progress in bullshitting ourselves and others more by feeding stories to each Ego! This is why to me debating is such foolish distraction, for those seeking ultimate truth. Not for those trying to survive the concepts in their minds, along with asking to explain their rationale. Keep in mind, even Buddhists and Advaita/ Neo Advaita practitioners debate on what enlightenment is.
  4. @Yog Beat me to it. I was gonna share this on here. Very interesting discussion, that to me felt like JP was gently being challenged by Bret on the political issues, on religion. Also interesting discussion about consciousness, which is at this point no surprise that it was circular for the most part. However, it's great JP is still communicating with that same level of energy despite his recent health issues.
  5. Allow me to introduce a master painter, Bob Ross. Enjoy the video:
  6. I won't go into the specifics about where, when and how I experienced this, the psychedelic I used and details of my courtship, but I've micro dosed, and shortly after had sex during the night. When we've finally fell asleep, I've had the most vivid dream that calling it a dream doesn't do it justice. It was magnitudes more intense than the visualizations I typically do that I'm currently doing the life vision over again to incorporate the insights during that peak creativity I had. It was incredible, that the sexual energy I experienced while in that altered state of consciousness was different from normal. A video about the connections between the two would be great, if I'm not the only one having this experience.
  7. @Epikur This is a good video. Just wow, I learned a bit more about this situation. Yikes.
  8. @AdamR95 That's true, if you self reflect in isolation. However, when you debate and criticize another person, it always further solidifies the ideas each side chooses to defend, because the point of criticism and debating isn't to arrive at the ultimate truth, it's to protect what each side thinks is their truth, and their good, through persuasion and knocking down the other side's truth as falsehood, while claiming your own partial truth as The Good Truth, see? I'll go as far as saying that self criticising and debating yourself is also a waste of time as well, as that tends to fragment yourself more.
  9. @fortifyacacia3 I was being positively sarcastic with Leo. It's good to be contradictory sometimes.
  10. Remember, critics and debating are not very productive.
  11. Playing devil's advocate, I've found an interesting video of an American's take on the Oprah interview with Meghan and Harry: I have more nuanced view on this, but even someone not invested in this situation, had what seems to me an intuition that racism is not the core issue in the interview, that there's much more than racism. I would imagine most people that has little to no interest may have similar views that this person has, yet that may not be the case. It's also interesting to me his speaking patterns are similar to those who physically descriminate race by physical features. What are your thoughts on this person's view?
  12. @JTL Were you referring to ethnocentrism? Yes, in the past it was more heavily about that, along with emphasizing differences with physical features in conjunction to emergence in biology, evolution and such. On top of skin colour, we also have linguistic racism and covert racism currently.
  13. @Yali It's best not to be provocative with some users here, if you don't have anything too valuable to say. No matter how provocative or argumentative you get, some users will remain the same.
  14. @Hardkill I'm not interested in arguing with you, I'm more interested in a discussion, and I do understand that some coaches are scam artists hustling as well, yet sometimes there are decent coaches, and if you can afford it, good. If not, then you'd have to be creative in learning the mistakes, and build up volume of experiences with dating and learning, or learn from some for free, or keep a journal. All else fails, keep approaching, or move on in some area of life. That's the secret to success in dealing with limits.
  15. @snowyowl Yes, the story started with them complaining from a place of privilege and expectation of being more successful in the royal family, only to complain when they can't get more than that. As far as individuals in stage blue/orange societies, I don't think there's enough incentive to go and challenge the structural norms of their society, as currently they are benefiting to some degree. However, let's stick to OP's topic without derailing thread. Actually, this whole thing started because Meghan expected to be the next princess Diana, or the queen, when marrying Harry, but that being not the case, putting pressure on Harry to either make the decision to remaun in the royal family, or split off from them to try to become independently successful with his business. Actually, the royal family has enough requisite varity in facilitating Meghan and Harry in tbe family, provided that Meghan and Harry was satisfied with their current position, yet as it turns out, that wasn't the case. In fact, it's because of Meghan that Harry made the decision to split off, but also because he decided to be in this relationship with Meghan in the first place, so technically this whole mess was Harry's fault .
  16. @snowyowl I used that as an example, and I stopped because the list would be long if I listed other cultures. It came up because that's entangled with racism. However, back more to OP's topic, is another real issue, is that Harry and Maghan are more privileged than the common people, i.e in the USA and UK. The fact they were complaining in their interview with Oprah that their security wouldn't be provided by the Queen is a blatant lie, because the quuen does not decide who gets security, it's the royal branch jn London that decides security. Harry and Meghan are worth millions, live upper class, complaining to the common people to pay, with their tax and hard earned money, their security. Also, Meghan ain't no next Diana, because of age difference, and she couldn't last the 20 years of living in the royal family, so the comparison is bad at best. I like how some users here point out to other users that they're living detached from reality, when Harry and Maghan are so far detached from reality that they have the gall to complain to common folk to pay for their security. I'm sorry for the common people, also for Pier Morgans as well, because he spoke up about that interview, despite his status. I think Nigel Farage said it best, and I paraphrase, that 'they should have their titles removed and live like normal people'. Didn't occur to me till now that privilege also is a factor here too.
  17. Another issue I forgot to add, is that race, ethnocentrism and culture are entangled, such that which ever culture you choose to support or hate, you would be racist and a bigot in the eyes of your own culture/in group, and a potential traitor in the out group/other culture you're supporting. For example, if I like the Nordic culture, because they are capable at seafaring and have their mythology, I must alsk be prepared to be called a slaver, murderer and rapist by associating with a culture that historically did coastal invasions, pillaged and sold and owned slaves. Just because I have a bias for certain cultures and highlight their differences and achievements doesn't mean that makes me safe feom being a racist, because like I said it's also deep in the subconscious mind.
  18. @Parththakkar12 Wait, I thought life purpose was meant for me to find my deeper values, and provide my values onto society, no matter how small/niche it is, with whatever skillset I have? However, what happens when the impact I'm aiming to have on the world/society I live, the contribution I think I want to give, might get rejected because it's too new, like for example creating a new business or vocation, and most of society rejects it? This does make life purpose more individualistic and libertarian, in a way, but that could be wrong, unless it's sometimes the case?
  19. Some people apparently still think art provides a lot less value, yet this is getting priced like crazy, and the creator is getting rewarded nicely.
  20. All this is making me question my new life purpose, again. So much for trying to provide value, when it goes against the norms of society.
  21. @snowyowl That's exactly the case. There's more going on than what Meghan and Harry would let on, underlying the current situation. Also, this thread is over generalizing racism, so I'll explicitly tell you which degree of racism is dangerous, mild, or below awareness. Here it is: 1. All, including You have racist thoughts, deep in your subconscious mind, that place where your conscious mind cannot compute the sheer amount of thoughts related to racism. Having racist related thoughts does not mean you are an evil racist. Thoughts range from covert to mild, and some to few groups may have stronger forms of racist thought patterns. By themselves, they have relatively low harm. 2. Having negative feelings in your mind/body, from experiencing a human being of different colour and shape for the first time, does not make you an evil racist. Emotions related to threats, actual to perceived forms to one's race or ethnic group, mostly range from mild to subconscious. It is possible to feel so strongly that your body will adjust to threats accordingly. By themselves, unless the intensity is strong enough, pose little harm. 3. Having racist related thought stories and emotional responses to a person/group of difference to you/your in-group, stemming from culture/up-bringing, does not mean your are an evil racist. This is more chronic than acute case of racism, that too can be mild to subconscious, and can build up over time if no release is done. 4. Having beliefs, thoughts stories, and negative emotions that are racist related, and patterns of behavior towards an object, non-living(a table), and living, un-related to racism, does not mean you are an evil racist, i.e. me drinking tea, saying hi, does not make me an evil racist. 5. Having thoughts, beliefs, negative emotions, that are race related, and communicating in a hard-R way, in context, does not make you an evil racist. This is where most people have more potential and possibility to confuse an act, verbal or non-verbal, as racist, without carefully minding the context. This is where abstraction can further confuse. Some negative aspects of cancel culture, cancelling an online creator, later proven innocent, come to mind, where mob mentality follows closely. 6. Having thoughts, beliefs, negative emotions, communicate in race related ways, and acting/behaving in a racist way, in context of acting in a movie scene, does not make you an evil racist, unless the role you play in the movie has you be an evil racist. All the above is natural to being a person in duality with other people, until you do the following below: 7. Follow through with destructive acts/behaviors that a related to race, from covert to intensely violent action. This makes you an actual evil racist, to choose to act on those underlying urges, even unconsciously. Even these patterns of behavior have degrees of mild to strong forms of racism, to subconscious adjustments your mind/body goes through when meeting different people you don't know well enough. This should not be used to justify staying at your current development, defend your cognitive biases, your morality/ethics, attack other people, but instead use what I've listed as a way to self check patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Anything else beyond this self reflection, is already you weaponizing what I've said, or what other people have said here, regardless of where you stand on this issue, as the aggressor or victim. I suggest you look before you leap to your high horse, and catch how your ego weaponizes these patterns, other wise we just get word salad and little understanding of the deeper problem, and get lost on surface level problems.
  22. Good points. At first, people construct racism in binary ways, but in reality it's more complicated. I hope this thread takes the high road, and not become polarizing in discussing this issue, as I'm seeing a few here getting triggered.
  23. @SS10 If you have link, that'll be great for other people to see.