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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Roy Agreed. It's also gets interesting when you factor in if those that critics, do so because it's their calling to be critics, reviewers and judges of other works of people, they tend to double down in their work on reviewing other's works. In some cases, it can be done positively, but in this case and others it's done negatively.
  2. @Phyllis Wagner Of course we should, as this is Leo's highest value, teaching and vision for everyone and the world, at the moment. This is why it's crucial to pursue self actualisation, and discover your highest value to work towards. Even if at the highest potential it's leading to the same place, how you get there, how you impact others qnd the world around you, and what you create might be different. Included in his life purpose is teaching about love, infinity and god, so it makes sense to give a god speech at the end of most the videos. God forbid that we forget about god at some point
  3. @andyjohnsonman You brought up a good point. Maybe it should be on Leo's list of videos he makes, one about Ken Wilbur's integral theory, and one about Carl Jung's shadow work. However I think he did a video in the spiral dynamics series, not specifically on a stage but the overall application of the modal, which is probably why Leo might not do one about integral theory.
  4. I've finished watching the whole video recently, and it's a pretty good breakdown of Jorden Peterson, in fact it's much more balanced than what comes from progressives and post modernists. The only point I don't agree with is some of the use of metaphors. Somewhere last 30 minutes talking about existential shadows created by duality and 'god' rejecting itself, dealing with many shadow parts, he used shadow boxing in a negative meaning. Shadow boxing is, at a basic level, a visualization process of fighting an imaginary opponent and using your body while imagining how you deal with the opponents moves, how to defend, counter, evade or attack the opponent, in a proactive fashion. The process does have a crucial part in training one to fight another, either in literal boxing standards, or other martial art standards. Shadow boxing can also be used throughout athletic sports, combat or non-combat, like chess for example. There's also advanced forms of shadow boxing, done more in mind than body, while sitting or lying down, like imagining playing a game of chess, or visualizing a sparring or pro match you've experienced before, or imagining one. There's a lot of value doing shadow boxing correctly, to mock test performance or to generate more motivation, and it's not limited to the self construct, like being a boxer and habituating actions of a boxer internally, but throughout life it is used to better construct roles you want to become, and habits from that position you self identify. Now, my disagreement just in meanings and semantics, I do know the metaphorical use of shadow boxing is to explain that you are fighting a part of you and reality you reject into the unconscious, which I understand and is an okay metaphor, but I want to make this clear, because for those who are just new, or are intermediates in self actualization, this unintended negative meaning can slip into you, and might reinforce limiting beliefs around doing basic self help, around visualization consistently, subtly thinking that visualization is bad. It's not bad, it's useful.
  5. @Zeitgeist That's not the only issue. Combined with increases in world population and decreases in food supply, there's a chance that as time goes on, that hypothetical some users brought up about killing and eating people is going to become more relevant. Not only does the USA have to reduce the farming gradually, but other countries will have to follow suit, and here's the main problem, that multiple countries have to do this gradually, instead of just one country. It's not enough that one country does this, as many other countries out there stay the same.
  6. Looks like a good video to make. It would be more interesting to make a video on shadow work already than a Jordy critic, but if it would lead up to the shadow work video then great. If it's not going to lead to a shadow work video, it better be tied to topics like politics or psychology videos you've covered before.
  7. @Galyna It depends on which part of the forum. Usually, the lingo in this sub forum about meditation and spirituality is so advanced that it seems like people are fooling around, when sometimes they are saying stuff that is advanced. If posted on the self actualize sub forum, it wouldn't be as cryptic but more straightforward. When I think about it, actually this topic is more general and not about meditation or spirituality, so maybe it's not posted under the correct sub forum.
  8. Forgot to mention I was a Vegan, and tailor my talking points such that I appealed to that instead if taking the middle and relative ways. It's fine if the cause resonates with you somehow, and that your circle of concern does cover the environment and animal welfare in a genuine sense without it being ideological and make you hate other people. I've had health issues that I couldn't continue, and my depression worsened as well, but continue if it works for you. I also forgot Leo's blog on going meta, which also covers why debates don't work, and this thread is showing some insights into that. There was a movie I think was called 'Solvent Green', or something like that, which covered a future scenario that mankind was overpopulated, that most of the natural resources were diminished that people could only eat green cookies instead of other normal foods. They held an annual draw, and the ones that won, got selected to go to a building, but also some people get to volunteer to go, if they wished to die peacefully and felt they couldn't contribute anymore. The people that were chosen and volunteered got to watch movies and film documentaries about what the world and earth was like before most of nature was destroyed, and they got to eat a real orange, before they later were injected with some fluid that kills them, and their bodies used to make the green cookies.
  9. @Galyna Clearly the guy is modelling off of Leo, from his appearance to his speech patterns. If anyone is motivated enough, they could model 80% of another person's behaviours, beliefs, thinking and qualities to a T. The only downside is that when this isn't really aligned with your highest values, your life vision, you now added the copied aspects you've constructed together with other fears, beliefs and distortions for deconstruction. You also make it harder and much longer to find out that uniqueness in you when most of the time it's copied.
  10. @JJfromSwitzerland Physically speaking, yes there are consequences to changing your gender identity, depending on which society you do so, although at higher levels that's less relative and more imaginary. There's probably more value in mental and energetic changes in the mind if the rigid gender constructs you deeply identify with is causing difficulty in the relative levels of your relationship and socializing. That still beeds higher open mindedness and more life experiences to realize. I think some points of this topic has flown past my head, so I'll exit and come back when I've gathered my thoughts. Good day!
  11. So, the solution is more open mindedness?
  12. @ilja Okay, I'll be a bit explicit, list some examples. Veganism plant based diet is relative compared to 80% plant, 20% other diet, compared to fruitarian based diet, compared to plant root diet, compared to paleo diet, compared to Atkins diet, compared to ketogenic diet, compared to high carbs diet, compared to low carbs diet, compared to low fat diets, compared to low protein diets, compared to eating insects, compared to various forms of fasting, compared to low/zero sugars diets, compared to meat only diets. Notice how your mind is making sense of this short list. Now, I know that most, when they say diets, they mean short term of eating some other foods for some specific reasons, like weight loss or health as common goals, to me diets are similar to ways of eating as a life style. I'd also include cultural cuisines in the list of diets as well, like Japanese sushi and other Japanese ways of eating, Korean cuisines, Chinese cuisines, Mediterranean cuisines, Greek cuisines, Italian cuisine, European cuisines, and so on. As you see, plant based is not the only way of eating, and Veganism is also not the only ideology out there. I say some of this because I've travelled to several countries, lived and eaten their foods and absorbed some of their cultures in me. I live through these foods and ideas from those cultures! That's why I'm more sensitive to when people sound like thay are closed minded and shrink around particular ideas and ways of eating as the only way of life. This is not true from my lived experiences of travelling the world and interacting with various cultures. I do sound like I'm dunking on Veganism and plant based diets as I'm more sorry for the plants, as well as meat eaters, but if you say Veganism and eating plants works for you, I'll say good, keeping going. If you say to me it's working for you, as a diet and lifestyle 80% of the time, I'm still gonna say good for you, now go identify the 20% that's not working for you and change that around, if you are open to changing that around. If I sound like a jerk, just know that I'm normally not one. Also, if you want to continue discussing the way of eating, okay. If you want instead to discuss the morality of Veganism, okay. Just know that too is relative.
  13. @The0Self I concur with your insight of taking breaks from meditation. I've taken 6 months off to handle dark shit in my life during the winter and spring, only doing short unformal mindfulness practices a few times a week. As soon as that was handled, I got back to sitting meditation, and oh boy did my concentration and sitting on awareness sky rocketed. I felt super amazing when I finished, a deeper sense of peace than before. I might continue throughout summer to mid autumn, take a few months off, resume around spring.
  14. Veganism, the morality and the health aspects, are relative.
  15. Exactly. Diets work until they don't. When they don't work, change diet. When they still work, don't change diet. Carnivore people are simple minded, and vegans are deluded when they don't acknowledge their diet stops working and is hurting their health. It's not that hard. Balance and flexibility is important.
  16. On a side note, what is begging the question? Is it begging you to answer the question? Is it begging you not to answer? How does begging the question work? Do I need to beg to ask any question?
  17. Jesus, the level of hypocrisy and trolling in this thread is sky high. Veganism, along with vegan diet, is relative. Look at Leo, he mostly ate plants for his diet, until his health problems in his gut happened recently. He changed to carnivore diet and got some relief. Sometimes veganism and vegan diets work, until they don't.
  18. @Mada_ It's good that the education you were at did teach you some self defense. I wish cureent education programs teach some eelf defense while helping develop body awareness as well.
  19. Throughout the majority of my education life, I haven't been taught, in societal education, how to defend myself. It took some bullying between early-high school, and a few social and physical conflicts in and outside school were I was once a victim, and an aggressor, to have interest in fitness and martial arts training. This is more personal, but why did it take that long for me to be interested in defending myself, in my past? However, there are some limits to fitness and martial arts, because one time I did defend myself physically from being bullied, but suffered punishment from it, which is one part that contributed to my lack of self esteem. This leads me to finding out more about self-defense, and it was way more than physical defense, like: discernment from appearance, pre-post combative preparation, detection, situational awareness, understanding use of force, avoidance, de-escalation, diffusion, post-incident recovery, reading body language, tonality, and utilizing a crowd for self-defense. The last bit of self-defense, crowd management, is to me a bit more important because when a situation involving life and death like car accidents, kidnapping in public, pick pocketing, assault and potential sexual assault in public occurs in a situation were most people have little understanding of self defense, martial arts training even, we tend to have cases where the crowd retracts from those incidents and tend to distribute blame and responsibility to others instead of themselves individually, like below: Incidents likes these are, what I think, is the result of not learning self-defense as part of the education system. If I'm wrong, and you have a different view on this issue with groups developing apathy towards, crisis incidents to not even bother shouting at the perpetrator's, or taking action, let me know. This is also one example, if I find more I'll share.
  20. Thanks for the correction, this verified my rustiness in remembering french words, and Crysty pranking me Update: I have finally finished creating a new tulpa using the methods found in some guide posts in one of the tulpamancy websites, tulpa.net. Now that I have a recently made tulpa, I can now have more clearer distinctions between Crysty and the new tulpa, which will help me more deeply understand to what degree is Crysty: a spirit, a tulpa, or both a spirit entity and tulpa with some energy from me. Also, I am more involved in this process than before, as now I'm involved with developing the new tulpa. I've also constructed a different room in my mind to observe the new tulpa, and I'll be applying my sensory field, one layer at a time, to fill out the new tulpa form, and teach it how to communicate. In the future, I've also planned some locations for me to see how Crysty interacts with the new tulpa, without or with my involvement.
  21. So basically, I'm actively hallucinating a separation between my biological sex and other people's sex? Also genders, sexual orientations and sexual preferences? I'm also imagining that other people have sentience as well, me included? Is that the general direction?
  22. @Zigzag Idiot Okay, if you say so. I do agree with what you stated. it just makes little sense to me. A masochist derives pleasure from suffering inflicted on the masochist, while the sadist derives pleasure for being the one inflicting suffering to others, so what you said below- -made little sense to me, because that means that I would have to love the suffering inflicted on me by what? Getting used to the smell of bullshit I don't like, having to wake up early to be a farmer, having to operate a tractor to move around have, which I don't like, also having to be responsible for maintaining the cow and dealing with agriculture, labor activities like shoveling dirt and creating rows don't appeal to me. I would have to train myself to like being farmer, even try to be a masochist to cope with the suffering I'm putting myself through, being a farmer and doing farmer actions which I don't resonate with. You understand me here? Maybe a better argument you could make for operating a dairy farm is to not only say you have to have a degree of masochism, but a degree of sadism and distortion from culture to operate dairy farms, and some denial as well. The reason it's better for you to include sadism is because you'll have to deal with injecting hormones and vaccines into cows if there are large numbers of them you own, in a large scale dairy farm, or herding the cows, or being the one that decides what cow gets to die. You got to have some degree of deriving pleasure from being the dairy farmer, deciding what gets to die, what gets to be breeding, and so on in order to cope with the situation you are in as a farmer. Also, it's harder for me to make a case against being a sadist than a masochist, because the power dynamic between the cows owned by the farmer is large, it's similar to the dynamic of a master and slave dynamic, having dominion over the cows. I don't see a masochist having dominion, they prefer being submitted more than the one controlling over the other. Also, it would help to mention distortion and denial as a factor in being a dairy farmer, as there's plenty of things in the dairy farming process, especially at the commercial large scale level, that it would be hard for me to argue against such factors, as these factors help in maintaining your job as a dairy farmer. Understand? If I came off as attacking your position, I wasn't intending for that.