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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @diamondpenguin Probably too much trolling.
  2. @Gesundheit2 I mean, it's rare but it's possible to independently think about a conspiracy theory at stage yellow and seperate it to it's constituents, but other than that there's gonna be a ton of subtle fears and deep shadows and thought stories attached to each theory that it makes it much harder to treat it with neutrality. Also, that latter point about attaching conspiracies together, that is possible. Take Qanon for instance, it's part elitist taking over, part satanic worshippers, part connection to reptilians working under the shadows of the federal state, with a hint of sexual slander, and you have a cluster of conspiracy theories that have now become one conspiracy theory. With flat earth theory, as obvious as it is a conspiracy theory today, 10,000 years ago the majority of mankind believed the earth was flat, and it was the center of the world, as real as life itself.
  3. @Gesundheit2 It could be that the theories were presented more aggressively that it became annoying for mainstream, which is probably why it's censored. I get it if it's a more dangerous conspiracy theory like quanon or about anti vax, but flat earth? What I've seen so far is that it's not that dangerous compared to other conspiracy theories to warrent aggressive censorship.
  4. It's better than a typical 9-5, that's for sure. Are you planning on being a free lance too?
  5. @StarStruck Yes, it is hard for a guy to understand the perspective of a girl. Some do treat nice guys as trash, but some don't treat them like trash, and some treat them differently than trash. Some do treat dick heads as kings because at that time they relied on them for security. However, some don't, some now can leave or treat them differently otherwise. Some do treat them nicely, and some don't, sometimes out of spite, but sometimes they could be busy doing other things as women nowadays have a life. Keep in mind the female friends who talked to you about this are in your social circle. Have you talked to other women outside of your immediate social circle? Immediate social circles tend to just echo whatever is in the in group. Girls have more power is context sensitive. This might be the case in some parts of 1st world democracies, but not so in 2nd to 3rd world democracies and other forms of societies.
  6. really any advice about this issue is much appreciated.
  7. @Onecirrus You could look into advice on personal investment and financial investments. For example, ownership investment has mostly been a good way of investing money, examples of ownership investment are stocks, real estate and small business mainly. If you're in the USA, consider saving some money in a money market fund more so than a bank account, as that could yield more money long term than a typical savings account.
  8. For example, My past passions and hobbies include the following: dinosaurs, videogames, board games like chess, writing and storytelling specifically reading fiction, listening to music, poetry, origami, and lately drawing realistic images, manga and western comic styles. I also loved to see fantasy/nature scenery, golf and do quick sketches. These are hobbies thay I'm good at, and some really good at. Where I'm lacking is in marketing, knowing my potential customer base and how I provide my value, in a product or service format. For the marketing bit, I don't know that much. I'm thinking about using spiral dynamics model to tailor my marketing towards providing that value that the group resonates with. It's just that the execution is where I'm unclear, so for those reading who have studied marketing both traditional and digital your insight is appreciated. As for the customer base I want to service, again not clear on this. Does it come to using the spiral dynamics series to help with this? Also the opposite problem is too narrow of a base. For example, manga is typically realised comic series unlike western comics in general. shounin manga is a mainstream Japanese comic book published weekly, aimed at audiences that are children to teen readers, while shoujo is aimed more for teens that like romance, with an artstyle good for weekly-monthly realises. Senin manga is a monthly realise comic with more detailed artwork, that narrows sown the niche to mature audiences, yet here we can keep narrowing it down. Some series can hyper specifically provide a niche, and some artist only have a specific style. So when do I decide if my niche is way too narrow? And do do research and listen and capitalize for opportunities? For example, currently manga is seeling better than western comics due to manga being more affordable and have better catalogue as serial series and story narrative carry overs more than western comics (western comics mostly realise issues independently regardless of character/plot development from a previous author's work in that story) aand due to a stage green backlash in rushing in casts of protagonists that are politically driven to represent minorities and some elements of stage green and gen x( I don't mind stories having political elements, other than how it was implemented was too rushed and in your face, that it disrespected any past work of that story.) So I could see myself potentially realising an online comic series that has solid story and good artwork, and I narrow down to one political representation of a specific group. Is this a good line of thinking? As for how I provide value, I do have some ideas here at least. I had some experience creating mock websites in past computer classes, ans I know some coding. This, along with some other experiences had me thinking about going free lance with my work. The issue related to this is how I invest time and energy. I could delegate by advertising, for example, a writer to write my story, or an artist that specializes in comics to draw the panels, or an editor, or some other marketing specialist that markets my work somehow, or someone that could set up my website. The delegation I view it as saving me some energy and time for other areas of life. However, most likely the delegation I will be paying more than them doing it for free, and I will be spending more time on marketing for these specialists than on my work. Or the other extreme I could do the entire process, from outlining the characters and plot, placing story beats, really structuring a solid story and script, plus designing the world setting and characters, plus doing rough drafts and finalizing my comic, plus handle the marketing and the website. With this approach, I'm squeezing all my free time into this, and more mental and physical energy into this, and leave me very little wpare time for anything else. For those of you who have done a process like this, doing free lance regardless of what it is specifically about, how have you approached this? Really appreciate some feedback.
  9. @flowboy The common downside to workaholics is lack of rest, but that aside I I don't have issue with them. They do take massive action and figure it out on the fly whether they have a vision or not.
  10. Yes, the problem of the shrinking middle class over there. It's pretty bad in the USA.
  11. @flowboy Well, some successful people are workaholics, so the last thing to them would be quitting regardless if their work has become stall to them. Although you are right that most successful people who don't do enough personal development, including contemplation, they could quit early.
  12. Cancel culture is like the boy who cried wolf too many times. Keep in mind, this is not entirely stage green's weakness, but stage blue/orange business people can and do use social media leverage and use mob justice. against their competitions that resembles a tiny bit of plagiarism.
  13. @Fearey Oh shit, some of us are screwed then.
  14. What I meant is that some promises are better off not keeping, or completing in a hurry. The diver had just set a world record for the deepest cave dive, touch down to resurfacing when he found a dead body of another diver. Instead of planning the recovery of the body carefully, and getting more support like more divers and more gear, they seemed to have rushed this a bit, and he choose to get the recovery of the body on that day, instead of sticking to the time limit, and debrief later on the surface to fine tune the planning and do a few more dives. As a result of his choice, he ends up getting tangled with the body while trying to recover it and drowns. However, at the cost of his own life, he ends up also bringing the body as well.
  15. @Leo Gura I just want to know, have you dealt with someone trying to cancel you before?
  16. @Peter-Andre I still find it odd that he found the emotional distress of some parents who had a strong resistance to CRT amusing, as that amusement to distress comes from the few who take pleasure in such reactions, namely sadists. Even if some don't know the theory deeply, that fear of the unknown and perceived fear is sometimes a very real threat.
  17. @Arcangelo 100% responsibility right here, users.
  18. @captainamerica Yes,, I do agree that there's some ecology between consciousness and true and power. In fact, they end up being identical. However, that's spiritual stuff which is separate from politics in the relative domain. Either some economists figure out a combination of how capitalistic and socialistic business models merge together, and find a better taxation rate for the rich, or step back and let A.I figure it out.
  19. I'm sorry, but what is amusing with CRT, racism, and their reactions?
  20. @UDT Well, it depend on which group likes to expand this narrative of cancel culture to it's members, because to some cancel culture is not a big deal. There are some dangers to cancel culture though, so it depends on the context and all the details of the cancelling in a situation. For example, biologically speaking, same sex increases the likelihood of contracting the HIV virus, which is nearly impossible to cure. While this is a hard fact for a long time, this fact can be challenged later in the future with advances in the field or in conjunction to a similar field, like advances in technology in developing better vaccines to counter HIV, all this occurring in the context of biology. Now, politically speaking, this hard-fact-at-the-moment can be used to reinforce views against LGBTQ and demonize same sex specifically, up to any different forms of sex that is different from normal. Coming back to cancel culture and censorship, censorship depends heavily on context to see if it's good or bad.
  21. This video might help explain the problem and offer some solutions: